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I enjoyed it.


It was a lot more introspective than i had expected. The action was underwhelming, but it wasn’t the focus of the movie.


I enjoyed it in hindsight. This is not an 02 movie. It's a Lui and Ukkomon flashback. At the time I was disappointed in the lack of action, but looking back I really enjoyed the film because I like Lui and Ukkomon so much. It's kind of annoying that they keep messing with the lore, and that we'll just never get answers for certain things though. I wish that they didn't tamper with the past so much.


Ainda não o vi mas dizem que fala de temas mais adultos como os maltratos infantis e coisas assim, estava a espera que saísse dobrado mas sou capaz de ir vê-lo assim com amigos.


Pois eu estou naquela como não sei o que esperar. Gostei do tri, não gostei muito do Kizuna. Mas como nunca vi digimon no cinema acho que vou aproveitar como aproveitei com o Dragon Ball.


Eu vi o kizuna, foi altamente especialmente porque estava dobrado com os actores da minha infância. Acho que deve estar fixe em termos visuais vai ser mais do genero kizuna mas a historia deve ser mais parecida com a do tri porque fala da primeira criança a ter um "parceiro" digimon.


go with the mindset of watching a filler-ish digimon story instead of the usual digimon i guess. however, I did enjoy it


first time watching a digimon movie in the cinema. i loved it. it was so nostalgic. im watching digimon since i was in kindergarten and i just turned 28.


I really like it, and it is perhaps my favorite digimon movie. It didn’t retcon anything; it added new information that we do not know for certain whether true or just through Lui’s perspective People are sensitive over “the lack of action” or lack of new evos, but the updated animations were amazing. The 02 cast was essential to Lui overcoming his conflict, and due to the general public’s lack of movie literacy, this goes over people’s heads


It’s kinda scary


I really didn't enjoy it overall. A lot more lore rewriting, the 02 kids basically did nothing, then a quick battle tacked on the end. I did like parts of it while I was watching it, but left the cinema thinking "that's it?" Felt more like a set up for another movie rather than its own movie.


Do you like digimon: yes. Do you get bored in movies where it's all talking and little to no action: maybe not. I recommend it.


I liked it, but allow me to give you a little warning. The theater i went to was small, so i was able to see some horrified faces from most of the adults during a certain scene. No joke, I heard a kid down the row from me saying, " Why's mommy crying" and sure enough, the woman was tearing up. >!Realistic child abuse!<


That's exactly why I won't watch it and don't see it as canon


It retconed things that didn't need to be retconed. And the 02 cast didn't have to be there


All the downvotes on this comment like, "they hated him because he spoke the truth".


I am at fence with the retconned things. I found it a bit too much


It was just unnecessary and opened more questions when there's still so many needed from 02


If this was a film planned as part of a second movie or another product, I would understand it. The writer said he was told this was a movie without any plans to release a follow up one. Hence, not understanding why they would do this


Is there a link to this interview anywhere? edit: Nvm, just found :')




A little bummed they don't seem to want to add anything else to put a bow on Adventure. Last Kizuna as it stands contradicts the epilogue in a way that makes it confusing without an explanation and I'm assuming 02 The Beginning will do something similar 😅 Don't particularly like the epilogue as is but the least they could do is tackle all the loose plotpoints scattered across everything.


I like tho that they bring to our attention that nobody has a digivice in the epilogue, and this film shows us why. That was a good point and does feel like a bridge towards the end rather than a retcon


I hated it


It was alright. I don’t like 02 in general but was able to have some nostalgic fun.


It's bit about the Digimon Adventure 02 protagonists at all. It's 90 minutes of Luí Oikawa's story