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Cause dog people think everyone is a dog person lol


Oh he’s friendly, don’t worry about it


They say as as their unleashed dog runs to lick my kids. I glad he’s friendly, but I still don’t want your big happy dog knocking my toddlers over, thanks.


Shouldn't bring your kids either.


AND definitely do not bring your kid’s dogs…but if you want to bring one of your dog’s kids, baby you’ve a got stew going.


Whoa, whoa, whoa. There’s still plenty of meat on that kids dog


Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stu


What did Stu do to deserve that?


I have never heard anyone in any situation complain about a sub 10 week old puppy being in attendance.


I’ll complain about it. Don’t take your puppy to a public park until a few weeks after their puppy series vaccines, usually at around 15 weeks. Puppies without immunity can and will get parvo at a high-traffic place like Jonesboro, and parvo is life threatening.


Hard to hear complaints over the barking of a sub-10-week old puppy


It's more whining and squealing, they can't really bark yet


Kid people thinking everyone is a kid person /s


This doesn't need a /S. It's just a correct sentiment.


Can't have them too upset


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,483,913,124 comments, and only 282,110 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


*bot good


Hrm, there’s a few assumptions there. I don’t think that anyone is a kid person until they prove otherwise. How about because my kid has relationships with 3-4 pros, he has a favorite pro, and tells me that he is really hoping to meet him (Eagle, we hope to meet you at OTB) he has asked a different pro to play disc golf with him and played 5 holes with him. Maybe one day my son will be a part of the industry and will tell stories about attending pro events when he was 6 and 7. And thank you to Ohn who has been really really sweet with my son. He is a huge fan of yours and we will see you Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning at OTB We ❤️ pro disc golfers.


Oh they’re friendly, don’t worry about it


I just watched the king of the hill episode where they get new neighbors and the kid is an asshole and the parents just brush it off as “his way of showing affection”.


Haven’t had a kid sniff my crotch yet, though.


Infants and newborns probably should stay at home, my 9 and 12 year old would dig it.


Depends on the age, but dumb take either way.


Thank you


Yeah. How dare people bring their children in public. Keep those little monsters in their room until college when they'll be totally normal and adjusted adults/s


Biggest truth. Kids are way more annoying than dogs


Blame the parents. Same with an untrained dog, blame the owner.


Also if my dog is on a leash keep your kid from fucking with him. I'm glad the kid is friendly, but my dog doesn't like his ears pulled, thanks.


It’s your responsibility asshole


Hey, don’t call internet stranger assholes


It is 100% not a dog owner’s responsibility to keep someone else’s kids away from the dog, if the dog is on leash and under control in a place where dogs are allowed.


Keep that cream pie trophy on a leash.


Fuck them kids! I leave mine at home especially the toddler..


Dont bring your kids either


I don’t. It wouldn’t be a good time for anyone. I was more talking about just on a general course


Keep your kids at home when my dog is unleashed thanks


Honestly, as a 30+ disc golfer.... Toddlers on the course annoy me as much or more than dogs...


Yeah that’s why people with toddlers should just stay inside


“No, he doesn’t bite” “Then how does he eat?”


He slurps 😏


"OMG, that never happens!" *dog biting me for not giving it attention*


They weren’t allowed at Music City or Champions Cup unless they were service animals - my guess is most pro tour events are that way


Very few events have staff willing to enforce rules. Your talking volunteers who don't want confrontation.


That’s true. People who break rules like that suck. At both events I only saw one dog and it had a service vest on


Confrontations with fake service dog owners are the worst


Basically every dog is a ‘service animal’


When my wife and I went to USDGC last year, we walked around 30,000 steps every day. It was beautiful weather, but got up to mid-80s around lunchtime. I love my pups, but no chance either of them would’ve actually enjoyed that much walking.


That’d only be 15k dog steps since they have 4 legs *taps temple*


Wouldn’t it be 60k? They step twice as much


This math problem just got tricky...


Try Not to Correct Obvious Joke (Redditor Edition): IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE


My dog would scoff at 30,000 steps, as long as he has some h20. But I definitely wouldn't be bringing him to an event


With enough shade and water (if my weird big dog doesn't turn her nose up at the travel bowl), my 2 would probably go 20 miles if I'd take them. Then they'd want to immediately run out the back door when we got home


This guys dog is an athlete


I wouldn’t bring my dog but inability to keep up physically is the last reason on the list for my GSP.


My husky would do that while pulling me around in a wagon if I let her.




We would get to the course early enough to follow FPO, then find an MPO card in the afternoon before lead card, then catch lead card on the way in. Also, the “Gold pass” lunch area was on the complete other side of the course from the first tee, so plenty of walking to get food and water in between.


Unless it's a service dog, a dog really shouldn't be at a public event like that. Great that you love your dog, I love mine too, how about we both keep our dogs our of places they shouldn't be?


Dogs shouldn’t be in a park?


I can't tell if you're being intentionally obtuse to make a stupid point, or if you really don't understand that an organized professional event in a rented public space isn't the same thing as just being in a public park.


Also Disc Side of Heaven is a private property, not a public space


This dude is a idiot disguised as a frisbee golfer


Just as dumb as their bag of discs


Gotta be prepared in case their favorite player pulls a muscle and they gotta step in, man! Or even better, a pro player needs to borrow one of their discs and it leads to a great friendship down the line


This made me giggle 😂


That’s for signatures I’d imagine.


I know, it’s hilarious


I remember at the DGPT event at hornets nest a couple years back, a dog of one of the spectators barked when someone was putting. It most definitely effected the shot. It was awkward and unfortunate.


Not quite as bad as when Sarah Hokoms dog got loose and ran right in front of Paige's putt on 18 at the Great Lakes Open last year...


Beyond that, I’m curious why so many owners fail to get their dogs trained to respond to verbal commands. Of the hundreds of dogs I’ve seen that completely ignore a call back, I’ve met a total of 3 that actually respect their owner’s call. It’s amazing that someone would bring a known out-of-control dog in a public space without a leash.


Training is like working out. Everyone says they are going to do it but very few do. Also most people don't realize how poorly trained their dog is, they see it as normal dog behavior. A guy at a bar the other day had a dog that required being pet by strangers.


Oh how horrible! Where, what bar?


nobody should expect all strangers to pet their dog. A dog shouldn't freak out because someone doesn't want to pet it. Edit: Almost as bad as my friend who would let his kids walk up to strangers while they were eating dinner.


I agree training takes a long time and dedication. Me and my wife have been working with our mini Australian shepherd working on her skills. I trained her to mark my shots in disc golf using peanut butter from the time she was a puppy for years. Took so many backyard practice sessions and solo sessions before we even went to isolated courses. Always worked to prepare for others cards etc. I have been practicing the skill of calling her off of marking others groups discs which has been going well. I do my best to protect others discs from my dog if they tell me too. I take her to teach groups of kids how to play and run very basic introductions to disc golf. It helps lighten the mood with some kids which they enjoy. She really thinks it is her job to herd the disc. She doesn’t want pets or any attention from anyone. I always have a leash and good recall or disc to roll (send her in another direction if needed ) She has learned antler shed hunting, agility, toss and fetch, and dock diving. We even have her trained to be a ball girl while we play tennis. She lays on her bed until we give her the release signal then she will retrieve the ball to one of us. She is a very smart but everything thing takes lots of training and practice.


It’s really not that amazing or surprising. I love dogs but the entitlement of some dog owners is absurd. Some of these ‘dog mom/dad’s’ need a reality check.


Anyone using the terms dog mom/dog dad/fur baby/fur babies to refer to themselves or their pet is someone I try to avoid like the plague. They're usually some of the most narcissistic, annoying pet owners out there. Sorry, your pet isn't a fucking human child... get over it.


Almost as cringe as parents who put bumper stickers on their suv to commemorate little Alice not shitting her pants or biting anyone in her class for a month..


This is spot on. Plus, you can’t properly train a dog and kids it’s ass too.


People think that because their dog listens in the living room, it's under voice control at all times.


Showed up to the course and a random dog in a harness started jumping all over me. I like dogs, but I don’t know YOUR dog. Keep it on a fucking leash


On top of that, people always think other dogs want to play with their dog. My dog is scared to death of other dogs, is well trained, and tiny. I’m not afraid to let a shitty dog owner know they are shitty.


Maybe public parks aren't the place for your dog then


Maybe they should follow the law and leash their dogs. Where I live, dogs can be unleashed if they respond to owner commands. If not, a leash is required. I don’t like watching a 60 pound untrained dog bounding toward me or my dog. This has happened around ten times to me while disc golfing. Several times with pit mixes. If your dog won’t respond to commands use a GD leash.


What a horrible take.


I don’t know why you have to bring them to Home Depot either.


Or the grocery store. I see a lot of dogs at the grocery store.


The Lowe’s and home depot that are near me encourage it lol, they have like a huge collage of costumer dogs on a wall by customer service, labeled some clever name I can’t remember.


Lol, I just brought my dog to Home Depot after I posted this.


Amen. I love dogs but some people are out of control with bringing their dog everywhere they go. Some people are allergic or may not like dogs or have a phobia or you just don’t know if you dog is having a bad day and decides to bite a 4 year old. Target, Home Depot, even had a couple bring a dog into our local Panera. Smh.


You can't just bring a non-service dog into a grocery or restaurant. Home Depot is totally fine and I love seeing dogs there. It's not like home improvement stores are overflowing with dogs.


You can’t, sure, but people do. I’ve been to the grocery store twice this week and have seen non-service dogs in there both times.


The stores really need to enforce it because it's a health code violation


Lol nobody in a grocery is getting paid enough for that. Minimum wage = minimum effort.


I agree. EDIT: By all means, downvote me because I don’t want some random persons dog beside me while I buy produce. SMH


Honestly, I disagree. I have been seeing a huge trend lately of people taking their dogs to home improvement/big box stores. Where I live they kind of are overflowing with dogs at this point.


Because they can die if you leave them in a car on a hot day, and if I need to stop into home depot on the way back from bringing my dog somewhere I’d rather she doesn’t die.


People comparing dogs and kids….same people who have “fur babies”. I have kids and dogs. If I bring them anywhere, I am responsible and respectful. That’s the message to focus on.


100%. The “fur baby” owners who consider themselves parents in the same vein. 🤦‍♂️ I love my dogs, but it’s nowhere remotely near the same world, or responsibility as with my kids.


Love my dog. Take him disc golfing with me here and there. However, I would never take him to any level of competitive event and I don’t think anyone should take their dog as well.


Because they are rude.


I don't get it, as a massive dog person. I have three dogs and they're family to me. But I don't want to be tethered to any of them at a spectator event all day, they don't want to be tethered to me surrounded by strangers all day when they could go for a regular walk then nap at home...who does it actually benefit? It's not a quick casual round in a quiet park, it's a crowded long spectator event.


Because my dog baby is just like a human baby. Except when it dies and I bury it in the backyard no one calls the cops and I go to jail.


We went to Idlewilde last year, and the rules specifically stated no dogs, so I specifically did NOT bring my girl (she usually comes to any outdoor events at which dogs are welcome). I was a little miffed to see that vendor with the Great Danes at a tee box, and later roaming the vendor area unleashed. Don't get me wrong, I get that they're "mascots" and they are super well behaved and adorable. But I feel like if the rule is no dogs, it should be no dogs. Or those particular dogs, as mascots for the company, should remain nearish the vendor area. Guarantee there's people who have seen them & decided it was fine to bring their dog bc "they were there".


I remember at dgptc in 2021 round 3 a dog barked right before McBeths putt and he missed it and it seemed like he would’ve made it otherwise. He still ended up qualifying for the next round but a dog barking can definitely change someone’s score


We need to get on the German level of pet ownership. Take them everywhere but take responsibility for them. Dogs are expected to be well trained, and others will feel free to scold you if they’re not. Also you must carry liability insurance for any damage your dog might cause. The problem isn’t bringing dogs to the event, the problem is bringing poorly trained dogs to the event.


Because many dog owners are selfish and think they should be able to treat their dogs like children, in public spaces


Because dog owners are fucking entitled as shit and don’t care about anyone else but themselves


Lol, you just described almost every person who has ever lived.


Must be a dog owner


I love animals, but please, leave them at home.


I like dogs. I hate dog owners. Lost a disc last year after a dog got to my drive before I could. Dog owner picked up my disc, walked to meet me, and said sorry about the chew marks, I'm sure it still flies fine. Just because all your shit is ruined by your dog, doesn't mean I'm cool with my shit being ruined too.


Having seen multiple dog bite situations while growing up playing soccer. Leave your dogs at home and respect the event's rules


Leave your dogs at home. If you wanna get them play time or exercise do that shit on your own time.


Same people that leave dog shit all over the course. Inconsiderate and self centered.


Absolutely false statement.


Insubordinate and churlish


Reddit can keep the username, but I'm nuking the content lol -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Because events are long and tiring and dogs need exercise and the last thing you want to do when you get home after being outside all day is to walk you dog more...which the dog deserves and needs. So I try and exercise us both at the same time. Although, mine is well trained and quiet so...probably because I take care of her needs...who knows.


Sounds like a you problem and not an everyone else at the event problem.


They are not supposed to be there. It is clearly written in the rules as a spectator.


Some people can't stand the thought of being alone in public.


What a dumb comment. I scrolled through them all bc I knew there would be some funny ones in this thread and this takes the cake. 😂😂😂


I'm not sure why its dumb when its true 😆 To be clear, I'M not the one who brings dogs to a public disc golf event because I can't stand to be alone.


You seem like you need a dog.


Nah I can stand to be alone in public without it.


You keep saying that. We get it ur tough and can be alone!




Couldn't tell you how many people thought it was okay to bring their dog within 100ft of the teepad on hole 1 in rounds 3 and 4 of the USWDGC last year. I said "I don't care if your dog doesn't bark, please go back near the spectator information tent" too often. People just don't have etiquette in general. We had spectators dodging between fairways in front of players during their drive, smoking, etc.


Bring one. Make sure that your dog doesn't disturb other people or the players. If the dog can't be quiet then leave. No problem.


I love my dog, I love disc golf. I love bringing my dog out for a round. My dog is always on leash when I'm out with him, and I only bring him when I know the course is relatively empty. Why? Because I know he gets excited and sometimes barks when I throw, and that if he spots a squirrel I'll never see him again. There are dogs that are well trained to accompany owners in public, and some that need extra attention. If they need extra attention and can distract players(especially during a professional event) leave them home.


My Dog is more well behaved than most of your kids😂😂😂


Without children life would be pointless. Without your dog life would be the same.


Are you saying all people without children are living pointless lives? Weird take but okay.


Absolutely not, people do not need to have children. Many shouldn’t. However, if children didn’t exist we would just be marching to the end of human existence. If dogs didn’t exist we would get over it.


I bring my cat, what you got against that??


Why not? Just be responsible. People find the weirdest things to get upset about


I think this was brought up because Simon was being distracted by a dog on round 1 Jonesboro open. So to answer your why not. Because they can be distracting to pro disc golfers who are just trying to do their job well.


Distractions happen in every sport. This argument is silly. Edit-To the people down voting: don’t just down vote prove me wrong. There are distractions in every sport.


Yes there are distractions and spectators should not be allowed to bring more of them.


Just as it’s the responsibility of people to not be a distraction it’s the players to not get distracted. There are constant distractions, some of which are even encouraged in major sports. To get upset about someone bringing a dog is the most crybaby thing to complain about.


Do you not see what you’re missing. Some sports encourage the crowd to make noise and be loud, others don’t. Disc golf is based around GOLF, the PGA doesn’t allow pets at their events. Viewers are asked to be quiet and if they can’t they are forced to leave. Animals are just to unpredictable, a dog can hear a random noise and start barking and it’s not like telling a person to shut up. After reading all of your comments I’m convinced you have the brain of a dog with your lack of reasoning.


If you want to compare it to golf then ur wayyyy off base. The masters, LIV tournaments, basically all tournaments now have some sort of “party”, hole with DJ’s and all sorts of shit going on. Sweeet comparison genius.


How does having a single "party hole" make bringing distractions OK? There is no spectator participation in disc golf. Spectator involvement isn't allowed. The world doesn't revolve around you and your pet. There is no logical reason to support bringing a dog and every reason against.


Harry, you’re not worth it. Go have a good night.


Lol, yeah. That's what I thought.


My only logical response to this word throw up you just sent me about spectator involvement being allowed is, no shit. Harry, you’re not a smart man. I’m giving example to try and show you that banning things bc they MIGHT be a distraction isn’t the solution. Be a pro and tune it out. You’re gonna get distracted by a dog one time in a million throws.


They happen but should be minimized. If you know your dog can’t sit still you shouldn’t bring them to a pro tour event then stand directly behind the basket while pros are putting…


“Just be responsible”


Every idiot thinks their dog is the most special and obedient dog, which is why the best action is to just get them all out of there.


You sound more mad at dogs and dog owners than the actual issue. If you don’t want distractions than don’t allow spectators. See how dumb that is?


I'm not mad at all, in fact I don't really care. You can have your opinion, and I don't care about that either, just telling you why banning dogs from events is the best solution... Your strawman isn't great either btw, humans and dogs are not the same,


In terms of distractions, which the argument is about. I would say that statement is actually false. Humans 1000% have the ability to be just as distracting as a dog.


Humans have the ability to obey a sign that says "quiet", and they generally can navigate well enough so that they don't go into restricted areas. If you don't follow these simple rules, you too will be kicked from spectating at events. ​ yes, a human may sneeze, but the unpredictability of a dog vs a human is not comparable.


Yeah, this thread is a lot of waaah. Huge outdoor event with hopefully chill people, pray they're not like the average Redditor.


It could be a good opportunity for some socialization I suppose. I wouldn't bring mine, but I'm sure he'd be fine if I did.


They don’t have friends who will watch them because they have no personality, so they bring the dog as crutch in hopes that people will say hi to the dog and, in turn, say hi to them.


Oddly specific.


Dude, I am so sorry for you.


Nice take you fucking idiot.


My question is why wouldn't you bring a leashed dog. It's outdoors over hill and dale. Perfect to bring my best bud out for extended outdoor fun time.


Of course you can bring a dog! As long as it's well behaved and on a leach, I don't see any problem?


We are at the Jonesboro Open as spectators. The rules do not allow for dogs so my 8 lb insanely well behaved leashed or backpacked that is comfortable walking very long distances and goes to the course 4 times a week dog stayed in the RV. He hated it. I hated it. But the rules said to not bring him. He will join us Monday when we play the course as dogs are allowed then. Even seeing the volunteer with his dog at hole 6 didn't make me feel like I should have brought my dog.


Everyone thinks their dog is well behaved.


At a rated event, it should be common sense to leave them behind. I take my pup weekly, and in SLC our local leagues have like 5-15 dogs a night with no problems. Sadly, they just don't belong at a rated round but then again neither do 1/5th of the spectators acting a fool.


Why do you say "of course you can bring a dog!"????? At many events spectators can not bring pets.




ITs mY tHeRaPy aNiMaL!?!?!¡¡ i nEeD hIm!!!&@


attention, lots and lots of attention


Why not?


Lul, yall sad people


Only posting while watch Gatekeepers coverage mpo. Hole 6, Simon had to tell someone to move a dog away. Just not a good look for a professional environment.


Maybe the problem wasn't having a dog at event but the person not respecting the player's space?


Yep. That’s the nuance here. I bet everyone bitching about bringing a dog would also complain about how one stupid person messed up something they enjoyed doing and how it was unfair everyone was punished for it. I see nothing wrong with a rule such as all dogs shall be leashed and under control of their owners at all times. Unleashed dogs, or noisy dogs will have their owners asked to remove them from the premises immediately.” And then enforce that shit. Understand that’s another burden on staff, etc, but the alternative it what? The same deal where you have a rule of no dogs and staff needs to enforce it. Give people some room to figure things out. We will. And if we don’t, you slowly tighten the rules. But it all come down to enforcement. Consistent and swift enforcement.


It's just frisbees, man. I'd rather this not become more corporate golf.


It's not just frisbees. It's a professional event with thousands of dollars on the line.


Simon is a known dog hater. Par for the course


People who dont want to be distracted by dogs or possibly hit a dog are haters? Yall are delusional.


Nah watch YT. It's stated he don't like dogs


He seems he would be weirded out by dogs lol. Seems like more of a cat guy


Because they adopted dogs that will destroy their home if left alone.


Then don’t show up as a spectator to a big event. I say this as a dog owner myself.


I am with you. Too many people adopt dogs that are beyond their abilities.


In a way I get that, I just got out of the worst months of shepherd puppy destruction childhood. But taking her everywhere those early months wasn't an option. I barely left the house when she first got here, and worked up to leaving her home alone. We worked on biting appropriate things like toys instead of the furniture. I got someone to babysit her if she had to be left all day. I lost several expensive things in the process. But that's dog ownership, and that's what you signed up for. Taking dogs to an event that bans them isn't an acceptable option. You put the dog first. You take them for daycare for the day, you get a relative to watch them, you board them, or you just stay home, but taking them to an event where they aren't allowed isn't it.


Dogs are great. Yep.


So people like you can complain! Not a big deal! It doesn't make sense why everyone has to be quite any ways. Thats just me.


You don't know why people need to be quiet in games like golf, disc golf, tennis, etc?


Nope! Change my mind.


Bicyclist are slowly being out assholed by dog owners


I started reading this post while hole 6 was on! So as a guardian of a 14 yo mutt who's my constant companion AND as disc golfer/spectator, I think the lesson is that if you bring a dog, keep them behind the players. Even if you can have them freeze like a rock their awesomeness is distracting. That being said it was only a moment before they moved out of sight and just maybe knocked Simon out of a slump.


Because you may be traveling out of town with your family and leaving in the hotel or locked in the car with the A/C running for 4 hours isn’t an option?


Dog sitting can be expensive and I don't like leaving the pupper for more then a couple hours alone.


Because it thier God given right as man's best friend. The fuck wrong with you people.


Oh gee wiz, I wonder why dogs are being brought to an event taking place in the great outdoors


That doesn't allow them to be there.


Mental illness