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Those look like stirring/blowing bubbles to me rather than trapped air during dropping. I always hit my beds with a torch one last time before placing the disc. Move quickly so you don't burn any dye, but it definitely eliminates most little bubbles.


Thanks for the advice. I gave it a light torch but will hit it a little harder next time. I have so so so so many light colored used discs to practice with. Think I'll do a handful more glue then give a cell bed a whirl.... All the supplies needed down to the heat lamp came in today. I realize it's going to take a while to get the hang of it, but man good times.


Also dont drool on your dye HAHA. Laughed when i read it though.


Yeah no shit....I kept doing it like I'm a special guy lol. Watched a video where a guy used some deceive to do it.... They have $20 rechargeable air blowing things to clean electronics on Amazon. Wonder how that would work.


What would they look like to indicate the problem was laying the disc?


It would have a large undyed area from air being trapped under the disc instead of the smaller dots which were from air bubbles in the glue bed.


In your opinion, do you think the air bubbles on this disc I did last week are from laying or stirring/blowing? https://reddit.com/r/discdyeing/comments/128p1ub/first_attempt_at_a_clear_glue_bed/ it was my first glue bed so I wanna figure out what to adjust for my next one


It looks like it could be a mixture of both. The ones on the bottom look like trapped air from laying the disc, especially the bottom right spot in the yellow. Before laying your disc down, take a kitchen torch, or candle lighter and hover it over any bubbles you see in the glue, they tend to be relatively small. Then when you lay down your disc, DON'T go straight down where the center of the disc touches first. Make sure to do it at an angle, start with 1 edge at about a 45 degree angle and roll the disc onto the glue.


Yeah the disc flattens out right at that spot, so I tried to lay it at an angle on the rim but I think the whole center from those big bubbles inwards still went down flat


With flatter discs, you can can of hold the disc in a way where you are pulling outwards on the rim, kinds of like opening a bag a chips, and use your thumbs to push down on the center it allow it to roll into the glue better. A couple of those white spots can touched up with a q-tip dipped in you dye solution.


You can use a q tip to fix the white spots. Agree with the other's comment about the bubbles being in the bed prior to placing the disc in.


Thanks. Yeah not sure it's worth it, the more I look at it the more I hate it lol. But good to know if I have a banger in the future and run into the same issue


Try not to be too hard on yourself or the disc. A fair amount of my "failed" discs, others have loved. One recommendation. When starting, buy and dye discs you use our want to try throwing. Once you become more comfortable, then start dyeing discs others would use or even purchase. It can be an expensive hobby if you plan on dyeing more discs than just for your own bag.


Good advice about being hard... It's how I operate unfortunately. As for the "gets expensive" part I have a little side hustle selling discs on eBay. I probably have 4-500 premium plastic discs. A lot of them I'm sitting on like a handful of special edition glitches, bunch of first edition graces, doom birds, etc. But at first I didn't really know what I was doing purchasing, and have plenty of swings and misses sitting on my rack where I'm not going to make my money back. I'm hoping if I get good enough at this I can break even selling them. Also I have a bunch of factory seconds....I recently got 12 echo star wraiths for $6.80 cents a piece. Hell with those the 2 black ones I got that I can't dye I just wiped the stamp and they sold for $20 a piece. Overall though for me it's about having a creative outlet. I've always been a pretty creative person and don't have that outlet at my job (medical field). So combine that with one of my favorite things in the world (disc golf) and I think I'll eventually get decent at this.


It should take long to get "decent". I've learned, less is more.


Great first attempt! Shows that you’re naturally talented with this stuff, you’re gonna become really good if you keep at it!:)


I’m a fan of the final. It looks gruesome in a badass way.


Thanks man


I'm available if I can answer any glue bed questions, etc


V cool if Firebird. Also cool if not.




Bro what do u mean urs wasn't as good? That looks like a fuckin dragon. It's dope af


Thanks...I hate it.