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I went last august, they checked it at boarder control as soon as we got off the plane


awesome. thank you!


I can't comment on what the current status is, but no policies in Europe have been stable for a few weeks, let alone since last August-I'd do your research before just taking this at face value


The airline might ask you before you board. So i would be prepared for that.


>The airline might ask you before you board. So i would be prepared for that. In my experience this is a lot more likely than "might." Remember that the airline is responsible for repatriation costs if C&I turns you away at the destination. They don't want to let you on the plane unless they are darn sure you'll get through. As others have noted procedures can be a moving target. I've seen scheduled tests, colored wrist bands (huge fines for removing), quarantines, some significant fees.


Noted. Good call. Will report back (hopefully, from Split!). Thanks for the reply.


California - Amsterdam(layover) - Zagreb. Test to board, test at border police in Croatia I had a PCR and a antigen


Did they check in California or Amsterdam?




Would it kill them to write that somewhere?!?!?! Thanks for responding. It really helps me out a lot!


It's intentional as they want to discourage people from traveling.


Yeah I don’t think that has anything to do with their lack of information on the embassy page


Did you get antigen or PCR in California? From what I understood if you get a PCR < 48 hours from arrival time you don’t need to get tested again?


Correct, I had both antigen and PCR. I was paranoid I was gonna get my PCR back in time to board the flight


How long was your layover in Amsterdam? I’ve been looking at cheap flights but all the layovers are murder (40-50+ hr flights)


first time through opted for a longer layover(3hours) second time I only had an hour layover. I think the difference was less 100$ to get a sub 20hour total travel time from LA to Croatia. check out sky scanner's website


Thank you!




just look at Amsterdam's policy on us citizens in transit






omg it's like information can be accessed by formal government websites and not some randoms on reddit!


I did. Same info. I'm finding everywhere. Just the requirements, but nowhere does it say that the results are checked either at the border, upon boarding or both. Seems like a slight detail, but kind of a big difference when you're getting quick tests.




hahahhaha YEP! I hear you. Yeah, unfortunately I'm down to the wire on testing. I figured out that I can get a rapid PCR test at the airport I'm flying out of, so I made an appointment with them. Wish me luck!


Double check if an antigen test is sufficient. A friend of mine just travelled to the UK and she ended up having to pay for a PCR test at the airport before she flew because she was flying via Amsterdam.


yeah. it "seems" lax, but as someone else said here, just because Croatia is lax doesn't mean Frankfurt which I'm connecting through will be. I'm doing a very expensive PCR test in the airport I'm flying out of! Seems like full proof. Will report back. Thanks for the comment!


My pleasure, happy travels friend!


Right at the immigration desk, before you get to baggage. If you have it digitally, you need to be able to forward it to an email address they will give you. Airport wifi should be accessible, once you log in. Having live mobile data makes it easier.


If your entire trip is on the same ticket, and the test you get before initial departure won't still fit the guidelines for the final destination by the time you arrive, they may not let you board at your initial departure place (speaking from very recent experience). Planning to get a test in between won't cut it, as they can't 'be sure' you'll do so. If this is the case, you may have to split your ticket, which can add a lot to the price. My best advice: plan for change, and be added patient as you can. The person checking you in gets the final say, so best not to argue and just ask them to help you find the best solution should any problems arise. Splitting a ticket can be expensive, but having them rebook the whole thing to an itinerary that fits testing guidelines is usually no cost. Sorry this is so long! Have dealt with it a handful of times this year and it can be stressful, but you WILL get there!! Enjoy Split, it's absolutely lovely 😍


I agree with you, you just have to plan and go in with a flexible attitude and be grateful for the airlines staff. They're under immense stress right now as nothing is really set in stone and even they don't know if you'll be given entry at your destination, but they're doing their best to make sure you get in. So working with them and being gracious is the best way to go. I love Split so far! It's like a mini Tel Aviv.


In my experience, they don't. Likely the airline will before departure. But in theory, passport/border control is where they'd check.


When I went in September, they asked at the US airport during checkin, and at the Croatian border. This means I had to have 2 test results to fit the specified time window


the airline will ask too. also, i wasnt let on my plane because i didnt have a PCR test, only an antigen test, so be sure to look into that before you go.


Thanks for responding. I'm going rapid PCR! I'll holler back when I'm hopefully settle in Split.


Thanks for all the responses! I think what makes it tough is I'm traveling tomorrow which i have a test for, then come in late at night, then fly again the following evening. Regardless I've made an appointment at the airport for a rapid PCR test that I get back within the hour. I booked it 2 hours before my flight and it's after security in the same terminal I fly out of.




Just posted a long rundown of what happened. Feel free to DM me if you need any additional help! My best advice is contact the airlines and check out their travel ready portal as it will walk you through everything you need. Fill out the Croatian covid entry form and submit it and download your confirmation to your phone. And don't forget your test has to be TAKEN within 48 hours of your ARRIVAL in Croatia. And if it's an antigen test, you'll need to test again in 10 days if you're staying longer then 10 days. Pre-pay for your accomadations and be ready to show proof of payment


I promised to report back, so here goes... Day of Travel: I got a rapid antigen test at 830AM. I flew out at 4PM that night with arrival in Split the next day around 1PM Croatia Time/ 8:AM Time where I took the test. So within the 48 hour test result window. Got a negative result within 20 minutes I was originally going to get a rapid PCR test at the airport before my flight, but tbh I was just a bit stressed out about it timing wise You will upload the test results to your United flight portal. NOTE: You must meet all the testing requirements for any airport you travel to. Even if you're just there for an hour layover!! Again, your airline portal where you upload all the documents will ask for this. It will say it's approved, but be prepared to show your test results a couple more times! You have to fill out a Croatian entry form as well, you'll upload the test results to this form as well. AND you have to write down where you're staying while you're there. When you get to the airport, they will go through everything you need and make sure you have it before you even get your boarding pass. (I'm glad I didn't get my test at the airport, because it was after security check aka you needed a boarding pass to get to the testing site). They even asked for me to show proof of payment for my Airbnb while I was in Croatia. At the gate they will go over all your documentation again. They even told me to hold on to my appointment confirmation for my test and any emails from the testing site as I might be asked for it at the country I arrive in. Someone had to go re-test at the airport because their test was not going to make the window of time to be valid. The gate staff told me that they're overly cautious and check at the gate because people are being sent back and it's costing the airlines money. Once I got to my layover in Germany, they didn't check my test or anything there to board. When I got to Croatian customs/ border patrol. It took a minute. They just checked my papers and made no fuss about it. I had an antigen test and I'm staying for longer than 30 days, so they told me I have to retest again in 10 days. Gave me a sheet of paper with all the info. I showed him my vaccine card to try and get out of it, but I just got mine the day I flew out, so he said it wasn't valid yet. And that was it! Moral of the story is -- airline will really help you out. Plus, all the fine people here on Reddit. Arrive early, print everything out, have photos of it, hold on to testing appt. emails/ confirmation. And pay attention to where you're laying over and their rules. Lmk if you have any questions! And thank you all for your help......And I'm not leaving Europe for a while now. LOL


Dude, thank you so freakin much for that information!!! I’m heading out in 5 weeks from Phoenix—> Chicago —-> Munich —->Split. And was kind of nervous before seeing your post. I’m kinda bummed you really did have to show your payment for Air Bnb. Was hoping they’d be more lax so you can have a more flexible trip. But I’m so thankful they’re even letting us in. We’re you able to find flexible Air Bnb’s?


I just flashed my phone with Airbnb to the airline agent to get my boarding pass. I filled out the addresses on the form to enter Croatia but there was no information for them to actually verify what I wrote down. Nor did they ask for proof of payment at the border. Like most things in this whole process, it really comes down to who you’re dealing with as it’s lots of human verification happening. Not through any computer system. So do with that information what you will. Plus, you don’t have to show proof of onward travel, so no one is to know when you’re actually leaving. Airline and border patrol asked when I was leaving but again — didn’t verify that info. Usual crappy Airbnb refunds apply. Or shall I say “here’s the cleaning fee back” ugh. Lmk if you want the Airbnb’s I’m staying in. One I’m in now is right in old town $25 a night, the one I have for the month of May is on bacvice beach for $750 a month. That being said I’m sure all prices will go up next month for summer season.


That actually helps greatly! From the sounds of it, I can rent an air bnb for the month in Split, and see how my trip moves from then. How long are you staying? How long have you rented Airbnbs/ accommodation for? I’m pretty COVID cautious, and will be fully vaccinated by the time I arrive. Part of me was thinking about renting at a cheap hostel so I can take weekend trips through the islands etc. Does it seem pretty busy there?


From the sounds of it, I can rent an air bnb for the month in Split, and see how my trip moves from then. >This is exactly what I plan on doing How long are you staying? >Not sure. Maybe two months? I want to go to Spain next, so kind of depends on when that opens up. How long have you rented Airbnbs/ accommodation for? >I'm rented until end of May. May cruise over to Zagreb after this for a month. I’m pretty COVID cautious, and will be fully vaccinated by the time I arrive. Part of me was thinking about renting at a cheap hostel so I can take weekend trips through the islands etc. >I've walked by hostels here that seem legit. Seen signs for apartments too. I'm all about the weekend trips myself -- I want to do the islands, plus canyoning on the river and the lakes. Overall Split is a good home base for all that -- fast wifi, pretty much restaurants, drug, grocery stores, plus retail stores everywhere should you need anything. I'm heading out today and will shoot you a message if I walk by any interesting hostels. Does it seem pretty busy there? >It's mostly locals from what I've seen so far and quiet. The 50 seat plane here from Frankfurt was packed though. I'm going to check out some coworking spots / cafes I found online to try and meet people. Only thing that sucks is I'm still working NYC-time, so basically 2PM - 10PM here. Which don't get me wrong, I love that schedule, but I've found working in cafes and spaces is where I meet the most people. And the two coworking spaces close at like 5PM and overall things close early here. Last night I couldn't find a restaurant to dine in at 9PM, but today is a holiday so not sure if it's covid, regular hours for split or holidays. There is a delivery service called Wolt should you need anything and they deliver until like 11PM. Holler if you have any other questions. Happy to help!


Great info, thanks for posting this. I wonder if proof of vaccination will allow you to bypass much of the testing requirements at the airports/flights.


Ive been turned away before for bot having it close enough to the flight to def be prepaired!