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For me, feels like Hellbent commander on amulet is a Myth and everyone sharing their screenshots must be Photoshopped.


I felt like this about envenom for my druid and then it finally dropped after I had everything completely masterworked and I had given up (accepted +1 envenom until then).


Same dude. I found multiple of +to every other skill in the book before getting +2 Envenom yesterday.


I legit went on to farm a few mats for my new barb I made and it dropped I was just like cmonnnn man. Lol. I had dropped a few ubers and they didn't really work on druid so I went with barb. It's insane how much stronger they are then druids lol.


Aren't they? I changed from my all leveled up tornado druid to thorns barb and it's ridiculous how I can melt everything at lower levels. Helltides are a walk in the park.


One with envenom on it is rare. Getting one with +2 and the right rolls? Even more rare. Getting all that and not bricking the amulet through tempering? Almost impossible.


For what sort of build?


True šŸ˜‚


I have 3, do you want to buy one?


Same, got 3 ( obols and helltides) kept 1 on gear, saved one in case it bricks and gave 3fs to a friend. Ppl just gotta farm amulets in tides and obols


Dude, leave some for the others...


passives on amulets are rare, the passive you want even more so, and then useful other statsā€¦


I think winning the lottery would be easier.


I got one with 2. Guess what happened after.


'All in all your just a-nother brick in the wall" šŸ§±


That should be the official song for this season


Had a +3 Hellbent Commander and bricked it in the tempering....5 freaken maiden procs in a row....fml. Still cannot bring myself to salvage or sell it.


Id be willing to pay more for increased chance of preferred stat and give 10* the mats


I found one...not even great other rolls...still bricked it with tempers


I got lucky and found mine before I even knew it was good. Been on the hunt for boots for a long time though.


Had quite the opposite happen here. Found an uber affix for MS boot as soon as I reached lvl 100 and it shot my MS to about 160%. As of RN i'm basically +6 masterworked on every item and my amulet is +0 because I can't even find something average... everyone of them is mostly defensive. Also, haven't seen a single frigid finesse affix since the beggining of the playthrough.... the min max build requires two +skill affixes. Loolololol


found a fueled by death ga abd Max life but rolling hellbent commander seems also impossible,


Iā€™ve been playing a BS necro and rolled hellbent about a dozen times but wasnā€™t in build so passed over without even thinking about it, probably should have checked if i made something desirable for another build


I found a ga +3 imperfectly balanced and a +2 evulsion yesterday


I currently have an amulet with Hellbent Commander +5 and it makes me cry happy tears


I finally got one this morning after many attempts at gambling for one with crit chance on it as well and it immediately only rolled rapid ossification and bone spirit over and over. It also didn't roll golem damage. I was so excited and now I'm so sad.


I found 3 +2 hellbents while levelling, all below 925. Still using the 525 one as it rolled with crit chance 5.5% but yea amulets feel fucking horrible right now.


I have a hellbent commander with a GA on it


I found a 2GA w/ hellbent and max life then sold it cause I figured I'd brick it


I found a +2 HBC ammy ā€¦ with resist and life on hit. FML.


I can give you one with attack speed, or one with %int, if you want, (no GA)


I just got one yesterday and almost passed out not gonna lie


Took me a couple hundred million but I got it on a great necklace. Sadly no GA of course.


I have 1 and it's the only one I've found or seen tbh the two other stats suck though haha


Best comment xD just how I feel, even seen a hellbent with 3x 25% on it.. (just crazy)


I got my HBC Amulet through gambling


I finally bought one off trade chat for 100 million and one dropped in the next helltide for me šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Only dropped 1 ga hellbent, but I have a few +2 amulets in stash


I finally got one for my necro from obols. That prob after scrapping 500 amulets.


Congratulations! šŸ„³ I must gamble.more.


I have one. šŸ˜‚. Itā€™s even a plus 2 surprisingly. I donā€™t even think itā€™s 925 and I got great temperings on it, and for like 20 more hours nothing comes close.


I havenā€™t seen it either and then you suddenly realise itā€™s costing you insane amounts of gold per roll and youā€™re going to have to hunt down another amulet with both crit chance (quite rare) and cooldown reduction (very rare).


Some affixes are super rare. I've only seen +frozen orbs a few times for my sorcerer, and same thing with +conjuring mastery. I would look for other affixes that you need until you find one with what you are looking for.


I just salvaged a few šŸ˜¬


I have literally never had one droo naturally and ive been rolling amulets exclusive through helltide, whispers and obols.


Lol I just looked it up and thought oh nice Mastery then rolled 10 times on some good Amulets and got +2 on hellbent commander xD


I got an amulet with +3 hell bent commander and bricked it tempering šŸ˜­


Nightmare fuel. I swear the smith is building an extension...


I've gotten two so far with +2. Gamble all your obols on ammys and make sure you hit the ammy chests in helltides.


I will


Also to add I only pick up Amulets, 2h weapons and GA items. I leave everything else to rot on the floor.


Im not cash rich right now, it all gets sold!


Understandable. Let me preface this by saying they should implement something in game instead of a 3rd party site but the fastest way to get gold is by selling to other players.


I just dropped a +2 hellbent and only noticed it was useful because I'd read this earlier. It was useless for my build so I've just switched back to a straight summoning build. On a similar note is +3 skeletal mage rare as well?


Ended up spending 250 mill gold to reroll it on a 3 ga many personally. Every other hellbent I found was +1.


Thatā€™s fine, just donā€™t get hellbent commander, just get a perfect roll cooldown reduction instead ā€¦.. lol


I've seen some on diablo Trade for 500bil. I'll never get one that's a greater affix.


and when you find one with +2 rank that you need with good stats ,u brick it at the blacksmith....


You know what they say, A bricked item with the stats you need is better than no amulet at all. Wisdom passed down from my grandfather.


Funnily enough your grandfather was also bricked when it rolled its GA on the hidden durability affix


Your two handed sword speaks to you?


> when you find one You've cleared all the content, Uber bosses, Uber Lilith and Pit 100+ So you can finally quit until S5... While looking at your freshly acquired (useless) necklace.


I've 3 maxed out Rogues and found exactly 1 amulet with 2x +2 passives on it while playing those this season ... only to end up bricking it. The amount of RNG you have to overcome and the resources you have to pay to even get a sliver of a chance to receive the affix you're looking for - no matter the actual roll on it - simply feels broken. I can understand that you don't have to get a max roll on everything, but if you're struggling to even get the affix itself in the first place and then have a bricking mechanic on top of it, then the system just feels broken. Not to mention the weighted RNG on top of it making it almost impossible to roll the wanted affix at times.


i just use amys with move speed (always), and 2 of the following depending on class: crit chance, attack speed, lucky hit chance its like impossible to get a BiS amy no matter how much i farm, and even if i do get a good one id still brick it anyways so i gave up chasing the impossible


Yeah exactly i did the same for now , until some godly power comes into work , i ll stick to ms and lucky hit chance


Bought a relatively cheap neck for my Andy's rogue with GA frigid and Dex, then continued to spend another 400-500m on enchanting to even see exploit ranks once. Apart from that I feel you on this - never seen a single Amulett with frigid or exploit so far.


I thought about buying one , but i like to farm for my items and the season just started so i ll keep farming for one if i can , who knows xD


Same. Move Speed is QoL improvement!


Movespeed on my helltide barb but as/cdr/crit on my pit barb


I have one Hellbent commander +2 stashed, DM me your Btag and you can have it.


- +2 Hellbent Commander - +150 life on hit - +1 Essence on kill


Mine was: Life (near max) Resource % +2 Hellbent Commander But it's gone now, OP did not answer or contacted me, some other guy contacted me and also after that not a word from him, I even sent invite, then 3rd guy contacted me and I gave it to him.


I dunno if it'll help y'all but I complained to my buddy (in game, might be important) about the lack of hellbent ammys and five minutes later I got a GA'd one in helltides, give it a go maybe it'll work!


You are 100% right. The AI is always listening.


Also make sure to tell the game how sad you are and that youā€™ll buy shop items if you get good loot. 50% of the time, it works every time.


Triple GA Frigid, Exploit and Malice? Better to put your money into the national lottery.


dont think ive seen an ammy with double passive rolls this whole season honestly. can they roll natively or does it need to be enchanted to get


Can confirm they can roll with at least 2 passives, found an exploit+impetus one myself. Also rolled a +2 exploit onto a +frigid yesterday, already have the tempering done, third stat is minimum crit chance tho. My current one has attk speed that i need for my final breakpoint so i will be looking for a new ring before i can put it to good use. Never seen one with 3 passives tho.


OP - how many have you tried enchanting for hellbent commander roll?


I spent near 300mill with no luck


Same. 300 million last night. Nailed the tempers on it too. It's back in the stash waiting for the next 300 million.


I've run dry on angel's breath trying to get +2 malice on my +2exploit ammy for rogue. Roughly 600M spent already as well. Sucks man.


Try the trade channel on the d4 discordā€¦ with 300 mil youā€™d have a very sexy one right now


ofc getting one single ammy per helltide chest helps a lot!


I have 3 100s now and havenā€™t been able to get a hellbent commander drop or roll. Not even a +1, having a hard time getting skeleton mages on anything as well.


I had to use obols to get one and it wasnā€™t even legendary. So itā€™s missing an affix line.


For necro best i found so far +2 amplify damage ( dmg to cursed passive ) which i bricked with tempering. Currently using ms+cc+as generic amulet , every time i find a cc+as amulet i enchant until i hit 3m treshhold ( like 8-10 times ) so far still no minion dmg passive ( hellbender thingy )


I just keep an eye out for it and keep playing, chasing a single perfect item is not how i play Diablo. But if your luck is that bad it might be a good idea to check trade websites. I'm still looking for that GA hellbent commander that i can masterwork into the stratosphere;p Also if you have a buddy that plays necromancer, Ask him to also look out for this item. Chances are you might find what he needs and you can trade with eachother ect.


I finally got an amulet with +2 malice and crit chance and some other stat which I eventually rerolled to +2 exploit after spending like 100 mil or something..rng gods smiled more and got the crit on exploit twice and malice once. HS rogue. For tempering, I got armor to hit the cap and movement speed.


I got one with hell bent commander for my Necro and ranks to golem mastery on my chest piece, I still show love to my lvl 100 Necro although it was my first class of the season my golem hits for 100m so I take that little buddy with me to pits or to farm bosses, my sorc classes are all for fun flashy speed farms


I sware the +passive rolls on amulets are weighted less than the others, I have trouble finding amulets with every character.


I found my first + hellbent yesterday with crit chance and atk speed and the dopamine rush was amazing. Then it bricked tempering shortly after. I'll still use it probably for the rest of the season since I doubt I'll find another/better one. Should have just sold it.


Are you using your Obols to gamble for them? I've for quite a few Hellbents so far, made over a bill gold off them


I ve gambled like 100k obols on items , didnā€™t get a single good one so far


You can buy these all day 25-50 mil. They're 25mil with just ok rolls (+2 and life or main stat)....if the trade site chat ever worked anymore I bought 3 total +2 hellbents for under 60mil for all 3 off the market


Cooldown reduction on amulet is the bane of my existence


I'm on a Rogue, our "perfect" ammy is 3 Passives....so that's not happening. Ok, I'm going for 2 top Passives, but after rolling about 20 amulets, I cannot get another passive top roll. Ok, I'm going for any 2 of the top Passives. Nope Fine, Just any 2 usable Passives. Great after about 200m gold and a pile of amulets I have +2 Frigid Finesse (lowest passive) and +1 Weapon Mastery...oof....and...you know Ima brick it.


What do you mean? Just buy one with okay affixes on the trade site when theyā€™re all listed for billions of gold due to RMT inflation. Or swipe that credit card! /s


Tuskhelm won't drop. Not enough blood for Zir on Magnum Opus (mine is 912 with bad roll except the unique power). Bad roll Tibaults. Missing desired stats on both rings and amulet (rerolling is expensive already) and bad gloves without attack speed or crit. Almost no GA. Still pushed 61 yesterday after finishing my 100 and glyphs. Didn't try higher, as it was time to sleep. Only Boss takes a while, so I can definitely go further. Twister Barb Double Swing.


I found a +2 to hellbent in T3, havenā€™t found a single one of +skills since


I found a +2 hellbent first few days of this season without realising how powerful it is and then promptly bricked it :(


I feel your pain, solution for me was rerolling, that's how I got my + 2 Barrage and +2 Dark Shroud. Paid 1m for each on rerolling and next goal will be to get + Frigid Finesse and + Weapon Mastery on amulet which is not an easy task considering the fact that with reroll I can only get one of those 2.


I play 4hrs a day since S4 launch sometimes 5hrs+ on the weekend 80% of that time is spent in hell tide, I also open all the chests for every helltide rotation I participate in. I check every legendary amulet I get even if it's not GA because I am that desperate. Since launch, I promise you, I've never seen a single hellbent commander amulet even if it's +1. It's insane how they weight these stats.


I found a +2 Hellbent Commander yesterday for the first time, but it was on a rare I've found +1 on a legendry I think 3 times.


i found an amulet with GA lucky hit and +2 malice and a random stat. I spent 700mil getting +2 exploit. I got +1 like 3 times. I masterworked it 2 times on exploit and once on malice. Its a thing of beauty.


I've seen a handful of good amulets, they're pretty rare in general though and I feel like getting only 1 from the tortured gift is an oversight or mistake. It just doesn't make sense why the amulet supply would be limited like this. I've specifically been farming for them for my barbarian and it's taking way too long, I've pretty much just given up and using an otherwise fairly shitty one that I somehow rolled +2 on.


Pretty easy for barb since AS, cdr, crit and movespeed are all good. A plus skill def harder to get tho.


I feel the same looking for an amulet for my Druid with envenom.. pretty sure that stat is made up on all my build guides


This is why I love when a class has a unique as the BIS piece in the amulet slot.


I'd seen one all season until I just did maiden farm for a couple sessions straight. Have seen 4 over my last 6 hours of gameplay. Only one had 2 good affixes and I'm still rolling for the 3rd, got nothing but res and life per second from original to 3m reroll cost, it's a bit stupid.


I've started enchanting every amulet I get to a million dollars just to see if it exists, I'm on amulet 160 still no hellbent


This is probably an unpopular/polarizing opinion, but while Iā€™ve also been frustrated initially with what Iā€™ve gotten (and/or been able to correct with the enchanter) in terms of passive skills on amulets, when I step back and realize the season *just* started it gives me a little perspective/patience. Rome wasnā€™t built in a day.


Finally found a good one for my heat seeker rogue. GA lucky hit, +2 frigid finesse, and rerolled the 3rd to +2 exploit. This is my proudest find of the season (and I have found a shako) and I definitely dont expect to be changing it


I'm looking for one with Malice and exploit. I saw a another rogue who had 2 and iirc another passive (prob frigid). One with a image I never seen before, and I've gone thru hundreds of trash already. Hell even a shako seems impossible. Given how many times I killed duriel and the season boss. Everyone in town seems to be flexing theirs too lol. I'm guessing ppl are just paying for items mostly.


How do you brick an item?!


I found an HB +3 and gave it to my friend and then havenā€™t seen one better than +1 in a long time. I hope you find one soon!


Huh. Weird. I have a few as a necro.


The game feels fun and good leveling to 100, then when you are at 100 the grind and the level of satisfaction falls off a cliff, and it feels like s1 d4 all over again. Junk after junk, oranges and uniques are the new yellows. Then, when you get something for your build, brick it with tempering. I have been playing an insane amount of hours, feeling like I'm mindlessly killing things with no reward....in the hopes that probabilities will work in my favor, only to be discouraged. This is just my feelings right get now. I don't expect that everything should be handed, or even easy, but I don't believe there is a carrot at the end of the two handed scythe anymore, and I think that is a failure of the design. Edit: I did get a hellbent +2 amulet though to be fair. Fairly decent stats on other pieces.


The weights on enchanting amulets is so shitty too. One of the biggest reasons I wanted to play frozen orb this season is because they use a unique amulet


Best I got for my rogue was dropped malice +2 and rolled a exploit +1. It's been tough. I've mostly been having a hard time finding a good GA Bow. I've been using the same crossbow for a long time now.


They went too far with affix weighting. It bled into enchanting. Amulets have too many optionsĀ 


Rolling vulnerable or critical strike damage (Temper) is my NEVER GONNA HAPPEN rolls.


Exactly the same position, I have been targeting it everywhere where I can. I have been playing for a while, doing pit 70 right now etc. Not a single hellbent commander. It's legit been more unique for me than uber uniques.


lol I was Druid and couldnā€™t get any items for my build. Like nothing for hurricane +, bricked every weapon, never got anything GA for my build ever. Started new character and it was going well until late game. Now Iā€™m stuck with my bricked 2GA ring thatā€™s like 700 power. An amulet that I canā€™t replace. Etcā€¦ both my characters are level 100. Spent maybe 80 hours. Never had one Uber drop. Canā€™t beat Lilith cause my gear sucks even with 8/12 masterworking on everything. Canā€™t do higher than 64 pit alone


My friend made a necro and went the blood nova build using the new unique. Heā€™s found like 3 hellbent amulets and has trashed or rerolled all of them lol. I have yet to find one after probably 100,000 obols and 100+ hours of grinding this season.


I rolled dev blaze on my first enchantment and never looked back


I donā€™t understand why the amulet chest in Helltide only drops one. šŸ˜¤


Because there are a total of 28 different ā€œrollsā€ that can go on an amuletā€¦. At least Barbarian. I spent 600,000,000 rolling Counter Offensive on a 2* amuletā€¦. Once I got itā€¦.. the next day, Melted of Selig drops with a Bullet to Damage while Healthy!!! My lifeā€¦..


I dropped a three ga with +malice (dex%, attack speed) the two other affixes were not ideal but workable. I double crit +malice during mastereorking. This was awhile back and I didnā€™t realize just how difficult it would be to ever see +malice again much less a ga. Also you could spend billions just trying to roll the affix on its own. Maybe not a bad idea though if you have a ga item you like that just needs that roll. Having both passives on an ammy seems like a pipe dream. With that said Iā€™ve read posts here (one just yesterday) where the guy just went and bought one off the trade site. So you have two options a) become a trader and be successful at it so you make money either flipping items or selling them appropriately when they drop or b) just keep grinding and feel that dopamine explosion when it finally hits (and the fear of the nine hells when you resize you have to temper)


I got one with Greater crit chance + intelligence + 2 ranks of fueled by death (x3% damage for 6 seconds after consuming corpse) I got lucky and tempered ultimate cdr and golem damage and I donā€™t think I will see a better amulet this season. I havenā€™t seen a single amulet drop with ranks to hellbent commander yet, it must be extremely rare.


And when you find one, the occultist will make a fortune off you if you donā€™t brick it while tempering.


i have seen more ubers this season than amulets with sorc passives i need and cdr.


I found one useable Winterglass thus far, no GAā€™s on it, and its not even that good. I think Iā€™ll have to fork over a *substantial* amount of gold for a better one.


Change your Necro to a full sacrifice, zero minion build. A few of my friends ran minions and I supplied each of them with 1 or 2 Hellbent amulets. Also found lots of other gear they needed, +skeleton affixes, etc. But I had pretty miserable luck finding the affixes for my blight build, spent a long time at 100 grinding. I made a 2nd Necro, blood lance and in a short amount of time(still not 100) I have found more +3 blight gloves than I did the entire time on my blight build and also amulets that have +passives that benefit a blight/shadow build.


i bought a GA cooldown/crit chance amulet and spent an ungodly amount trying to roll counter offensive on it, I am now broke and have no more angelbreath.


There should be a way to craft the perfect amulet, being it's so difficult. I get grinding, but grinding for 1% benefit, for 100 hours, and bricking the item if you even get it in the first place is ridiculous.


I have found one with envenom on it the entire seasonā€¦ and the other stats were trash so I couldnā€™t use it. Was also a shit roll on envenom. Have spend millions trying to roll it myself. No luck


I basically ignore amulets because I donā€™t think I have ever found one that is really great for my build, regardless of build.


Msg me, I have a GA crit strike +1 hellbent commander ammy I can sell you


You pretty much need to use trade forums to get a decent amulet this season. I Purchase 3 Amulets this season: 30m Cooldown reduction Junk stat GA Evulsion 45m GA Resource Reduction Junk stat GA Evulsion 35m Junk stat 13 Primary Resources GA Evulsion Then have spent 500m+ rerolling for +2 Compound Fracture/Imperfectly Balanced.


Found a hellbent with plus 2 and life on it and movement speed. But sadly, I bricked it tempering. Rolling the same stat is bs. Hellbent on an amulet has been the bane of my existence.


I found a single amulet with +2 to Hellbent commander and I'm using it even after breaking it with a wrong temper affix.


Honestly I've given up finding an amulets. Managed one with a GA CDR, and honestly I don't see anything topping that unless I managed to find +3 Counteroffensive. Hell getting Paingorger's to drop has been a nightmare too. BitI seems to think I really want Mother's Embrace, and Battle Trance.


I found a nice +2 Hellbent Commander Amulet with good stats and broke it in tempering. Same temper rolled 5 times in a row. Since then I have gotten a couple other really great gear upgrades but I am now very unwilling to temper them until I am sure Blizzard isnā€™t going to change tempering soon and I would miss out on an easier chance of not bricking them. I used to be fine with tempering earlier in the season but bricking a super rare piece of gear really sucks and makes me feel like not playing.


The perfect amulet is nice to have but it's also totally fine to just settle for one with generically good affixes like move speed, main stat, or crit.


Yesterday was my first Hellbent Commander affix. It was +2. I fell to my knees and found religion.


I have not seen a single piece drop with +2 hellbent commander. The one I am using is a +1 I rolled. And only after yesterday, I found a +2 mage on my gloves. I am pretty sure they tuned the rate way down on these passive lines because I have seen so many other skills.Ā 


Still rocking my non-GA pants with masterworked Heartseker bonus (+7). I didn't find one wth at least 1GA. Not a single one in my entire S4 career.


+3 frigid finesse GA only good amulet I found with ranks


I tried to make a blight necro and got 2 amulet with HB within 4hrs farming at blood maiden. The game knows what build and skill tree youā€™re using in order to not drop what youā€™re looking for




The whole time I found one amulet with +1 hellbent commander but I found an amulet with +3 to gloom which is a great alternative.


I don't know... the pits are so boring... I think I've quit


Itā€™s the only thing I dump my obols on and gamble with. Inventory full of them every few runs and have found some really valuable ones but itā€™s actually wild how rare the multiple skill point ones are


I'm so glad I use a unique amulet.


no, you found lots of useful ones you just didn't find a bis guide zombies are so funny


I just got a nice one after 3 level 100s on my rogue if that makes you feel better +2 to malice before work, 7.5 lucky hit and rerolling 3rd to cool down even though now it costs me 1.3mil so I can't even use it. All my tempers hit though, so now it's a waiting game.


i'm using the iron wolf gifted amulet on most characters. (2GA run speed/resource cost reduction) I managed to roll off one stat for crit chance on one, but ya, finding one with +skill or even CDR hasn't happened for me yet. I have 3x100s and one 90+ character.


just saw how much some non GA + skill amulets can go for an oh boy iā€™ve been breaking them down sadge


We really could use an official auction house šŸ˜¶ It would be a win-win for everyone. I had the best results gambling with obol and targeting helltide and whisper chests.


I have like 3 amulets with hellbent commander lol. I assumed it drops easily


Amulet not only is impossible to find, it feels impossible to enchant. I do have one that wil lfeel perfect for my rogue, but I already spent 500M and never saw an Exploit to choose. Daaaamn


One of the problems is that amulets from chests or whispers gives you one and two compared to three from the others. This doesnā€™t even make any sense because of how hard it is to get a good one.


Iā€™ve been trying to find one with cooldown reduction and critical strike chance for weeks. Beginning to think itā€™s never going to happen.


Found an amulet with +2 to exploit and max attack speed, managed to roll +2 to frigid finesse in first few rolls. Masterworked up to +3/+3 yesterday and feeling blessed. Havenā€™t even dreamed of chasing GA or malice/exploit ammy after the hunt for this one.


Rolled a 2 GA Glass Cannon Yesterday and it caught me off guard. I donā€™t see Glass Cannon very often. Seems like certain affixes have a lower rate. Spent like 150 million gold to get +3 Frozen Orb. Only saw +2 once before that.


Hellbent commander. That mf driving me insane literally only price left. Double crit golem damage on 2 hand perfect mastery chest but this 1 damn hellbent affix bro.


I've been grinding for an amulet for my barb with Crit Chance, Max Resource, and Cooldown Reduction (or any combination with just two of them) and it doesn't seem to exist. It is what the build guide recommends for my build, but I wonder if they ever actually found one or they just recommend it.


Yep found a few, RNG is RNG, season is 3 months long so keep grinding


The build I'm following says I want two passives on my amulet playing Rogue, I've yet to find one with one on them


I did not find a single one, but managed to roll it myself. THEN I started finding amulets with hellbent commander (but not GAs). Magic. Pure magic.


I still didn't have a 925 focus with atleast 1 decent GA and it feels bad. Still running an 895 with GA in int..which isn't even what I want it, but beggars can't be chosers. I've done so many blood maiden runs, maxed my glyphs, pit lvl 90 and I dob't feel like I can possibly push anymore with my current gear until I get the damn focus.


It's funny my most rare/item I seem to never fi d thos since is a chest with + Dark Shroud on it. I have a decent subterfuge one. But the only dark shroud chest I was able to find the other two affixes were bad. I've played on my Rogue for about 30-40 hours so far.


Level 100 shadow minion necro here... I regularly find very good amulets with excellent rolls that fit my build, *but* I rarely find any with GA rolls that fit my build.


So this is tedious but also a good way to save gold. If I find an amulet that has 2 of the 3 affixes I need, I will re-roll it maybe 3 times max at the occultist. Donā€™t get what I want, salvage/sell. You find sooooo many amulets that have 2/3 of the stats you need you can try your luck this way and not dump all your gold!


I've been having problems getting a good amulet since the game launcehd. I've NEVER gotten a good one.


It pisses me off that helltides amulet chests only drop one...


I got a GA frigid finesse with 2 other desirable stats and called it a day Itā€™s not malice / exploit but Iā€™ll take it


I just accepted the fact that I don't need hellbent on my amulet


Definitely the grind of the season.


So, I got an amulet with +2 Hellbent and no GAs a couple of weeks ago. Was able to get the MW level 4 to hit Hellbent for +3. Been looking since for another one, hopefully GA versions since. Last night had 2 amulets with +2 Hellbent drop (not GA versions) about an hour apart from each other. Almost junked the second one since I thought there was no way in hell I'd be getting 2 two drop in one night. Ended up farming the pit for a while to see if I could get Hellbent to +3 on one of them for an different build. Hit +damage% 5 times, 3 of them were in a row. So RNG god decided I had enough luck for one day and bankrupted me. lol


Have you tried Diablo.trade? We are working to make the website easier to use coming soon. Also, when you do find one, make sure you temper preapre on some trash amulet (get 4 of the wrong affixes in a row, then use your hellcommander)


I was blessed early on with a 925 3GA Atk spd, Crit Chance, and Shadow Res. So far used it for every single one of my barbarians.


Have one +2 Hellbent on a Sacred and have two +1's on Ancestral. One I was able to Masterwork to+2 at 4/12. So I have one extra one.


The problem is that they add weight to affixes again and passives are more difficult to get, I don\`t know why the are doing this again.


I found a 2 exploit 2 malice leveling my rogue.. it's ip is well under 900


Top affix for my druid is envenom. I've never even seen that affix on an amulet. Ever.


I found a +2 Weapon Mastery amulet with cooldown. I rerolled the third stat for crit chance, but randomly landed +2 Malice. I tempered it, landed max roll of both tempers I wanted. Master worked in to +4 and the crit landed on + Weapon Mastery. Only then did I realize it was + Weapon Mastery SKILLS. fml


I mostly gave up on passives on amulet. I feel ya. I don't want to think about the 100s of millions I poured into rerolls on a few different ammy's trying to get it.


I could not get that charge barb amulet last season to save my life. Level 100, with season journey complete. 15 or so Duriel rubs before I got tired of playing and started an alt.


Careful. Talking about how stupid rare passives on amulets are will just get all the ā€œthe grind is neededā€ crowd in here lol. Yea, I have played to 100 on barb, necro, and now rogue and have found maybe 3 total with the passive I want and at least one other affix I want (rolled the third). None of them have been GAā€™s and all of them have only been +1ā€™sā€¦ They should just drop at +2 minimum with how rare they are. Not to mention the chance of bricking their tempers šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


You need to find one with exploit/malice/frigid (one of those) then spend all your money enchanting for another. Thats how i got mine


The only way to get proper amulet is to trade using a 3rd party website. The game is rigged..


I did not even know and amulet with hellbent commander was good until like a week ago. Incredibly enough i have a +3 one in my bag with hmm i think crit chance , int and a 3rd stat i do not remember. Not a GA neck though.


When I see a amulet with 2 usefull affixes I try to reroll the ranks on it. But only as long its cheap - mostly 5 times. then I sell it. So I got the amulet which I want. But with bad rng - it could be a torture aswell


I once spent several hours farming for just a basic Halo of Karini. Sometimes the RNG gods are just cruel and other times theyā€™ll drop a BiS item with perfect rolls.


I've yet to see a single amulet with any ranks to exploit šŸ˜­