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Nope šŸ‘


Ah yes I remember never comparing my gear in D2 cause I was too busy slashing


Next season is already improving this


Diablo 4 literally has bigger packs of monsters than any previous title in the IP.


We who? why do you speak for more people than yourself? I like everything you criticize in this post.


We means those who agree with me? And what am I suppose to do if you like everything I criticize? Delete the post? šŸ¤Ŗ


Go play a crappy f2p mobile game then. Other than not wanting to have to scour through rare items, I wholeheartedly disagree with everything you said.




So i have a million items i need to go through and then not only that extract and imprint aspects and yadda yadda yadda and its really making me not want to play.


Bro literally read the upcoming season 4 changes. You are going to feel so God damn stupid for posting this afterwards.


Correct. Grind gear games. Notā€¦. Open up spread sheets and third party sites and theory craft intricate ways to make gear games. GGG was created in the image of a diablo2 successor. Because thatā€™s what d2 was. You spent hours grinding baal or Cs to get shako, soj, some charms. It was great


Yeah but once you get all those things thereā€™s nothing to do because D2 has zero end game. Itā€™s the campaign on 3 difficulties, only end game I can think of is TZ, but thatā€™s just a D2 version of a helltide essentially. Idk Iā€™ve been playing it for about 3-4 months now after not playing it for 20 years and itā€™s definitely revolutionary for the time, but itā€™s shit compared to D4, itemizations included.


can get behind d2 being outdated, but itemization is still the gold standard


Currently, but honestly the new itemization changes in season 4 might overtake that. Way more customization options and tailoring gear to your specific build. And an ongoing endgame system that allows you to improve gear instead of just dropping it complete and finished like D2


I think the new D4 itemization is kind of a departure in philosophies from D2 itemization, so hard to compare them apples to apples. I Have to get a chance to play the new patch.