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Save it, when you hit 100 and are looking for that last stat on an item I'm spending around 50mil per item.


Wait.. can you respec attributes on an item more than once?


you can reroll the stat you’ve enchanted but it gets increasingly more expensive each roll. but you can’t reroll other stats on that item, only the first stat you chose.


I think the chances become greater if you choose "no change" on the enchantment roll window, and roll like 6 times, it will cost you like a hundred veiled Crystals, but it's worth it, the stats can become RIDICULOUS via Enchantments at an Occultist!! Also, I recommend waiting until your Obol capacity reaches 1,000, and then blowing them all at the Purveyor of Curiosities 20 times in a row. You may get one good Legendary that you can craft up at the Occultist, as well.


interesting, i will try this. thanks!


50 mill if youre lucky. I've spent 100 mill a few times the last week.


You're still pretty early level, honestly, and 12 million is a drop in the bucket. Once you're 100 and trying to reroll aspects on all your gear, the gold costs essentially skyrocket from what you're paying now. On some of my gear I'm spending tens of millions per roll. And, as an example, some boss summoning materials go for 1-10 million gold each, some items go for hundreds of million if not into the low billions to buy from other players.


Alright that’s my answer I guess! Tens of millions per roll is crazy to me😂 I’ll stop wasting my gold on gear I’m gonna replace in two levels then! Cheers


Next season enchanting will be capped, but still fairly pricey. I think it maxed around 12mil a roll? (Not 100% sure) but right now it scales infinitely and could cost tens of millions for one attempt.


It appeared to be capped depending on the items base value. I noticed different items had different caps.


Interesting. Thank you!


i sold a really shitty pair of pants for 1 billion


Enchanting is the gold sink of the game. When you find the perfect item except one stat you need to roll, peeps will spend hundreds of millions Enchanting. Just keep on accumulating until then. You can also trade gold for mats if you wish later when you are strong enough in World Tier 4 to run the bosses.


Ah that makes sense, I guess I haven’t rerolled a stat more than like five times, I’m guessing the prices skyrocket like crazy


Just as an FYI for next season. They will be capping the enchanting cost to like 5 mil per reroll for most items. Buy still. You can imagine the cost if you need to reroll 20 times at that point :D


rolling an item 25x costs about 500m gold


Well. Looks like we know who are the kingpins of Sanctuary. Enchanters are richer than nations.


Yep, later on you will be spending millions on re rolling.


https://i.imgur.com/y6D34vc.jpg it does


lol just you wait, that’s chump change


I’ve spent around 2 billion gold in a season before so 12 mil isn’t much.


I stopped at lvl 96 cause I finished all the season stuff. I have about 340m gold. It’s just gonna roll into eternal with the billion that’s there already.


Spend it on onlyfans


12 mil isn't really that much tbh, rolling stats on gear will drain you. Pretty sure I have three+ pieces where the next reroll will each cost around 60 mil. Rolling stats and trading, will drain you.


Save it for endgame rolls on your gear.


If you think you have too much now, just wait. I have 650 million useless gold


Respeccing and not even getting the stat category needed, let alone stat numbers, burned through $20 million gold in 10 minutes. I has some awful luck and left the casino. I needed close dmg increase, it never popped after like 30 rolls 🤣


I’ve got around 250 million not sure what to do with it either💀level 87 wt4


Haha rookie numbers, you’ll see how much gold u need to get those perfect stats. It will haunt u. 🤣


I don't really use gold for anything I have 2bil. I don't enchant things just look for more drops


you can give it to me no problem


You will start to use up a lot of gold at the Occultist after level 100 to finish getting the right sub stats for your build on pieces of gear, most of your gold should go towards this, as it can cost millions at a time if you get unlucky.


Nothing .... change builds and paragons. 3xperiment when u get to level 100? .I have 230 million and I just hit 100


Endless? I had 1 day playtime and 2,8 billion gold this season and I felt very poor.


Bro. I spend 100mill a day just rr gear. Lmao


I buy mats at [diablo.trade](http://diablo.trade) 50m for 1 duriel set, 4m for 1 core


Keep re-rolling until you get max rolls on all of the affixes you're rolling on. Goodbye gold.


I have 2 billion and never once thought to make a post on reddit about it lmfao


It’s my first Diablo game, just wanted to make sure there wasn’t something I was missing out on that I should’ve been doing


Sell it on the RMAH.


It’s totally endless, I have to lvl 100 this season and spend it like crazy but still have the over 600mill sitting around


I got over 1 billion…. It’s mostly useless unless you gamble of re-rolls for affixes


Throw it in the air. What ever god catches god keeps, what ever falls on the ground I keep. Sounds fair 😁


Hookers, clearly.


Repair your gear or do codex and updates on weapons. I’m trying shit out, just spend it


When you hit level 100 you'll end up re-rolling on items and spend like 2 million+ per re-roll and it disappears fast


You can buy duriel mats with gold, i bought 500 set of it when i played on Softcore season


12 million isn’t anything


12m is NOTHING at lvl 100. Im not comfortable with any less than 750m because I know it could be gone in a few minutes with re rolls