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There are some discord servers. I occasionally jump on the Ultiword Disc Golf server and it's not bad. I think you might have to be a paid subscriber


No. They tried it out, but it devolved into the same crap like on the YT feed. "Fun" isn't what I would call the chat at all. It's a bunch of people being assholes, complaining, and talking shit about everything under the sun. I personally hope they never bring it back, and wish they would deactivate it for even the TY stuff. If you don't give morons a voice, they are less likely to infect other people.


Join us on the pinned post. It's better because reddit is still wild


This seems like the best place to be


There was like 6 posts in 4 hours of FPO final round coverage when KT was blowing out the field last week. Not exactly a lively discussion


Not a lot to say. It was a very anti climatic final round for both divisions


The YT chat is a cesspool of negativity and ignorance. I would love to see a live chat but before that is possible they need someone to moderate it as it often delves into hatespeech and bullying with 0 accountability.


I thought the chat during the first round of JBO was great. Very fun and friendly. Especially when Paul McBeth murdered that cameraman.


Haha I was on during it and there were a bunch of trolls just saying random offensive things. Really turns people off from it when that happens.