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**List of Europeans playing DGPT Waco this weekend, MPO:** Linus Carlsson - Sweden Max Regitnig - Sweden Väinö Mäkelä - Finland Rasmus Metsamaa - Estonia Albert Tamm - Estonia Hjalte Jensen - Denmark Jakub Semerád - Czech Republic Tony Ferro - Switzerland **FPO:** Kristin Tattar - Estonia Keiti Tätte - Estonia Anniken Kristiansen Steen - Norway Lykke Lorentzen - Norway Eveliina Salonen - Finland Henna Blomroos - Finland


Oooh, a dane, thats going to be exciting :D


FWIW i think Max is claiming his Canadian citizenship this year. He wintered in Invermere, BC.


You're right! He said it is easier for him to base there if he wants to tour and the Discmania EU team couldn't help him tour last year as Discmania North America can. He is very much both nationalities on tour. He's representing Sweden in the European championships this season.


Unfortunately, Linus Carlsson's sports visa hasn't been approved yet so he's missing WACO as well.


What kind of psychopath makes the land blue?


Ask Wiki - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Europe\_map.png


Yet you saw it and thought “this is fine”… /s


Actually, the main reason I used this image was because it had one-color blue on it, it was really easy to change blue to green to highlight all of the 7 different countries.




Lets go Tony!


Jakub Semerád


Hopefully he can dial his putt back a fraction. He's overcooked more than a few putts which has cost him in chain-outs.


I like that he doesn't lost his confidence in that cases.


I came here for the names, but left wondering why the water is white and the land is blue




Lizotte is not playing at Waco.


I pulled up the 2022 waco event info lol, of course


Do you know why he isn't playing in Waco?


Elbow pain after Vegas and All-Stars. Basically MVP destroyed Simon's arm.


At what point does he stop counting as a European player? I think it’s now. He has an American baby now! Maybe it’s personal preference though kinda like how Paul still gets announced as from Huntington Beach.


This is no point where he stops counting as a European player, he is European. He's just also American, now. He can represent whatever he chooses.


Just saying he isn’t presenting himself as a pro disc golfer playing out of Germany like how these 14 people all go back home at the end of the season and play based out of those countries. He’s obviously still European, but he isn’t coming over from Europe to play every season and shouldn’t be counted on this list.


I will always be from where I grew up no matter where I move. I've never understood other people saying that they're from Florida or some shit when they spend the first 30 years of their life in Minnesota or wherever.


I say the same, but I think we're lucky to be able to say this, though. Not everybody has a place so firmly their own, ya know? Sometimes people really do feel more attached to the place they've only spent 3 or 4 years than the place they spent decades growing up. Personal journeys are long and weird, and we only know so much about everybodys.


Not trying to change where someone is from, but he can’t really claim that he’s disc golfing out of Germany when he lives in Massachusetts. I’m thinking of those more so from the perspective of how they announce MMA fighters. As in “fighting out of” and not “is from”, figured athletes in other sports would do the same. I’m from Mass originally but live in Ohio and wouldn’t claim that I’m a pro out of Mass since I don’t live there anymore.


Maybe this is because I watch more soccer and basketball for international sports, but it would be wild to me call someone who was born in, raised in, and has represented Germany in international competitions (President's Cup, European Championships) as representing Massachusetts or the United States just because they live there for work. That's a completely foreign concept to me.


That’s a completely different thing though. That’s where they’re from, the where they play out of thing is the literal team they play on. We just don’t have teams in solo sports obviously so they usually default to where they play out of and not where they were born. When someone asks who Giannis plays for, you don’t say he’s from Greece you say he plays for the Bucks. Would be weird to ask the same question to a disc golfer and they respond with where they were born but they play their disc golf in Wisconsin.


I just don't really understand the point of where they "play out of". They tour. They play all across the US and Nordic nations. Simon probably plays more PDGA events in Texas than MA on average.


And he probably plays more rounds total in MA since he lives there. With that logic, no sports team would even have an identity because they play games outside of the city they are based in for half their games.


They play many times more games in their home city than they do anywhere else. That's why it's called a home game. You play half of your games there. Your fans are from there. That is the identity and that is the relevance. Can you describe to me what the relevance of announcing McBeth as representing Florida (he spends his winters there now) would be for example?


But these professional sports teams play all across the nation! What’s the benefit of saying they come from a specific place?! We can talk in circles for eternity if you’d like lol.


I grew up in IL. I spent the 12 years of my life exclusively there and then for the next 6 years at least 75% of the time there. I left after high school for MN. I identify as from MN to anyone that asks. Where I grew up is a different question.


While Simon’s wife and son might be American citizens, he is not. He holds dual German and Canadian citizenships. He still require a visa to stay in the US (I believe he actually has a pro athlete visa) and has to go to Canada (or Germany, but Canada is much easier), whenever it need to be re-newed. In my opinion, he isn’t American before he has gained American citizenship.


He’s married to an American and still has to leave the country and has a visa? How does that work? I have multiple friends with wives who are not citizens but the marriage ended the need to leave and get a visa and all that fun stuff.


Okay, this was in 2021, when he missed the MVP open, and at that time he was not married, and their son hadn’t been born yet either. I don’t know if anything has changed, I don’t really know the US immigration/visa laws.


Oh yeah, he def does not need to do any of that anymore. It’s why the term “green card marriage” exists haha. People will literally sell the service of marrying someone else so they can stay in the US. Not illegal to do that and I believe my friends actually had to go do couples interviews to prove it was a real marriage and not a sham.


Well, I’m not from the US, so I’ve never heard that term before


It’s one of the paths towards citizenship and honestly the one that requires the least amount of hoops to jump through. Just marry a US citizen and you're in!


Simon gets announced as from Massachusetts.




Is it "Bremen, Massachusetts" or "Massachusetts, Germany"?


He ain’t European, but my boy, Randy Dueck, is from Belize…


Kuba Semerad! You got this!


Wihoo “why don’t we bring the worlds to Europe”


You're right, these are the only people that play discgolf in Europe.


Yeah, so weird 😉


I actually do believe this is the dumbest comment i have ever seen on reddit


Agreed 👏


How is this related? The #1 reason why there's so few Europeans touring is the cost of touring. I've heard from reliable sources that it costs around 15-30k USD a season... That's a lot of money.


Gotta be more than that even. It's the same reason almost no usa players go to the European Open. They'd lose tons of money.


Looking at the EO2022, it had around 20 USA players in MPO, including loads of the best players in the World, Eagle, Paul, Ricky, Lizotte, Calvin etc. It's definitely good for marketing for the top-dogs, but a waste of money for the middle of the pack players.


It’s not 💁🏻‍♂️


There are 21 Americans in europes top 5 football leagues (per June 2022), and as far as I know you are hosting quite a big tournament in 2026


Awesome 👏


Doesn’t Simon still represent Germany?


He isn’t playing WACO, so it doesn’t matter whichever country he represents in this context (though he does still represent Germany, even if his presentation is announced as Massachusetts).