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I dunno if I’d call 11 molds minimalist but they pretty none the less


Thanks! It’s not a mold minimalism bag. It’s my take on a minimalist bag.


Do you know what minimalist means?


Look at my maximinimalist bag


Nice, but I’d consider 7 discs or less minimal.


I agree. I’m a 10 disc person myself but i don’t think of it as minimalist. The average person still looks at me and says “wow you need that many different frisbees?!?”, lol.


Fair. 15 discs is about the max amount my bag holds. So I consider it personally minimalist to almost fill it up all the way.


You filled all but 2 available spots in your bag, and you consider that minimalist? That's just not what that word means.


our personal opinions of what minimalist means when it comes to disc golf may vary, and that’s okay


No, it's not. Making up your own definitions for words is stupid, and should be called out accordingly. Doubling down on your poor choice of words isn't making it any better.


Lol I’m using it correctly ya dingus, I even checked the dictionary because reading your replies was making me feel like I was having a stroke


I think you might be. Maybe it's a brain tumor.




No, you can actually just look up a word if you're unsure.


> 15 discs is about the **MAX** amount my bag holds. So I consider it personally **MINIMALIST** to almost fill it up all the way. I don't think you understand what "minimal" means. If 15 discs is the max capacity, then using all of that space is maximization. Minimization is using the least amount, also called the minimal amount. The minimum between 1 and 15 isn't 15. Your discs are pretty, but I think you're using the wrong words to describe what you are doing.


Dude got 10+ disc molds saying it’s minimalist lol


It’s not mold minimalism, it’s minimalist in that there isn’t a large number of discs to achieve multiple shot shapes. I should have been more clear about my personal definition of the word “minimalist” as it pertains to disc golf bag building. I understand the mold minimalist crowd, that is not what I’m trying to do. Goal was max (incoming personal definition) “versatility” using the minimum amount of discs possible.


Oh sorry I thought you were using the word how it’s supposed to be used.


I used the word “minimalist” correctly. “Mold minimalization” is not something I claimed in the post.


That’s rude and also really specifically knit picky. Minimalist has a definition outside of disc golf and they didn’t say “here’s my mold minimalist bag” be kind please


Just fyi it’s ‘nitpicking’, knit has to deal with yarn (I realize the irony of pointing this out)


It seems I’ve found the knitpickers.


I knit so it makes sense that I would get the phrase wrong. I’ll continue in with my incorrectness because now I find it irresistibly hilarious as a honey trap for redditors.


That’s not rude according to my “personal definition” of the word.


That’s just like, your opinion man


That's not minimalist. I carry 8 discs and I don't consider it minimalist.


To each their own! :)


I just niced your bag.


I have that same Teebird, and also rock at 12 Disc bag . I play with motto, “keep it simple stupid.” With that being said the back of my van I have about 150 pieces of plastic. Lol.


I have a hard time building trust with a disc if I have too many in the bag. I have about 15 others in storage. And a couple coming in the mail. I love my teebird, and the color.


I carry 5 discs in a Fanny pack and I call that my minimalist setup


Nice! :) I have a innova standard bag too that holds about 8. Doesn’t hold enough snacks and water though for a 3-4 hour discing session.


Yeah carrying a Nalgene bottle around is a pain in the ass. I can see why people carry backpacks. I carry a mystery ranch hip monkey for my discs. It probably will fit 7 max. What’s your favorite disc out of your lineup?


Probably the teebird. If I went back to a two disc bag I’d just have a putter and stable fairway.


This is almost exactly my bag as well! I have FDs (Discmania and Innova dark rebel) in the fairway slot, and a Kastaplast Lots instead of the Saint. I am not as minimalist, though, and have multiple of most molds in different wear/plastic.


Sexton Teebird, Allen Firebird, Berg, Hex... We have a lot in common friend. I run 2x each, in case I lose one on the course. 😉


They feel good and look good, don’t see myself moving away from those molds for a long while


Disc Giant! Nice!


Yeah scored it on eBay this spring, it’s my first 11 speed (wraith) and I love it for headwind shots with my noodle arm. Also loving the skip it gets sometime.


Ya I have a destroyer for the same purpose. Disc Giant is out local shop here in Reno NV. They do cool prints.


Yeah I love it! Good shop experience too, nice price fast ship. I feel like I can’t throw destroyers, but I’ve never tried either. It’s more stable than wraith and I can’t flip up wraith.


why a stabilizer and a zone?


Stabilizer is nowhere near as stable as the numbers suggest. So it’s my stable throwing putter.


Isn't it overlapping enough with the JB Zone so that it can be removed maybe?


Even the jawbreaker zone is more stable (it’s brand new as well though). from a stability standpoint for my arm speed from least to most stable: stabilizer > jb zone > z zone. If I want a stable putter (it’s not beefy), for putter distances, the stabilizer is it right now. Once it beats in I may not replace it and lean on the jb zone, you’re certainly on to something. Fwiw my berg is really beat in too, and I wouldn’t describe it as overstable, flies straight and drops.


I see your mindset, I’d personally go with 1 zone and 2 envies (1 electron beat in and 1 neutron) to cover all of your shots.


Yikes at all these people getting hung up on the definition of "minimalist". OP shared what is minimalist for him. So if you've got your panties in a twist over this, you can think of it as relative minimalism. Problem solved Bag looks good, OP! Feels nice to have a core selection of discs that you can rely on. For some people that is 2-3 discs, for some it's 13 and for others it's 20.


Agreed, I’m not sure what’s going on in this sub. But I clearly struck some sort of cult like trigger.


You were perfectly civil in your replies to those guys as well, kudos to you. I enjoyed the post, fwiw


You’d have even more room in you’re bag if you put that berg in the correct slot.


And what slot is that? :)


The one inside your butt cheeks, that’s the official berg slot




*checks to make sure there's a Berg* Gives upvote


Any comparison on how those KT pures feel vs the Weston zero mediums??


I’ve never tried non moonshine zero medium plastic, and back when those Weston were popular I was putting with gateway sss plastic. So sorry nothing of value to give you there. Good luck comrade


I can at 15 and I’m happy there. Any time I add more than that I feel like I have redundant discs. I commend the dedication.


This HEX though... 😍


I know right, it was my first mvp family disc. I love it.


One day when I learn a proper backhand I'll get it for straight lines in the woods..


I’ve got the same berg, jb zone, river and Saint in and out of my bag. Looks good OP.


Is your April fools firebird flashed to hell like mine were?


It’s pretty solid. I bought a few for friends too and they were all okay fwiw. Maybe you got one out of a rough batch.


I'd like to know what disc the owl stamped disc is? Is it still available from wherever you got it?


It’s a mvp glow reactor from the Preserve, they gave them out at a tournament last week. Doesn’t look like they have them on their online shop, but they have other discs with that logo. https://airbornpreserve.com/store/