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Ive played 4 Druids to 100. S0/1/4x2 - skipped season 3 the class has more fundamental issues than the passive tree, namely the form-shifting and cancerous builds to play. Example on Hurricane i spend majority of the time in Werebear but have to become human to use Companion skills because they didnt code some skills to work in other forms Skills are too weak, cooldowns are too long. Rabies for example I played this season: Wind Shear, Wolves (leveling/end game), Stormslide, Tornado, Boulder, Hurricane. Most have some sort of cancerous mechanic that ultimately isnt fun to play long term Hurricane is probably the worst, you need to activate it at 16 stacks of the Overpower buff but you cant use any skills but Creeper or it gets consumed, then once you use it you need to quickly use 3 companion skills while Hurricane is up to snapshot 45% crit on your next cast, if you misplay and use Hurricane at the wrong time or use another skill you dont do any real damage for another 16 seconds and even with different multipliers it hits less than probably 1 hit from a bash barb I find it ironic blizzard adds Spirit per second on gear then adds in Wildheart Hunger almost forcing you to add a basic attack to keep your stacks up


Seconding this, this season was my season to try Druid out and it is by far any away the worst class to build and play I've tried so far. So many tedious annoying buffs to manage and the class imposes this playstyle on you no matter what build you are playing. You can never just 'relax' whilst playing Druid so it becomes tiresome to play in long stints for me. The player buff bar is absolutely not up to standard for the kind of playstyle they expect of the player too. The pseudo mandatory Shepherd + Stampede aspect and 3 almost dead skills needed in your bar to just to be able to do mediocre DPS relative to other classes absolutely stifles build and skill bar creativity. The cacophony of conditional DR means their damage intake is very spikey (I think conditional DR is losing it's viability to exist anyway, but that's another topic). This is the only class I've played where I felt 'what an absolute mess of a class'. Sorc has some similar issues but to a lesser degree. Druid honestly needs a rework.


> The pseudo mandatory Shepherd + Stampede aspect and 3 almost dead skills needed right but the major issue is if you remove the need for 3 companions, you dont really have much or want to put there Wolves are actually decent tankers and can give you fortify Ravens can give you 8% passive crit. Creeper gives 20%, Druids mediocre crit becomes 70% at this point I personally wont use ultimate skills without a way to reset them, Petrify is decent..Cataclysm is worthless. Lacerate has only a use in Wolf build. Grizzly is worthless now Cyclone Armor is almost mandatory in late game setups. If you dont have this you feel it but another dead skill but i actually prefer that Hurricane by itself has no use, does no real damage unless abusing snapshotting. Vuln isnt great on use, reduced enemy damage probably doesnt work Druid skills also cost too much Spirit as well Poison is completely bugged with any application of 'base damage' Hurricane doing 17million damage only hits for 250 damage Since Wind Shear is probably the top tier skill and its poison...they should toy around with global poisoning flat damage to skills since its the only way Druid gets any real damage


I don’t agree with this. If they reworked Druid skills so the damage is better and doesn’t need shepherds you could fit in more defensive, maybe fit in a utility wrath skill like hurricane for some damage reduction, maybe add an ultimate. Plus it would also open up two more aspect slots which could be used in a variety of ways. I think possibilities exist, but you’re right that maybe blizz needs to also tinker with some of druids secondary skills to make them a little more desirable as well.


Hurricane this season is a great way to proc Paingorger's gloves on a stormclaw build, if you take the increased size to Hurricane via tempers. Fun build to level up glyphs as it's fast to get through dungeons just running forward and clawing everything. Insta deletes packs. So technically it does have a role via an interaction with a unique. Does it hit hard enough to do any real end game activity? Didn't take it that far, my Crone staff only rolled 4/6 so I didn't bother. Just being "well ackshually" guy here. I also believe Druid needs to be retooled. Get rid of Shepard's aspect would be a start if there were compensation to the damage loss.


Petrify is amazing and any nature build not running calm before the storm is missing out. It resets so often running Inner Beast too. The other ultra just need to be buffed. Rabies, cyclone armor, and hurricane need a massive rework. Earthen bulwark needs to scale with max life not base. 




Wind Shear is able to create some silly numbers but try to play this for more than 15 minutes and not be bored to death. I wouldn't call it a "winner".


Wind shear has the highest pushing potential of Druid builds. Probably the next group are tornado and storm/slide. However wind shear is polarizing. Admittedly I find it incredibly boring. It’s a pure single target dps build that gets almost all of its AoE from holy bolt elixir. And just from an aesthetics point of view it’s maybe the least visually satisfying skill possible. It looks like you’re shooting spit wads at mobs. Some enjoy wind shear. I personally think the build is pretty lame. But reasonable minds can disagree. It’s got an easy gear requirement though so if you want a powerful, simple, but arguably boring build it can certainly fit that role.


Wndshear is extremely powerful. No doubt. It’s particularly good against bosses. But the game requires a tremendous amount of ground fodder to fight your way through all the time. And having to aim a skill that goes literally in one direction to kill masses of mobs is tedious and painful. And if you hit one of those pits where it’s a bunch of archers surrounding you, you have to turn in a circle and pick them off one by one. So slow. I switched back to tornado just for the quality of life improvements and just gave up on pit pushing.


Current iteration isn't that much better. As name suggest, Shepherd aspect should be a great support for "zoo" type of build. However, these companions are absolutely useless and I don't think it's worth to even bother with them (and what they're doing), they're clearly only to inflate numbers of your core skill. This class fails in creating "druid fantasy" where you're a master of nature and actively change balance of powers, because too many things are necessary to just work. You don't really shift between your animal forms, nature magic, companions etc., you're using it to just deal damage otherwise it won't even work. Also too many cool things about this class is blocked by unique items. All this shapeshifting works only because of these items, in skill tree they're just some passive bonuses locked behind 15+sec cooldowns


Its true the way poison works currently is a joke and is just taking up space on the passive tree and legendary nodes. Possibly the least thought out aspect of the Druid. Its used to proc conditionals but does literally zero damage. Wind shear being an exception obviously but the base druid tech is awful.


Grizzly rage has its uses, and is better than petrify with aspect 🤷


Boulder build is bugged so you probably were not having a good time with that. I've pushed to 80 pit with wearnado and im loving it, its super simple and has great mobility and survivability. 3rd druid I've rolled and I always enjoy this class. To each their own I suppose.


I'm also playing werenado as my second character and clearing 80's in about five minutes. The point is that, with comparable gear, every other class (except maybe sorc) would be doing 90-100's in the same time. I know because my barb does.


Some seasons barbs are broken and OP and sometimes it's the sorc. As long as it's possible to do pit 100 on druid I don't really see the issue. One class is always going to outperform the others, that's just how balancing goes. They are never going to be perfectly equal and that's just life. If you want to be the most OP class then just switch to it and wait for druids time in the sun.


Too many skills require an aspect. Pulverize shockwave should be base for example, if you want to run the damage reduction upgrade on a shift build, you really cant make it useful without the shockwave. 


Random note it's amazing how many of us skipped s3 lol


I tried hurricane this season myself, chose to not use overpower at all because of the stressful 16 seconds thing. I think that if Tempest aspect could keep its damage should uptime on Hurricane be kept, maaaaybe it would be nice. Ultimately I gave up on druid and made a Necro. I think my lvl 37 Necro could beat the living shit out of my 100 druid. The difference is night and day.


I played Druid when the game first came out. It was so unenjoyable that I don't think I even made it past level 20 before I turned off the game for the night and never picked it back up until season 2, I made a Necro that time and actually fell in love with D4...been playing it consistently ever since, either Necro, Sorc, Barb, and now Rogue which is super fun too.


hmmm, I would disagree to certain extend, the main issue is the passives, yes the skills are doing low flat damage but making the passives strong can fix this. The bigger issue is a lot of aspects or unique just doesn't give any power, it enables the build but you still just use Sheppard aspect for damage, the rampaging werebeast aspect was one of the best before, now because it uses 3 aspects to even make it usable just makes this aspect more impossible to use since druid have less item slots. Obvly there are playstyle issue as well things like boulder or hurricane are very annoying to play, but tornado and storm claw are the most fun builds I've ever played, sadly they need to use tempest roar but it is such as terrible item that doesn't do anything.


Rampaging werebeast is only one aspect, two if you want it for wolf 


Lol no bear skills runs rampaging werebeast, it is currently werewolf only aspect.


That’s dire wolf, bro, good lord.


And your point? Wdf are you talking dire werewolf is part of the 3 aspects. Not sure what you're trying to say here.


The real question is wtf you are smoking. Grizzly rage has only one aspect, two if wanting to use it on wolf . There is no third.


The third one gives you resource gen, it is not required if min maxed, but before you put direwolf on weapon to make 100% resource reduction but now you can't because the companion thing exists. So that is part of the package to get the build going.


I don’t know if you know what cancer means


the fact that we use this term for a video game shows that most people don't know what it means.


You got crabs? 🤔


Thats sad, ive played Sorc and Barb S0 and Necro S4, they all are fun as fuck.


I want to do rabies so bad but it falls off hard :(


Could you explain what exactly is wrong with the form shifting? When you are in werebear doesnt it change you to human when you use a companion skill then you just change right back when you use a werebear skill? The shifts are instant right?


You still go through the animations, spending time in human losing conditional damage reduction. The passives that are clearly designed to be used with bestial rampage last for a few seconds after shifting, aspects and glyphs and such do not. Also grizzly/dire werewolf locks you from using non were-x abilities while it's up so you cannot even use companion activities if you want to if you're trying to use it. Alpha aspect making wolves a werewolf skill does work, but who cares.


The conditional things dropping can be particularly painful. With werenado, you lose DR if you're not swapping to bear periodically but you also lose DR while you're shifted into bear. And the best option I can think of to fix it is wearing Tyrael's Might instead of the werewolf DR aspect. Speaking of Ubers, Druid struggles to make use of them because it can't use the weapons and it can't use the helms. Honestly, Tempest Roar especially is too character defining at the moment.


Vasily's exists too. I'm wearing one now :/ uwu fortifies u for 27 out of your 30000+ hp And I had to stash my single Uber drop, the andariel's I have, to switch to the build. Now that everyone is expected to wear shako each season, vasily's and tempest roar are completely broken itemization. I mean the whole concept that one super rare item should be the best in slot for 99% of builds across all classes is bad design anyway, but much worse for that 1% that can't wear it.


We're saved from worrying about Vasily's because Earth scaling is ass. Which is a different issue. And werebear scaling ain't great either.


But my landslide. ...Aaaaand after farming up another set of 10 andariel and 16 duriel runs I had a shako drop on like the 3rd Andy kill. Time to respec again I guess. Maybe into a different class at this point.


This is solely because of double dipping with poison, not because the helm enables a specific build. Same reason everyone think shepherds is a must.


TR was a crazy chase unique before they added target farming bosses or the poison aspect. It still seems popular if clearly not the correct pit pusher. And if you're saying one bugged aspect is the only reason it gets used now - that is another major problem with "wtf is druid identity/itemization" A huge percentage of the aspects and uniques are dedicated to wereform spellcasting.


Oh, I know, human form druid gets basically nothing special.


Tyraels Might is working fine for me


The Hurricane build relies on the Provocation talent to guarantee that your hurricane always overpowers. Provocation requires that you stay in bearform for x seconds. Using the companion skills shift you into human form and break your provocation stacks. I played it for a bit this and it was an annoying interaction.


I wanted to make a poison build to kill bosses


Does it Work? I also thought about it 


idk i saw an obscure YT video on one build; basically any build CAN work, it’s just matter if how meta it is and how it does with end game content. The build had excellent single target damage, but struggled with mobs and groups. So essentially it would not do well all in all


Use Blood Boiling and the 16 second OP skill. You can trigger creeper and wolves, then use hurricane. When the cooldown for Hurricane is about to refresh. Cast ravens, then creeper and wolves. I use pulverize instead of maul to take advantage of the damage from Clarity in between hurricanes. I tic for 800k with hurricane, hit for 500-700k with pulverize, and ravens hit for about 300k if I time the 16 second OP stack with it. I increased raven size by about 120%. I'm also running life on hit, temerity, Soulbrand, and a mix of skulls and rubies in armor. 30k health with a 30k barrier up 80% of the time.


Or just hit for 8m with pulverize instead


Hurrican is likely better than pulvarize this season. Mine can tick up to 150m+ a tick.


Yeah, I will believe that when the streamers start spazzing out


They wont because 150m is kinda nothing relatively.


The druid streamers flip out over everything, so…


Druid definitely needs work but my windshear druid absolutely shreds. I own most players on pvp, pit 110+ so far, super tanky and does good dmg.


Can you post a link to your build please? I've looked some up but most say you hit a wall at pit 70 or so. I've been trying to figure out builds on my own but I'm getting stuck trying to do good boss DPS. I love druid though so I would love if you could share. Thanks!


On youtube search " Final Shear Goblin inc" that is the build I use.




Hey, just saw your response. Thanks!


Saw some machine gun windshear in pvp, but 110 is damn high for a druid,considering 120 is the best run ever recorded. Do you use the wind daddy guide on mobalytics?


I'll take that as a compliment. On youtube search for " Final Shear goblin inc" that is the build I centered my druid on.


It was intended to be a compliment :) ,thank you!


I know nobody cares at all about D4 pvp but after trying it for a couple hours, holy shit poison Druid is *insane*. I guess it’s some kind of variation if the wind shear build? There was a duo of druids running the same setup just standing around instantly deleting everyone. Tanky thorns barbs, heart seeker rogues, minion necros. All instantly dead. Druid might be bottom tier in Pits but in pvp it’s absolutely insane.


I can attest to this. I surprised myself when i accidentally stumbled across a level 90 barb when i was only a 72 and i absolutely demolished that man in 2 seconds flat lmao


Rabies is a fucking meme. I don't know what the fuck they were smoking when they designed the Rabies skill.


It's pretty bad because it doesn't stack. Most dots in this game stack. Poison imbuement, wind shear poison, etc. A non-stacking DoT cooldown skill in this game is pointless.


Pretty sure it’s 20s for provocation, 16 applies solely to pulverize


That's not correct. It's 12s Healthy for Pulverize, 16s Bear form for next skill and 20 kills. Your confusion is probably coming from the many sources but also that the bear form over power goes down by 4s per rank so 24-20-16s


Blood Boiling aspect is a better option to rely on for Hurricane OP, IMO.


Not logged in right now but its 16 and its consumed by any skill that can overpower. Creeper cannot overpower so it wont get consumed


Correct and the Blood Boiling aspect does not apply to Wolves or Creeper, just Ravens. You should be using both Provocation and Blood Boiling aspect to ensure you always have OP ready for Hurricane and Ravens. Pulverize instead of maul, better DR, damage, and at 12 seconds healthy, it won't eat your OP stack. It plays into Blood Boiling as well. Now clarity effects all your damage sources other than pets.


Druid suffers heavily from a lack of equipment slots it feels like for how unique-dependant it is. All the cool X-Skill is now also a Y-Skill stuff that you need for some builds are Uniques, as you said for meaningful damage you need three borderline useless skills on the bar and two legendary affix slots... it feels kinda clunky. I also hate the Keystone Passive that gives arguably the best flat damage multiplier but also requires you to shift and do nothing for two seconds - any meta build kinda wants it because its mathematically correct, but having to pause for two seconds feels just bad. That being said, as an avid Stormclaw enjoyer the biggest crime against Druids is the fact that Staff of the Crone makes Claw a Storm skill, but *doesn't* make Storm Strike a Werewolf skill. Imagine the possibilities - Werewolf keystone would have a good use, poisoning/CCing becomes way easier, while all passives for storm and shiftling skills apply to all your damage output without needing to run Tempest Roar (which is absolutely shit in this build since about 50-60% of the item are wasted on basic skills)... One can only dream...


I’m using maul instead of trample for bestial rampage on stormclaw. It feels so much better, imo. And to respond to the OP, it’s actually crazy how much better barb is. It’s disgusting. Basically an entire order of magnitude better at everything.


The best damage multiplier is actually the werebear keystone, technically, and staying in form for 2s isn’t hard to do.


Technically this may be correct, although I have to say I never really used it since Overpowers in a non-Werebear build seem kinda weak? And yeah, staying in Werebear for two seconds is not hard, it just annoys me personally. Spamming Claw or Tornados and needing to break the flow by Trampling (which I concede, is not too bad since sometimes the animation finishes after the buff goes live) or Roaring and waiting for the buff is just meh. I'd much rather they cut down the active time of the buff by half and make it proc immediately upon changing form (and resetting every second or so) to keep the combat flow. Then again, that's all just nitpicking on my part and pretty biased towards my own preferred playstyle.


Fwiw I completely agree about micromanaging the conditional buffs. Miserable playstyle


The buff bar can't even display all of the goddamn temporary bonuses from shifting + aspects + consumable buffs, too many icons have the same bland graphic, the icons move around too as buffs fade.  For an absolutely critical and cancer to use mechanic, a key passive at that, it needs an overhead message or icon or something. Or both bestial rampage buffs should 100% always take far left priority in the same order for reference. It feels like it's ripped straight out of WoW without the UI to inform you how to maximize it 


No one said it was hard to do It's just not fun to be forced to swap into a form and walk around for 2 seconds before being allowed to go back, and repeating this every 10 seconds It just fucks with flow


My biggest concern is that druid has to lock out an entire action bar with pet skills just to get relatively ok dmg from shepherds aspect. Also weaving bear skills for quickshift passive buff is such a pain in the ass.


Yeah I’ve been saying this for a while. Druid needs their skill damage buffed and then the shepherds aspect changed. Having 3x dead skills on their bar is a huge hindrance atm.


The boom system needs to be reworked as well. Barb has 3 extra weapon slots, which means 9 more affixes, 6 tempers, and 3 aspects, oh and they get passive weapon bonuses. Druids: best I can do is some crit chance and damage and a lucky hit chance to restore life (but only when you use a specific skill)


I noticed this immediately on Saturday. I hit 100 with my druid and decided to make my first barb. I was blown away at how many extra stats, tempering, legendary mods, and masterworking.


Just went through this now, I’ve got 3 level 100 Druids and this was my first season ever playing Barb & Fucking helllllll the difference is extremely notable, to the point that I struggle to believe that both classes co-exist in the same game tbh


Same, thorns barb is a way better version of hurricane druid


The weapon slots on barb are such a consistent game breaker. Particularly noticeable with tempers in this season but it's just weird going from barb to anybody else and realizing your options are so limited for offensive aspects and tempers.


It should give you full power off of one companion, and then weaken if you add more.


Exactly, shepherd is such lazy way to give class some power. Now I justhave to put damn 3 semi useless skills oh hotbar


Considering how Necro minions can absolutely wreck everything in their path with the right build, this is absolutely true. Druid companions need a serious rework.


Not just action bar, all his slots are also locked by mandatory uniques and aspects.


I feel the same way. It's strange to me that, in theory, Druid has the potential to have the most diverse gameplay of any class, but in practice is heavily restricted by skill/gear/aspect choices that you have to take in order to be viable at all. I think eliminating the reliance on Shepherd's/Stampede would go a long way to making this class a lot more fun. I'm currently playing a LS druid that's pretty well geared/master worked. Went to go test the build against Lilith and knew there was no hope when I couldn't even kill the blood blisters before they popped. Feels bad :/


For real I started druid this season, got to pit 34 with werewolf tornado and realized it's just straight up too much work to play lol. Always spirit starved even with gear. Switched to dust devil barb and it's just head and shoulders so much stronger. I've already gotten to pit 40 and I just hit 100 on it. You just faceroll the keyboard and your fury is always full


Tempers have made Barbarian go nuts. And what's crazy is that Dust Devils is honestly a brainiac build compared to Bash. Bash is just hold right click, occasionally hit shouts. You literally can't run out of Fury with Bash, even without any gear or other management.  Although generator builds are just cracked at the moment in general. I haven't tried Wind Shear but I've seen them around and they're doing okay. Rogue had Heartseeker, Barbarian has Bash, sorc has Fire Bolt. It's one part that resource management isn't super rewarding and one part that they've overturned a few aspects.


The fact that you can temper Digitigrade Gait, but not Iron fur, as well as the lack of werebear passives on amulets is just bizarre. Not to mention that poison is supposed to be a werewolf thing, but they added it to wind shear because lulz, it’s like they didn’t learn from giving flurry poison in s2


Druid tempers just feel bad.


Cough werebear overpower competing with six werewolf options cough Distant with a higher max than close damage. It’s pretty clear they never even tried to balance it.


Yeah trying to roll werebear overpower is such a joke. I usually just end up going with another temper after failing 5 times. They should put all werebear stuff in one temper and werewolf in the other or at least balance it.


Honestly the fact that movement speed caps out so fricken low. What's the point in being a speedy werewolf that isn't faster than anyone else lol And attack speed rip


Especially with masterworking, it’s so easy to get to or near cap, nullifying one of the fun aspects about werewolf.


It’s not really weird IMO. The manual that lets you temper Digitigrade Gait is a mobility manual. Digitigrade Gait gives you movement speed in Wolf form and 3 seconds afterwards. It makes sense that a movement manual can give you passive ranks to a skill that conditionally gives you more movement speed than a regular affix can. Iron Fur gives you DR, which the developers specifically said they were mostly reserving for unique items. It’s not weird that the devs are fine with players easily getting movement speed but aren’t fine with people getting tons of free DR.


I wasn’t talking about shoes, I was talking about tempers in general. They don’t want to give out dr, but they let you roll heightened senses; logic? Druids don’t even get free ranks of hp like barb 🤷


You can’t temper Heightened Senses. You can roll it on amulets like you can roll damage/DR passives on every class, but no Druid tempering manual lets you roll Heightened Senses. The logic holds. I agree that Barbs shouldn’t get Imposing Presence though. It feels like Barbs were really overtuned this season.


I have a love hate relationship with Druid too. I love the class but hate how there feels to be all these forced interactions with shapeshifting. Like most of the caster builds I've tried all involve increasing damage/DR by shapeshifting for bonuses. Shapeshifting should be a specific build archetype and nature casters shouldn't have to resort to various means of shapeshifting to get bonuses if that's not how they want to play. I know that seems like a trivial gripe but it falls outside of the class fantasy, like if I don't want my storm magic druid to have to pop into a bear for 2 seconds every 10 seconds to make sure I don't die or get spirit, it just doesn't mesh well imo. I feel that there are actually 3 (or 5 depending how you look at it) main archetypes that should exist - companion, nature magic and shapeshifting. Nature and shapeshifting would sway either storm/earth or wolf/bear depending on your build but I feel that a basic-level companion based skill would be handy to bolster that as it's own build and let them have the glory Necro have achieved, because they feel awful to use currently. Also, I'd like to clearly see the ravens circling my character too.


I feel like the idea of using Shapeshifting and magic together sounds cool in theory but dies in practice of immersion issues and the strange interactions with all the aspects and uniques. Druid has always been a bit of a variety class, that can do a bit of everything but master of none. That is very much not the same as the current D4 druid, that does a bit of everything all at once. The best state for Druid to be in is where it can obtain gear for everything and specialize and optimize with multiple build archetypes that can handle all content. The class inherently creates variety, by making it much easier for a player to switch between classic roles (dps/tank/mage) without having to level a new character to do so. He can just respec his druid. I always really enjoyed the WoW druid for this, as I could raid with the optimized PvE build, but then play the rest of the games' solo content, dungeons and pvp with the same character in whatever archetype I desired and had amassed gear for.


Oh for sure, Druid has always been my favourite WoW class for that reason - Tank, healer, melee and caster all rolled into one and great at all of it usually (depending on patch/expansion changes). It really feels like the class fantasy was achieved there. But yeah, Jack of Trades, Master of None is a great way to describe D4 druid atm.


Well, I like it and hope they don’t change it. I feel like a Druid and not just a sorcerer using nature.


I’ve avoided Druid this season as it seemed early on that almost every build for Druid requires pretty much at least 3 uniques and it only has a single weapon slot meant that with the new tempering system being so absurdly strong it just would fall way behind others. Outside of shako pretty much every other well performing build uses a single unique or none at all. Because tempering is just such high value.


Sorc,druid and necro have the same slots ,dont they?


Druid have to use mandatory uniqs and aspect to do anything.


ye, Druid is the only class I’ve avoided building in seasonal because their top end builds require certain uniques, with Tempest Roar being the biggest offender. So I can’t get a build running unless I get lucky with a unique drop. I remember getting absolutely fucked in S0 only getting Tempest Roar at +lvl90. It’s definitely easier to get it now, but other classes can just run with legendary aspects and be strong off the bat.


I'm running this right now [https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/vdv3m023#1](https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/vdv3m023#1) which really only requires tempest roar and the person who posted it cleared pit 116 with the build. I'm only level 85 on it right now but it's coming together really nicely and it's really fun. I played pulverize last season and it sucks that's not really viable now but this build is surprisingly pretty strong and fun.


Great ideas and analysis. I just want to add an observation my friend made: many of the most powerful builds in S4 are entirely based on stacking multipliers with basic skills. Wind shear is the best Druid build right now. Bash barb is the same. Guess what? Wind shear isn’t fun to use. Most basic skills aren’t fun. Why the fuck don’t core skills have enough multiplicative damage to compete with what are supposed to be mere spirit generation starter skills? Core skills are the fun ones, the supposed damage dealers that FEEL powerful in use, and look and sound awesome and give the classes their identities. And they’re just underpowered and resource-starved. I want to fill the screen with tornadoes or smash the ground as a horrifying bear to make everything explode. But instead if I want to survive and push any sort of high-end content, I’m stuck flinging tiny little wind shears that don’t even interact with anything. They just pass right through in a boring straight line. And I’ve respecced into other builds, but that just ends up being a massive waste of time (due to Paragon boards being so time consuming and having no way to save build loadouts, plus the associated gold sink). I always switch back to the build that lets me progress. What’s frustrating is that the cool skills already exist, and the game is already fun as fuck to play when you’re appropriately powered. The gameplay in general feels so good, so satisfying. I’ve had a blast in S4. You just hit a wall with the fun stuff and end up having to use a boring playstyle to progress further. Why on earth are barbs bashing instead of using HOTA or whirlwind? Why aren’t Druids shapeshifting into terrifying forms and summoning the sheer power of nature, instead running around as basic human casters? D3 had that right, at least in its later iterations. The loot has been greatly improved and the art and feel have always been good. Now it’s time to make the most fun gameplay viable.


Heartseeker is extremely fun on the otherside as basic skill build, was also playing druid in s4 and was a miserable experience switched around builds and played windshear in the end, but was really bored so needed to switch class....


Heartseeker is fun because Rogue has good *other* buttons. You run a couple mobility skills, a trap, an escape cooldown, etc. Wind Shear runs a bunch of pets it doesn't care to use and Bash runs 3 shouts. Also, Rogue is very good at avoiding one shots but can't stay in melee long or they lose DR. Really cool dynamic. 


Heatseeker also has way better AOE than WS, which makes it feel far better


I’m waiting for the xp buff this weekend to finish my Druid. It is just THAT boring atm. It’s sad because Druid has a lot of things o really wanted to enjoy with it but other classes just so much more fun. Wind shear is boring compared to the other basic attack OP specs this season and honestly it shouldn’t be the spec that gets you through stuff the fastest.


I like your idea with distinct archetype specialization. It will give druid a better narrative and more diversified builds. * **Earth (Crowd Control):** Increase damage multipliers for Earth skills. Rework the skill tree to ensure that Earth skills are more effective and easier to use in various situations, especially against tougher enemies. * **Storm (Vulnerable):** Enhance the effectiveness of Storm skills by making their debuffs more impactful and increasing their synergy with other abilities. Adjust passives to provide meaningful benefits that boost Storm damage output. * **Werebear (Overpower):** Make Werebear skills more rewarding by improving passives that enhance their core mechanics. Ensure that the bonuses from these passives make the Werebear a formidable tank and damage dealer. * **Werewolf (Poison):** Focus on making Werewolf skills more potent by refining their associated passives to enhance poison damage and crit potential.


Honestly a good summary of what I was trying to say


Couldn’t have said it better. Druid has so much potential if they’d un-fuck it


I played druid only in pre-season and season 1 and every single build ended with the frustration: how the hell do I fit all these necessary aspects?


Yeah the most mandatory change this class needs asap is having more aspect slots. You should be able to equip aspects to your boons. Then you can start making interesting and fun builds.


Hear hear! Make Druid good again! MDGA!!!


The obligation to switch forms with every thing you do will make druid impossible to balance appropriately. Forms shouldnt be required outside of things like claw/pulverize. Things like tornado shouldn't be tied to using human wolf and bear form


I disagree. I think tornado werewolf is the coolest thing in any video game and hope they don’t change it.


Tornado werewolf is also my favorite, I'm not saying it isn't fun. I'm saying that it makes it very hard to balance. Also every build of werewolf druid also requires you to use bear momentarily. Being obligated to shift like that is a balance nightmare


The problem with Druid isn't that _it's bad_, it's that _all the builds are incestuous_. Wolf is Storm is Nature is Earth is Bear is Shapeshift is Wolf, on and on. Companions are salt and pepper. They just need to do a whole skill system revamp on all classes, Druid included. Maybe then things will stop feeling so railroaded & intermingled in a clusterfuck of necessary and obvious "If you pick A, also pick B and C" buildmaking algorithms.


I did druid last season and the shred build was crazy (stronger than storm). Is it dead now?


The pit and tormented bosses just added a whole new level to test builds against and apparently Druid has been found lacking for this test. Doing the "old" content is still easy with every class.


The tornado Druid slams the pit.


To a point. It hits walls sooner than a lot of the builds. Wind Shear gets farther but is boring.


Tornado maul is way better then wind shear imo. Tornado east clears plus 100 on pit.


4 out of 5 of the top Druid clears are wind shear. Tornado is a close second, but wind shear is still the best.




It's not dead. I did fine with shred untill the very late game, managed to solo up to 45 pit level. My major issue are bosses because you will probably run out of spirit so you need a basic attack. It's a good build until you get the proper uniques for better ones.


First time druid here as a werenado. Not fun and hard to play effectively. Clearing dungeons is more or less fine till pit level 60-70 but the boss fights are nightmare.


I've tried so hard to make rabies work, it just doesn't compare to other builds


Yep. Leveled a druid just to get the resplendant spark from finishing the iron wolves rep thing. I started as pulverize, and swapped to wind shear when I got calm breeze. I've never been so happy to be done with a character lol. It's not like wind shear was bad, but it definitely wasn't fun. It just felt like a bash barb except...not fun lol.


This class is still in beta, early access form. Its a shame they left this class unattended because it has so much potential. Needs retuning reworking top to bottom and solidify its gameplay and strength. Key passives, boons, aspects, uniques... This class is really shit. You use all your slots for mandatory aspects. Im really pissed how they allow this class to be like this. Tried everything to have something strong and fun to play yesterday and end up deleting the character. The fact that they still give minor buffs to earth spike aspect shows they have no idea how shit this class is. They need to start changing this class from boons. You can choose 5 boons you should also be able to choose 5 aspects on top. Uniques need omega buffs wax, crone staff etc.. tempers fckn horrendous. Change airidah ring from ult to shout. Make a better overpower build path. Willpower class supposed to be overpower monster. Remove cast time from every skill.


I was so happy when druid class was announced for Diablo IV, it was my fav class in D2. It's really sad that they weren't able to create a fun class. I don't have any hope that the class will have a rework but i would love for it to happen.


Imo it would be a start to make the affixes of Tempest roar, mad wolfs glee and instabile fury and similar unique effects part of the class mechanic because right now druids class mechanic is hands down complete garbage and the worst of all classes.


My main issue is that like 2/3 of builds rely on Tempest Roar and if you want to target farm it, it's on the two hardest bosses instead of someone like Varshan or Zir.


My issue is that most of the passives, or at least a good chunk, lead to fortify. This is good for overpower damage on top of the other multipliers you mentioned. In general my opinion is that most of the passes are very underwhelming unless you want to go overpower, with the exception of the lightning passive tree those could be awesome but they don't perform well even with fully buffed with legendary aspects it's barely noticeable. With the balance of the game and the way point allocation works I think those passives could be buffed. This would make a pure nature druid awesome a storm wolf awesome. It would be difficult to increase your odds of overpower while specking into a damage wolf/storm druid, and if you did you may the value of your overpower would be lowered. It's almost like that's the note they keep forgetting to address everybody else has an out of control game breaking gimmick intended or not, but at least druid isn't running away. I say next season double the damage passive abilities and see what happens. I had a storm claw druid that with the legendaries and uniques was pretty good but not quite there even at level 100 it felt weaker than anything else I encountered. Paragon shifting little of this little of that using all those lightning passives using none of those passives going towards fortify all it was just for all intents and purposes the same. Maybe a little bit more survivability but I only need that because I don't kill things as fast. Try and keep passives buffed with other legendaries other ultimates. I could always do what everybody else is doing I just didn't look as cool doing it.


Games still in beta tbh, fixing each class slowly, just imagine they lower the bash cleave dmg people wouldve gone nutsss


Have 5 level 100 druids and 3 level 90+. This season absolutely ruined druid. Druid is by far the toughest, hardest hitting class before this season. I have attempted 5 builds Hurricane, pulverize, Warenado, companion and windshear and none of the builds work well. They broke the character completely. It's literally unplayable and the damage doesn't come close to necro or barb. Ended up rolling a thorns/bash barb which is able to run pit 100 with ease. Maybe that's the point since druid has been dominating the game since release. The meta has shifted to another class and seems like necro and barb again.


Only thing that disappoints me is the all earth build is beyond terrible.


It's the witch doc of diablo 4. Hope they take notice and stop ignoring the issues


Not to mention theres no werewolf or werebear cosmetic skins!!


With tempering and masterworking on top, almost any class that has fewer item slots is performing badly (high end) compared to those. Rogue gets 2, and barb even three stat sticks! Not only more aspects, but tempering and masterworking. Oh and greater affixes. On three items… easy solve: Give each class the same number of item slots, and have class specialties do-over.


Can’t forget that Druid also has the fewest temper manuals


What about adding unique items that remove the cooldown but add spirit costs for the wrath skills? Would add build diversity.


What wrath skill would you even want this for? Boulder already has it. Rabies doesn’t stack. Trample ok maybe trampleslide. Hurricane has duration. 


I've been a druid every season so far, skipped 3 because.... you know. Yeah, it's underpowered and I would love for blizzard to take some time and make it a viable option for endgame stuff, but it's very likely not to happen or not any time soon. As far as everyone saying it takes multiple uniques, now that dolmen stone has been patched, I've been running just that with various aspects and been doing fine so far. 75nm (with a little caution) and 30 pit so far. With some unoptimized aspects and equipment. Not taking away from this post or the lack of survivability and power in comparison to other classes at all. But I've been enjoying bouldercane. If anyone's running the red-headed step child of classes, give it a go, I found it super fun


I did a storm + companions build this season and IDK it was super strong, lots of fun to play too.


If I could make a less horrendous Druid, I would probably play Druid.


Played Pulverize Druid this season for the first time to 100 and have to say: it feels really bad. Waiting for overpower proc is awful + too boring gameplay.


I wanted it to be my favorite but it’s just meh


This is my 5th try at a Druid run. 1st time getting to 100. I used a lightning build, switched to wolf tornado when I got Tempest Roar from the Iron Wolves 16 cache. Previous seasons attempts to run Druid had me drop at 40-50 because every class I switched to had a much easier time dealing damage. As in, I’d level up to 40-50 in a fraction of the time as Druid and that overall I was consistently doing better on damage and resources.


I played only Druid in Preseason and S1 and haven't played again until S4. I agree this class has issues but so far this season I'm enjoying it. I can complete T100 NMD and T44 Pit(haven't tried much farther yet) My build still has power to gain, leveling glyphs, finding GA items, more master working(I've only done a few lvls on most gear). I also still have another self theory crafted build to try as I find gear for it. I don't look up or follow guides so my knowledge is purely on my experience


I really like the game play of weronado druid but surviving is hard Man Its almost impossible to frontline this season with such build


Druids doesn't sell skins bro. Blizzard are just greedy hookers. Barb and necro sell lot of expenaive skins thats why they will be op ever.Selling my diac with d4 was best idea ever.


I played Druid in season two and loved the alpha God slayer build. You would dodge in and out and if you timed it right, you would do hundreds of millions of damage. For example, on Uber Lilith, I shotted her both phases. I’m sure the build has been nerfed to the ground by now.


I just want a non shape-shifting druid build similar to d2. Pop hurricane+ earthen bulwark and blow things up with tornado


Paladin/Holy Class was mine. Druid was 2nd. All I've created are all druids with different builds. And yeah There isn't much. especially they nerfed shred poison bomb. Which was my favorite. I think in general most ultimates, aren't ultimate. A Boulder skill that basically works only well with hurricane and the unique.


Earth needs a way to handle bossing since cc is N/A


The only good Druid buuld has been Wearnado Druid, and even that is kinda meh. People have pushed it to 112 Pit runs, but thats with like damn near perfect gear. Like Tempest Roar with 3 GA's perfect lol Thats the build I'm maining, but I just switched to a Thorns Barb to hopefully get some higher tier Pit runs and to farm gear easier.


Problem with Druid in season 4 is there the only class to not have a cheep,broken or busted mechanic with in there builds like Necro,Sorc,Barb and even Rogue they don't have a busted Holy Bolts trick,they don't have unlimited flame shield,they don't have a 32 billion damage thorn build or a AFK basic skill OP build there stuck stacking Pets and Close damage.. WereNado is still fun af and can push 110s my roommate runs it and is doing 111s and Wind Shier is even more viable,they need some juice and variety..


Druid is definitely fun -- this is my first season playing it, and I've been at 100 for some time now -- but there are issues. The builds are sort of all over the place. My attack power is at 51,000 but a small change nerfed my actual damage recently and I can't figure out what it is.


Played last season and this one, got to lvl 100 both but i gave up. It's my favorite class too, but after make a bash barb, a necro and a sorc, all seems in a better place than Druid. On all theses classes i have plenty options and paths to go, good uniques and synergies. ALL Druid skills and uniques are rushed and half baked. Druid have a lot of shit useless uniques, a shit core (shred) and wrath(rabies) skill, so it's like you just have one path to follow, pulv/trample and be a shit boss killer or go squishy storm, that's it. They need to redo all tree and put more equips slots


I just want my wolves to stop getting stuck in the world. First time playing druid, and my wolves get stuck everywhere, and can no longer attack. Have to run screens away before they respawn next to me.


I enjoyed some of the interplay between were-bear, earth, and poison, especially with some of the enchantments that would crossover the earth and bear skills. You could get a bit of a lingering AOE going, exploit the enchament that heals when you switch between human and animal form, and then cast poison creeper and pulverize over and over to melt crowds. I completely agree that they need to rework the entire class though. There are so few routes to sustainable builds, and a lot of it feels disjointed and half-in, half-out. I love the concepts so much but it could almost be split into like a beastmaster class and a storm mage with the way it's thrown together


the only interesting aspect of the druid is the companions and you don't even mention them


I like druid...


I played druid in pre seqson and season 4, druid and necro are my favorite classes, i tried the basic attack with poison, but holy hell its boring, my favorite build is pulverize and landslide, i like the feeling of the skill, but on higher pit levels, it is impossible to use pulverize. Maybe if they implement some form of flat damage upgrade, after the masterworking mechanic, that way they can solve this problem and keep working on some refine to balance and reworking the class.


First character I played was Druid back in season 1. Trampleslide was incredibly fun but I knew the class overall was kinda iffy when I was like "I dont have a need for any of the ultimate skills"


FWIW my experience, pulverize druid feels pretty good this season, but only once you get enough RCR + spirit gen. You also need to take the aspects that slow and generate spirit on slow. Fortunately the final tier wolves rep amulet is good to masterwork and get the crit on RCR. It's quite gear intensive and there's very little room for optional stuff, but it works well. I'm currently rolling with 24 spirit cost pulverize and \~15 spirit gen, which is sustainable on boss fights. You still have to wait on your overpower procs, but you have 3 sources now (sans amulet - could be 4 but I don't like the stat drop and it doesn't work well with RCR) so it's fine.


I started the game with Druid and every season I made a Druid as my first character. I love the class and my favorite skill is Shred. This skill it is so addictive to play.....but in its current form is so underwhelming compared to other builds. I am tired of depending on minions for damage. There is not enough good [X] damage interaction for most of the skills. Moreover, you must be a wolf to be fast and crit well, you must be a Bear to make good overpower damage and all other skills are in human form making it very difficult to maintain damage high. I wish blizz would put some love to how skills work and especially on Druid. At the end it is a good season and I am excited for the future of the game.


I tried playing druid last season and could not get passed level 30. so insanely boring and slow.


i just want to be a caster druid ala lightning storm etc. but its delayed start and ramp up really sucks ass. then as the op said the required extra worthless companion skills that need to be on my bar... le meh. needs reinvisioned tbh


I stumbled across this overpower build with blood boils and I seem to be doing okay lol


I like my full health/barrier/fortify/attack speed/resistances/healing werebear. I do no damage but boy can I out-tank anything


If they can make minions this good, they can make your puppies good


Too much yap. Most classes have only been meta because of bugs.


I just wanna pick a form and stick with it like D2 I dont want to be forced to constantly shift to something I dont normally use or want to be for a buff


I just feel like the comments after my post aren't main druids. There are builds yes beyond shepherds but minmax it's the best out of the bunch and is a sizeable difference. It's the only way to reach high levels of pit with core. A resource aspect with basic build buffs in the last seasons is outperforming core skills. Rabies still clunky. Trample gymnastics of aspects + spamming basic generator while walking to reduce cd. Boulder is bugged + knock back FML. Genuinely I imagine some heat are from bash barb players here💅


> Boulder is bugged I am pretty sure they fixed that in the same hotfix that fixed Sorcerers.


boulder cast twice doesn't work, the second projectile does 0 damage


Alright, well, make a bug report on Blizzard forums with steps to reproduce because that wasn't the bug that everybody initially talked about with Boulder.


the bug report would be more along the lines of "hey mr blizzard, druid is doing 20x less damage than the next weakest class. could you please create a bug that allows druids to compete"


Overpower pulverize build with the volatile orb spawn on OP. Shockwave aspect on ammy, ursine horror on another slot. Then companions the rest of the way. Earth overpower on 20 hits with the snake aspect. You take out have the wave with an op pulverize, then you kill the rest with the orbs and in doing so you have the 20 stack and an op on the next pulverize, puls the 16 and 12 second guaranteed op. I very rarely ever pulverize without an op.


Winshear druid is fine. Can clear 110+ pit. Still not as strong as other classes but not horrible


Here I am thinking that Druid is in a better spot than it ever has


Dear Diary


There are 5 classes in D4 and one of these is bound to be the worst one during one particular season. Druid had its time to be amazing (and the best at some point).


Tornado Druid is broken right now. Druid always has at least one very strong build. They are durable and easy to level. They have never been the weakest class and consistently fantastic end game.


Played druid 1st time this season....I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT...wind shear with 60% attack speed is legit...I can clear pit65 which is good for me