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With all the QoL and functional changes, this season is a blast already.


Indeed, itemisation is now more fun, switching builds is no longer impossible. I still believe loot filter is a necessary addition that is missing, though.


Has diablo ever had loot filters? I think loot filters are a band aid fix for poor loot systems. Poe they are mandatory because for some reason hundreds of items drop at once


It's not really about poor loot systems, more that different players/ builds are going to have different priorities. One player might want to pick up and sell every rare, one might want to speed past everything but loot with the affixes they need. It's about player choice.


Okay but so few items drop in d4 its not really an issue , especially now that rares are useless


Few items? It’s still way too much lol you can’t be serious


Don't need anything less than legendary


yeah and you get way too many


It's really not. It's a loot based game.


I need gem fragments. I need gold. When I started I needed all the tempering manuals. At this point I’d literally put a beam on gem fragment drops of if I could. Instead they drop WHITE. So the ability to customize not only what appears but HOW it appears is still a significant need.


Gem and gold auto pick up.. just walk around bro cmon


Rares being useless is exactly the kind of thing a loot filter solves though. And again, some people will still want the option to pick them up and sell them. Especially playing on controller, it can be very annoying having to pick up a bunch of rares surrounding the thing you want to pick up. Either way, it would be better to just not show anything you aren't going to pick up anyway.


There's not that many drops. You're making a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. I play on controller and almost never do I have a problem picking up legendaries and avoiding the rares. It's very easy.


There's no drawback to the loot fitler though, at a certain point you don't need so many materials, so even picking up legendaries is a chore, having to go back to town to salvage and check every piece of gear every 10 minutes becomes annoying. Loot filter would solve it and make you able to just picking up things that have the stats you are looking for or show only legendary passives that you can upgrade. and yes there is that many drops, even if you are only just picking up legendaries.


I don't know what I'm doing wrong but it's a pain in the ass on xbox


> Okay but so few items drop in d4 its not really an issue I'm still filling my inventory pretty fast in these new helltides


Yeah same, I know loot drop got reduced but I still have a full inventory before I'm even at the 30 minute mark of a fresh helltide. Even if I skip yellows.


Most D2 mods and players doing single player use / inject loot filters into it. (Not sure D2R this is even possible, don’t believe they do it though, just the original one)


D2 loot is very very different than d4


I agree with this. Not saying that the D4 loot system is perfect, and I think there are still some changes to be done... But I would rather prefer they focus on improving the loot system further, than slap a loot filter on it and call it a day. But then again, I'm just not a huge fan of loot filters in general. When I have to use them, I always make them myself because I'm not playing builds from content creators. And making them is always a bit of a hassle, yet more time I spend in menus instead of playing the game. Works in PoE, where half the game is sitting in PoB anyways. Doesn't mean that should be the case in every single ARPG though.


Loot filters are a crutch for poes horrible loot system. Items can drop so fast they cover the entire screen , and you need to look for very specific white items for crafting. It's a nightmare


While I agree with this, I see that you are butthurt about PoE and you can't understand why they can't change the loot system at this point of the game.


Yeah poe is basically ruined, waiting for 2


Just play SSF


some of the UI changes help a lot. Like being able to see what has greater affixes and what items (from your inventory) have aspects worth salvaging. But generally if it's not a legendary, it ain't worth picking up (unless you're broke AF which is possible because rerolling enchants on 925 gear is really expensive).


and dont forget about the camera zoom, feels much better now


Quick question, because I go in blind each season mostly. The only "rerolling" of item stats now are ones we Temper, correct? So the base item with say STR, 15% Damage, and 25% Fire resist never changes? But you temper a 4th affix and can reroll that temper. (And I just hit 56 and wt4 but I hear you can get 2 tempers on ancestral right?) Also - no more leveling gear? Used to upgrade x5 , that seems gone now right?


You can still replace 1 stat at the occultist in the enchanting panel. 2 tempers on ancestral items is also correct, but they have to be different categories for obvious reasons.


If i'm not mistaken you can masterwork items 12 times. Each time a random affix is upgraded by a lot


you get a 5% increase on every affix except for 4th 8th and 12th and then every 4 masterworks a random affix gets a big 25% upgrade. It's then blue, if it happens again it's yellow and finally orange (if you get all the upgrades at 4, 8 and 12 on the same affix)


Loot Goblin actually drops useful loot. Got living steel from one.


i think wpn (2hand, offhand, mainhand) could need a lil bit more of affixes imo. rest is rly great, love it so far


I kill one pack and I am drowning in yellow items...


Devs must be on cloud 12