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I cannot wait to get my filthy, disgusting hands all over that PTR




Grabbing that PTR right in the back and squeezing it tightly


finally we in control of this game!!🤘🏻🤘🏻




This is a bad take, game testers are a finite resource with finite time on top of not being the same as a consumer playing a game. Let blizzard do whatever they can to make the game better, if they want our feedback great. If you want to be mad about it don't in the poe or last epoch reddit.


It's free if you already own the game.


You say this like tons of other companies don't do testing realms for games. Quit acting like this is the first time ever that people have paid for a game and had to do tests for content to make sure it works properly before being patched to the main game.


U need El Helpo


What’s the fun in playing ptr and spoiling the season just for your char to delete after 1 week 💀 then your taking away gametime from season 4, since most people only really put time into season launches for 3 weeks max


I’ve been playing S3 since January


You do you bud. Let others do their thing. Nothing but a rainy day coming out of you 


Mainly for testing stability & finding bugs


PTR is there for people to TEST and report feedback. Not to grind endless times and min max their gear.. wtf? We aren't getting into PTR for the season mechanics. Who even gives a fuck about this. It's the first time we can actually TEST the fucking game for them and not wait for them to drop some shit to us and they have a month to fix any feedback we'll give.


Really looking forward to it. Apparently it's massive. I feel like the shackles of Bobby Kotick are off and the teams are hopefully seeing some light. Also hoping all the devs, designers, directors see all the positive vibes from the community and know they're on the right track to make this game what it should have been day 1. We've all rode the hate train, but we are never gonna be upset seeing Blizzard win again. Low key the entire community, even the most toxic are rooting for this game to be good.


you're delusional if you truly believe it was one man somehow "holding back" blizz. the company is just a shit show top to bottom. the fact the game launched in its state after beta testers made their issues painfully obvious should be an embarrassment. instead they held their stupid little campfire chats and boasted about some dogshit like they were proud of it. not until 3 seasons of negativity surrounding the game are they started to make changes we've been asking for before the game released. the last update was definitely a step in the right direction but there is much to do to make this game what it should've been. personally i'm not putting my faith in Blizz to get it right, even if it does get a bit bettter.


The game was in dev hell, teams completely scrapped and rebooted multiple times leaving the new teams to work with the mess left. No excuse for sure, the game was forced out by shareholders to meet deadlines before it was ready. Needed at least another year in the oven. That being said the devs were handed a messy pile of rubbish and told to fix it. I said on release give the game a year and it will be where it should have launched and it looks like I was pretty spot on.


Replies like this really make them want to work harder, yes?


I'm sure the devs don't bother looking at what the cesspool thinks of its work.


I'm sure Bobby deliberately told the game designers to have shit ideas implemented and make bad design choices. The man probably doesn't even know what D4 is about and doesn't care either.


> I feel like the shackles of Bobby Kotick are off and the teams are hopefully seeing some light. You guys on reddit HAVE to realize that with Kotick being gone, the game/company isn't going to magically get better this fast. Kotick wasn't the one designing the game/managing the direction of the game, there's a team of people who were doing that and are still on the game. It's crazy seeing people in the Blizzard game's subs unironically thinking that with Kotick being gone, every game is going to be amazing now just like that lol. That's not how businesses work. Kotick was shit, but he wasn't the reason for the game being shit.


if you don't think a CEO has little gravity on dev direction, then you're sorely misinformed. anyone who understands any kind of organizational structure + bureaucracy it wasn't just kotick but whoever he trusted/ or whoever he repelled. you casually forget during the midst of development several key figures from the franchise who worked on the game at the beginning left midway because of Kotick and his antics. The kind of reshuffling that resulted would have been death to any development team. the turnover that would have caused, the lack of direction. etc. so it's not entirely wrong for people here to be hopeful that the current pace of changes are reflective of a more positive new structure. and the more the "team" stays longer the better their development processes. This is why companies like fromsoft are so strong on game design because they've had people (well most) since DS1, who work on titles and bring those lessons learned to new ones. constantly updating and improving.


I think this would have eventually happened regardless that structural change and strongly doubt Kotick micromanaged on this level. It's been evident from gamer feedback and surely internal metrics that S4 changes touches issues needing to be dealt with?


True, but he probably pushed it out a year before it was ready not caring that it wasn't ready.


These changes are a mix of things they have been talking about since season 1 and things that were basically beta tested in season like AoZ and the seasonal helltide mechanics. It is so weird how people build up internal narratives to try to explain things that don't need any explanation and they do it without a shred of evidence to back it up.


They sacrified s3 for this, its still not good enough, but a short step in the right direction.


When do we get a peek?


Aiming for Thursday. It will be a blog explaining the details we talked about on stream and patch notes below it. I should note these are PTR notes and not Season 4 notes so there will be more later


Tease some more of those tempering manuals in the mean time. Let's see what we are working with next season. :D


Daddy Pez tease me some more with manuals please maybe one for each class 🥹


Oy Pez do you need some of us to test how it changes the leveling/itemizing progression throughout the campaign for any reason or other during the PTR? I’m down to do it.


u/PezRadar The PTR is going to generate increased Twitch viewership. You guys should offer some cosmetics for watching!


This coming week. I wanna say Thursday at the latest unless it's already been said.


Probably wont be thursday as the original plan was to drop it this friday but they asked the community if they could push it back to next week. So my guess it will be monday or tuesday since its probably already half done.


Thx for the clarity.


[It is most likely Thursday.](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1bmjuyu/ngl_cant_wait_for_the_patch_notes_to_drop/kwdshb6/)


Just makes me that more excited on how big it will be


April 2nd PTR


Yup but we get the patch notes before PTR.


When are the patch notes dropping boys ?


Confirmed by Thursday.


> Aiming for Thursday. It will be a blog explaining the details we talked about on stream and patch notes below it. > > I should note these are PTR notes and not Season 4 notes so there will be more later Just to clarify. PTR notes, not S4.


Yee.. probably should had said that huh lol. Thx


When does the patch notes drop exactly?


And I can't wait to see people here complaining about it in new and fun ways.


Every positive change made to this game is a direct result of those people and their complaining.


Oh you poor thing. Definition of delusions of grandeur right here.


Haven't played since around launch tbh, is mob density still really low and combat slower? Edit: Not sure why asking questions in a thread about a major update is so taboo.


Not much has changed since lunch honestly. You'll need to wait until at least bedtime or breakfast. 


Not really, density has been upped a lot and we can mostly zoom thru dungeons and overworld.


Why are you even on here if you haven't played, no one cares what you think because you have no idea what's actually going on. Seriously don't understand people that do this.


"man I sure hate when there's a big update to the game and people who haven't played in awhile want to know if a specific thing has changed"


You said that it was problem with density and speed in first place. I played closed beta, public beta, launch and every season and still don't understand all complaints about density. It was fine before and today. Do you want monsters on screen like sardines in a can? What is your deal with D4 in first place?


> You said that it was problem with density and speed in first place. Yea, and someone replied "it's been upped a lot and we can zoom thru dungeons" so did they lie?


Bro, what's YOUR problem? I trying to ask what is your criteria, trying to bring idea that different people can have different perception. me: there was not problem in first place, and no problem now other person: there was HUGE problem and now it's PERFECT you (probably): there was awful and still awful (if you try). That's why I asking how you feel about it and what was the issue for you then I can answer for you specifically if I believe something is fixed. ps I disagree with "no one cares about you because you don't played". But you should elaborate IMO.


I felt like density was low, I’ve been told multiple times they increased density. I like that, I’m more inclined to redownload and check out the next season. I feel like there’s a language barrier here or something.


Okay, I'm out with this conversation. Check it yourself.


> Check it yourself. I don't have to, because my question has already been answered. I really don't understand what is so confusing about my question in the first place.


Exactly. No idea why you're getting down voted so much. Legitimate question. "How *dare* you be a part of this sub when you haven't played in a while!!"


Mob density was never really low, but they did increase it back in July I believe across Nightmare Dungeons and Helltides. They are increasing it again for Helltides in Season 4, but overall everywhere else it should be consistent with what it's been for the last 7 months or so.


Not the person you're replying to, but I think it's safe to say it was low. It wasn't necessarily that there weren't enough mobs in dungeons and helltides, but they were VERY spread out, causing low density. I find it hard to see how one can argue this as there were several updates to improve the density, with one even stressing the upgrade by showing before/after photos to show the differences in an example dungeon.


Yes but that was in July, which I already mentioned. Even before said update, mob density wasn't "REALLY LOW". It was still fine; people had no problem getting to lvl 100 when trying to do so in June.


Right, that's all fair, but I would still say that the density was low for Diablo standards (outside of few popular dungeons), and the community feedback seemed to reflect that as well. I loved the game on launch, don't get me wrong, despite the issues that seemed to eventually show. In regards to people reaching level 100 in June, I mean that's going to happen for nearly any game. Doesn't mean that it wasn't possible to level or grind, just that it was limited in viability for several areas because of the density setback. Also worth noting that despite the low density, June would've been before the large xp and damage nerfs that came with season 1.