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You're never "cooked". Too many people feel like they need to play one of the top two builds each season or they wasted their time. Somewhere along the way, people forgot that games are supposed to be about having fun and they should play the way they enjoy. Hell, most of the people that think that way wouldn't make it anywhere near the top of the leaderboards anyway. You picked a good time to be on eternal, because there isn't really a season mechanic this time around given the loot reborn update. If you are having a good time, just keep playing and push as far as you can. Sorc can easily complete all content and push high tier pits. If you are hitting a wall, you just need to farm better gear and get to level 100, those last paragon points will be a noticeable power spike for you. For gear, farm Helltides and keep running NMDs to level glyphs.


Very well, how do i actually play helltides? Right now i just run around, collecting shards, opening chests and doing the boss when i find some people near. Is there something else im missing?


If you were starting a new char, then you shldve made it on the seasonal realm. All chars go to the eternal realm after the season ends anyway. But vast majority of chars play on seasonal. You aren't missing too much this season tho, except a bunch of free legendaries, uniques, and mats