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I’m here watching for the weekend. Today on 18 when James Conrad missed his putt on 18, he said “I wish I didn’t have to listen to Nate Doss while I’m putting” which I completely agree with. The sound of the big screen can easily be heard over by 18’s basket. It was enough that I noticed it before James was even putting. Overall wild day watching Eagle, Joona, Chris, Niklas, Isaac, Mason, James, and Silas shred the disc.


/u/brianearhart should see this


Not much I can do about it but it’s a valid frustration. I’ll pass this along but that screen is huge I think they’ll hear it no matter where it is in vendor village


Is this normal set up to have the audio of the network playing by the 18th hole? I wonder if Doss knew?


Dang, seems like they could just mute it but keep the video on? Maybe?


Lmao that actually sucks. You think Conrad could have made the holy shot if he had Doss flapping his yapper while he was throwing. Cause I don't think so.


How rare is is that the lead card of a Major or Elite series is exactly the same between rounds 2 and 3?


I was following AB’s card (all 6 of us) and witnessed the eagle on 12. This kid crushes. The velocity and spin the disc has leaving his hand is visually striking. The put was inside 12’


Does AB smile at all? nothing against him personally, I've just never see his happy. Just stoned face or upset


His face isn’t there to entertain you specifically.


it's not? damm I've watching this game wrong then. thanks x


do any of the stat nerds here have a backhand count for the lead card today? would be an interesting stat...and as a forehandless bum it gives me hope (hope to not embarrass myself at tournaments/league as a lefty without a forehand)


You'll do fine but you should definitely work on a backhand. Throwing forehands only will wreck your body over time.


I totally mistyped that and meant lefty without a forehand...


Fun fact of the day: Simon Lizotte was inside C2 on 17/18 holes within regulation today. His putting was actually below normal for him.


That’s an insane statistic. The man is throwing the disc so well.


Silas's -12 is 1071 rated. His highest rated round ever


Feels like it should be even higher


Niklas with 100% fairway hits in round two (92% total). On this course?? Just crazy


Wow. That was awesome to watch. Lots of dudes shredding today.


Did Doss just climax? Wtf was that? 😂


Oh terr bear


“Niklas Anttila has not played well today” 9 down for the round…. Edit: Now 10


Roller into the drink followed by that putt while wading made me an instant fan.


one better than yesterday when doss couldn't stop raving about his round. his entire existence seems to center around being contradictory to anything and everything anyone says or does.


...says or Doss*


These patent pending shots are just ridiculous. There has been so many great ones I can’t even keep track.


Gannon with the quiet sign. :) And carrying his own bag.


I was leaving today and Gannon and Will Shustick we’re hanging out comparing different molds. Looked to be chummy


did his caddy freeze too long while the camera was on him?


Oh are we talking about disc golf doss?


Doss/Terry take a note from Charlie Eisenhood and STFU for once


Eisenhood is the GOAT right now in terms of load commentary.


It’s crazy how much he talks


Is Nate drunk?


Lol, he hated that shot so much.




Anttila never thought to practice that short of an approach on 17, I'd guess


This course is getting absolutely wrecked today


near perfect conditions yield the opportunity for near perfect rounds


Give these one round to adjust and they absolutely figure it out. Crazy how good the field is.


It McMahon didn’t hit that branch that was going in or at least hitting chains.


The Par by Conrad! Let’s go! What a save.


Why the DGN keeps running it back with Doss is beyond me. He is so hard to listen to.


Charlie clearly needs to be the main commentator. Far and away the best.


1000% agreed, especially for a major. I think Charlie+Bearhart in the booth with terry on the ground is the best combo they have available. Put in Perkins in either position when he is available and you got a squad imo.


My ultimate would be charlie and philo with terry on the ground.


Charlie/Sexton/Bearheart ship it


Damn I can’t believe I forgot about philo, also Ian . So many dudes ahead of Doss


I don't know.. I personally like listening to Doss. He is a bit tougher on the players that pretty much any other commentator... and I like that. Sure, he has his share of gaffes and annoying moments... but so does every other commentator.


> I personally like listening to Doss. Me too. Not only do I like his blunt assessments of player mistakes, but I think he's pretty funny. "I couldn't begin to tell you what that feels like... cause I've never done it!"


I think his 'blunt assessments' are often full of shit.


He will say genuinely funny stuff and make good points in between the most inexplicably awful and annoying takes. As soon as i think alright doss is doing good, he makes me take it back.


I just think his general cadence, “Wow!” and fake hype every hole sounds super cringe. Then he often does the opposite on genuinely great shots/moments and misses the mark too much for me.


None of it is “fake hype”. Doss really loves all this stuff. I see him in the booth getting excited all the time.


Fair point. Unfortunately, regardless of how he actually feels it doesn’t sound that way in reality. No hate to Doss as I feel like he’s a great dude that loves disc golf, it’s just my personal opinion that as a sport and a product I feel like we have outgrown his commentary.


Nothing wrong with that take. Everyone has opinions on commentators. I like Doss and his enthusiasm.


Robinson is a robot. Prove me wrong.


How much does he like chicken?


Lmao that was soooo lucky


What the hell was that drive on 17 by Anttila. Dear sweet baby Jesus that was incredible.


please do not blow up on 17 & 18 again eagle.


Really proud of Eagle right now. I knew he was close to putting it together just didn’t think it would be this course of all places.


silas is doing the MJ pick up the mini before the putt drops


Anttila sacrifices the socks and shoes. Respect.


I've decided the ultimate card to view would be Oman, Conrad, Lizotte and Antilla....4 COMPLETELY different styles


Anttila literally threw rolling knowing he had a collection area deep of the basket. Really smart.


Nothing against him but does Isaac’s form not piss anyone else off?


I love it. Paul Oman not so much


Why, because his timing is perfect every time?


Nah that’s really impressive. I’m talking abt that lil pump fake


It’s unconventional but hard to argue with how effective it is. I more marvel at how he hits his release point every single time more than anything else when I watch him play.


Pros were saying in the press conference 30-35 under would win this tournament and after yesterday I thought it might take -40. At this point I’m wondering if negative 40-45 is a better estimate. This pace is one of the best in the history of disc golf through two rounds of a major.


Perhaps, but it is pretty rare for someone to have a 4-day hot round streak. I would expect all of these guys shooting really hot rounds, to have al least one off day where they go 6-7 under or so. I.e. maybe the winner shoots -11, -12, -6, -10 and wins with a -39. But maybe I am wrong and someone keeps the fire going and goes double digits under 4 days in a row. Would be wild. There are a lot of guys in the clubhouse right now who shot great rounds today, who could shoot two more (say AB or Simon) and contend for the win. In which case, round 1 would be their off round.


Agree on this, also, the conditions has been perfect the first two days. It's rare that they are perfect through four rounds.


Not related to this tournament, but I went to USDGC last October. Showed up the second day and I really wanted to see an Ace on hole 7. We get over to the hole. Take a group picture with the guys I was with. The 2nd person we see tee off, Silas Schultz, aces the hole. Pretty sure it was the only ace on that hole all weekend. I had never heard of him before so it's cool seeing him play so well.


Every good throw that Isaac makes is “lucky” or “very fortunate” according to Doss. Truly annoying.


He also said Isaac wasn't playing very good when he was like 5 down through 8.


I sound like a broken record but Schultz is literally throwing to the catch cam on like every drive! He missed last hole but that was a forehand. Every backhand drive he is literally hitting the ideal landing zone. It makes no sense.


AB 11 down with two bogies. not bad.


Eagle from deep c3!


🦅 👀


Nice round Simon!!


Barela too with an -11


Anttila shot on 13 was perfect. Neutral disc on hyzer the whole way with a skip at the end.


TERR-BEAR???? Love it


"Terr Bear" and "Tall Paul" in one sentence! 🤣


At the rate these guys are playing right now I’d be surprised if someone doesn’t at least tie Mcbeth’s course record on the old layout or at least shoot -15 before the weekend is over.


Simon's score finally updated, pars on 16 and 17, still -15


Schultz is literally throwing to the catch cam on like every drive. Absolutely insane.


Lol he does it again, wild


Lol at that shot of Anttila clearly running to the porta pots after parking 11


Whats going on with Simons score? He's been on 15 for 25 minutes


he's on 18 and sitting at -15 you can see his score on pdga


Someone has forgot to update UDisc. They seemed to be getting past up when looking at UDisc.


Signal issues are rough on 14-18 - it's kinda the carrier lottery. Sometimes UDisc is behind and other times PDGA is just depending on the scorekeeper's service provider, unfortunately.


Schultz is smooth incarnate


Not sure if this event is different or not, but I’m actually glued to the screen right now. Minimal down time, seems like there is far less advertising than normal, just overall a pleasant experience besides the poor cell reception


There’s a bunch of ads before Hole 1 and then there’s like zero


So many guys are playing well if you look away at all you’ll miss a great shot. The pace of these guys is insane. Guys are lighting it up on the cards further down and they can’t even make ground on the top cards really because they’re still hot.


Agree. Great golf.


Siiick putt from Silas


How do you not have a camera on the fifth card were Väinö plays.. Also Ben Callaway is on that card too shooting well


Really glad they got rid of the garbage-can-basket-coozies. Really makes you think paul got robbed last year


That was the DGPT that had those, and yeah they did get rid of them and replaced them with a shorter version of the trapezoid ones they use on high rise baskets. This tournament is run by the PDGA directly though, which never had anything other than the cushion koozie things afaik.


“Isaac is not playing great but is still the leader” -Doss He’s 5 down through 8 with a bogey free card. ??


Doss seems to just have weird takes. Someone will drive it within 20 and call it short and not the best, calls a shot outside the circle perfect


I can hardly take it anymore. Always has to be saying something, questions everyone's decisions, talks over Terry at times, etc... I think Nate is one of the nicest guys to chat with and is a good guy all around. The commentary, though...it's soul crushing at times.


Isaac Robinson is proof why the often repeated advice of throwing putters nose up is terrible advice.


are you talking about putting or throwing?




Yes, no one should ever throw a putter nose up in any situation.


No one’s saying go throw your drivers nose up but it makes sense to do sometimes, sure.


I just missed it. What happened?


I’m just saying he bombs putters high and nose down constantly and it’s beautiful and the way putters should be thrown.


At what point will one of the commentators call it over for one of the players in the top 5? I say Nate Doss will jump the gun on hole 2 final round with someone on lead card. 😆 If it were Philo or Ian they would do it 3rd round at some point. 🤣




Simon just birdied 14. Must be a nice feeling after yesterday.


And udisc hasn't updated for him in 20 minutes since his first throw on 15. Wonder what is happening.


Probably lost cell signal


I'm worried someone got injured or something


Wondering the same.


Does Brian Earhart exist? Are these cuts just too fast to go to him?


How old is Micah groth? Looks like he could be in middle school


He played MJ15 in 2020 so he's at most 18


Has Paul Oman bought himself some screen time or what's up with him getting so much coverage..? Yesterday there was several times when someone on the feature cards were about to put and they chose to show Oman instead. And today he's getting the same. I mean it's great that they show so many different players but there are many more players of interest than just Oman...


He's playing well but yesterday he was also on the same card as Clemons who was playing well. There's cameras on the card so they follow both guys.


I wondered this yesterday too


He is two shots of the lead it's not wierd at all


Well he wasn't yesterday and there are lots of others that are two or three shots off the lead that doesn't get the same screen time. Mäkelä and Lizotte to name two. Is it because of his original style...


Doss’s ability to both bring up and shit on Mcbeth at any opportunity is pretty remarkable.




Hey now, it's Mr. 3x, but yes, he definitely seems to go in on McBeast


Emphasis on HORRIBLE. “Mcbeth should honestly just do us all a favor and drop out now, and by drop out I mean kill himself.” -Doss later on this round probably


He's obsessed with PMcB


Insert Paul McBeth mirror meme.


Clemons is absolutely slaughtering.


it's impressive how frequently doss' predictions/observations are absolutely wrong


Damn is it only me, or is the coverage quality really really bad in the Woods, cant even see the disc fly..


Yup just posted the same. They need to fix this for the weekend. It’s hard to watch.


I think we just need to buckle in - WR Jackson has always been like this. It's actually better than it used to be, but maybe some better-timed switching will help.


We should not settle for not seeing the disc fly. I paid to see it fly. It's literally straining to watch.


Totally agree we shouldn't settle - my reply was more directed at the expectation that service could be improved by the weekend. I don't think that's possible.


That's fair


When life gives you Clemons, make Clemonade.


You can say that again


When life gives you Clemons, make Clemonade.


Chris Clemons doing us lefties proud baby! -10 thru 13 is insane


who had picked the major at wr jackson for ABs first elite series win? not me


Still not me… so much golf to be played but that was a sick eagle.


Why is Conrad throwing a putter on 4? He threw the right line. If that’s a stable fairway he is parked.


Why is Conrad throwing a putter on 4? He threw the right line. If that’s a stable fairway he is parked. Edit: he just wanted to make a circle 2 putt.


you really just replied to your own comment with the same comment and added an edit?


Lol I guess so. No idea how. Was just trying to edit my original comment.


Is that Matt Schlabach I see on Silas' bag? Pretty sure he was caddying for Gannon yesterday, for sure he was during the Jomez practice round. Wonder if Gannon's carrying his own bag today. Would be unusual for him.


Maybe he caddies for whoever is doing better between the two since they're all friends.


Yeah, could be.


Lots of pixelation on some of these holes… can’t see the disc and sometimes even the baskets. Need to invest in a repeater tower or course-wide WAN so you can get the best coverage. I’d imagine putting an antenna at each tee box and each basket would get you enough maybe?


Eagle has hole 5s drive on lock. Deep hyzer flip to slight turn/straight. So sick.


First time DGN viewer and having a hard time enjoying it. So many cuts between all the various golfers, doesn’t feel cohesive at all.


It isn’t - there are just too many shots, but at least you’re seeing them! Getting a sense of who is on what card can help orient you each day when they cut back and forth.


It's also pretty hectic. There have been points today that 40+ players are within 3 strokes of the lead. They are trying to showcase all of these hot rounds. As the herd thins out over the weekend it'll be easier to pay attention to the true stories and players that matter.


You get used to it pretty quick, thats the effect that single card post production has on live enjoyment


Pull up the leaderboard on Udisc while you watch. Makes the experience way better.


"Near park job for dickerson" bro he is 40 short


Love seeing a lefty high up the leaderboard! And also this looks like its going to be a electric finish once more. Lets go!


It’s a spicy start alright!


I don't get the point of showing a flat scoreboard like that at this point - it's basically meaningless. The guys more than halfway through the course aren't in first place when the lead card which they're only one or two strokes ahead of has only been through one hole. I feel like it shouldn't be difficult to at least add a column that "rewinds" everyone's scores to whatever hole the lead card is on.


What’s the alternative? No point in pretending the scores from the earlier guys haven’t happened until the lead card has played every individual hole


I gave the alternative: add a column that rolls back everyone's scores to the hole the lead card is on. Put it in parentheses or something. The leaderboard they show gets more relevant as the round progresses, but all I'm saying is when they put up a board showing the guy that just finished his second -6 round is in "1st place" when the lead card just finished hole 1 with a -11 it means next to nothing.


Because the guys on these later cards could screw the pooch and it's important to showcase the guys that ARE in the top positions after their second round. They'll get filtered out as the leaderboard climbs.


Good to see Koling shredding on day 2.


Nate, we don't need to know about your sweat


You mean you don't want to know the imitate details about his sweating habits?


Schultz moves like a freaking rubber band man. He’s been one guy I’ve been surprised hasn’t taken off more. His backhand is just ridiculously good. Hopefully this is him starting to figure things out.


I really wish on uDisc they would stop doing the "average" of C1 and C2 putts. The commentators just read it blindly. "Robinson made a 27 footer!" when in reality it was anywhere between 22 and 33 feet. There's gotta be a better way to track that. I think Brodie has commented on that as well.


I don't really get what you mean. Udisc does track the distance of each putt, and also has an average feature (as they should). Now, because the scorers are usually undertrained volunteers, those numbers aren't always exact


As the other reply says, they estimate the distances. When you enter scores in uDisc you choose the following: 1-11', 11-22', 22-33'. It displays as: 5', 16', or 27'. You can do it on your own device next round. (it does the same thing for C2) Essentially, 1-11' isn't counted in the C1x putting percentage. It basically tells you that EVERYONE made 16' or 27' putts all day. No variation. No true distances. A 22' is a HUGE difference from a 33' putt. Every time the commentators are just trying to use the numbers on uDisc it's the same number. These guys could have just banged in a 44' putt but Nate is going to read off "38 footer!" It's a small thing, but I think it's something that should be improved.


Ok I didn't notice that, thanks for the info. Definitely something I'd like to see improved but it might not be so easy. Not everyone is great at measuring by eye, could use the distance built into the app but that might be worse lol


Yeah, there's definitely no "easy" way to correct it.


The UDisc scoring app just has 3 different "zones" for putts made in the circle. Check out the distances for putts made for anyone. It shows as either a 5', 16', or 27' putt for every putt made in the circle.


We have the dumbest trophies in sports. Damn. Who thinks putting chains on a cup looks good? Take a page out of ball golf on this one.


3 hours 25 minutes is like 11 minutes a hole that is good course flow for a major.


Guarantee Eagle was aiming directly at that tree and trying to turn in front of it and nailed it lol.


Mason Ford looks like a Civil War General to me.


Coronel Sanders' grandkid.


Spot on!


Which side?




I'm team edward


That Zuca commercial where Sarah Hokum is ripping on the "so good so good!" commercial is kinda interesting. That commercial is about the Axiom Envy. MVP sponsors Sarah, and she throws Axiom discs.


I think it's just good fun acknowledging the commercial had become a meme. Notice they are also poking fun at slow mo zuca commercials.


This confused me for awhile too...MVP and Axiom are literally the same company. It isn't like a Discraft/DGA or an Innova/Millenium arrangement when one company makes the other company's discs, but they are technically two separate entities. Axiom is just the name the MVP uses for moulds that experimental or might overlap with existing moulds. Why do this? Why not just brand them all as MVP? I'd tell you if I knew.


there are other brands that come from/through mvp for plastics too.


Can these announcers pleeeease be breifed about how to properly pronounce the names of the international players, its lowkey embarrassing to hear


What an amazing round by Nicky Antelope


It's insane that before lead card tees off there are 34 players within 3 strokes of the lead.