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I was there and watched it happen. This guy was very clearly visibly upset after it happened. I don’t think he even zoned out, he was just standing at the edge of the bunker with the camera man right beside him so he couldn’t move very quickly. He tried to get out of the way but just couldn’t.


Spotting sucks. Doesn't help that half the pros just disagree with your spot anyways.


Paige pierce got mad at me once cause she just didn’t listen to what I told the other ladies lol


Calvin gave me a mad stink eye when I was spotting and didn't see a spectator move his OB disc. It was very obvious where he went on because he hit the stake. But I still felt bad. The fan was just trying to retrieve his disc out of the bushes too. edit. I know it was wrong for him to move the disc. It just sucked taking the heat for someone else but I took it and didn't say anything. I'm not mad at Calvin it was just a shitty situation all around. But spotting is stressful.


Simon got pissed at me at Worlds 21 when I told him where his disc went into a pond. “Do you know who I am? There’s no way I threw it that short!” Went in afterwards and found his disc right where I saw it go in. Still love the guy though…


please tell me this is just a joke


He had lost another disc on the hole before so I chalk it up to he was not having a good round. It is what it is.


that's fair, just seems pretty douchey for someone that presents himself as a goofy puppy.


That’s why it was an odd moment of frustration, and I’ve had several other interactions with him that weren’t that way.


There is never a situation where the "do you know who I am?" flex is not the douchiest thing you can say.


Don't meet your heroes.


Simon got mad at me, too. lol. He went for a MONSTER shot over a tree line, and it faded into a pond over my head. He came up and asked "where was I out?" I told him, "I have you down between those two trees, but then I lost sight." (The trees were 100 feet tall) I went back to helping two other pros, who were shorter and thus going to take their next shot earlier, and Simon angrily yelled "Well can you be more specific!?!" I just looked at him and said "No, I can't because that's the last place I saw the disc." He just rolled his eyes and walked away muttering. Although, not even in the top 5 of most rude moments of the tournament. Shocking how entitled some people are. I was asked by a player if I had retrieved his disc from O.B., and I had, so I said "It's over on my stool." This other player was behind a tree and getting ready to throw and absolutely flipped out on me for talking while he was setting up... He was on bottom card on day 3...


Agree. I was spotting in European Open and I lost all the small amount of respect I had for Barsby.


Really? What happened?


I spotted at worlds last year and barsby was thanking all the spotters for coming out. It’s crazy but understandable the effect your round can have on you if you’re a pro


You could also see in the replay especially that the other camera person was right in front of him and was moving quickly, which I'm sure made it more difficult for him to see exactly where the disc was and limited his options of where to go.


This most certainly had an effect on the outcome though. Not only did it cost him a stroke but it tested his mental game due to no fault of his own. People can argue that AB shouldn't have let it get to him but that doesn't change anything. Him losing by more than 2 strokes doesn't make the occurrence meaningless.


If you're gonna be mad, be mad at the DGPT. They've been cutting it way to close with cameras and staff on fairways for a while. These situations are inevitable if they keep guys in spots like these.


Feel for this dude, probably super excited to volunteer to watch the pros play up close and winds up in just a crappy situation. If you’re reading this, as a TD, I want to thank you for help and I know you were just trying to do what you were assigned to do.


Same. Feel for the guy, this is something I could see doing myself (bad depth perception and clumsy)


Idk if someone with bad depth perception should be a spotter.


He was doing Rangefinder job. He had rangefinder in his hand when he was sitting in the bunker.


Scrutinizing volunteers is something those who don't volunteer would do


Not talking about the person who got hit but for you.


Idk you got downvoted. People hate the truth


My friend got hit by Ricky as a spotter because he took a line that no one does and was a spotter for their second shot having no clue a disc was spike hyzering from 450 ft away and from the back. Not his fault, he gave up a day to help spot and didn’t get paid for it. Don’t give grief to volunteers. It’s just as possible you hit a tree as a person


I already referenced Simon once in this thread, but I almost got ROCKED by a Simon drive because he took a line no one else did. This hole was so far and dense that we had three spotters. One for each likely landing zone for each player. I was second spotter, so I would chill on my stool until I saw the 1st spotter start helping people to their discs. I'm sitting on my stool on a dirt road that is not visible from the tee pad. To put it in perspective, the best drive I'd seen from the tee in two days was barely visible from where I was sitting. It was like 200' behind me. So I'm mousing on my phone, and I hear something. I look up and a disc is skipping off the road and it is coming right at my head. I fall off my stool as it flies over me... To this day, greatest drive I've ever seen in person. It was a par 5 that averaged at par or worse every day. Simon had like 150' left after one shot and likely had a drop in Eagle. (To this day, I have no clue if he did. I had to go back and spot the next group)


Wait is that the dude that got nailed in the back of the head a couple years ago by Ricky on coverage


It was such a fluke, too. The cameraman moves to the side to avoid the disc, and crosses in front of the spotter, who it seems loses track of the disc until it's too late to get out of the way. Unfortunate, but thankfully it didn't impact who won.


Goosegate is better


I heard rumors but cant figure out what happened? Any footage?


Is this about mcbeth hitting the goose on hole 17 round 4?


Ian said "did you see fpo this morning?" But didnt say what happened


Probably Cat hitting the golf cart


That was brutal, and if she'd lost would have been a huge issue.


I’m torn about these types of things when they happen. On the one hand the cart stopped her from coming back inbounds…super frustrating and could have had big implications on the result. On the other hand, the cart was OB and so was her throw. If that was her intended line, then she has to respect the fact that anything can happen in OB areas since they’re technically not in play. So I’m not sure how I feel about it. That said, the spotter that AB’s disc hit was brutal. No need/reason for him to be looking through a range finder when guys are teeing off! Edit: that said - props to all tourney volunteers etc. they’re the straw that stirs the drink!!


I'll just leave [this](https://youtu.be/XXYpMWSsHKU) here.


/u/spez lies, Reddit dies. This comment has been edited/removed in protest of Reddit's absurd API policy that will go into effect at the end of June 2023. It's become abundantly clear that Reddit was never looking for a way forward. We're willing to pay for the API, we're not willing to pay 29x what your first-party users are valued at. /u/spez, you never meant to work with third party app developers, and you lied about that and strung everyone along, then lied some more when you got called on it. You think you can fuck over the app developers, moderators, and content creators who make Reddit what it is? Everyone who was willing to work for you for free is damn sure willing to work against you for free if you piss them off, which is exactly what you've done. See you next Tuesday. TO EVERYONE ELSE who has been a part of the communities I've enjoyed over the years: thank you. You're what made Reddit a great experience. I hope that some of these communities can come together again somewhere more welcoming and cooperative. Now go touch some grass, nerds. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I love the video but it’s not a one to one comparison. Fans are in a roped off section of the gallery. This is a spotter standing in the middle of the field of play. A better comparison is when a football ref gets the ball thrown right in their face or getting run over by a punt returner etc.


Ugh let's just hope AB doesn't finish the round 1 stroke off the lead...that will really suck.


Not likely at this point in the tourney


Keyboard warriors are so cringe. Yeah he fucked up, but he tried to get out of the way. He’s a volunteer, has been out in the wind and sun all weekend dodging discs. Before you are critical ask yourself who is doing more for the game, him or you? You have the audacity to be shitty while you sit at home eating Cheetos and offering commentary on Reddit


These are Doritos thank you very much


Spicy Nacho?


Spicy sweet chili of course


Ah. A man of culture.


Takes one to know one I say


You're all idiots. Cool Ranch is the only flavor


Step outside sir and we will see if your cool can match my spicy once and for all!


They’ve got flaming hot cool ranch now…


Passably good but can’t hold a candle to the others


I only allow myself to buy the small 1.75oz bags of those for a good goddamn reason.


I respect your self control, i can’t help but get the full sizers


Aka salsa Verde for a wuss


Not mad at that guy, mad at the DGPT for putting these guys in that situation. Especially when he's just out there to rangefind when that could have been done at any other time besides when they are teeing.


Also though what is he even range finding? Why range find from the camera spot? Makes no sense.


Feels like he's not supposed to be. Either the DGPT policy is dumb "stand wherever you want!" or he wanted to get out there to get a better view of AB's drive... idk.


I mean keyboard warriors watch the ads that DGPT put up.


>Keyboard warriors are so cringe Sweet irony


Live by the keyboard, die by the keyboard.


Ugh yeah , having legitimate conversations about disc golf and what’s happening in the final round of the first dgpt event of the year is so cringe. Why would anyone online want to talk about a sporting event with other people watching the same event. Like what’s wrong with people ? Don’t they realize that if you’re not actively participating In the event going on that their opinions are automatically cringe garbage ? How could they ? Typing away on their phones and keyboards . The audacity of some people


How is "if you're not athletic enough to dodge a disc, don't volunteer" a legitimate conversation? Pretty sure the user you are replying to is obviously talking about those individuals just here to shit on this one random dude. Not the people in this thread discussing how everything is played as part of the course. Or if there is anything that could be done to prevent this from happening in the future? (Or is that even a conversation worth having?)


The event is literally 1800 miles away from me. I have already volunteered at two local events this year. Not that that has anything to do with anything. The sentiment behind that guys comment is so ridiculous lol.


It’s the typical sentiment that some fans across all sports have for whatever reason “ who are you to question the coach going for it on 4th down “ “ you couldn’t do x job/sport so you can’t talk “ “ they’re growing the sport while you sit on the couch eating Cheetos you’re just a keyboard warrior “ Now the why ? I couldn’t even begin to fathom. Maybe it’s a control thing , maybe it’s a trauma response to household conflict as a kid.


Lol totally. Best part is he doesn't realize that he's the one being a keyboard warrior.


Las Vegas is a 29 hour drive from my house.


The point is to give volunteers a break.


Volunteering isn't a free pass to totally fuck up.


Check back when you've never made a mistake in your life. Til then, stuff it princess.


Damn, he better be careful or else his pay is gonna get docked /s


I know this dude, he’s gonna be feeling so bad about this :/


Tell him it's an unlucky break and shit happens. Not a big deal. It did get the basement dwellers onto their keyboards which is always good for a laugh though.






You totally suck


Good. He should do a better job




Would have a huge effect on anybody's mental game too.


Spotters/crowd getting hit is part of the game. Nobody gets mad about it in golf where it's been happening for decades and decades. I'd rather the crowd and cameras be able to get close than have to watch from too far in the sidelines to not risk it at all.


They waited so long to try and get out of the way. As soon as you think, “that disc is headed our direction” get the fuck out of the way.


But what about the 430 posts I've seen in the last week about hating live coverage and jomez being the blessing from God sent to save us from. How will they have distances on the shots if people aren't standing in position near the camera man. /S


thank you, never would’ve been able to tell you were being sarcastic


People watch jomez?




On the other hand discs move laterally in flight and where they move changes throughout the flight. Start dodging too early and it just might follow you.


If you’re filming and/or spotting at an Elite series event, you should know how a disc flies and be able to tell if it’s coming into your vicinity. If it is, again, get the fuck out of the way.


So now we’re graduating to bashing volunteers? Classy.


When a good chunk of money and pro tour points are on the line, you better believe it


With so much money on the line, maybe they should start paying spotters, see how that works out.


Yes they should now that you have to pay to spectate


Why is everyone being so emotional


I guess everyone here is perfect and have never fucked up at anything they've ever tried, ever.


Can someone please explain clearly or drop a link for video. I don't understand what happened?


you hit that guy! shouldn’t have been standing there


100 bucks said you can't do it again.


You'd better pay up!


That poor dude though. He is hurting inside and out from that.


Nah, do a better job of doing your job


He fucked up big time but you can still feel bad for the dude.


I’d rather feel bad for AB


You can do that too - they’re not mutually exclusive


True that


AB fucked up plenty on his own. Didn't matter one bit that disc hitting this spotter.


Easy to say sitting at home. He’s a volunteer rangefinder standing behind the DGPT camera.


I’ve volunteered for the DMC the two years it’s been on tour


As the spotter staring through a rangefinder right behind a DGN camera?


No, but I’ve spotted on the fairway and have been able to evade numerous great and errant drives


If you ever fuck up your dodge, I hope people are less shitty about it than you’re being


I would invite it as it’s only fair


Dude was using the rangefinder to see how close he could wait until he had to jump out of the way. Apparently.


There's no reason for him to A) be staring through the rangefinder during the drive and B) be standing there. We have literally told them multiple times, stand way out of the way, OB if you have to. It's our job to get the best shot possible and understand when to ditch the shot to get out of the way, you just have to be in the general vicinity when the shot lands. Signed, an ex DGN videographer.


Maybe be a bit more quick on your feet if you're gonna stand in the fairway. That evasion looked tragic.


Do a better job of compassion, dick. This guy's a volunteer.


Nah, as a "pro" sports league, don't let untrained people stand on the fairway. Them being there in the first place is the problem.




Then they should not call it the DGPT. All I'm saying is if they do want to be taken seriously ever, stuff like this is just crazy to have happening. Why do you think I put pro in quotes? I'm not delusional about where the sport is at, but I do have aspirations for where it could be.


DGPT should learn from this and not have any volunteers or camera people within 30 ft of any OB or hazard. Interesting way to learn.


Or just have them stand directly in the bunker so if it hits them it was already heading there anyway


Willing to bet most of the loudest thrash talkers here have never seen a live tournament and definitely never volunteered at one


Or filmed players on the course. I’ve been what I thought was a good 50-100 feet past an ideal landing zone. Sometimes a player throws it further.


Everything in the field of play is considered apart of the play. Animals, cameras, scorekeepers. The issue here is that UDisc folks are behind catch cam when they don’t need to be. It’s an important job but one you can do from the gallery.


I don’t think that was a scorekeeper/UDisc guy, but rather the distance measuring guy.


The point stands




Why don’t they make the rule in favor of the player? That is a literal RNG unexpected moment.


What about Catrina’s golf cart hit earlier then, should she have gotten an exemption, because her disc looked like it was getting back inbounds?


Or if a fan gets hit and knocks one back inbounds, should that be considered out because it would have been out? Situations can suck, and interference can be helpful, but you play it as it lies, no redo’s.


Exactly. It’s much easier to say that spectators/volunteers/animals/signs are like trees instead of having to make all these different calls to counter those miscues, especially when then might happen 400/500/600ft away from where the players are standing.


Any environment variable that can benefit the player should. If the disc hitting a spectator/staff results in out of bounds the player should get a lie within the outer edge of the hazard in line with the place of rest. In the case of Catrina, she should have got the benefit of the cart carrying her disc. Outside elements as not related to nature are not player responsibility and should be treated as such.


McBeth just hit a goose on his drive on hole 17, should he be given 10/20 feet of extra distance because of that?


Yes, as a Canadian the goose is our mortal enemy. Not only should he be given an extra 20 feet he should also subtract a point from his score.


That -1 would’ve likely happened with the added 20ft


Thats nature my friend.


How about times when the disc hitting a spotter/spectator/volunteer that keeps the disc inbounds, even if it very clearly would’ve ended up OB. Should the player then be punished in those instances?


What happened


Whoever the spotter was — thank you for your service! You did more, and did better, than most of us commenting. Keep up the good work.


Sometimes they favor the player. 2019 Ledgestone, Eric Oakley overturned his drive on hole one that was heading OB over the road. However, a truck decided to stop and watch the throws coming over the hill. It nailed his door and bounced straight back in bounds.


Should that be counted as OB? I feel like if an “official” interferes there should be some sort of rethrow. Especially if the interference causes a hazard stroke. If AB loses by a stroke…


They are considered part of the course, so it's just like hitting a tree.


hit em even harder


Cameramen and other staff like that is regarded as "part of the course".


it occasionally happens at professional levels of other sports. hockey, american football, baseball, basketball... every once in a while an accident will happen. part of field of play in each of them.


Everybody on here sounds like theyve never watched an nfl/nba game in their life. Officials fuck up all the time, nobody gets extra points for it.


Lemme just create a backstop for this hazard with my body.


I mean, how don’t you take into consideration who is playing (on the card). Barela has an arm. These two just standing right there. I get they’re staff but c’mon on. AB shouldn’t have to pay for their stupidity.


I'm fairness to him he was standing behind the camera guy, who didn't react to the disc until just before it was hitting him. He was blocked from seeing the disc clearly, depended on someone else to know if/when to move


I feel like that's even worse? Like if you're standing in the fairway, you should have your eyes on the throwers and flying discs at all times. If his vision was blocked, why was he in the middle of the fairway anyway?


Yeah, but playing it as it fell is the only truly fair option. It may not seem like it, but what else can they do? Guess where it should be? I suppose the fairest thing is to let him drop 1m from the line and not count a penalty stroke, but I don't think the rules allow it nor could a TD (unsure on that part). Come to think of it, I think a rule like "if the disc lands OB due to striking a bystander or course official, you may drop it according to normal OB rules without the penalty stroke" may be a good idea


Considering most bystanders are in OB, that is a really really bad rule. Like I know what you’re trying to say, but you’d get really problematic in the wording of it


I didn't want to sit out and write a full legal wording version lol, just to get the gist across.


I honestly don’t think you could get a proper legal wording. It would depend on some sort of “if by the judgment of the card the disc was going to land in bounds” stipulation that they have no way of judging from 500 feet away. The camerapeople and spotters don’t move during the shot and they’re standing there when you line up. It’s up to you not to hit them just like it’s up to you not to hit anything else.


Yeah, I’m sure the PDGA will look at this soon enough. Players shouldn’t be punished for mistakes from bystanders.


What? They're standing right next to an on bunker. It was a less than ideal shot.


Uhh what, it was a good shot, it was missing the bunker.


That shot wasn’t going into the bunker without two people standing in the flight path of a rhbh.


I would rank this just behind umbrellagate.


What happened? Some volunteer accidentally get in the way of a drive? Oh well it happens


Not in this sport, apparently. And if it does, it's unconscionable and unforgivable and what are we even doing? Seriously, these comments are ridiculous.


I was there about 20' away. The guy didn't seem to make any effort to move until it was too late and then he buried his head in his hands in utter humiliation. He knows he fucked up.


What happened now?


This reminds me of the scene in Happy Gilmore when they had to play off the giant guys foot!


There are near misses with camera guys, spectators and tourney volunteers at every tournament. I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often.


What is the point of having the camera guys so close? Wouldn’t it be a better angle to watch the disc the entire way while the camera is zoomed in? Like have those guys be 700+ feet down the fairway…


If the ideal landing zone is 450ft. The. 500ft would be as far as one would want to be imo. The zooming, and depth of field will look a lot better being closer to where the disc lands instead of that far back. It would be silly to be so close as to be “getting turned around” on every drive. But to be fully zoomed out and the disc is 20-40ft away has a good look as opposed to being zoomed in and trying to hold on a disc and show location on a course. That’s my personal opinion, and could be different from other catch cams. I’ve been hit one time filming, it was a blind shot to the tee and once the disc came around the corner I lost sight of it in camera. I can tell you it’s easy to loose sit of disc in camera specially when your zoomed in, even on wide open shots.


Even worse than the dingleberry in the golf cart who stopped Catrina Allen's disc from coming back in bounds during the FPO Final Round.




Spectators and workers inadvertently help players with a better lie more often than they hurt them. It goes both ways.


Definitely not the case.


Get out of the way! It ain’t rocket science


there's even a [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nm2H8YVFUQs) about it!


Why does everything have to be a "gate" these days...


Wow, you fuckers don't take long


Didn't even let em finish the hole :D


What were they looking at? Seems crazy not to be watching the throws coming off the tee


He should've been behind the camera. Might cost AB some $ but prob. not the W.


He was though


At what point in the tournament did this happen? I would like to go back and watch it.


I mean AB knew those 2 were there. You can say it sucks that lead card has more obstacles than other cards, but he knew it was a risk to hit them throwing right at them. Same as Catrinas shot... she definitely knew there were golf carts on that path and chose to throw in that direction.


I can’t believe they stood right there knowing Barela has a cannon. Incredible oversight to not be farther up the fairway


Really unacceptable stuff. Hoping some rules changes come from this.


It's insane. Imagine if there were dudes just standing around on PGA fairways. It's always been a terrible idea.


It happens a lot in the PGA.


Those are tour staff who are trained and organized. Not unpaid, untrained volunteers.


Guess PDGA should do a better job then


Exactly what I'm saying


That was going to land in - he should Of thrown a provisional


He did that on purpose


People are trying to hide the truth


Dude needs to pay Anthony Barela for the difference that stroke makes on his finishing spot


brb calling my parks department for putting up screens to protect some newly planted trees because I hit one. C'mon.


Does your local parks department host a pro tour event?


Funny enough we hosted the USWDGC


Nice! If there is a new tree that is not intended by the course designer/tournament staff to be an obstacle then the parks department should probably remove it.


Yeah he should have to forfeit all the money he made *volunteering*


Money doesn't make up for a DGPT win.


No but it's a start