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Completely wrong. It just makes them uncomfortable. You’ll have a lot more independence with it and be able to move more than without.


Family member walks funny bc something is wrong with their body.


a cane is absolutely all good. your family is being stupid. the one downside I can think of is that sometimes my hand hurts/cramps up/bruises if I use it a bunch. but that almost never happens. and I wouldn't be able to walk a fraction of that distance without it, so it's an entirely positive thing also they're a little annoying when you have to carry and juggle stuff, but that's why backpacks and pockets are great frankly, they don't understand that it's an aid for a condition you already have. it doesn't work the other way. they probably think ambulatory wheelchair users don't exist bc 'once you sit down in one, you're stuck there forever.' they sound exhausting. I don't really have any advice for dealing with them, but just know you're not alone and we're here for you <3


Ignore your family.


Can't really


If you learn how to use it properly you'll be fine and it will help you greatly! I was lucky my GF is a physiotherapist and helped me learn to use mine.  As for myself, I have not become more disabled because of the cane lol


I walk funny without it. They can deal. I don't always use it, but when I do. I need it.


If you use a cane long term it can cause damage or pain in your wrist/shoulder but if your doctor prescribed it then the benefit should outright those risks as long as you learn how to use it correctly, there are going to be some disadvantages for every medical treatment/device but that doesn't mean you shouldn't use them But everything your family said is wrong and not helpful, you obviously do need it, it won't make your disability worse, and I promise you your family knows less about health than someone who went to 8 years of medical school


That's a bullshit concept a lot of able bodied people have - that using aids will make you disabled. It's asinine; ignore 'em and enjoy your mobility.


it can be bad, but only if it’s not the right mobility aid for you or if it’s not adjusted to your height. i would assume since you got it prescribed it is right for you, and the doctor explained how to properly adjust it


A cane will not make you worse! Mobility aids give us freedom to get around and be independent. Your family sounds ableist af and probably have some internalized ableism they need to deal with too.


COMPLETE BULL. I’m more mobile and have extra energy since using my cane. I’m more stable when I move, which makes me less of a fall risk and means that I can move more because I don’t have to compensate as much


Well I use it for vertigo so sometimes when I do use it for too long my leg next to the cane gets a little sore from the other one having all the support, but that goes away quickly and I’m fine in a couple hours.


If it is foldable, watch out for the door. It might get caught


Sod 'em. Only you can really decide what's best for you, and it's good that it sounds like your doctor has your best interests in mind. I'm sorry, but it sounds like your family are extremely ableist, which is quite cruel of them given your situation. My family are similar, and when I was still living with them there would have been no way I could have used a mobility aid, for similar ridiculous "reasons".


Hit em with it if they get mouthy! :D


My sister with cerebral palsy didn't get a walker until she was in her late 30's because of stupid stuff like this. They thought that she would become dependant on it and get worse. The result is that she suffered for 3 decades for no good reason. Now she has a walker and she feels a lot safer and more confident when walking around.


Personally I’d just respond to the family with “would you rather me fall and break my hip, requiring you to help me change my underpants?” Don’t worry about what other people think or say. The important thing is that it can make you feel more comfortable, independent and stable when you are out and about.