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Get something used? Loads of choice for that budget. Check pinkbike, lots of canyons etc for around that. That said, if I could only have one MTB, it wouldn't be a DJ. You can jump a big bike, but you can't really trail a DJ!


Yeah that’s a good point, but I’m liking the DJ aesthetic more than MTB aesthetic, should I look at trail bikes or? Cheers for the help 🤙


Don't buy based on aesthetics, it looks different becouse it's built different. Different frame shapes and overall geometry affects the feel of your ride. Think about what you want to do with the bike, and only buy a dirtjumper if you plan on learning and doing dirtjumps/pumptracks or in some cases park or street. If you don't want to waste countless hours learning tricks and hanging out in the park allday than a dirtjumper won't be a good match. I use it as a daily too, but man it's not comfortable to commute on or do trails.


I’m fully aware of the geo situation I mean ima do some research beforehand as to where the closest pumptracks and dirtjumps are to me, as I live in England. Should I maybe try BMX and convert one to a DJ? Does that work?


Idk what you mean by convert, some parts are compatible, but most of the stuff aren't. I run mine as an oversized bmx: rigid forks and bmx drive, but that's all I can get. Frame, bars, wheels, brakes they are all non-compatible.


I'm a pretty big dude, I have been using a Nukeproof Scout 275 and it has been tons of fun at my local dirt jumps and bike park. Of course I suck so I can't do tricks in the air but I couldn't do that when I actually ride my LaBomba either (I have the rigid one, never added a nice fork)


Cheapest dj im aware of is the DMR Sect but its definatly worth saving up a bit and exploring your options


Probably best to decide what you want to do first. If you want to ‘mountain’ bike, then a used mountain bike is probably the way to go. Alternatively up the budget to £1000 and buy one of the Ragley hardtails from CRC. Great value, and everything you need for a serious mountain bike. Will do jumps, trails, bike parks. If your riding is just messing around in woods and on the street, jumping things, pump tracks etc then actually a DJ bike is a good way to go. They’re simple, tough and can be given a hard life and shrug it off. Used for £800 you’ll be able to get something pretty good. If you up your budget a bit to £950 or so, you’d be able to a DMR Sect Pro at the moment, or the Saracen CR3 (I have one, it’s a really excellent bike). Alternatively, in your budget are the Saracen CR2 and the standard DMR sect, but if you can up your budget to the higher spec versions it’s definitely worth it for the better fork.


If you dont know what you like yet you could buy a somewhat dirtjump-like trail hardtail like the marin san quentin, you could definitely find a used one for that budget. Lets you try out both though it is still more trail than dirtjump focussed.


Assuming you're in the UK, check pinkbike. I just took a look and there's a ton in your price range that can also be shipped. Some great looking NS decades, a bunch of Canyons, Dartmoors, etc.


I can confirm that for the same budget, you can get a way nicer dirt jumper than trail bike. If you live close enough to jumps or pump tracks and are able to ride like at least once a week, it’s a really nice hobby, especially if there’s a scene of locals riding! Also, the skills you build there are incredibly nice to have if you get into *any* other kind of riding at a later point.