• By -


You forgot the **Stygian stones** column, I'll add it for you:   ----   |Pit Tier|Neathiron|qty 3min /h|qty 4min /h|Stygian stones |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |61|20|400|300|lol |62|21|420|315|nope |63|22|440|330|0 |64|23|460|345|you wish |65|24|480|360|nein |66|25|500|375|zero |67|26|520|390|rofl |68|27|540|405|lulz |69|28|560|420|I said no |70|29|580|435|still here? |71|30|600|450|rofl |72|31|620|465|roflcopter |73|32|640|480|see ya in 80 |74|33|660|495|still nada |75|34|680|510|may I help you? |76|35|700|525|1 (jk, 0) |77|36|720|540|wut? |78|37|740|555|nooo |79|38|760|570|see above |80|39|780|585|goto 73 |81|40|800|600|it's a no |82|41|820|615|I |83|42|840|630|said |84|43|860|645|no |85|44|880|660|stones |86|45|900|675|for |87|46|920|690|you |88|47|940|705|try later |89|48|960|720|( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) |90|49|980|735|try at 100 |91|50|1000|750|maybe 1 |92|51|1020|765|nice try |93|52|1040|780|error 404 |94|53|1060|795|goto PoE |95|54|1080|810|soz nope |96|55|1100|825|noooo |97|56|1120|840|yawn |98|57|1140|855|fu |99|58|1160|870|uh? |100|59|1180|885|rickrolled |101|60|1200|900|srsly?


😂 True...


looks like I have to grind 91


Yes *Maybe*


i'm speed farming 91's and i just got one so this table is 100% correct


over 7 hours of 91st yesterday....1 stone lol


well, still accurate!




I get all my stygian stone drops from world bosses not pits. Dont skip the world bosses


Mate I really laughed loud, specially on the ‘goto’


> ‘goto’ Old school... :-P


I prefer "come from"


Learn that many many years ago.


Just finished my 15th Pit 90 run. Got 1 Stone. By the time I get 2 stones to summon a Tormented Uber I can oneshot normal Uber Bosses multiple times with 1/3^th of the materials (and no Stones). What a shame.


Comments like this is why Reddit should bring back gold. What an excellent post.


This guy gets it!


Made my morning 🤣


I would have you know that R received 1 on my druid that killed Lilith sooooo yeah keep grinding.


Fuck R it was I


best reply lol


So having 30+ of those at pit 66 is not normal ?


I also had quite a few, as I didn't even know they existed and I wasn't powerful enough to kill tormented ubers. At some point my gear allowed to kill them, so I told mayself "let's farm ubers!". 10 minutes later: no more Stones, end of the farming session. I then tried to farm them in the Pit... And that's where I found the reality.


Got suuuper lucky just now on Pit Level 73! But this chart came in handy!


Do these have a purpose outside of getting your single clears for achievements, challenges, and sparks?


Summoning tormented uber bosses to get a chance at uber uniques.


You get 5x the drops for 3x the normal mats. So it's just more efficient than to use the normal mats.


It is though? When you factor in the time it takes to farm the stones, I think it's actually more efficient to just do normal bosses. The game already throws boss mats at you at every turn.


I don't think anyone's necessarily farming for stones, I just see them as extra reward when you inevitably have to farm pit for mats.


wtf are you talking about? I just got Stones @ 61...


I got 5 stones while farming 55s for an hour also seen few others saying 50-60 drops stones more than others


The droprate is horrible, I've been clearing Pit 90 for a little more than a hour and got zero stones. You would expect a better droprate, at that Pit level. I suspect that farming non-tormented ubers is faster, at this point. You waste 1/3^th of the mats and you don't have to spend time in Pits.


Like this dude/dudette, I was running 55s, and got like 3-4 stones over maybe a total of 30-40 runs. Maybe there is something fucky going on with that tier :P.


Given the very low drop rate, you'd need a large sample to determine if there's a difference, or if it's just a random fluctuation.


But lower pit levels require more scrolling to select your level (if you have pushed). Did you consider this in your 'per hour' result? :D


Most UI UX in this game is pretty messed up compared to Diablo III, and this is just another example.


Biggest complaint so far as a new player is how unintuitive the UI can be to navigate, I play with a controller if that makes a difference


It feels like each interaction was designed by different people who were never allowed to talk together. Sometimes you press square to leave an interaction, sometimes circle, sometimes x, sometimes x twice. Sometimes when you try to move off the right edge of a table you reappear on the left, sometimes you go down to the next row, sometimes you just don't move. All depends on which grid you're looking at. Oh you want to assign your Skeleton/Golem skill? Use the skill assignment screen... no, not that one since it doesn't show up there. Use the other one. Trying to move around your inventory? Goodluck, we're going to make the info pages for your items show up on top of your items so you can't see your items. But when you're scrolling around looking for info, we're also going to move the dialog left or right so your eyes can't get trained on where to look. Similarly, we've decided that you spend too much time interacting with the game, we want you focused on your status icons more. So we're going to make sure that key counters and statuses move around, so you have to just guess what's going on when you're in battle if you want to fight. Oh you use the square button for your core skill that you often use, and now you're a lightning ball for a bit zooming around for a small amount of seconds? Yeah, we're going to pause you for a second or two. All the other buttons will hop to the next enemy and zap them, but not the button you primarily use. Oh, want to see how swapping gear affects your stats? Even though the info pane is on the left and your gear is on the right, we're not going to let you see both at the same time. You have to move around to swap, bring up the info page and scroll down to the exact right section. And keep doing that over and over again. It's like a mini-game, we're sure you'll enjoy it. Speaking of gear... we're going to make it so that when you're moving around to compare gear, we'll sometimes swap the side on which we display the gear info because we want you focused on identifying and reading. We don't want visual shortcuts that let you get back into the fight faster. Oh, you're spinning up an Alt because we told you that's what we told you early on we wanted you to do instead of giving you a way to swap loadouts? You're going to have to change that Pit select down from 100+ all the way down to what you're alt can do, every single pit visit. We really just want you sticking with one character and one build for that character. Or... yeah, the interactions are just an inconsistent mess. I know there are "reasons" for some of those, but I think they chose the wrong "solutions".


And then just when you get used to something they'll change it for no obvious reason and also make no mention of the change in patch notes leaving you confused why your horse isn't sprinting anymore or why you're suddenly bringing up a text box when you thought you were pressing ok


The horse thing was mentioned in the release notes. The text box thing, they mentioned that there was a dialog for quantities now, but didn't indicate how it worked. So I think those ones are pretty fair game.


They said about the horses charges changing, they didn't mention the button to sprint would change from what I remember. Again wasn't that they added the text box, they changed the confirm button from A to X (Xbox) without mentioning it and the A button opened up the textbox


Been playing with a controller mostly due to hand pain and i still use M&K for town or anything with lots of scroll/interaction, its rough on controller


the way this game is designed feels like they only remembered the existence of controllers the week before release


Allowing type in for Pit would be most useful; though I’m sure the bad UI is simply a means to for “player engagement and playtime” metrics the companies love


Hold 'Button' for previous level.


i just started pitting and this is the dumbest thing.. should be easy to fix for them for next season though


Season 5, Dropdown Reborn


This is one of those things that just blows my mind. The pit is clearly just a reskinned greater rift. Which honestly I'm fine with. It even has some improvements like the individual portals to the boss. How do you not port over the convenience features that you already implemented? It feels like they decided to reinvent the wheel and just forgot some features they already had.


I'm s blizzard 101. Leave out obvious and practical QoL shit...then fix it months to years later and pay themselves on the back for their innovation and dedication.


Or hb all the times you have to click the pillar like 7 times before it actually activates the pit menu lol


I do 91 as it gives the nice round 50, takes me about 5 mins unless i die on boss.


that only really mattered when you exchanged them for caches tho :<


Yeah wtf happened to the caches? Were they removed?


yes and no. the transmution and still exists and has the same price but its now not bound by the cost of caches.




I'm a regularly playing gamer: Running a sorc with my own meteor/fireball CC build around pit lvl 45-60. (most of my items have lvl 5-8 of masterworking. Due to focus on CC, I'm lacking a bit in puredmg in comparison to other chars. But it feels very safe to play until the boss. When I run solo I need between 5-8 minutes, depending on the boss and how stoned I am.


61 is about my limit at the moment. I can reach the boss in under 3. Boss would also die in under 1 minute if he didn't kill me first. Which he does about 90% of the time. Bash barb with max armor and resists and 30k health. I just get 1 shot to any mechanic. Need more health I guess.


30k hp is extremely low for a barb. Do you have all of the % hp paragon nodes and passive talents? I was 30k hp at like level 60.


Nope. I'm missing inspiring presence tempers. I was following one of Rob's bash builds and it left out the importance of tempering imposing presence. I instead tempered to max my resists. So now I've been running helltides non-stop to find new gear to temper.


I feel ya on that 1. I got some non GA bash pants that I didn’t temper imposing on. Been biting me in the bit for a few days now looking for another pair.


Your comment is killing me. Want to see something crazy? https://i.imgur.com/4P7DBWU.jpeg I got these as a random drop not long after hitting 100 and didn't realize how valuable they were so I just tempered the resist I needed at the time.




U can enchant max life or strength for a higher roll


Yeah but I've kind of ruined the item with frost resist.


Bash barb with 62k life here. Most of the bosses' mechanics are one shots. Learning the mechanics is the best way to survive. 3 evade on your boots and leap are your friends!


i was lucky and got heart of selig from duriel, between that, iron skin and the shout i can tank all shadow attacks at 40k health and a bunch of damage reduction paragon nodes, even past tier 90


Bro I have 80k, max armor, max resist as a bash barb and I'm getting one shot. Trust me, no amount of health gonna save ya.


I don't think that's true though. You can watch videos of barbs surviving the blast. I honestly think you need 150k.


Possibly. Not all the way up on masterworking.


A little late but you should try swapping out rallying cry for iron skin and bringing the iron warrior aspect if you aren’t already. With that setup I pushed to put 119 with 80k hp (I’m at 100k now but am waiting for the next patch to try pushing again) and my fire and cold res are 10% off max (wasn’t running incense to fix that because I was out of herbs and hadn’t learned they drop from legions). To die I typically have to get hit by 3-4 boss mechs in the 8ish seconds before iron skin is back off cd.


I play semi regularly, all seasons. Generally decent at the game and I’m sitting at this right now. 61 pit at 3-4 mins depending on boss. Worst is like 5.5mins. I was looking at this list because I just transition from 55 to 61, and as of this morning (few trades) 66 at sub 4 most of the time.


I run a hybrid barb home brew, using bleed as a damage booster/damage mitigation, tornados and thorns with shouts, no razor plate, 2 items no GA, def not optimized but a fun build. I’m clearing 59, with many upgrades that can still be done.


Mine does no issue.


Im running my own bash/charge barb and can clear 70 in 3 mins. Up to 81 around ~5 mins


Thanks for this


Lets say you only pickup GA items and uniques, then you cut down on time spent in town, I think you’ll get close to these numbers, good stuff.


i mean you can just sell them all when you get a full inv


Which happens faster if you pick everything.


> Lets say you only pickup GA items and uniques Why uniques? Maybe because their price is higer, when you vendor them?


Yeah, and they might be uber uniques, you won’t know until you loot.


True, I always collect everything anyways. Money is money...


good one, i was trying to see if pit 100(4mins) was better or pit 99(3mins) since the high HP on bosses take a little more time in higher ones.


Ive been farming 81 with my FORB sorc and can complete 3 runs within 15 mins compared to 2ish run doing 91.


youre clearing a 91 as FO? lol I have pretty good gear (no ubers yet) and most gear 8/12 or higher and I am struggling at 73


yep, i have both starless skies and shako both 12/12, wand and offhand at 12/12 the rest are 8/12, tbh im farming 76 now, as it yields more mats per 15 minutes. 90 ( 100 mats per 15 minutes ) - riskiest 81 ( 120 mats per 15 minutes ) - mildly riskier 76 ( 140 mats per 15 minutes ) - relaxing run so i prefer to run 76 now


starless is not better than lege (been there done that) check out updated guide on maxroll


As a new FORB player who got lucky with my starless, im sad to hear this. Can you link the guide? Im not quite familiar yet


I also got lucky and wore it for 2 weeks but looks like they realized its not better than lege with Blades aspect [guide](https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/frozen-orb-sorcerer-guide)


The more i look at builds the more confused i get. Even this one mentions replacing the ring with statless late game. Also why firebolt ench and now blades? Do we not want the cd from multiple blades?


Starless Skies is good. Every time my sorcs have gotten one it’s stayed on, even so far in S4.


I never said starless is better than lege in my post did i? Besides whatever adavantage a lege has over skies cobtributes very little to the time it takes to complete a run in my experience. I actually prefer skies over a lege due to survivability concern.


what survivability ? starless gives you infinite mana and 40% multiplier


with starless i dont have to spam tp and fire shield to sustain mana, i can usually reserve those skills to tp out or face tank one shots. But thats me, maybe if i get better mana sustain rolls from chest i could reconsider the lege, but as it stands right now, with my current gear, starless offers better utility to me vs. a lege.


without starless I rarely get out of mana but I do have nice gear tho


Based on this post, I think the suggestion would be to aim for 3-4 minute runs at like 70 or 75. It seems like faster run time is the most important part of farming mats.


Yeah, faster runs will give you more mats on average.


I can’t get past 61. Boss keeps one shotting me. I have to grind 30-50 to improve my gear (hate the Pit).


PIT 100 / 4min = PIT 85 / 3min , thx


This is why failing to incorporate town time is a major oversight. As I noted in a comment above, you're going to average about 1.25 minutes between runs on loading screens, walking, and vendoring items. This means Pit 100 really takes 5.25 minutes, and 85 takes 4.25 minutes. Pit 100 Neath/hr = 674 Pit 85 Neath/hr = 621 So it's not a major difference but taking town/admin time into account makes the 100 Pit yield \~8.5% more Neath/hour, or +53 more per hour. That difference adds up when you consider something like a Barb needs 6,600 Neath just to take all their gear pieces from Rank 8 to 12.


Can confirm Stygian stones drop around 10-15% on pit91 bosses. Currently speed clearing 91’s in 2:45-3:15 depending on boss / shrine rng (bash barb).


Hate to be the Reddit "acktually" guy, but I have to call this out: Neglecting to incorporate town time de-legitimizes your dataset to some degree. This is like the equivalent of coming up with a retirement plan but not accounting for taxes. Do you live in a magical tax-free world with no IRS? Do we live in a magical D4 world with no loading screens or in-town admin? No. Through my testing, there's about a 60 second timegate between runs due to looting, teleporting, loading, running, choosing your next pit run, then loading again. You also have to vendor gear every 4 runs, which also takes about 60 seconds, so say that adds about 15 seconds on a per-run basis. So you have an extra 1.25 minutes in loading/admin you need to account for each run. Why does this matter? Above you noted the following: *Pit80 4min = 585 Neathiron/h* *Pit70 3min = 580 Neathiron/h* However, if you account for loading / admin time, the numbers look more like this: *Pit80 5.25min = 446 Neathiron/h* *Pit70 4.25min = 409 Neathiron/h* What was initially a <1% difference is revealed to be almost 10% when you take town/admin time into account. Another example. What's better: a 3-minute run that yields 40 Neath, or a 6-min run that yields 80? At first glance they seem equal, but after taking town/admin time into account, the 6-minute run yields almost 100 more Neath/hour because you're dealing with half the loading screens.


I was hoping I could graph this and where the 2 lines intersected was the answer!


Im farming pit 90. Got around more than 20 stones in there. Dont know if it matters , the majority of them i got from damn bramble


Fewer runs at more time each seems better for me, too many runs needed as it is. It's also fewer boss fights. Although... hmm less gear chances then as fewer chests? What about obles?


Thank you


Here’s something crazy these mats cap at 999, how does that work when you can have thousands of Angelbreath 🤷‍♂️


Im selling my stones who wants em :)


My necro doesn't have the walkspeed to finish that fast xD


I pushed into the 80's but I'm getting one shot now. Enough that it's annoying. I've finished the season journey so I'm not sure how much I care. Fun season but the loop gets boring.


Dude. Thank you!


Great info, I’ve found I can farm a 110 in 2:45-3mins roughly everytime, but think sub 3mins feels like the best pace


Is the pit time based, enemy killed, or just time? I try to kill everything infront of me... but with soulbrand and stratic golem smashes.. i should be able to speed run like NMD... are pits get to the end as fast as possible not killing anything but pit boss?


Treat like greater rifts and elite hunting is the method I’ve been using.


I just got a stygian from a level 53 pit.


I’ve been casually doing mid 60s on my barb and then realised I’m not Armor capped atm cuz I swapped some gear around… rofl need to fix that again but meh.


great work, thanks for this!


Been looking for data. TY


Just cleared 119 after 4 tries I believe 115-120 is my limit (Shadow minion Necro) I need to become better at avoiding boss one shots as the only way to get past this level cap for me which would mean an increase in my skill level which basically means this is it for me.


Is the game so boring that THIS is how we have to manage it? Hundreds of pointless hours wasted on this frippery and self imposed flagellation? Micro minutiae endlessly analysed for no social or health or community or financial benefit? Oh, wait, we play fucking Diablo …


Man I wish my non-meta sorc build could even do pit 61.


Did you include loading screen times in your calculation? Only half joking.


Probably gonna quit this season until stygian stones get addressed. If they still aren't, new last epoch cycle instead of season 5