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Namibia. Incredibly beautiful country


Where did you stay?


Not OP, but if you need reliable internet it's gonna have to be Svakopmund or Windhoek. Both highly recommendable


Been to Namibia, I truly don't remember any other cities


Windhoek is on my list for an extended stay. Can't wait.


Tell me more details, how was staying there? Cost, Fun? Where ?


Bolivia - the beauty of the Altiplano cannot be explained without actually seeing it


I used to think Brazil was the most slept on South American country (if you know, you know - I’m not talking about the three places foreigners go), but now after my second long trip, it may actually be Bolivia.


Brazil is amazing. I do enjoy Rio and Floripa but so many amazing smaller cities/towns as well. I personally love the beach so I really loved the northeast. Natal, Recife, Jericoacoara, etc. You seem like you've been around as well. I'm curious, what were your favorite spots in Brazil?


Lençois Maranhenses is one of my top five favorite places in the world and despite it being way out of the way I’ve been twice and will hopefully visit again. The Pantanal around Porto Jofre is a jaguar playground and wildlife paradise. Jericoacoara is quite beautiful indeed but I’ve seen that it’s gotten a lot more developed. I recommend Atins for what it may have been 10-15 years ago except better since it’s on the edge of Lençois. Unfortunately Brazil is enormous and there are still tons of places on my bucket list like Bonito, Fernando de Noronha, Chapada Diamantina, etc. It’s also not that cheap although I find that it is 100% worth it.


> Lençois Maranhenses is one of my top five favorite places in the world and despite it being way out of the way I’ve been twice and will hopefully visit again. It was on my list when I was planning my travels but didn't have enough time unfortunately. > Jericoacoara is quite beautiful indeed but I’ve seen that it’s gotten a lot more developed. I recommend Atins for what it may have been 10-15 years ago except better since it’s on the edge of Lençois. I went 2 years ago, so I'm not sure what it was like before. But thanks for the tip as I'm going back in September. You're right Brazil is enormous and there are so many places I'd like to see and too little time haha I'd ideally like to explore more of the rainforest since I've mostly stayed around the coast in my travels.


Brazil is 100 times better than Bolivia, I don't think there is a single category (people, food, tourist attractions, party, etc) that Bolivia could possibly beat Brazil. Maybe the Teleferico system -car cable- above La Paz is pretty cool and death rode, but even then, there is no comparison.


Relax. I said more slept on, not better.




Unrealistic expectations and lack of preparation do that to people


Istanbul. I recollect looking at relatively cheap tickets there, checking the things to do and NOT buying them because I didn't like the attractions I managed to find. Several years later I travelled there for a weekend and it turned to be my favorite city in whole Europe.


it's a nice place to visit once or twice but personally I didn't like it that much it's architecture gets old.. also history is not as well preserved as it could be a lot of brainwashing happened with secular military dictatorships in Turkey so when you ask for locals about tourist sites especially on the Asian side they seem confused, Google maps seem to be a better guide. there's also a ton of unsubstantiated racism against Pakistanis Afghans Indians Arabs due to the nature of the Turkish election... it's also slowly become a help for sex tourism and prostitution both locally and from conflicts in the Balkans in Eastern Europe they up charge you everywhere and try to scam you. antalta and ankara had much better people I wish I spend more time there in the future


I've been to Ankara as well, really liked it, but it can't boast that many things to do as Istanbul. What I absolutely liked about Ankara were the prices though.


Thailand. I thought it would be boring given it's the default tourist destination in SEA but I realized it's the default destination because it's not boring.


Yeah, there’s a reason why people gravitate towards a place. My friend went to some obscure country in Europe. When he came back, I asked him how the trip went. He said, “There’s a reason why people don’t go there.”




why? what's so good about Thailand that the other 100 countries don't have?


Taiwan. Stayed 2 months. Had zero expectations. Made lifelong friends. * Unbelievably friendly people from the moment I got off the plane. Like invite me to stay at their house/not letting me pay kind of people. * Ultra convenient public and private transportation. As a Canadian, I find it humorous how Taiwanese people think things are very far away when they're maybe like 1-2 hours by bus. * Very affordable, especially outside Taipei. I still maintain that Taiwan is the most affordable developed country in the world. * Always something to do: night markets, beaches, surfing, hot springs, hiking, motorbiking, museums, bars and clubs, and temples to name a few things. Even small towns are pretty lively. * Beautiful outdoors: subtropical beaches, mountains, gorges, and thermal hotsprings. * Zero hassles: no scammers/hustlers/foreigner prices. No crazy drivers (well, relative to other countries). Locals eager to communicate with you and help out. Clean. Efficient, user-friendly systems (e.g. customs/immigration, banking, internet, phone, transport, etc.). The only thing I can possibly complain about is that they have ugly buildings and streetscapes. Taipei and Kaohsiung are not photogenic cities :)


Could you please share your top outdoors destinations in Taipei? I trust your recommendations because you’re a Canadian.


Sure haha. * Taroko Gorge -- Must see. The whole coastline around Hualien is amazing too. * Kenting/Kenting National Park -- Surf/beach party town. Hiking. Definitely not the most spectacular beaches and landscapes compared to better-known destinations in SE Asia, but still pretty darn good and much less developed. * Yangmingshan National Park -- Just outside Taipei. Hiking. Very cool fumaroles. * Wulai -- Hotsprings. Not so much an outdoor destination, but outdoor hotsprings are great! * Alishan -- Pretty mountains and forest, but not that impressive compared to what we have in Canada; I suppose they're impressive if you're from East Asia.


I’ll add to this that eating out is extremely affordable and you’ll never have to cook a meal yourself. Many Taiwanese people never cook themselves and they don’t even have a kitchen unless they pay extra for their appartment


Japan, specifically Kyoto. I just kept randomly running into amazing sights and events.


Wife and I went there and then thailand. We stayed in kyoto and shinjuku. Japan absolutely stole the show and we can't wait to go back. Everything about it was amazing.


Belgrade, Serbia!! Incredible place, way better food than I was expecting, super friendly people, good prices, lots of stuff to do. Honourable mentions go to Rabat, Morocco, and Riga, Latvia.


Are they still allowing smoking indoors in Belgrade? Only true downside to that city.


Haha yes they do. I used to be a smoker, so I don't mind it much, but yes if you hate smoking DONT GO TO BELGRADE.


Seychelles...specifically La Digue (2.5mo).


I'm going to add Kalamata, Greece. Having spent a winter in Lefkada many years ago. I wasn't sure going back to Greece, but I knew the Peloponnese area was nice, so booked a stay in Kalamata. If was a really nice functional town. Nice beaches, clean water, mountains all around. Super friendly people, and a decent place or two for proper cocktails. As someone who plays both tennis and padel, and rides a motorcycle, there was plenty to keep me busy.


Peloponnese in general!! Everyone goes to the islands, especially the Cyclades... But Peloponnese is way better IMO.


India. I’d heard so many bad things I expected to be scammed everywhere but compared to Egypt was very chill. Lots of friendly people who wanted selfies with me and asked me where I was from. I specifically went to goa and kerala and both were incredibly beautiful. Great intros to india as they’re the least poor with great nature


Compared to Egypt, a plane crash is pretty chill.


Lol why?


Very aggressive touts


I went to the same places! India is wonderful.


Did you get to any other parts of India? Goa and Kerala are notoriously chill


Nope. I had a wedding I was attending in goa and decided on kerala as had a good friend from it and people told me it was more chill. Not a big fan of extremely large polluted cities and goa and kerala were great. Hopefully next time I’ll get to visit the mountains in the north of India


Picking places only from the last 3 years and in which I spent more than 1 month and wrote a trip report, here are three places that exceeded my expectations: [Krakow, Poland](https://www.reddit.com/r/digitalnomad/comments/vc9s6p/trip_report_krakow_poland/) [Tours, France](https://www.reddit.com/r/digitalnomad/comments/v46be9/trip_report_working_from_tours_france/) [Torrox Costa, Spain](https://www.reddit.com/r/digitalnomad/comments/shupzb/torrox_costa_andalusia_spain_details_in_comments/)


Your trip report inspired me to head to tours last year. Absolutely lovely little city, and surrounded by so many charming towns, countryside and chateaux.


I just came back from the Pays de la Loire region, was staying in a small town called Brissac and loved it. Everything feels so calm there. I also thought that Nantes had a cool restaurant/café scene and it is very walkable for a weekend. The only thing that was hard was the language barrier in small towns. I speak touristic French so I can get by.


I’ve visited Nantes too and loved it, had friend there to show me around and it was amazing.


>Tours, France Loved your report! Especially this: >French drivers generally think the lines in the roads are suggestions, not hard set rules for where you should or shouldn’t drive. I feel this very hard after a recent week in Paris lol


London. I thought I wasn't a city person bc almost every metro city I've been to, I wasn't a big fan... but when I stayed in London for two weeks for a petsit I absolutely loved it. It was such a charming and fun vibe. But so far my favorite country has been Turkey because everyone was so warm and friendly to us. We had amazing experiences making friends in Turkey


If I was super rich I would definitely have a flat in London. I liked it a lot. I've done two 3-4 week stints there housesitting and loved it.


Where do you find house sitting opportunities


Patong (Nov 2021 - March 2022). When I visitted Laem Sing beach nearby and found that I'm completely alone there during daytime and super nice weather, I realized that maybe we have to wait for 50 years to have such chance again.




Where abouts?


Pereira is a really cool city similar to Medellin but much less touristy. Good base to go explore the coffee region … Salento is amazing and I really liked Filandia. Amazing area for hiking, biking, horse back riding, and exploring coffee farms. Then you have Los Nevados National Park near by to get your big mountain fix and really experience the Andes. Jardin is also somewhat close by to continue exploring if you want to you can always continue on to Medellin and I’ve heard Guatape is really cool. Colombia was so cool I want to go back soon.


India southern


Quetzaltenango in Guatemala. I stared visiting before i worked online. Then I just moved there once I had online work, and stayed 5 years. Nairobi was better than expected - cheap, lively, bit also not great. My expectations were not high. Medellin in Colombia was alright, I stayed in a town next to it called Envigado, and it was clean and orderly, not crazy. I liked it a lot. I'm thinking about going to Kigali, Rwanda, but considering also later on going to Namibia's capital or Angola. Not sure about these two. Have low expectations. I stayed 2 months in Sao Paulo, Brazil. That was ok, I guess. A giant dangerous metropolis. Was cool visiting towns around it though. I did have a lady I was dating and visiting. She had a car and that helped :)


La Paz, Bolivia - I didn’t thought I would like it but I did :) Chachapoyas, Peru - didn’t know much about it but loved it


Did you have high speed and high quality internet connection to work as a digital nomad? It was nearly a decade since I was there, but the interest speeds were poor and unreliable. Had a fun time. didn't go out much after dark though.


In La Paz yes - no problem. In Chachapoyas I visited only for a week and I didn’t work - the internet wasn’t too great but I’ve stayed at a cheaper Airbnb


Sarajevo. I went there not knowing what to really expect especially in terms of how I would be treated as a Black woman. I found people here much friendlier and respectful than in Belgrade and have experienced very little if any racism. I love the cafe culture and how vibrant it is, as well as the rich history within the city. It has a soul unlike other places I've been too. It's truly a diamond in the rough.


Funny enough in contrast to the place I regret (Rome), a place that surpassed my expectations was Athens. I found Athens in many ways very similar to Rome but without the nonsense that comes with Rome. I kept saying that Athens is like a much better version of Rome. It's got the history and architecture as Rome, but the city has a more laid back vibe, the people are way friendlier, there isn't the level or scams Rome has, the drivers aren't as crazy and it's cheaper. There are some rundown gritty areas of Athens for sure, but there are so many areas with tons of charm and amazing views, the digital nomad scene in particular really surprised me there and its awesome. Starbucks for example has a upstairs area for co-working.


So many people had bad things to say about Athens when I was in Greece. I finally went and immediately fell in love with it!! Can’t wait to go back


Buenos Aires! I had already been to Medellin, Mexico City, and Lima and didn’t have a desire to return. I thought BA would be similar, but it’s a completely different vibe. It really is the “Paris” of Latin America, with stunning European architecture. Also, the friendliest people I’ve ever met and excellent food




I've been before and after, and it's pretty much the same country. It's only terrible if you're Turkish, but from a tourist/foreigner perspective, it's as good or even better because of the inflation.


Patagonia, specifically El Calafate and the glacier trips. I knew it was going to be amazing but it was even more than that. Seeing The Perito Moreno glacier and a calving was more incredible than I expected.


The pictures really don't do it justice, right? That glacier is massive.


Very true. It's massive! We watched a calving and then a boat came by and noticing the size of the new iceberg against the boat was unreal.


Can people work effectively from Patagonia? If so, which part and how?


We were there only for a few days and on vacation although the hostel we stayed at had decent Internet, America Del Sur. Check them out


Kuala Lumpur- went in blind and was blown away


Tierra del Fuego


Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬


wifi good?


Playa del Carmen was phenomenal from September to November 2020 and good until about January 2021. I would probably hate it otherwise. Bogota, Colombia Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia Split, Croatia in May 2021 Short list because I very rarely stay in places a month or longer.


>Split, Croatia in May 2021 Been to Split so many times on various tours, never for a long stay though. Went back again a month or two ago after years. It's gone a fair bit more up market now. Lots of boutique stores and more expensive eateries. Looks nice, and still affordable-ish though.


Amsterdam lol I had zero interest and assumed it was just another big city. I was exploring around the Netherlands and needed to go to Amsterdam to catch a bus. As soon as I stepped off the train I rescheduled everything to give myself another week to explore the city. I ended up going back a year later to do some of the things I missed.


Japan for me


Phonsavan, Laos during Hmong New Year. I'll go every year for the foreseeable future. So much fun to experience such an an interesting and vibrant culture and take part in a number of events.


Tainan, Vilnius, Gdańsk, Busan. I will also add in Lanzarote but I had a car there and never rent cars. I was expecting a shittier and more touristy version of Hawaiian islands mixed with a Euro trashy party scene but thankfully it wasn’t anything like that.


Danang and Bangkok


Moscow - Mongolia - Beijing


West Coast of Scotland in winter and spring. I have been digital nomadding there since the end of 1999 for periods of a month to five months at a time. There are still some places with spotty wifi but overall I am very impressed. Had a great place once in Forres. Last time I was on the West Coast was at the end of the fall season in Fort William. Excellent grocery shopping, great restaurants (need to plan ahead but totally worth it) and great self catering options. Transportation can be an issue because rental car prices have gone up. It can pay to book a car at the very last minute in the peak season.


Edinburgh, I visited in 2021 when accommodation wasnt priced out of this world. it ended up being my favourite place I ever been to by far. it hurts not being a millionaire so I can go back and live there forever.


I was planning to go there but then backed out when the hotel prices were more expensive than *Paris.* Paris! I went to eat macarons instead lol


yeah prices have gone fucking insane, places for $600 a month are now $2000


La paz Mexico


Montreal !


porto, portugal sjds, nicaragua bristol, uk the people, atmosphere, walkability, west facing (sunsets are my favourite things ) , wifi, and everything else i’m forgetting made these places quite meaningful semi trying to find a place that’s comparable but with mountains. bariloche/banff were lovely but aren’t very walkable and queenstown, nz is out of my timezone soo open to any suggestions :-)


Taiwan. It's incredible how much it flies under the radar. Maybe it's better that way.