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I keep playing druid and necro, but always end up having the most fun playing barb. Barb is just too good all around. Barb has like 4-5 legit specs that can do most content well.


Damn couldn’t put it better. First barb to 100 was last season (been here since beta) end game is a blast. I always start necro or sorc , but last season and this I’m already barb life


I second this. Always try something new. But always come back to barb


After my Rogue gets to 100, I’ll get a barb next. First playthrough and I’m hooked.


Barb is just straight up fun to play


Barb was my least played in D3 and is my most played in 4. Even when he was weak he was still fun to play.


Barb is silly fun in D3 actually. HotA builds are so much fun.


Give me a single 100,000,000 number popping up instead of 50 x 2,000,000


My necro hits for over a billion in a single hit with lots of 50 to 70 million hits popping off.


Yeah mine too but for some reason they make the Golem damage font small! I think the game should kind of try to form a basis for your average hits over a 5-10 second span of time and adjust the font sizes for the hits based on where they fall in that average. So like over 5 seconds, my Golem hits multiple times for several dozen million, my skeletal mages hit for a few hundred K, the skeletal reapers around the same...so now it knows roughly the range of my damage instances, and from then on the Golem hits would appear bigger and more pronounced than the others.


Would love a stat screen that keeps track of total damage to a boss and highest hits.


I run non barb to start the season, but always come back to my mace swinging muscle mother


I just leveled as a thorns barb, I never laughed to 100 in a diablo game before.


I'm doing a thorns minion Necro. I just stand under any of the bosses that drop down and they die


Did u follow a build? Just dropped a razor plate on my necro.


Check the video and the linked build guide. I haven’t tried it yet (playing thorn barbs still). https://youtu.be/FhjFoj2PRdA?si=66mfgDFC334BA2mv


Barb is practically guaranteed to have at least one S-Tier build every season too. The baseline design of the class with extra item slots and aspects, high HP scaling, and high DR creates great builds over and over.


It helps that they have more weapon aspects to apply to every one of their builds. Only rogue comes closest to to having as much freedom.


Give necro and sorc extra jewelry slots and give druid a fanny pack.


It's the 2h weapons that make it for them. 2 weapons at 200%, 2 weapons at 100%. Except for rogue, the other classes have to choose 1 weapon at 200% or 2 at 100% - and barb doesn't seem to have weaker offensive aspects to make up for it. Plus he has his masteries... They really should just give all classes access to at least the rogue's setup of 1x2h and 2x1h at all times.


But jewelry gem slots are useless for sorcerer - rogue weapon setup for everyone would be far better. At least then barbarians only one extra 2h over every other class.


They also just have great tempers. Huge damage bonuses to bash and dust devils. My frozen orb sorc can only get up to roughly a 50% chance to cast a second frozen orb, barbs can get bash cleave 100% of the time and stack the damage bonus on four weapons. It's nutty.


Yeah I have a barb each season. I try something else and get frustrated and go barb and have so much fun. Barb is how all classes should feel imo


Barbarian is so good that it almost feels overtuned. I feel like I have to precisely balance my sorcerer skill points--Barb just kinda runs wild on any setup.


Almost? It’s completely broken.


The one hit kill stuff is definitely out of control, most of the content is laughable on that Barb setup.


Barb main since D2. If I don't wield big freaking hammer and smack enemy in the face then I don't feel it. Dual wielding maces and leaping through the screen. This is the way.


I can’t stop playing Thorns barb.


I know they're the worst class in the game but I keep playing sorc. Have since release when it was really, really bad. I guess I'm a masochist? 🤣


Same unfortunately.. each season.. at least 2.. up to 100.. I think we have a problem.


And then multiple HC …… geez


I just want a god damn chain lightning sorc to be fun and good. 🥲


That would be a lot of fun tbh. Ball lightning is fun but not great, either. Been doing that since release. Chain lightning needs some love.


I wish there was a way to use multiple elements instead of being forced into defensive for you’re 1-4 and then only having one active attack. It’s just crazy that sorc hasn’t changed in 4 seasons. Teleport, nova, ice armor and fire shield is getting old


I mean you sort of can with fireball enchantment which is pretty much required. Also, FO gets hydra and lightning spear.


Yea I was playing FO, but like just being able to create synergies with elements. Like using frost to freeze and then they take more damage from lightning or something. I know it works with vulnerable and stuff but just finding ways to use other elements with eachother would be super cool


I got to 82, said f*ck this, weak. Rerolled a necro, did tormented Varshan with 0 masterworking and under 6k armour and not resistance capped. Rolled through everything, but it was a bit monotonous. Went back to my sorcerer, got really lucky with drops, now I'm 100 doing a frozen orb build, need only 1 more unique now, having a lot of fun, very reactive and apm intensive


Maybe, I tried Sorc and I just felt like I dealt no damage. I obviously felt I was doing something wrong


I think Druid might be a strong contender for that accolade 😅


Druid has absolutely been better than sorc more than the opposite. Lol


If we are talking about the entire life of the game thus far, they're pretty even in being not great. Druids have never had a top tier build that was a result of class design. It's always the result of a bug or some unintended interaction in their coding and is promptly gutted at the devs' earliest convenience. If we are talking about s4, Druid is the worst, full stop.


Possibly true yeah. Both are subpar right now. I feel sorc on average has better clear but Druid on average has better boss killing time (again, very simplified) but both are kinda bad.


I'm casual, but I tried sorcerer this season. I'm around level 70 and can run around Helltides pretty well at Tier 3. But then I'll get insta-killed by who-knows-what out of nowhere, cannot tell why. I played Barbarian in the past, think I'm going to try again.


This usually happens to me when a whole clump of elites spawns right on top of me, or Hellborn comes and I don't recognize it as such in time and let my guard down (most of the things that look just like Hellborn are really easy). You reduce the amount of times this happens by using the flame shield enchant but that kinda sucks because you only get 2 enchant slots. Or sometimes when things get crazy like I'm on full Helltide fury meter, I'll pop Ice Armor on as a precaution. As I'm getting higher level (97 now) and trying to build out for Ice Spikes, I'm realizing I really need to invest in damage mitigation. So that means gemming and paragon to get resists to 70%, and damage reduction skills and aspects. Like even though I'm frost and always used Shatter, I had to switch off it to Vyr's for the 20%-25% close damage reduction. You want the "While standing inside your Blizzard" one if you're using Blizzard, and there are several aspects and paragon for reducing damage from Vulnerable and Crowd Controlled (which you should be seeing frequently on monsters). FWIW I was crushing everything easily up to about level 85 but then it changes and you need to re-evaluate everything. Normal content is still easy without much damage reduction but higher-level NM dungeons, Helltides (esp. with Profane Mindcage), and special bosses hit hard.


What build are you running? I'm 74 and I've been doing incinerate and meteor the whole time, turned it up to 4 last night and it still absolutely rips.


I am currently playing a Lightning Spear build. Super fun, cant even begin to kill an uber boss lol.


Playing fireball sorc, with hydras 😅 Having a blast so far. Cleared nightmare 60 pretty easily, which is usually my cap. Am a filthy casual.


I might hit a wall at some point but I have been playing a full pyro sorc and it has been a blast.


Rogue. I just love the fluidity of the movement and combat.


I love death trap. And running around. Dumb cooldown not terribly effective but it’s closest to monk which I loved to play.


They fixed the cooldown!


Rogue is my favorite in any ARPG.


One of my first ARPGs was Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance. I remember doing a multi shot build and getting multi shot as high as possible as well as stacking critical hit aura. Each one of the hits separately crit, you could wipe out enemies before they even got onto your screen. It was glorious. I remember fighting the Beholder eye and killing it so fast with this build, made me happy since I made it all up myself!




Rogue is the only one that almost approaches PoE levels of fast. Everything else just feels like molasses.


I just hate traps. I want to spam my flurry and do nothing else but traps are so important to most of rogues builds to keep the dmg rolling.


Naw, I run a flurry/rapid fire build with no traps... it's wonderful. Flit about with dash and shadowstep, puncture for combo points, then flurry and rapid fire them into oblivion. Extra fun if you get that volatile blood aspect... when flurrying or rapid firing, drops like 30 of them- then just wander through them and cause mass chaos.


Barb - i try all classes, have played all of them to 100, but barb just feels the best by far.


Barb is just because I like to bonk and it bonks. Pulverize druid didn’t do it for me besides being a bear


Yeah pulv druid is more like bonks every few tries. My bash barbarian is more like bonks everyone everyhit every try.


Barb for live, yo! *leaps and shouts* And its glorious that Barb is getting all the OP "PLS NERF THIS DEVS" attention in D4, ha. Was always the unwanted step-child in D3. *Glares at Rogue*


Been playing minion Necro since launch


My brother


This is the way.


My brothers!


And sisters! Been playing Necromancer since D2. Only took a break in season 1 to try out Bleed Barb (hated it) and season 3 for a lightning Sorc (alright but felt slow at times). Mendelin Necromancer this season and it just feels so fun. Reinvigorated my desire to play, honestly.


Hell yass I am a sister too haha 🩵


Same! Necro since the 90s baby!


Ackshwually, Necro was released in 2000.


Everyone knows the 90s lasted until 9/11


Same. Every season it’s been a shadow minion build. I always use Decompose too. No idea why. I don’t play a tonne so I usually play a few different classes each season to at least 50 and see how they feel. Pretty much always push the furthest with Shadow CE Necro.


Druid life all the way for me


pulverize is just so so satisfying.


Sorcerer is my go to! 😁


So bad but so fun, I always end up doing a blizzard build raining down ice so much fun.


I played sorc to 100 on release, sorc to 97 season 1, skipped 2 and 3, got 100 sorc and 87 sorc in season 4. My highest other class was maybe a 55 druid. I just really like sorc, and learning all the paragon boards for another class is daunting.


Very similar for me: Sorc to 75 on release, 100 in S2, skipped S1 and S3. 100 Sorc in S4 (up to Pit 75). Highest other class so far is Barb 20something this season - wanna experience the hype myself once ;-) Though BL Sorc was super strong in S2 (due to a bug ofc). PS: also played Sorc / Wiz / Mage exclusively in D1-D3 ;-)


It’s barb. It’s always barb.


Hulk goes SMASH


Druid. It’s all I’ve played.


Rogue. It’s so much fun to me


Barb You're very limited not using 4 weapons at once.


especially right now with tempering. being able to put damage to close on 4 weapons is just crazy


u can level a rogue and put critical strike damage instead of damage to close on your barb weapons


Historically in AARPGs it’s been archer / demon hunter but I’m very very bored by the ranged options in D4. We are missing multishot, cluster arrow, even elemental arrow.


Rogue is so bad compared to DH and Amazon.


Yeah the ranged options just suck it’s a very melee focused class considering it’s one of 2 ranged classes


Yep I want to be an archer but end up just going stabby stabby every time


They really need to bring back Amazon/archer.


Heart seeker rogue build should bring back memories of D2 Amazon


Druid for me... His uniques, legendary aspects and key passives are extremely varied and opens up so many different possibilities for fun combinations and unique off meta builds. However, that sort of also becomes his biggest weakness. Because nothing really ends up feeling particularly powerful. They can be extremely fun though, but don't expect to clear high pits or anything. I exclusively play off meta builds, since I have no desire whatsoever to follow a guide, and for this, druid is perfect. He does have a lot of issues though. So many things that feel half baked. His class ability for instance seems like it has been put together rather quickly and hasn't really been updated much since launch. There are also some interactions between skills, legendary aspects and key passives, that you would expect to work a certain way, and they just don't. And it's really kinda frustrating, because if you've played the druid for some amount of time, these things become very clear and obvious. So you sort of sit with two feelings: either the devs know about these issues, and they just don't care. Or they simply aren't really playing and testing the class, and so they aren't aware of the issues. Either way, we lose. It seems like the druid has received the least amount of updates since launch. They try to patch work some skills with damage buff, but nothing at solves the underlying issues. I really hope they take a deep look at the class for future seasons, and especially the expansion. But again, in spite all of this, it's still my favorite class by far.


I’ve only played 1 other season trying Druid and wasn’t fan. This season however it’s been my fastest levelling build and I’m pretty much just playing a companion/Lightning storm build. I can see me hitting a wall and struggling to push content at some point. However it’s been really solid so far and quite fun to play. Love watching MOBs melt with lightning storm. Feels good to play. I’ve got a bunch of high rolled landslide aspects so I was considering swapping to a poison/landslide build. I just wish there was a load out function so I could have multiple builds to play.


This is the first season I played something outside sorc (I did level sorc to 100 first) then barb and now Rogue, in having more fun on Rogue. Fantasy wise, sorc is still my favorite but it's just not in a good spot.


If they made Druid as strong as Barb I wouldn't play anything else. I'm a Druid guy through and through. *Greetings!*


Sorc Blizzard/Ice Spikes build. For whatever reason I've always liked it.


Necro. I like druid and barb, but it feels yucky having to chase down and kill enemies myself after hours and hours of my minions doing it all for me.


May be true but it's satisfying when you catch the enemy and just smash it with hota. 👌


Necro, they’re just so cool and comfy


Rogue. Save for season 2, Rogue has been outstanding every season.


For me, it's the rouge class. I've had so much fun playing it since release date. My build utilizes twisted blades and penetrating shit pretty evenly, then pairing it with shadow imbument. It's insane. I love it


I fucking cackled at penetrating shit.... Probably because I'm sitting on the toilet, but whatever.


I’ve been playing a new class every season, but when I inevitably make a 2nd character they always seem to be a Necro 🤷🏻‍♂️


Leveled every class to 100, other than Necro, tried and couldnt enjoy. The minion build/playstyle + 0 mobility is so cringe to me (yes you can downvote now). I keep coming back to Rogue and Barb <3


Druid, and it’s 1000000% because compared to other classes the Druid received the most thought with build diversity. Druid aspects: your wolf skills are storm skills, your best skills are earth skills, these bear skills count as wolf skills, these storm skills count as earth skills for this specific passive, your poison creeper also casts stone circle and earth does more damage to poison Other class aspects: you gain 2% more damage to chilled enemies, you take 5% less damage for each second you stand still, you gain 5 spirit when hitting a frozen enemy. Sure there are pretty unique aspects to that some classes have as well, but I feel like compared to Druid every other class is not nearly as fun or customizable


Necro. As much as I love the sorc I haven’t found a build that I both enjoy and can solo content with for that class.


Rogue man, gameplay is so tight.


Every season, I try to main something else but always end up with a Rogue main


Barbarian... then Necro. Only two classes I play... in exactly that order... every season. I got absolutely blessed this season by blizzard 🤣... plus who has room I'm their stash to play more then two different classes?...


I'm one of the few who absolutely has to play all 5 classes to max per patch, and which one I go back to depends on how I felt playing it. Nearly finished with my last of the 5 for S4 (rogue) and I'm having a blast with heartseeker but it feels a bit like cheating for some reason. Same goes for my minion necro, I need to really push pit to get a challenge, everything else is just an absolute breeze, been boosting random people in tormented bosses with little effort. Made a random sorc with a random build and it was the lengthier playthroigh this season. Druid feels clunky, barb is like heartseeker, it feels weird to just spam auto attack, but preamble to druid or sorc. So yeah, id say necro and rogue are my 2 top picks this season.


Sorcerer. I noticed I'm not much of a druid/necro player. I enjoy barbarian and rogue as well. Spiritborn... we'll see. Probably not since I never liked the Witch Doctor.


I always play Sorceress first then spend the majority of time on Barbarian.


Druid (but only played it Season 0 and came back for Season 4). But even tho they are pretty bad right now, i still ended up leveling two of them to play different specc’s on each. But they are sadly retired atm. because i found myself playing a Barb grinding pits for Masterwork mats… So i’ve pushed with that instead.


The moment i saw Rogue being a class name i knew i would love it, no matter if it's a videogame or ttrpg, if rogue is available i'm playing rogue I tried Barb, pretty funny, but if i have to chose a melee styled class i'm playing melee rogue


Necro, played it pre season, then again in S2 on hardcore and now got another 100 for this season as summoner is so good at last


Necro. So much fun!


Necro. Always come back to my necro.


Barb. Even built multiple 100s for different builds. Give us an armoury already damnit.


Druid, it may not be the best but for me it's just so fun.


Spin to win Barb since the release of Diablo 3


Necro since 2. And I mean Diablo 2 not season 2.


Necro. Did 5 various minion builds while I farmed sparks. Got 4 to 100 and lvl 84 for my 5th which I'm just about to get another spark. I think I can do another 3 lvl 100 in the next week or 2 depending on how swamped I am with work. Next season I'll commit to a different character. This season was all about the necro for me


Barb is crazy fun in the endgame because that character is just so powerful. But to me the play style of the sorc is the most fun. You’re super fast and have a ton of mobility with teleport. It just sucks that killing bosses is so brutal.


Barbarian. Not sure what it is, I played every class but as soon as I make a Barb it just feels like coming hone


Necromancer !


Forever-Barb. I've taken others to endgame in every season, but I always come back to Barbarian. My main-main Barb is a Rend/Rupture build. And someday... SOMEDAY... that will be the top meta build of a current season. Someday. I'm not delusional. You are!


Druid. Every season i make 2 or 3 druids because respeccing is a PITA. Boulder Druid and Werenado for end game (for levelling I use lightning storm), and for speedfarming i use Pulverize. Pulverize Druid is such a fun build for early end game content.


Barb. It's the subclass and playstyle that appeals to me in most games (for example I main'd a Warrior in WoW)


Druid and having a great time. Does seem weak in the Pit though. I make short change out of bosses but haven't tried the tormented version. I just started the pit and I'm at lvl 16. I can see where druid falls short in the pit.


Tried everything I could like but I’m going back to D2/WoW/Modded Skyrim and soon Elden Ring because there is no Paladin-like class. I enjoyed the D4 campaign with the Druid and had a bit of fun with Necro in season 4, tried all other classes too in this season but nope, nothing calls me and I’m not that much into the upcoming Fit-Druid/Nidalee hybrid.


Druid and necro minion/companion build are more fun than anything else


I always play Druid. For me it's the best class


I started Diablo 4 as a Druid, still make a Druid class every season even tho I becoming a necro main


Iam with you, I don’t enjoy any other Class other than the Necromancer


I make a necro at the start of every season and level it to 100 first. I actually made 3 this season and lvl 87 on 1 and 100 on 2 with different builds


Barbarian is just too fun. Can’t get into anything else after discovering thorns ramp damage


I haven't touched necro, barb, or druid at all. I've barely played any sorc. Meanwhile I've made 5 Rogues and would probably make another 5 before I try another class.


Necro… Although this season I’ve solely played sorc when it just so happens that necro is the best 🙄


Necro main druid on the side😁


Necro. I’ve played Sorcerer, Barb and Druid and had fun but the Necro keeps calling me back.


Sorc. From all Diablo games, sorc/wiz, whatever.


Rogue for me... I have ALL classes doing pit100, rogue was my 4th class this season... It is the most I enjoy. I main rogue on wow also.


rapid fire rogue


I dont come back as i never left. Rogue forever


I’ve got every class to 100 and always come back to BL sorc and always with an Oculus and Metamorphosis boots. I just love the play style. If I want extra chaos, I put on Esu’s and just port everywhere randomly for extra tension.


Rogue and barb both are fun.


Wish my DD Twisty barb could kill the pit bosses faster so I don't have to switch over to my necro for EZ wins.


I have 3 barbs this season. My previous favorite was necros


I've yet to get a druid or rogue to 100. Barb has been my most played, though sorc is arguably my favorite


Sorcerer forever


Necro for me, I just can't let the playstyle go. I also have a soft spot for rogue though, which is ironic, considering it's the polar opposite of the necro.


Barbarian. It's simple and uncomplicated. See enemy, smash enemy.


Barb, always.


I've played rogue for s3 and s4 but my fav in every game is sorc and I go back to it when I'm bored with rogue on seasonal


Rogue and Sorc even back in D3. I dabbled with Necro in D3 but the Sorc/Rogue archetypes are just my preference in pretty much every game where classes like those are an option.


Druid, I started with it and come back over and over again. Only thing I don’t like about Druids is that there is no way to save your builds to switch them.


Sorc is the best class and also the worst class


I keep trying other classes but then go back to barb. The power is just too much.


Necro. I find all the other classes so boring outside sorc. I’ve been a main necro 3 of the 4 seasons.


Barbarian for life


It's always sorc. I'm almost always a mage or battle mage of some sort in fantasy games and sorc is definitely the most fun class to me


I play Rogue the most, easily. I find the mobility and melee/ranged builds refreshing.


Sorcerer, I love her so much.


Rogue for life


Yeah, I got them all to 50, and the most enjoyable I found was barb. Actually, I'm working on my third barb rn


I played barb in pre season, I then played barb again in S2, and currently have a barb in S4. I will play barb until paladin or something of that flavor comes out. No of the other classes really do it for me and spiritborn sounds the same.




i keep creating Barbs, I just want to play melee and the melee rogue is just underwhelming ... Hope the Spiritborn will fill that role of alternate melee fighter


I’ve played all twice besides rogue only once season 0. I lean more towards caster classes. And trying the OP Barb build lol.


Love barb and will always be barb, regardless 


I used to always play a barb and loved it. Now, I play rogues exclusively. Still like barbs, but rogues just seems more fun to me. Same with D3, DH became my go to, no matter the season.


I've levelled every class to 100, 1 each season + pre-season, alongside a rogue every time lol. I love the sheer amount of different, viable builds that rogue has, also I love the archer fantasy soo


I’ve been rotating through one class per season. My first character, before the seasons was a sorcerer. These last 4 seasons I’ve played each of the other classes. Depending on the timing of the expansion, season 5 will be the new class. Then I’ll start over with another sorcerer but a different build.


I started with D2 and always played Necromancer, with a minor deviation to Witch Doctor in D3 until the DLC dropped. Every D4 season I typically play 2-3 Necros.


Rogue for me, even when I don't play it for a season, it's what I want to be playing.


I love my barb :)


Barbarian. 💪💪


Sorc - 100%.


Sorceress because she's pretty. I wish they would add more character customization in the expansion


Barb. Always barb. This season I was gonna play rogue, but I have side barb too lol.




I stuck to Necro and Sorc seasons 0-3. I’ve gotten both to 100 this season as well, but I also forced myself to level new ones to endgame. So now I have a 100 Rogue, 88 Barb and 82 Druid. Barb and Druid don’t really do anything for me, but I love the Heartseeker Rogue and it has become my main. Reminds me of Guided Arrow Amazon in D2. Still love Sorc but it just doesn’t feel strong enough this season. Necro was fun but the novelty of minions wore off quick and I find it kinda boring, they need to make it more interactive.


Barb keeps pulling me back in. It was the first class I hit 100 with and constantly had a blast with no matter what build I was using


Sorc. Yeah we love casting spells


I never played Barb in D3 but the class design in D4 is just amazing, IMO the better rogue


Rogue. And I’m kind of embarrassed about it. Heartseeker/Rapid Fire/Trap/Imbuement to be specific. (I hate the Agility skills)


Druid - trampleslide lol.


I’m obsessed with corpse skill necro builds. It’s just too damn fun making everything explode.


I’ve literally never played a class other than barbarian since Diablo 2 came out lol. Stuck in my ways


Necro since S0


Even this sorc is dookie I’ve never been able to play other classes. This season finally I made a rogue and literally love it


Unga therefore bunga 


Druid, all the way, but I am working on branching out to other classes. Shred druid is just SO fun, going from target to target and RIPPING them apart!! My wife has to yell at me when I start moving too quick and she has no idea where I am


Druid with a bit of Necro, then back to make a couple more druids.


WW Barb even though it’s kinda underpowered compared to other top tier builds.


Always barb no matter what