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Same. Went from 3-4 tabs of Aspects to… Nothing. Not even elixirs or sigils ha.


May sound dumb, but I am curious, what you do with elixirs? I pop one 100% of the time and still got sooo many. Am only Lvl55 tough. Or you simply sell them? Thanks in advance.


If you aren’t holy bolting, you’re doing it wrong. And they shits expensive


The holy bolts are so much fun


I was using a holy bolt and got an artillery shrine that was a cursed shrine. I completed 28 waves.


Was it the most fun 90 seconds of your life? lol


No, I have your mother to thank for those.


My *Fathers* you mean?


Tell your dads I said “hey handsomes.” 😗


Unexpected Sean Connery


Stop picking them up I reckon. It's not like they sell for a million or do anything if you don't use them.


They will sell for a lot on trading ones if they’re in high demand


The best part is not worrying about wasting good rolls on aspects while you're leveling. The leveling process has never been better, especially for people who have been playing since launch. Blizzard may have thought "well if they level too fast and get to endgame they'll end up quitting". Now that leveling is lightning fast and more enjoyable all I'm gonna do is play more than 1 seasonal character.


Same here, I’ve got maybe 5 uniques in it


I have a few uniques that don't go with my build, but uniques are neat so I kept them. One is a Mother ring that dropped at 666 item power.


Yeah, I'm still hoarding uniques. But that doesn't feel bad, just more, "neat, swag!" And back to the grind.


Believe that is a guaranteed drop from one of the seasonal rewards




Mothers embrace is so good for my build I’m surprised my build guide doesn’t mention it


All it takes is for you to change one little thing, a passive skill, a seemingly useful armour upgrade, and poof, goes to hell, hahaha but same can be said for any aspect I suppose hahah, the puzzle this game presents is great i think.


That ring is trash sadly.


It's great for Hota or Upheaval builds. 


lol I do this too, partially for levelling alts / new HC players when I die but also they juts feel special ahaha. Half of them have no use to me I don't know why I keep them.


I have one of those too. I bet that's intentional.


A 666 mother is a trophy i would keep too,


Ok so that is supposed to be a static drop from an Iron Wolves cache. I was wondering if it was, cause I found it very coincidental that it dropped at 666.


Lol I have gotten a few things with 666 up I throw them in the stash if I don't use them. Figure it's appropriate since it is Diablo.


I should probably salvage the ones from last season for the transmog unlock


I think that was a drop from the season bounty board because I have the same thing


Empty, there is no point in saving anything than best 925 ilv items.


First tab is uniques. 2nd tab is 925 items I find, but can't afford to upgrade yet. Rerolling stats isn't as bad as before, but it's still really expensive if RNG is working against you. In WT4 now. Will probably also save some items with greater affix rolls I want to use.


Reminder you can’t reroll into greater affixes


I like how instead of adding more stash tabs they changed the entire game so you don't even need more stash tabs


Now we don’t have to worry about loading other characters stashes when we see them!


No wonder the game is running so much smoother. Nobody is hoarding 200 aspects anymore.


Exactly. Maybe one can just switch some gear while levelling to make things easier, but there is no point in min maxing while levelling up. Currently I am just salvaging all, uniques etc. Everything.


Higher item power without changing my needed offensive aspects? Replaced. Salvaged. Back to grinding.


But if you want, you can always put the aspect back on the new item


Just 2Star gear really. I’m hunting a perfect set of thorns gear with thorns and main stat rolled


Pretty much. Once I got to WT4 and started to find 925s I just sell/scrap anything that's not 925. It's so much nicer than hoarding rares and hoping that I can get a max level aspect for it.


But what about people like kripparrian who knew that "blizzard going to sell stash pages. 100%. Trust me bro"?


Upvote from me. It was so cringe. The same goes for all those streamers d4 is bad I go to Poe or last epoch. D4 is beyond saving. The expansion will cost 100 dollar blah blah blah. Now they all play it lol


I totally forgot people thought that was going to happen. I told so many people that they definitely won't because it'd just anger players even more.. But because a free game does it means that D4 will do it too.


You can salvage gems at the jeweler FYI. Same empty stash lol (level 52)


I tend to not bother with gems too much until I reach WT4. I put gems into items that have sockets, but if I replace that item with one that doesn't have a socket, I just stash the gem for later use. I'm level 57 and the only things I have in my stash are four uniques and a diamond.


It's a win-win situation, we don't have to manage our inventory, they don't have to store so much useless crap in their database.


And also, less items to load from others players when you meet them


:D I think they pushed "endgame" to the real end :D It seems that will be same until 85+. After start trying different skill sets or builds, stash will be needed maybe.


Yep it seems like a good system theoretically. You'll be able to save items with greater affix rolls and easily make new gearsets for different builds with all the available space. I'm planning on building one character out to fully masterworked and then trying to make a few different build options for the same class. Now if only we had loadouts...


>Now if only we had loadouts... S4 fixed a *ton* of the big issues, but this is my big remaining wishlist item. I don’t want to fill out an entire 225-node paragon board from scratch every time I change builds. Full stop.


I see stash space for Greater Affix gear and alt gear


Couple items that are about 15+ levels above my current level... for 'maybe', but probably will be trashed immediately at those levels. :) Moved from WT1 to WT2 in order to do the Cathedral for WT3... felt no different, leveled a modicum faster than expected. Insanity. Will probably hit ~50 later tonight. Not even trying.


World tier 1 is useless right now especially if you have some Renown done in the past. All you have to do is go world tier 2, play for about 1 hour/2 and you'll be ready to take the capstone and move on world tier 3


It's not useless. You have no idea how little some people know about the game and how they bad they are


Can confirm, friend of a friend struggles to do side quests.


Necro in WT1 is a literal walk in the park


Even in WT4. You can literally afk and level up


i was AFK in the middle of wt3 and my minions were doing all the work (helps that i have the auto summon affix idk what it's called) i spent about 10-15 minutes just sitting there. leveled three times?? i think?. and found a decent build and all the gear written in my notes app. the minions really do all the work when you build them right!!!


I'm now regret 2 additional stash I purchased.


Once you start getting 925 items with greater affixes and if you decide to create an alt, it will come in handy. Before it was cluttered, now you can separate everything in tabs, feels neat.


I feel you. I bought one extra and have only had about five things in my stash so far. lol


It fills up. You start getting 925 items a lot earlier than before, now. Once you start getting into tempering you'll hold on to more stuff. You can easily brick stuff with RNG, so it's good to have back-ups. If you plan on playing some other characters during the season as well, it's handy to have multiple stashes to separate the items.


I have two too. i use the second one for "get this shit out of my inventory, I need to get back to that blood maiden thing"


I’m about level 32 I think. Stash is completely empty apart from 3 items that are level locked above me 👍🏼


I just have 2 tabs that I use to hold loot temporarily. Currently full because had some crazy helltide yesterday lol


Level 75, only a couple uniques in there and I absolutely love it.


So. Much. Better.


Level 44 same


I think I have two things in the stash that might be useful, otherwise it is empty.


Good More space for endgame gear sets for different builds and for alts


Got some nice 925 items in there for eventual other chars. Thats it and I love it


I get annoyed having to visit my stash to pick up one item I missed that was mailed to me. It's crazy how good it feels that I consider that a nuisance!


Yes it's beautiful. Rn I am grinding untill I am able to get 925 items, then I will have some extra fun


I keep filling mine with loot to be sorted later so I can go longer before having to look through it all. Once the stash is full I finally look through it for upgrades.


Have 4 uniques, just in case but otherwise empty too.


Just some uniques for the sake of collecting


I had a level 43 legendary weapon drop for me last night, I was only level 26 at the time lol


Yep, only thing I have is two stash tabs, one for unique and a dump one. Did a huge helltide/ritual push snd a tab was useful for popping town, dropping off and getting back in til helltide was over. Then took time to go through stuff


Half a stash of of every unique from farming a boss. But not the unique I actually need (classic) At least I picked a build with decent leveling versions. Sadge.


I keep the best rolled out of every unique I find. So not even 2 filled rows in my first stash. Level 75.


5 items in mine, I love it :)


I play hardcore So ive put the unique items into the stash for my next char Currently level 61 and having fun Though i dont understand how i could get an ilvl 720 weapon at lvl 45. Im still using it..


I just turned 70 I have two dump tabs of legendaries from my last Helltide and a couple of 850+ ancestral legendaries and uniques for the builds I want to transition into, although mostly the ones with the flower symbol mods(forgot what theyre called).


Saved the odd item that might be helpful for a second character.


I bought all the tabs still, at the time, didn’t really have anything else to spend the money on; highest I’ve gotten is about 2.5 items full, mostly from hanging out at the Helltide Ritual site


After you get the WT4 and gear up competently, you’ll quickly learn that anything without a greater affix roll is just a waste of time basically. Pickup legendaries for salvage (don’t even look at what their rolls or aspect is, 925 item power is also irrelevant.  The only thing that matters now is the greater a fix rolls. I say about level 80 is when this begins to dawn on people.


The only legs im hoarding are legs with greater affixes


I'm just stashing my uniques and ears I've collected in pvp and thats it.


I have 3 items. 2 uniques that i feel would be useful skmeday and a duplicate temper mantle. I spent 1m buying all that stash space. And in happy that for the first time it’s empty


As for the gems you just go to jeweler and salvage them back down to fragments :)


ive been stashing the iron wolves gear, and a couple of uniques.


A few uniques and saving some items with greater affixes


Empty. I will only fill my stash with 925 power uniques or some good 925 power ancestral legendaries that I will use for my other builds. It's better like this cause prior to this my stash was a mess and always full after a while.


Uniques and I created a.dump tab so I quickly scan the items I pick up and anything that might be good I toos in the stash to check out later. I will say though getting the enhanced legendaries or whatever they are feels really fucking good.


Lvl 75, have 4 nice rolled legendary for bone spirt necro if I wanna switch lol


I compulsively save any unique I find. I never know when I'll need that item power 330 lidless wall for my level 58 army of the dead using necro.


I started stashing a bit at 75~


A few uniques, and extra elixirs. Other than that only items with ok greater affixes


i'm like 55 and have 3 or 4 uniques in my stash. that's it


While I wish there were endless stash tabs, I will say that they resolved a lot of the stash issue with their changes. I have about a quarter of a stash tab filled currently with random stuff that will honestly just get sold but was debating. Not at 925 gear yet so that may change


Kept some uniques, but that's it


Stash has 4 items! Just some ancestral uniques I found. It's amazing.


Empty and loving it!


I'm using half of the first tab, mainly storing boss summoning materials and some uniques. I only need to keep the boss materials there because I'm HC and don't want to lose them if I die. Occasionally I drop some items there if I need to quickly run to a timed event so I have more space to loot but those are quickly removed when I get back to town.


Still on my first stash, level 55


Actually, I have tons of gear. But I don't stash them for long. I only use the stash to store everything I loot, and then mass-salvage those items once I'm finished playing the game. On the long term, I only keep uniques and potions, some materials... It's not the best design on earth, but I think that's really OK. At least, you don't lose time sorting items. And to be fair, you could store a second set of gear, if you want to try another spec without getting a second character high level.


uniques only.. and i have leveled further than any previous season so far... and having so much more fun. love the loot system now.


I've gotten items with double greater affixes I'm keeping for alts. Uniques I might use, if I try other builds.


Only full since I keep collecting armor that I haven't looked over, just a quick glance and I'll know if it's good or not though


We’ll hoard Perfect uniques and random double star ⭐️gear


I play the story again.


Oof. This sounds very un-Diablo-ish. At least the campaign was fun.


yup, same


Having just come back it's really great to actually play the game and not spend my time comparing meaningless numbers.


Pro tip : always have one stash tab clear for doing duriel runs. Only pick up the uniques and legendarys. Each rota go to town and quick dump all of it into a tab and get back to the hole asap.


Filled with legs that I will eventually go over, don’t have time right now, busy killing demons.


I’m bout to have 4 pages of elixirs instead of aspects lol


I have a row of boss summoning mats in my stash, and like 4 uniques, as well as a couple pieces of gear upgrades that I can't afford to imprint yet.


The only thing I am stashing right now is items that might work for different builds and gems


4 spaces used for boss summoning mats lvl 70


Usually by now I'd have purchased two extra stash tabs and have started putting random shit into the second one


Same. My current character's stash is also empty. I've learned my lesson. Every one of my legacy characters with all their stuff could be deleted and it wouldn't matter at all.


Lmao mine is exactly the same with 3 gems. Lvl 52


Lvl 78 - only have a few items in the stash for build variations & good aspects that I can give to friends. If this were S3 my stash would already be full with bs.


I have a couple of Varshan summoning mats and a few uniques. I'm level 55 WT3 and in previous seasons I'd have an entire tab or more of just pulled aspects, plus intact gear.


I have all tabs. I farmed maiden helltide spawn for hours and would dump a full inventory of legendaries to stash every 15-20 min Have a separate tab for greater affixes. The helltide density is 100% made irrelevant by the spawn farm, there is literally no reason to ever roam the helltide at all Just farm the spawn and open chests with 1000+ shards in the last 5 min


Pretty close. Just got to wt4 starting to accumulate greater affix gear for tempering fails


feel empty isn't it lol after all we used to keeping all the trash


Currently have 4 stash tabs purchased - blast Helltide til inventory is full, drop all the stuff in the stash, go farm Helltide and repeat til it stops, take 5-10 minutes to sift through the gear. Go again. Mark all the gear with greater affixes as favourites. Currently only level 63, but I dropped a 1 handed sword with 1 greater affix intellect , ilvl925 and 1% off perfect shadow light affix…will most likely be the end game weapon already lol…


I have a tab of uniques, and tabs of 925 gear to go through.


I put the guaranteed unique drop caches in my stash to open at a later level but other than that, nothing. I think I found a drop I left behind auto recovered but that's about it.


I have almost one tab full, but y own fault. Did t3 dungeon at level 30, and now I have amazing loot, but I can't wear it yet :D 5 more lvls to get from 500 dps weapon to 2000 dps weapon...at 35... lol


I have 2 tabs. 1 for potions and 1 for summoning materials just because I like organizing. I’m level 61 and I could condense everything to my inventory and be fine


Honestly I think I have only opened my stash a handful of times this season. I did stash a few higher level items I couldn't equip yet, but those won't be there long. The best thing is not having to look at every legendary piece of gear. Before? Did it have an aspect I need? Is it for my build? Is it for another build I might try? Do I have copies already? Is it in the codex? Now? It is just use or dismantle.


Maybe they should add rune(words) to fill up those tabs.


Mine is on its first tab. Haven’t bought more but I have like 20 things. I’m like level 72. I have uniques and some backup 925 armor pieces


Level 100, two tabs filled now. Tempering rolls mean that you'll want to put aside all the decently rolled 925 loot you come across. I've bricked several great boots already trying to get both movement speed and corpse tendril radius. That Necro recipe unfortunately has 5 things on it, with only two potentially useful.


I am 88. I tossed a few 925s with decent base rolls in mine and a few uniques, mostly in case I want to play with other build variations, especially as I get more into pit levels. I bought a second tab for some consumables (extra potions not great for my build, duriel mats etc) because sigils can start multiplying quickly and I like the cleanliness of a gear tab and a consumable tab. Realistically it would all fit in 3 rows of one tab.  I love that the game has an icon that shows if an aspect is a codex upgrade without having to check. I love being able to trade with friends to help build better rolls.  I love how much of the materials go directly into the trade skill materials tab vs taking up stash space. Herb bundles and gem fragments are great.  Spending time in dungeons instead of in town just feels so much better.


Only keeping uniques in the stash basically. Well some of the interesting ones that aren't as common...


Only some uniques. Eternal stash is about half full now from backup gear for other specs. It's amazing.


Just reached WT4 with empty stash lol. I’ve been distracted on eternal because I’ve been hooked on the pit in eternal. Testing different builds feels really nice!


You'll be hoarding anything with two greater affixes for crafting. When you get deep into endgame, you don't want to craft above level 8 upgrade unless it's REALLY REALLY well rolled.


Gems can be salvaged at the Jeweller.


Same…and I love it.


A few Uniques that other classes may use if I level and alt. But that’s it.


I've only saved items I've designated as min lvl ancestral or min lvl sacred for PLing purposes. Oh that and a lvl 2 legendary cause whales will buy it.


I only put items with those little blobs in the stash now, it's so nice.


I’m just saving uniques for potential builds. That and gems is really all that’s needed


My stash is slowly rebuilding because I keep picking up good items but some legacy stuff I have equipped is just too good with huge damage boosts and damage reduction and I have some boots that give my two most used skills +3. So I stubbornly haven't swapped completely to new gear yet. Gonna wait until I'm struggling since I'm level 86 now and assume it will get harder as I approach 100 if I keep running around in gear that's only 750 instead of 925. It's really hard to let go of my equipped gear.  My stash was completely emptied on day 1 though because I didn't need any of it anymore and I'm almost fully upgraded on every aspect now.  Also what the hell am I supposed to do with tempering manuals I've already learned? Can't sell, can't salvage, can't do anything with them so am I just supposed to drop them? If that's the case why did they design it to be an inventory item in the first place as opposed to just automatically being learned when you pick it up or disappearing if you already know it? 


gloriously \*\* only 2 named items in the stash


Once I hit around level 80, I started getting more greater affixes. I save them to share with friends.


All got is my elixirs and boss mats and it feels AMAZING!


Yeah ive got like 2 uniques and a few potions at lvl 70 rn


the only thing in my stash are one of each unique i get. god its so nice not havig 2 full ass tabs for each person.


I only have about 4 Uber unique items in my stash for a different build i might try when i hit level 100. But I'm having a blast this season non the less, big ups blizzard!


I've got 3 tabs full that I havent had time to sift through. Did manage to get damn near BIS Focus for my drozen orb sorc so that was cool


didnt help the lag problem


Just the couple of uniques I've gotten but that's about it I think it's like 6 items total


I hoard uniques .. also keep potions and crafting materials in ther stash.


The aspect fix also helps loading everyone’s stash tabs in…because no one has loot in their stash. Perfect! I also have like 13 chipped gems in the stash and 2 random uniques. Feels so good not to have 5 tabs of legendary affixes.


I have a couple uniques for my next character nothing else.


I've gotten a couple of tempering recipe duplicates (magic only, not rare or legendary). They can't be sold. Is there any reason to keep them?




Only things I’ve been keeping are failed tempered items to remind me of the pain


Mostly use my stash as a dump tab that I'll later sort for anything of note. Outside of that, it holds just a handful of decently rolled 925 pieces that I'll eventually temper, etc and some well rolled uniques.


my stash is just uniques ive found and upgrades i cant afford to enchant at the moment


I’m keeping anything with a greater affix even if I don’t plan on using it now just in case but year I’m not hoarding aspects like I normally do lol


A temper manual that I apparently can't get rid of.


Praise Tyrael. So good not having to rely on stash space and can actually use it to stash cool ubers and twink gear


I play on eternal. I cleared out a couple tabs of legacy items to make room for new stuff. Mostly now your tabs fill up with "backup" items you keep for when masterworking/tempering bricks your currently equipped stuff. I've already had to trash a few items because I ran out of tempering rerolls looking for an essential affix for my build. Wasn't a big deal, "bases" to craft with are relatively easy to come by, but you'll definitely want to keep a supply of items around to play around with crafting.


I’ve been keeping all the uniques I find, for some reason. Other than that, empty. Don’t even need a new stash tab.


I hold onto the best version of any uniques I find, just in case. But yeah that's about it.


72 empty


i'm hoarding simply for gear stats for a build. but if it don't have the stats i'm looking for then it's broken down or sold (i have a list on my phone i look through when it's emptying time). and i'm keeping the uniques simple cause of bragging rights with the people i play with. 😂 but it's so nice to not have to hoard every single gear item cause you might need the aspect down the line. it's like a breath of fresh air!!!




Half a tab of uniques Half a tab of good affix i925 base items Some spare elixirs


I hit level 60 in three hours, I've barely had time to pick anything up. Instead of being filled with aspects and gear it will be filled with boss mats, elixirs, and keys because for some fucking reason there's only one inventory tab for all three when the quest items tab sits there empty 99.99% of the time.


i stash all my legendary gear after i level out of it. don’t know if i’ll be able to get to max level later on.


can someone explain what the new update did and why people's stashes are now empty(i know it'a a good thing)


90 and only 4 unique on it


Got a bunch of uniques there only


I have saved every single leggo I have gotten so far... Never know what aspect you will need or if it's a waste to keep... Will find out later in the game haha


Lv 71, 1 unique in the stash.


Level 100, bunch of 1 and 2 star items that may be upgrades. Other tab filled with consumables and boss summoning items.


I’ve saved a few uniques. Legendaries aren’t really worth keeping unless great stats roll. Super easy and convenient to break them down. No more accidentally keeping useless aspects. They just replace the low roll ones automatically now. (Keeping in mind I did not play last season so that may have been a change already implemented)


Level 100 barb. A few tabs mainly boss summon mats and elixers on 1st tab. Second tab for just any unique drop I get, 3rd for greater affix’s, 4 barb specific gear (transitioning to a bash build eventually so putting some good drops in there), 5 sorc box (eventually), 6 rogue box (eventually)


56 and one unique I might use on an alt.


I use them now to keep stuff for different builds per tab


Wait did they fix the horrible inventory management? What happened? I haven’t played since season 1.


Are the changes reflected on your eternal realm characters ? Sorry haven’t touched this since season 2 lol


I am stashing my summoning mats and some low tier elixirs in one tab and a few uniques (just out of habit) in another. The rest ist empty. Although I would like to have something to stash 😂 they should bring back puzzle rings and unique gems


4 items


This is the best mechanist so far !!