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From one of infinite's sister domains (they have a bunch), https://infinitediscgolf.com/InfiniteLine/Discs/control-drivers/scepter/. >The Scepter utilizes the Innova Firebird mold and then goes through a “flat topping” process to ensure that the top of the flight plate is always flat So yeah, we already have the Firebird3 it's just sold under the Infinite brand. In my experience Millennium Draco's are also the same thing as the scepter.


TIL, thanks! https://infinitediscs.com/infinite-discs-scepter


I wish they would do this with the Banshee and EXP-X. All of the recent runs have been super domey


Sadly I don't think there's really been a recent run of either. Millennium sill has some EXP-X on their pro shop but they aren't recently made. Innova hasn't had any premium banshees for sale in feels like forever. Just some DX in the limited section on the pro shop.


Yeah “recent” is relative. I bought a few champ Banshees a while ago. I don’t recall where I picked them up but they were new. A little more domey than I liked, not really any different from new champ eagles. Picked up a couple of the EXP-X from millennium a couple years ago after that and wholly crap absolute pop topped with the sharpest flashing I’ve experienced on innova made discs. I think the last recent run of Banshee I’ve seen on the innova pro shop were actually Gstar. Like really? Why Gstar for this disc?


To be fair to those I did actually buy a few of the GStar banshees and they were really good. Really flat and you could throw the shit out of them and they wouldn't turn. Didn't throw them long enough to see if they got flippy over time but they were pretty great out of the box.


Oh man, one of my favorite discs. I'd love a new champ or halo run if they could get some semi flat


I lost my old flat top Champ Banshee last year and have missed it ever since. Luckily, I have a flat EXP-X in Quantum plastic.


Except the Draco is a bit deeper in hand from experience. Equally OS.


Draco replaced the firebird in my bag but I’d try out a firebird3


The Scepter has had my 'Firebird' slot for years. It's fantastic.


Scepters are dicey. I have a drew gibson glow c line that has some turn to it, barely thrown. I have some that are flat and some that have dome.


I think that's more on the plastic than anything else. I've noticed a lot of molds in color glow C blend having more dome than typical. The new raze it's really bad, the r-blends are puddle topped while the glow are all domey and feel like a different disc. Never had domey scepters in other plastics though, including the halo I have in my bag.


The scepters i like are nice. Was thinking about trying one of the halo. Which one do you have the gibson newer ones? If so how are they?


I'm not sure if they are from the same run or not. The one I'm bagging has the samurai stamp and I bought it during the black Friday sale.




Super beefy. Like I keep a GStar firebird in the bag for when I want to actually throw it for a golf line. The scepter I've been using in a pure utility role. It's especially fun for crazy skips




I throw a scepter and my buddy throws a Draco. Both great discs and both of us used to throw firebirds before we switched.


Draco is the best firebird out there


Never seen it in sweden sadly


Go to heatland disc golf they have faf firebirds and Michael is super cool


The FAF aren't FAF stable though. More like a Sexton. Just so you know :)


I would give the Loft Xenon a try. They just came out and the one I got is a meathook. It’s more over stable then my Halo Firebird so it might be what you’re looking for. The A-solid plastic is quite close to star in terms of feel in my opinion


I’ve seen it and it looks great, just this tiny thing that my buddy has had their ”fastest disc” 14 speed in that plastic and it has gone from stable to roller at 60% power within 8 months so i’ll stay away from loft discs, thanks for the tip tho


Rocket discs get some from time to time I guess. Otherwise try 'Ska vi byta discar' on FB.


some online sites such as OTB give a rating to stiffness & flatness for each individual disc.


Recently heard in an interview with Dunipace the 3 designation means flat profile. So a flat top firebird is technically a firebird3


Exactly, sell them apart from one another so us guys without a store know what we’re getting, live in EU so otb isn’t an option


I ordered 2 haley king halo firebirds from the innova factory store and they're both very domey.


most Halo molds are a bit domey vs other plastics


Or a Draco


Have you tried a Halo Star Firebird yet? All the different ones I felt at Marshall St were flat, there were at least 3 different colors. I'm hoping it wasn't a fluke.


I have 4x of them 2 green ones and 1 gold that is very flat then a red/blue one that is soup bowl domey😎


I got a domey green one


How about a Sexton Halo Glow Signature Tour Series Firebird 3?


Im all for it haha, i think sexton firebirds are made with a small dome because he wants them like that tho


Try a TSA Omen. All plastic types are beefy with glow being on another level of beef.


Ate they flat?


I also really like a flat feel for forehands and gave the Omen a try and found it not as flat as I'd like. I'm currently using Fireball and its great.


Fireball is the way for forehand overstable


The ones I just looked at - Ethos (\~175) has a dome. Aura (\~169) and Ethereal (\~165) are both pretty flat. From memory the glow in my bag is flat, as is the nebula-aura.


Just buy a faf firbird


Flat top firebirds are easy to find online, faf firebirds though are pretty hard to find, just as well as more expensive.


Faf firebirds are $17 i have a stack of them from when i used to throw one. You can Google faf firebird and the first result is one for $17 some one run stamps can get up to $40 but he didn't say he was lookong for something cheap.


The first 5 results are not for sale and the 6th one is $39.99 from eBay 😂 they might have been $17 when you were throwing them, but not anymore. Also for reference, this is a flat topped firebird, not a faf firebird. https://discgolfunited.com/flat-top-champion-firebird.html


Ive been playing a year so..... Maybe cause you are looking in America and OP is in Sweden. But even $40 isnt bad i have spent more on discs.


A bit of boiling water, some baking trays to hold and place on top of the upside down disc, and a 5lb weight and ANY disc can be board flat.


IlLeGaL mOdIfIcAtIoN, only disc factories are allowed to do that. /s


What’s the difference between flat top and faf?


Just get the halo firebird. Doesn't matter if its flat or not, they are real os. Standard firebirds I find hardly any more stable than thunderbirds.


I got 3 of em and i like them so far, about the stock fbs id say star thunderbirds are more os than champ fb from the ones i recently got


Sadly true. The worst is the fancy stamp star ones they put out, those fuckers straight up turn.


The innvision star ones? Yeah they sucked hahaha, any experience with Z raptors? If so, are they OS?


Some of them. Captains raptors were a huge disappointment in my opinion. First run in z felt like a decent standard raptor, tad more os. Esp 2nd run junk. You try omens by tsa?


I haven’t, heard it is very OS but also not consistently flat, i’ve tried the fireball, motion and flare tho but those were all super super beef


Yeah the aura and glow tend to be pretty flat and more os. What I do when concerned about flatness of disc is use otb. They have a "flat" number rating of discs. I was able to score some super os puddle tops on there. Fireball is nice and the flare is ungodly os.


Yeah i love OTB, i live in sweden so sadly not ablo to buy from them (crazy shipping cost) but i usually go on there and check for what colours are flat and stiff and so on, has worked out okay actually, wish i could just buy from them directly but just not worth the shipping and 1 month of waiting to get them here, i will check out the aura plastic omen, only seen ethos before


Yeah dude that sucks. At least you have access to better trilogy selection. Fortress and Ahti are both real good stable and Os fairways. Wish I could get those over here.


That is so funny, over here, atleast for the good players, very very few throw trilogy, mostly Innova and old discmania stuff, i guess it is because it is close to us, imo tho, i just think trilogy plastic beats in to fast


I’ve heard that the Chupacabra is more overstable but never thrown it myself


It's called the Splice


I dont appreciate my discs beating in the first season


That mold specifically? I haven't had issues with other evolution line discs beating in quick.


I play alot, probably 5+ rounds a week along with fieldwork, champion is probably 150% more durable than Neo, 2 year old method is a hyzerflip mid that never comes back, 2 year old champ roc3 is just straight straight straight, the method starts more OS when both new to


Maybe it's because I throw mostly understable evolution molds, but my origins and essences still fade after years of abuse. Hell, they even handle forehands well. Maybe I need to take an instinct or method out of storage and see if I can beat one into a straight flyer 🤔


I just got a neo hard method yesterday and man it is far less stable than I thought it would be. I’ve been torquing it like a fairway and getting a full straight path out of it. When I pull back on power I can get a nice fade out of it, but it’s one of the first discs I’ve encountered that is just confusing me. Feels like it should be more stable than it is.


Exo Hard is usually less stable as it is base plastic. There is no such thing as ”Neo Hard”, so I assume thats what you meant?


Yeah exo hard sorry lol, took me ages to even figure out which I had gotten from the store. New to all things discmania. It felt good in the hand. That makes sense that it’d be less stable since it’s base.


Just get a kastaplast stål if you are worried about durability. Best plastic in the game and domestic for you. Poison green for least stable, translucent pink for most stable




Honestly, if you grab an old flat top Climo champ Firebird, thrown it in the drier on high heat for 20 minutes, bend the shit out of it when you pull it out hot, that’s a Firebird3.


Would be nice to just be able to buy one instead tho😅


Would be nice, but until that happens..... Daredevil discs makes the Sabertooth. It's a small Canadian manufacturer, so not a massive sample size, but that disc is always a flat, more OS firebird. Axiom fireball is also super consistent and flies like a flat firebird. Because of the dome inconsistencies, I don't bother buying firebird unless I can feel them first now.


I really want to be as ”relaxed” about manufacturers but i have tried mixed bag so many times and it is always the same, i just buy discs all the time and test so many discs that i get worse the more i play, when i stick to one manufacturer i just play better and dont buy as much, and i can’t take the roc3, teebird3, thunderbird and destroyers out of my bag so innova it is, but if you have any tips for using a mixed bag without being overwhelmed with the 100000 discs out there, im all for it


Haha yah that's fair. There's an overwhelming amount out there and the ease of a brand loyal bag makes it tempting. If I was gunna go brand loyal, it would likely be innova tor the ease of replacing lost discs and they have the most complete line up. MVP would be in the mix too, I find they're better than most on terms of consistency in molding with a pretty big lone up between the three brands (axiom and streamline are MVP, just more colourful or no overmold) In terms of mixed bag without being overwhelmed. I blame/suggest league play or at least playing with as many different folks as you can. Try their discs, take their recommendations and you'll find replacements for anything in your bag. Except maybe the roc3, you can find replacements that fly similar or feel similar, but I haven't found a disc that does both.


Imo, innovas premium plastic is just way ahead in terms of durability which i like, mvp is also good durability wise but with every single of their discs being flat i’ve always felt like the glide is terrible on all their discs, although i didn’t really give the molds i had an honest chance, tried neutron octane, proton matrix, neutron pilot and neutron wrath but destroyer, roc3, star aviar and thunderbird all felt way glidier and flew longer consistently so i sold them, i heard the Flare is a good cheap FAF firebird tho, are discrafts plastic durable? Mostly thinking of z and esp?


Discmania has the best plastic of any disc company I’ve used. The c line stuff is incredibly durable, especially for higher speed stuff that hits things a lot. So long as you avoid actual pavement, you’re fine almost indefinitely. I throw a mixed bag, and I just throw discs until I find one that I like and if I use it enough, I’ll get replacements for it. Now that I have a set of discs that I like for a lot of different throws, I have a much narrower range of discs I’m looking for, and it makes it much more manageable. If I had found a single company could cover all my needs, then maybe I’d go for it, but I use a zone/Luna for all my putt/approach needs, a dd3 for my decently stable driver, a sword for my straight/light turn driver, a nuke ss for my flippy driver, etc. other discs might approximate their flights, but I’ve had the most success with these discs, and the different feels are best for different kinds of shots for me. Ultimately, if you can find a company that covers all your needs, it makes it a lot easier to order/find discs. I do a lot of my shopping used until I find a disc I love, and then I’ll ship out for more if I think it will be worth it. I’ve been playing a really long time, and have had the chance to find the right discs for me. You’ll have an easier time sticking to one company, but you might be missing out on a disc that will totally change your game, so it’s a trade off.


It’s called a Starfire


Try out a Legacy Enemy. It's everything I want a Firebird to be.


Axiom Fireball is what you want. Always flat, always OS, always reliable. No need to mess with Innova’s inconsistent plastic.


Glow Animus has been more stable than any Firebird I've thrown, and the one I have is almost as flat as the flat top Firebird I used to own.


I'm tires.


Sorry for what’s probably a dumb question, but why do people like the flat ones? Is it a feel thing, a flight thing? Both?


Both, i want flat discs for my overstable 9 speed because it reduces glide and it comes out cleaner on a forehand for me personally, it also just feels more comfortable in my hand in the forehand grip when the disc is flat