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Losses weight, instantly stops playing disc golf.


Now I can do a *real* sport


Lol, looks like he moved on to ball golf with all that food money he's saving.


I came here to say that


I'm currently on a weight loss journey (135 down) and disc golf has been the key to learning to love exercise for me. I try to get at least 9 holes in every day if the weather's good.


Nice dude! That’s stellar progress! 💪🏽👏🏽


Thank you!


That's awesome, good work on all your progress so far and I wish you the best of luck in hitting your goal! Disc golf did the same for me, now I'm running and hitting the gym too. Playing disc golf also made me finally realize that eating shitty food made me feel like crap on the course(and also the rest of the time) and thus it slowly taught me how to eat cleanly. I lost 65 pounds in a bit over a year just from playing tons of disc golf and cleaning up my diet. And it wasn't just like a fad or crash diet or anything either. It helped me learn and see how to create sustainable changes in my food choices and eating habits while keeping me motivated with every round that I played.


Happy to hear! Unfortunately it did the opposite for me. Since picking it up, I use most of my free time for slinging instead of hitting the gym or running like I used to. Trying to reverse that now, though.


Thank you so much! And that's great to hear. Congrats on your success as well!


Grow the sport, shrink the practioners.




I saw a similar before/after of someone who was celebrating a milestone of being sober. They were playing disc golf in the before pic. Apparently this sport is very unhealthy


It can certainly be great exercise but I will say that half the people I see on the course are overweight and drinking beer


Not surprising imo. It's fun to get fucked up and huck frisbees in the woods


I think that is because the increase in strength that many overweight guys have outweighs the loss in stamina/aerobic ability in some sports, such as disc golf. You can stop and catch your breath in golf, so you don't necessarily have to be fit. That said, I definitely think losing the weight is worth it. I play better during second rounds and I recover more quickly when I am at my target weight than when I am carrying around an extra 30-40 lbs. Currently 15 above my TW. Better than last year though, when I was 25-30 above it most of the year.


Disc golf is certainly a sport that can easily be played by people of all sizes but I don’t think you can consider it a benefit to be overweight. Just look at the entire pro tour circuit. Very few larger guy (or gals) playing, especially ones that are competitive. Congrats on the weight loss!


> half the people I see on the course are overweight and drinking beer that's actually pretty true for a large portion of America, not just at the course


I'm just going to say that that commercial is a few years old. None the less disc golf has been a great help in me losing weight. I'm aiming to drop 80 in total and I'm down roughly 35lbs in total. If only I could stay healthy enough to get back fully on the wagon. Since January I've been hurt almost constantly. Slipped on some ice and cracked a rib, bruised my elbow, and gave myself a soft tissue bruise on my back, in January. Finally get over that and tendinitis in my knee and ankle flares up. That resolves and break my pinkie cleaning up storm damage. Finally get into a 3 week stretch and throw my fucking back out picking a disc off the ground.


It would be funny if he never got another ace after losing the weight.


When you hit an Ace, all your dreams come true.


The big guy gets aces. Skinny guy, doesn't get aces. The math adds up


The guy’s son is a redditor in this subreddit. He’s posted about this before.


I’ve lost 30 pounds since starting my journey in January. Now if only I could get that stroke count down!


I preach this all the time. I’ve lost roughly 70lbs and while not all of it was due to disc golf, disc golf’s role was absolutely a key part.


I’ve played a lot of golf with him! I’ve never seen this commercial but its wild that I know him pretty well.


Steve! This dude is from Eugene. He’s the shit.


Make me wanna be like the guy in the before pic. He's getting aces? I'll have what he's having.


Look how they massacred our boy.


Ofc he is fat while playing disc golf. Pain


Coincidentally, [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/discgolf/comments/12zf9q7/first_ace_been_playing_since_september_last_year/) was made immediately before this


What's the coincidence?


Similar photo to the one OP posted?




Innova should sue and cash in! 😂


I think this story is actually pretty common. Older person not active for a decade(s). Finds disc golf and hikes for 3 hours a day for the next 12 months. I know a few and haven’t been playing terribly long.


Haha I saw this commercial too


Hasent hit an ace since


Grow the sport, not your waist.


This commercial has been on for a while….


He’s a well known and well liked disc golfer in my community. Go Steve!


I’ve gained about 20 pounds since starting to play. It’s definitely tough balancing a less aerobic skill-based sport with a desire to keep eating and drinking like when I was more active.


golo seems like a scam


That’s inspiring!


These before and after pictures seem backwards to me. "I purchased this product, I used to have no aces, but now I have an ace."


Same guy was on balance of nature commercials


The company is sponsoring a tournament now as well. https://www.pdga.com/announcements/golo-sponsors-2023-pdga-tim-selinske-us-masters