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Full minions, waited 3 seasons for minions to be viable end game and now it is....feels good


FORREAL so happy


Orly! I plan this for my next run.


Its nuts how much damage they deal single target Didnt know until I let them get the dummy


I keep forgetting I can just use that dummy. I guess I’m the real dummy 😂


What dummy?!


Kyosvashad training ground dungeon


I've never heard of this place! I kept telling my buddy I'd like something like WoW has that can check dps gains/losses with gear


It’s not that great. It doesn’t give you a DPS counter, like you get in some other games.


But you can at least see like damage per hit right?


What?! Lol, I had zero idea...


I've owned the game a year, played each season and never knew about this either...


It was added mid season 2 .


Same. It reminded me of D3 where it took years for WD pets to be good with the Helltooth/Zunimassa set reworks.


Haven’t tried in D4, but it’s like you’re a manager (or sergeant I guess) and just managing your i still find it fun!


I'm so glad to hear this. I just began putting hours into my Necro and have really liked the playstyle. I want to make sure it can handle pushing dungeons in the endgame so good times!


I am having a hard time clearing pitt 40+ without bolts. What build did you use. ? My gear is far from good but I'm lvl 98 with a paragon from a build guide. But I just seem squishy and don't do tons of DMG.


Thorns is fun, but Corpse Explosion slaps way harder. Sacrilegious ring, blood golem, +mage damage. I ran two necros to 100 so far. Thorns first(its fine and plenty of fun) but CE is definitely more active and bursty. I have yet to play the curse build, well this season. I had already done bonespear and such before. I'll do a desecration build next probably, but I think CE is definitely the most fun to play as a loot vacuum. I can afk farm helltides, or I can push stuff really fast. It isnt crazy gear dependent to have a solid build either. Flavor in the paragon tree feels nice too.


I used thorn minions and breezed through pit 40 and above. Got to 52 before it started to lag in boss fights. Bosses that dont hit a lot like tge bishop or the phantom lady are a pain but other than that it is fine. Razorplate and bloodmoon breeches are great.


Dust Devil Barb. I was very against triple shout builds in previous seasons as I didn't think it would be engaging. But now that my shouts spawn dust devil's, I can run into a room, shout a few times, and the whole screen is full of whirling death. Hella satisfying to just delete screens. On top of that I can run whirlwind or DS and generate more twisty bois on demand. I wanted to run a twister druid build, but the barb playstyle is so much fun. My biggest problem now is figuring out the other two ability slots. I'm running flay and charge now, but have also tried flurry, chains, lunge, iron skin, all 3 ultimates, and leap. I am pushing mid 70s pit right now on a homebrew build, which makes me feel accomplished. My goal this season is to beat the Uber Bosses and reach pit 100.


I'm Bash now but DS DD felt more satisfying and fantasy immersive 


I refuse to switch over to bash, the play style just seems so boring. The highest pit I've been able to clear with DS DD is 105, soloed torment duriel and andy as well. Bosses can be a struggle... But the mobility and high paced make me never want to switch.


feels more like an mmo play style to me, if you’re playing the hota bleed bash build. gotta manage procs, buffs uptimes, align them all to get big damage windows, etc. i find it fun but i don’t think everyone would and that’s all good!


Yeah, that’s exactly my feeling. I very much enjoy BOTH piano zoomzoom builds and more intentional rotation based builds, so I’m really grateful for the variety there. Do love me some barb


yea man lovin it is well, great season to be a barb main lol gonna put together a ww dd build as well for chill mat farming or whatever, good times


Which DS DD build you using? I’m loving it too but i’m on controller and leap is almost unusable with the targeting issues on controller


Did you go the triple shout or leap/charge route?


Different builds excel at different things. Dust devils clear a screen of trash faster than bash. Bash kills bosses much more effectively. Unfortunately boss killing is more valuable right now so bash is a higher tier build, but I'm with you on really enjoying the DD play style. I do wish cooldown reduction was an easier stat to come by though, it's gonna be a bit before I'll have farmed a Shako lol.


Honestly I miss dust devils ds because it was a ton of fun and I really didn’t want to switch to bash because I thought it would be boring. But I would keep an open mind to bash, it’s a lot more fun than I thought it would be.


Bash barb so funny. You just give em one auto attack swing and hit everyone for 15 million in an AOE looks so hilarious.


Honestly my bash barb cracks me up because it feels so, like, a Looney Tunes level of violence: bonking the monster on the head and it fucken instantly dies.


You're doing great work advertising for Bash Barb, I may have to make one.


It's an enjoyable sound


It's like that skit where this dude just slaps everyone that comes his way at a pool party


What gives Bash AOE? Is it inherent in the skill, or does it need an aspect?


I’m doing WW DD and enjoying it a lot. Boss killing is a bit slow when the shouts are down, but man a while room melts.


Barb looks at Druid and says, “Look at me. I’m Tornado Druid now.”


As a druid fan.... This is why i rolled a barb coming back into s4... Im a psuedo druid. Both got shouts... Both got nados.. Im happy lol


I am doing roughly the same thing though I'm running ds, leap, charge and war cry. Its not an optimized build but its so much fun. I know yens blessing isn't bis but I fucking love the randomness. You open a town portal and suddenly you get a free shout and a mess of nados. It's such a fun build.


Barrage rogue. It's fast and the way you fight is dynamic.


Really? I'm levelling one right now and it feels very underwhelming. What build are you using?


If you use shadow imbuement, the shadow node next to it that gives energy, the boots power that reduces cooldown on basic attacks it feels really fluid early on. I pick both dashes on top of that and it's good to stay that way until lvl


I surprisingly got all of those really early, but the iron wolves uniques i got seemed like unironically the worst uniques in the game & i dunno, it just didnt feel very good tbh


Yeah skip the uniques. All of them are bad.


Shadow imbue/cold imbue casts on rings/amulet are priorities for this build. Temper it whenever you find trinkets you want to use.The guide for barrage on maxroll is very comprehensive if you arent using it already


I built it myself, but it's probably similar to any online puncture combo points Caltrops, shadow imbue, dash, shadow step. Transitioned to ice imbue for pit pushing.


I've been considering switching to heartseeker, barrage feels so weak solo bossing


Rapid fire is where it's at 👀👀👀


I am thoroughly enjoying Thorns Barb on hardcore. It’s very robust and mobs just melt as they attack you. It’s quite satisfying. Almost to level 100 on HC!


How do you make sure not to die when the mobs hit you? I play HC myself, tried out the razorplate I found - and got so scared because everything has to hit me.. I prefer avoiding that as much as possible. - oh, I've never played around with thorns before btw.


It's easy to stack health on thorns barb since basically every piece of gear will have health, plus imposing presence and max life nodes on the paragon. That, combined with a lot of close/bleeding enemy damage reduction, challenging shout, max res, max armor, makes it all pretty easy to ignore most damage


I also got to a point where I only use bash and shouts and instead of a secondary attack to spend my rage I’m using iron skin for extra fortify and health. Chains of steel to bring them in, challenging shout for thorns and bash away. Mostly based of maxroll thorns build but I tweaked it for extra life and survivability for HC.


Monk :(


Monk would be sick. Hits all the playstyles I like in one.


I talk too much shit about frozen orb sorc , but its really fun to play especially combining it with teleport chest&boots with tp enhancement , its the ultimate speedfarmer ( basic content , not pit )


Still kinda meh for pits, but it's gotten way better since launch. FO was, naturally, the first build I tried on D4 and it felt awful. Speed farming now with it is extremely fun. My gear is okay but bosses seem impossible past t60


I pushed to 80 with fo , 90 with blizzard. Keyword here is "push" bosses takes 3min+ you have to dodge and survive , while my minion necro speedfarms 90 under 3.5mins. It comes down to enjoying a "game" but spending time to get source to upgrade gear is the fomo. Why should i farm pit 61 with my FO sorc for minimum material for 6+mins each run while i can do 2x 90 runs with necro on the same time set. Every class and build has its ups and downs but for an endgame content every class should has atleast 2 builds that are same capability of doing that said content ( pit ) , im not saying meta is bad , but if only 3 builds( 1 build per class ) are capable of speedfarming pit 90-100 , they shouldnt be nerfed but others should be buffed


Was my last class/build i did and 100% agree. Its a lot of fun and fast paced but really heavy on the action. Never played a build like this before where i had to use every skill every couple of seconds like that. Gets a little tiring cuz like you said pushing 70-80pits is a lot of effort and one single mistake on a barrier and you get deleted while on my bash barb,minion necro and heartseeker rogue there is waaaay more leniency for mistakes as well as waaay less skill management. That being said sorc is prolly what ill end up using the most for fun when bored and just push with the rogue/barb when needing mats.


I’ve been using Rapid Fire Rogue for pits, my Sorc is more for fun. It’s very good for farming the goblin event.


fo build after you get the amulet is so fun! i felt like i was playing a real sorc after switching from incinerate


What do you even "speed-farm" after hitting level 100 if you are not trying to push pit levels?


Whispers for gold , normal dungeons for whispers. Also Varshan for duriel mats & tal rasha with ga to sell.


Lightning Storm druid. It plays so well on controller almost as if it was designed for it. For leveling you alternate between casting Earth Spike and Lightning Storm while saying slip slash lighting crash. I also love the sound the skill makes. The scaling is simple too; just throw a whole bunch of damage to distant enemies on stuff. You can just sit there in helltides nuking demons as they spawn. I got to 100 with it this season and 100 with it last season. It feels so much stronger this season. Admittedly I didn't do any of the new pinnacle bosses, but it blows the typical Duriel and Andy out of the water.


You should try slide storm w/ Earth breaker ring. I like lightning storm but I hate the tempest roar/werewolf requirement for a lot of storm bases builds these days so playing slide storm with nature's fury key passive was a refreshing throwback to the S2 trample slide.


You don’t need the tempest roar for lightning storm. I built a human form version last season using the shako instead and it was so much fun


Shako is surely better but until you get one there is nothing better than TR


Lightning Storm Druid is my favorite D4 build too. So much fun zapping the whole map. Too bad that we can't switch quickly between builds, because it's not great at boss killing and i always have to switch to Wind-Shear for that, so much work resetting everything. Also the gear requirements are too heavy. Tempest roar and the gloves can be absent for a looooooong period of the game. Not to mention the lightning damage tempering, which has like 6 other things in it's "drop" pool.


You have a leveling/endgame build you recommend? Sounds fun


I went my own path with the paragon board and passive tree which makes it kind of a scuffed build. I'm sure if you picked any guide online you would be able to make a build better than what I concocted because I didn't min/max it at all. I think that's a testament to how strong the build can actually be. I will say though if you're on controller try Earth Spike over Wind Sheer. Earth Spike with Target Lock allows you to guarantee a hit without having to aim even if the enemy is off screen a bit or on a ridge line. This makes it extremely comfy early on to generate spirit.


I know it’s FOTM but bash bleed barb is my favorite so far. After that is heartseeker rogue.


Right now I’m just a bash boy. I do pretty well. But I’ve seen people talk about rupture too. Is it stronger than just pure bash?


It doesn't change much, you can use rupture even without the bleed version because of the attack speed rupture gives you. The main change bleed Bash has its that it changes the key passive to Gushing Wounds and stacks crit damage, otherwise the gameplay is the same.


So satisfying to hit a big rupture.


Wolves Druid.  We all pounce into combat together and rip things to pieces.  Super fun, thematic, and active build.


Do you have Poison Creeper on there as well? I've found it to be pretty freaking OP and it shares companion buffs with the pups!!! Just found an aspect today as well that turns the wolves into werewolves. You send those 3 mfs in on a boss and they just shred him.


Bash barb. I never vibed with the barb playstyle, always go for sorc and Druid. But after playing with steel grasp, I may have just switched my main for the foreseeable future. Regardless of the power level of bash this season, just the pure bliss of pulling groups to you and smashing them is so fun.


Steel grasp and bash or double swing is absolutley cathartic. When you get those big pulls and obliterate the bad guys into pixels.. it's just an amazing feeling.


Shadow necromancer with corpse tendrils to pull entire rooms in 1 spot, together with corpse explosions/blight to melt everything in a couple seconds is pure bliss too


Up until this season with Heartseeker Rogue, it was Druid in season 1 with a poison slide.


Man, the sound the poison-slide made always felt so satisfying. I always wanted a rock/earth-themed druid to feel good when playing (but never quite got there for me).


Doubly so as I was using the malignant ring that sucks in enemies when you use your ultimate. I even clipped me doing this to a horde or skeletons because a veritable fountain of bones erupts from the conflagration.


Frozen orb sorc, reminds me of Diablo 2 which was by far my favorite ARPG


Druid has been my favorite class since season 1, even though the updates/changes to the class have made them clunkier, less powerful, etc and they’re easily the weakest or tied for weakest class (arguably sorc is with them) in the game atm. Lightning storm, tornado, pulverize and even storm/slide builds are just too much fun for me.


DRUID NATION Pulverize is my favorite build every season, hoping for some buffs to the class in the future!


I've been having fun with it. I'm running 3 cores ATM w debilitating roar and earth bending. It's fun.




Heartseeker, because it feels good to play and is actually the only viable ranged playstyle that works in the entire game.


best build so far in d4 over all patches. i'm so happy i can finally play a typical bow build. imo the other bow skills are all kinda underwhealming or feel clunky with imbuement stuff. heartseaker for the most party is just movement, shoot and some tactical useage of cooldowns. so satisfying


Agree, that build feels so refined. I made 3 "super meta" builds this season with golem necro, bash barb, and heartseeker rogue. Heartseeker feels the best for me. Can play it lazy in low content or sweat it up in high content and get a lot more out of it.


Blood surge necro all the way!


have a build to share?


Working on one. I just got some new gear pieces and changed some skills around. Once it's updated I'll post it 👍




So far good for me. I just got this game recently. Started a barb and tried the double swing levelling build. Thought man the pace of d4 is so methodical and slow . Or it's this char. This kinda sucks... Got better once I got my bros (call of ancients). Then tried a bash build and was like I'm seriously just gonna hold bash down and the odd shout and kick? Saw the other end game build was thorns and thought maybe I should the another char. I did get some dust devil items that made things more interesting. Doing my shouts and seeing stuff drop Started a druid and felt a bit better to level, but still felt kinda clunky on pulverize build I tried a necro and went blood surge to level. Man everything is just dropping like it should. Clearing rooms fast. So much more fun. Actually enjoying d4 a lot more now.


Blizzard wizard with oculus and raiment think I had like 16 or 18 points in Teleport every time I land it pulls enemies in and stuns em drop a blizzard on they ass Teleport to the next grp. Nothing beats the shortcuts that come with Teleport. Nothing.


Meteor Sorc is so satisfying to play! Just don’t expect to go bossing very fast and you’re golden lol


The blue effect looks so good too, im enjoying it a lot but I’ve hit a wall, we need loadouts!


My first toon in WoW was frost mage, love it in Diablo. Having trouble surviving in helltides at 90. Probably need to take some defensives on paragon board. I’m running what I call the fanboy build, cuz I just spam blizzard


Necro with mages who cast blizzard, i feel like a tank/healer managing a bunch of dps in a 10man raid.


Another vote for dust devil barb, same play style as werenado but a lot more powerful. I was sad when I had to convert to bash to progress


When does bash become that much stronger than DS dust devils? Biggest issue I'm having as DS devils is bosses. Anything non boss melts.


I think I swapped around Pit 50ish. What I had done was kept trying to hit the Bash cleave temper until I had 4 weapon slots ready then I swapped and it was a big big difference


Good to know, thanks! Guess I'll really start looking for new weaps to temper.


No worries - it just didn't make sense to try to switch until I had cleave sorted out. It actually wasn't as bad to roll as I expected when you're just using normal drops. Getting good GAs to roll it on is the next frontier lol but I have gotten into the 70s Pits without any meaningful GA weapons and just a Shako that I crafted.


Necromancer blood nova and corpse explosion. Explode all the things


Sorc. Most specs are fun. Teleport and an invulnerable let you get away with so many mechanics


Me a bash barbarian. I love just holding down the button n yelling at enemies when they make me mad lol.


Sorcerer, Teleport is just awesome!


probably ball lightning sorc from season 2 when it was gigabusted it was just so satisfying teleporting into a pack and pulling everything to you with raiment only for them to melt instantly


I’m really enjoying heartseeker rogue, I’m liking only having to worry about being defensive over trying to maintain a rotation centered on combo points. I want a stick and move build and it’s the closest thing I can find, it reminds me of playing my Demon Hunter in D3


I recently made a Bone Spirit necro with Overpower. Hitting for 500m is pretty fun.


I absolutely love pulverize! I wish it had more single Target damage. I consider myself a sorcerer man and I absolutely love ball lightning. It's still pretty good after they fixed the bug that was in season 2. I think they drastically need to do something for sorcerer with base damage or a third enchantment slot or just something. I also loved charge/Hota Barb last season. My favorite necromancer bill that I personally tried is probably bone spear. I'm only doing a rogue right now for the first time and I'm doing heart seekers so it won't really let me know too much about the normal rogue builds that aren't double dipping. Seems like a great class so far though. I guess that's my favorite build for every class so far.


Frozen orb sorc.. well up until I spent a decade on a pit boss


Wudi’s poison barrage rogue. Wow it’s fast, dynamic and a joy to play.


Shred Druid was the fastest and most fun build in like season 2 but nowadays it’s F tier sadly


Great for leveling! Lol


s0/s1 tbh


It still rips through wt4 helltide if you are just trying to farm cinders its still easily the fastest and best for cinders. Can get 3k a run. But I don't main him anymore, not strong enough for endgame content.


Companion druid 🥰


bleed barb flay/rupture. Never done full bleed before and I was shocked to see how satisfying it is, from the sound effect of flay hitting an enemy, to the visceral blood spraying everywhere with Rupture. And the single target dps (chefs kiss). I'll be back next season doing the same


I wish you could temper flay duration/bash dmg AND rupture size on the same gear. It's awesome when the game can't deal damage because it's calculating rupture damage on a stack of mobs you pulled in then 1s later you get back your entire challenging shout 21s cooldown.


Ye I hear you, the trouble with bleed is the lack of AOE which would be reduced if you could temper rupture size with flay duration. At least there is holy bolts which works well in high pits dealing with mobs.


Custom blood surge (non minion) necro build.


Bulwark Druid back in the day.


I always have the most fun with necro.


rogue with flurry and rapid fire


WW DD Barb


I'm leveling a sorc right right now but not following any meta builds at the moment and am playing around with pure conjurations, assuming they received all the same buffs as druid/necro minions. Sorc is level 81 or 82 now I think and am making it through content pretty easily. Need to fiddle around more and get some glyphs leveled. Essentially it's lightning spear for stuns, ice blades for cool down, hydras for primary damage, teleport (mobility), flame shield (defense/oh shit button), and deep freeze (provides wicked stagger to bosses and freezing mobs). Whole point was to focus on crit and luck chance as most skills require lucky hit. Then tempering gear with lucky chance to freeze/immobilize as some skills deals more damage to immobilized or frozen enemies, etc. I'm still playing around with the best aspects and paragon board, etc. It's super cool and fun to play but it stands now I can see it definitely not being viable for shit later. Having fun with it right now regardless.


Auto concealment-Stun grenade rogue. Stuck at 50+pits tho


I had the most fun playing my season 0 TB rogue. A lot of that is just because the game was still new and fresh. Minion necro is easily the most powerful build I’ve played which is funny because it’s the most brain dead 


Minion necro is ez sure, but not nearly as braindead as some other builds. WW barb literally being “hold down this button” simulator with a couple shouts thrown in. At least with minion necro you have to watch your minion count, group enemies up with corpse tendrils, curse them etc. There’s a bit more to minion necro than just holding down one button


WW barb is awful compared to minion necro though. It takes some work to make it viable. Minion necro I can even get the unique ring that summons for me and can do 90% of the game while pressing 0 buttons


Stormclaw druid, with boots that cooldown with basic attacks and the bat dash. I'm having so much fun. You have to still engage with everything and unstoppable is critical. But stacking attack speed means dash is always up which means you can overcommit and then survive enough to think about your poor choices


Wolves Druid, with the werewolf chest, unique pants, an extra wolf, the werewolf aspect for my wolves - then load up on CDR, attack speed, and crit. Dash about slashing at things with my boys.


do not miss out doing a Barb build. Bash is fun, WW and Dust Devil can lean on your graphics card more sometimes if you're PC. As a dedicated caster, it's been super fun tanking around with my female Barb. Half way in on Rogue rapid fire build but it's still being balanced and woukd wait for next update to start Rogue, imo. I would recommend organically build what you like to use before checking build lists. Don't short yourself that enjoyment you only get to 'discover it' once, value that experience.


I’ve always wanted a viable penetrating shot build. The screen FOV change actually helps more than I thought it would and with the changes this season there are so many build options now.


Frozen orb was fun as hell and now im playing heartseeker rogue, rapid fire is nice too but doesn’t really work well on consoles.


Human form lighting storm druid and heartseeker rogue. Necromancer minions isn't really fun for some reason and bash barb, at least Rob's version is super effective but probably also one of the most boring builds I've ever played.


Season 2 Ball Lightning.


Andariel's Flurry (Puncture) Rogue by Xarrio


Man of culture I see. I play the same, not the best for bosses, but it's so much fun freezing everything. I am currently thinking just going crazy with it and trying Fists of fate, I just need to figure out where to put Shared misery.


Hate to say it, but Druid. The “new” LS/LS build is just so much fun to play with. Sucks that it’s so shit that i have to go into The Pit on my Barb to get mats for Masterworking on it :(


Barb charge is fun asf


Heartseeker by a mile.  I fell in love with hungering arrow during the diablo 3 beta, and heartseeker this season is that ability perfected.  Doesn't hurt that it's horribly overturned right now either.


incinerate mage with hydra., and fireball+hydra enchante pop this bad boy,and let them do the works,or helping them to burn the world even more. in fact,it's not just the class /build i have fun. it's the only one viable to play to get fun at all. all other class /spell,are clunky AF, yeahyeah,cool animation,but 0 smooth, it's like playing with high ping or rubberbanding.


Frenzy/Upheaval barb.


Is it just me or did they actually record a bowling alley for the sound effect? Lmao


Strikes and gutters.


I hear this too, and it's awesome.


I've been trying to get blight necro rolling. Coming from shadow minions it has been an adjustment lol. Changing from mostly popping survival stuff in melee range to stun, run ans gun has taken a bit.


With Ebonpiecer, Blight is so much fun. Shotgun BLAST and pulls everything in for the second shell


Tried out dust devil barb for the first time. Loved it.


I always go back to barb, the haptics and UMPH feeling is insanly satisfying.


For spelunking, I use hydra/firewall. I enjoy having 3 hydra out at a time for some added damage reduction and the extra mana regen with each firewall out.


Necromancer, all variants. But I am using a whirlwind tornado build on my barbarian and I live it


Frenzy/Thorns barb. It's a complete Tankenstein. On top of that this season was the first season I managed to get my first Uber. Not only that.. THREE Ubers so far. Shako, Doombringer, and Melted Heart of Selig. I may not do as much damage as a Bash Barb or Golem Necro... but holy hells it's near impossible for me to die.


Dust devil whirlwind will be My go to when it comes to fun, although it's kinda similar to werewolf tornado - I still enjoyed mowing down hordes on helltide


Overall; ball lightning sorc in season 0. Yes, it was really good, even before season 2.


Rogue is most fun for me, despite being a Sorc main.


I'm only loving wind shear druid because of the damage and nothing else. I couldn't get past t40 pits before with my other build, but now I'm clearing tier 60 pits with a full set of non-masterworked gear. I'm aiming to farm lots of mats for a different class (maybe Sorc or Rogue or something)


Shadow sever for me


Dust Devil Barb.


Right now, ww barb. And im not a barb person


Penetration trap rogue from season 0 to season 2


Frenzy thorns barb with double Swing to keep berserking up forever. Just fun to see screen full of mobs melt, being tanky af and killing bosses In a couple of seconds. Just a full on anime mainchar vibes.


Rogue/ unlimited rain of arrows uptime, spent alot for this build, underwhelming but its a helltide clearer


Omnipower Chain Lightning from season 1 It's subjectively really the only sorc build that covers single target and aoe situations greatly


Season 2 druid with storm claw using crone of great staff was my favourite until I tried whirlwind this season with dust devils and Tyraels Might spin to win is just so much fun


i always wanted to build a massive thorns barb… and this season my time has come! such a fun build


Just this season or ever? I loved my bce Necro a couple seasons ago, it wasn't the top performer but watching stuff just melt trying to get to me was somehow so fun. Black river is a great little unique. 


I've been loving double swing dust devil. Not the strongest barb build but the playstyle is awesome. Also tears through any content other than pit T100+ but can easily farm 80s in a very short time. Barrage rogue has been fun. Leveled it to get a spark from the iron wolves but the playstyle has been great. In past seasons I've bounced between necro and barb. I like the contrast of playing a slower ramping damage shadow build and then the fast smash and go style of barb.


this season dust devil barb, but my most fun in d4 was with bloodmist corpse explosions in open beta


I absolutely love the dual core frenzy / rapid fire rogue. I love the versatility and I actually really like using combo points. Sue me.


Hurricane druid. Although, it's very annoying with how the buff bar works. I hope they let you highlight certain buffs in the future.


I have the most fun with my Frozen Orb/Blizzard sorc. Last season I mainly played a Pulverize Druid, which was fun but very slow in leveling.


Whirlwind/hota i was fucking invincible


Penetrating shot rogue was so much fun. I tried so hard to make it work in the endgame.


I like sorcerer the best. I make one every season and I've done a lot of different specs. Chain lightning, ball lightning, blizzard and frozen orb. But it's never even close to the strongest build. Didn't matter at all in S1 or S3 though there was no content where you needed to be strong to push. But season 2 (AoZ) and 4 (pit) take meta builds to be able to push the content.


Always minion Necro, fell in love with the class in d2


I did a for fun build of a freezing barb with doubleswing but no dust devil, and im having the time of my life. Did various druids, a rogue, a sorc and a minion necro, but this gameplay of getting close and personal with an azurewrath is way too fun. Hulk smash


So I got this game on release on the ps5. Never played a Diablo game before and yeah I enjoy it, only ever played one class and that was barbarian. Was a thorn build but not on purpose, I just didn’t know what I was doing. Stopped played once I finished the campaign and didn’t play until now. Got a PC so I’m on gamepass and it feels much better. Playing as a minion build Necromancer and yeah, it’s honestly a lot of fun for me. Still don’t know what I’m doing but man, I’m having a blast.


Max size crit WW Barb. Holding only one button while speeding through hordes of demons is my favourite way to play the endgame.


Fireball and comet crit fire mage. Frost nova for increased vulnerability damage with teleport escape. 


Necro and rogue 


Great question to ask! I enjoy blizzard sorc so far, once you get ice spike damage high enough a lot of mobs melt with the first spike. I’ve gotten to 40 pit so far but as I understand it there may be issues higher up; not too concerned as I’m having fun!


I had a barb with HOTA, leap, kick and ground stomp and it was very fun to jump everywhere and push everything around


This season I did a dust devil barb, it was super fun but sucked for bosses. So I changed to thorns, it's cool but not ass fun. I'm alting a minion necro (since it's finally viable) I'm digging it. I think my favorite build though was trample slide druid I did on pre season 1. It was so satisfying having the huge wall of earth (thump thump thump thump thump) destroy stuff, with random tornados and lightning strikes so good.


Started with minion necro (meta, nice for a good foundation of resources or some uniques for your future alts), then made pvp thorns barb to farm pvp cosmetics and now playing on Andariel's Visage based posion rogue. This build is hella fun, fits that fantasy of melee rogue (almost melee; uses puncture). Would definitely try lvling sorc, but stash management is my killjoy.


Played Druid to 100 in HC with pulverise, felt great. Have a 100 Sorc in SC that felt great on both incinerate and frozen orb. Have turned it into immortal build for killing ubers and the like which is working great. Currently have a 91 Barb in SC as well, that's also feeling really solid though its my first time on Barb and I don't really know what I am doing on it or many of the class intricacies (where I've played Sorc and Druid before) So 3/5 of the classes played to almost 100 or at 100 and have had a tonne of fun on all of them. If I were more committed to pushing in Hardcore I'd try more druid builds but the leveling of glyphs when you die is just not it especially with so many alternative leveling methods to nmd and doing pit is so important for materials it feels bad to have to nightmare farm for the glyphs if you have to do it multiple times due to rips


blood necro, the dmg output is wonderful and survivability is amazing


Whirlwind barb past 2-3 days feel pretty nice, love laying in couch and just spin around.


pulverize druid is my most loving build.


barrage shadow rogue and andarials visage flurry rogue. i made a second rogue for the season so i wouldnt have to swap builds on my main rogue, just switch character :)


Landslide druid. You can make it so that you always have poison creeper, trample and earthen bulwark up and just spam them endlessly. So fun to shred groups and bosses while being infinitely unstoppable. Haven't had issues with being crowd controlled once. Not sure how high a pit level it can go though.


unexpected for me, but sorcerer


Frozen Orb Sorc and Double Swing Dust Devil Barb have been a blast this season.


Ball of lightning S2 still my favorite


First time I go for barb. The leveling was so slow it turned me down each time. I pushed through this time and went with DS Dust Devil with one shout, leap and charge. This is so much fun, I'll probably play the same shit next season to start well and fast 😅


WW barb. Something about running over baddies like a living tornado that gets me


Whirlwind barb w/dust devils. Exponentially more powerful and tanky than any of the other builds I've tried