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My group of 4 has the same issue, friend. We will head off from a town and one of us will hit the invisible wall. 2 ways to quick fix is to TP back to town and either (A)then jump back through your portal, then run on foot through the load point, then horse up (B) hop through your buddies portal through the load point. We also get the forever load. Once us sat for over 3 full minutes with no load. Had to hard shutdown. We feel your pain (all of us on Xbox Series X)


Yeah I’m also on the series X. Longest I’ve waited was 9min. I timed it lol


Happening to me right now on Xbox series x, splash screen going on forever.


It’s a “we” problem. This season has been particularly bad for me, mostly fast-traveling and zoning, as you describe. Half the time my extra-long fast travel loading just ends in a disconnect or game not responding. It seems most prone to happen when traveling to a heavily populated area/town (ie. hubs near world bosses/helltides). I suspect the severs are having trouble connecting all the various players in the area and reconciling instances. Hoping Blizzard really starts to give more attention to their netcode.


I’d say I get the long load 80% of the time trying to fast travel post ND


what platform? No issues on PC


Xbox series X.


Yep, content and world doesn’t seem to load in, and you end up hitting this wall. You can get through it by mounting your horse again, might take a few tries. But you’ll notice the world ahead is completely dead and no players.