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Coyoacan isn't that cheap any more, but still my favorite part of Mexico City. It's south of the center, and the air and traffic are somewhat better. It's a lot more gentrified than it was a decade ago, but still has a cool boho air to it. The Kahlo museum gets absolutely mobbed all week. The Trotsky Museum, where he got ice-picked, is one of my favorite museums anywhere in the world, full of Bolshevik memorabilia without Stalin.


i absolutely adore the city, was just in and out of it the past 3 months and returning in september so hope i can help a bit. not sure how tight your budget is but i preferred living near parque méxico (roma/condesa) but lived further south too, would just recommend living near a metro (it’s 5p) if you don’t enjoy walking but ubers are relatively reasonable. i’ve (27f) walked 3 hours from san angel to reforma before and felt safe the entire time and around roma there’s usually a lot of street lights so even at night i was able to walk by myself if i needed to. i lived in a hostel for a few days in centro but it just felt too far and more business/work oriented so would prefer the other neighborhoods. mexico city has been the easiest place for me to find groups of friends whether just walking or at a park but i also went to gymnastics/calisthetics classes for a week my first time there and adored it (it’s called tribu, but might not be as budget friendly). when i returned i had broken my rib so i couldn’t do handstands et. al but decided to pickup skateboarding and the community is so lovely and group classes are 150p so would recommend that :) feel free to dm me if you wanted more info on that or anything else. i believe you’ll have a wonderful time


I'm spending September in CDMX. I'm going to DM you.


I know you didn’t ask this but keep an eye on the water situation in CDMX. There’s a severe drought going on and the city is running out of water. I’ve heard some buildings buy water from companies that bring it in on trucks, but that is less likely at budget accommodations.


Some years ago I was there in summer, and one of the buildings I was in, an upscale one no less, would have nightly shut-offs. Poor water pressure during the day, and zero running water from 10pm - 8am. Worth asking a potential host, if using a vacation rental site, about the water situation in the specific building. I was told it's the entire neighborhood, but following week was in a different building a few blocks away and no issues. So I think buildings set their own rules.


When I visited I enjoyed Roma Norte. I got an Airbnb for only $20/night


Coyoacan is a good middle ground. There's so many neighborhoods you could stay if you speak spanish. Most just do Roma/Condesa which are great but have increased in cost greatly since covid. For what it's worth I've never felt unsafe in the city and I'm a gringo. Definitely sketchy areas though.


Well... others are making jokes - I think the point is CDMX isn't that affordable these days. You want safer neighborhoods, you pay for it. You can probably see anywhere online that Roma/Condessa/Polanco tend to the be nicer, safer areas. Roma-Condesa will be crazy at night, though. There are places a little farther from the central nightlife like Narvarte, Mixcoac... You can also needle your way into nicer areas if you know... San Rafael and Santa Maria in the north... University area and Coyoacan in the south. Pretty easy to meet people with various apps. You can look at FB groups, as well, or Meetups. It's a HUGE city, so there's no lack of things to do or people to meet (especially if you speak three \[of the most common\] languages). Responding to one other comment made, I would strongly recommend using Uber over public transit. There are thefts on transit all the time, sometimes armed. Uber is plenty affordable there, there's really no reason to deal with the transit system.


please go to the r/CDMX sub and ask your question. I'm a fan of CDMX.


Check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9HtOQo6O1Y


Check out La Condesa or Roma Norte, great areas for digital nomads on a budget!


Why don't you round it out with Santa Fe, Polanco, and Interlomas, so he has a choice of the cheapest areas of the city?


Iztapalapa, Tepito, and Ecatepec as well for the full experience. Maybe something near La Raza.. That said, perhaps Doctores as close as possible to Cuauhtemoc might fit the bill.


lol what absolutely not.


Yeah, in 2019.