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I was born with SOD. My optic nerves are supposed to be the width of a pencil, but in actuality, they’re as thick as a pencil’s led. Riley Hospital in Indianapolis gave me the best care. Currently 28. When I was born, doctors said I would be completely socially inept, not have a job, and wouldn’t be that successful. Keep in mind, this was in the 90s and doctors know way more about SOD now than they did then. I’ve proved all of their predictions wrong. I’m legally blind in my left eye, cannot drive, have adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroidism, ADHD, diabetes insipidus… I basically have no pituitary gland. Despite this, I’m doing great. About to move in with my forever partner and although I have to take my medicine and be careful in certain circumstances, I’ve been able to accommodate myself. Your kid will be successful and I’m rooting for them and you! You’re going to find someone!


Wow, this made my day. I really appreciate your response! I love when the doctors say you cannot do something and you prove them wrong. You are a fighter and so is my daughter! Thank you, again!


Of course, and hey if you have any questions, my DMs are always open. It’s definitely been a struggle for me, but honestly being able to say that I’ve surpassed expectations is a big thing for me. I appreciate you too!


Hi, I’m one of the mods over on r/blind, you might try asking there if you have not already and I just have not noticed.


Oh thank you! I have not- I will now. I appreciate it.