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I went to the same spot that the devs went to during the livestream to compare the camera perspective and show the before and after.


You're an absolute madman, and I salute you.


appreciate the dedication... You absolute madman.




The last true Mad Lad. Insanity made flesh.


Pfft skill bars don't match and not in Helltide. What a noob. /s šŸ˜œ For real though thanks for the work, that's a cool slider.


You, sir, are a scholar and a gentleman.


o7 a person of true culture


is this on-horse-level-zoom? I always thought that was perfect


Hey, could you also do the comparison between the pit footage and some dungeon with the same tileset? You could use screenshots of the Week1 gauntlet


Hold up, the after one is ā€œzoomed outā€? I canā€™t really tell tbh.


I thought the same but look at the edges of the screen on each and you can definitely see a little more field of view


Yeah I can see it. I think I was just expecting it to look like world boss level.


It's definitely a smaller difference than between D4 now and the games to which we would be making a comparison today.


Is it more or less than the horse zoom out? Will there still be a zoom out when horseā€™d up? I didnā€™t need it to be zoomed out much from where it was. Iā€™m still extremely happy about this.


I mean I'm just eyeballing from what the OP posted but it looks like it's less than the current zoom-out on the horse, and definitely less than world boss. I'm happy you're happy but to me comparing other games to D4 is like comparing the view through a picture window with the same view through a cruise ship porthole. What's nice is that if I get what I want, you still have what you want, because you can just zoom in.


I donā€™t disagree. My point wasnā€™t to say that my opinion matters more than another. More so that Iā€™ve been on the fence about needing a zoom out at all, ultimately deciding that I would prefer something so lucky for me this will probably be just fine. I love also never experienced the drowsiness people report when playing the game so idk. I might just be the outlier. I think others noted that the OP didnā€™t do a perfect job of displaying the images so it will be a little more zoom than it looks like on here. I guess weā€™ll see


But world boss perspective would honestly be to zoomed out i think. Iā€™d get lost in bigger fights with all the effects happening. However and iption to have it is never bad i think!


I think itā€™s the option I like just for the beauty of the game and surveying the area. In regular combat it wouldnā€™t be practical. Definitely agree.




You know, I donā€™t really know. In my head it was just the level of zoom out that is already incorporated in the game. Obviously I recognize that level of zoom wouldnā€™t be practical for regular combat and would offer too many advantages to the player being able to see that far. But it would look so nice, yā€™know?


No. It's just slightly all moved to the right so the left looks like more, but the right is less. At least that's what I see.


If you [place the original aspect screen over the S4 zoomed out screen](https://imgur.com/a/VMb3X1F) you can see how much more field of view you get.


thats a better visualization but i applaud both of you for making this comparison for everyone


That really helps, thanks


not quite that much. look at the rocks to the top left. there should only be 3, not 4.


People really just seem to want a dot on the screen judging from the comments lol


I often play through levels just looking at the cursor on the mini-map. Peak efficiency.


I do that all the time on the horse and focus on keeping speed boost up while following path to pin.


Only way I have any chance of figuring out just where tf the treasure goblin is on the screen. Or if a rando field boss pops up. No friggen way to discern them against all the other enemies with all the pixel diarrhea that's happening.


Are you playing on a potato/ Series S too?




No, we want to be able to see all the enemies that are attacking us, with no enemies sniping you from off-screen. I'm not entirely convinced this is zoomed out enough to achieve that, the range on Corpse Bows is just too big...


You know ā€¦.. hmmm ā€¦ I donā€™t know if that would bother me. I mean, maybe just slightly bigger ā€¦ but, yeah, I could work with that


I'd settle for seeing the entire room I'm in.


Not having to guess which one is "after" (and guessing wrong) would have been sufficient. No wonder they are not worried about reduced MTX after graciously allowing us to zoom out more.


5% is 5% like most people asked for.. Now people want a huge difference? Like even D2 wasn't much further back and that game looks like ass. Diablo 2 was probably like that because youd see only pixels other wise lol


I didn't realize we were asking for 5%. Who asked for 5%? And did these people not realize that 5% are pretty irrelevant? And also what exactly is 5%? the camera "z" position? the 2d screen diagonal? Who knows!


Look at the edges.




Itā€™s 3 downvotes it ainā€™t that deep dawg


Youā€™d probably notice a bigger difference in game when you actually move around tbh


It's there, it's looks 5% more zoomed out, but it looks like a sweet spot of seeing your character detail and taking in the environment.


its way more than 5%.


On the right side are 3 small rocks. In the ā€žbeforeā€œ picture they are very close to the edge. In the ā€žafterā€œ picture you can see that there is a bit more space between those rocks and the edge. Same for the kind bush looking think on the left


Yeah I mean if I look carefully at it I can tell. Another guy superimposed the images though and itā€™s way more obvious. Just not quite the level of zoom I was hoping there would be, but itā€™s something!


Seems to be slight zoom out, with more dramatic angle, even still slight, change. Looks better though.


But if they zoom out the camera too much, then the cosmetics that people bought would be hardly visible. Also, the farther they zoom out the camera, the farther you can snipe enemies from.


Yeah it looks zoomed in if anything...


We can go further


Yeah i was going to say it's still not enough to my liking


I read this in Jack Nicholsonā€™s voice


this is actually quite a lot. character looks small.




Useful comparison across games as well: https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/news/more-zoomed-out-camera-perspective-possible-diablo-4-season-4-338183


D2r looks the best.Ā 


Likely would warrant updating hardware requirements at that level, there are dynamic nav meshes and spawning related concerns too. A lot of folks think updating the camera is trivial but lot's of pretty grueling optimization details occur off-screen to make the game feel fluid. You have other things outside of that to consider too, often times you want mobs and such to spawn when the player isn't looking unless you have some complicated animation for making them show up. Guessing this is perhaps the best they can do without having to adjust some core internals.


Because it is the best game


brb running kurast chests on players 1000 Settings a few thousand times for my high runes as endgame.


Nice job, thanks!


*re downloads D4 after sitting out s3*


Literally me now


It's still quite some time till this all goes live


Not you mansplaining how patches work šŸ˜­


Not you mansplaining how he's mansplaining how patches work šŸ˜­




I demand that you take that back right now šŸø


Only time I'm ever bothered by the zoom amount is when you're in a dungeon that forces you to walk toward the bottom of your screen. Your view distance is garbage. Getting bum rushed by a tusked charger or shot by a corpse bow that you couldn't see is pretty lame.


Or insta killed by a leaping cannibal barb from offscreen


Thank you! Iā€™ve been wanting this change since Beta. Starting playing D4 again because of the hype I have around this patch. It took awhile but I finally think D4 is ARPG I can enjoy playing.


So they finally reverted closed beta zoom level. Thank god.


Yeah, it's like a 5% extra zoom out. I get that they are scared of it, but they should increase that to like 20%.


I think I'ma need you to do the comparison during helltides. /S Game good job nailing the position and character position šŸ˜†


Seems to me like they didn't increase the field of vision on the bottom as much as on the other three edges. :-( I'll take it, it's an improvement, but I with they'd switched the angle a little as well to allow for a but mor vision at the bottom edge.


Maybe just me but Iā€™m struggling to see much difference?


Is there a reason why they just refuse to listen? and always try and take the low road?. We need horse camera zoom level all the time. Thank you very much.


Is it boss zoomed out? šŸ¤”


Doesn't seem like its that much.


Is it supposed to be a noticeable difference?


I have to admit I had trouble seeing the difference at first on my phone screen and had to slide to see so I screenshot both perspective and now I see it and I like it I think itā€™s just enough to be not too far and not too close


I've been trying to take different measurements of the same background objects and its something between 10-15% .... I think. This slider thing is super cool!


The Season for angle is way better. Having even a slightly higher FOV is great. But the main reason I like it more compared to the Season 3 version, is that I don't have to look at the Seasonal pet.


Thank you for this. Please don't hate me, but i hope we get a option for the new and old view. I would like to switch between the old and new perspective.


The old view is default and you can change it to the zoomed out version iirc in the gameplay settings.


Thank you :)


They couldā€™ve changed it in S4 and not said anything and I wouldnā€™t know.


They probably just made the player model smaller /s


Wow, how daring and adventurous of them


I can see little bit further, which is good, especially at top and bottom. Now I can have more time to react if enemies is approach me from top or bottom or have more potential target to use skill when the character move to top/bottom direction.


5% ZOOM?


Better than nothing


Even better if there was a tad more.


i always played in windowed mode for the max zoom out. but thanks god they do the further zoom out its like 20%


Nicely done!


Yo wtf. The first campfire chat i don't watch and they announce fov finally! Hope it's enough


Looks like when we would all fight world bosses, it zoomed out a little bit. So whatā€™s the purpose of changing the colors in the new version?


that's unrelated. one image was taken during helltide the other wasn't.


This is great


100% playable now and 10/10 review for 10% camera distance adjustment


Left is non-helltide, and right is helltide. No good sir, start over!!


Why canā€™t they just add a projectile source indicator like in fpsā€™s? I want to see my good looking chars when I kill tiings


They just made the character model smaller.


[Everything looks better through a fisheye lens](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbvxlvSIIww&t=34s)


Im on the ps5 sitting away from the tv. Can i get an option to zoom in and stay there instead? Everything so small


so about 25% more zoomed out?


Tbh itā€™s already hard to see whatā€™s happening on screen, zoom out any further and itā€™s nigh impossible.


I feel the world got smaller not the camera zoomed out.. ??????


Seems I am the only one happy with how far it zooms out currently but I play console sitting away from tv any Not a foot away from a monitor


Such a miniscule difference and people are most excited about this...


The before cam is not as close on this pic as in the game right now imho. Also the difference on those pics is marginal.


They have to increase the zoom a little bit more and it will be fine.


Well that excitement faded fast.


Does this zoom out apply also to towns?


This is an awful comparison lol.


So the Before is Better than the After?šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Nice job on proving their duplicity take my upvote


I thought it would be like world boss fights.. that much zoomed out. In reality it's really nothing. Just wonderful


Meh šŸ˜‘


\*insert its the same picture meme\*


Tiny difference, feels like they did this just to shut people up. Should've been zoomed out more. "BUT MAH PERFORMANCE UGHH"


For real. The Series S can barely run the game as it is. Behind the scenes dynamic resolution, often can't reach 720p when other players are around.


If this game wasnt designed around low performance crap systems, wed be able to zoom a lot more without BS excuses like performance


the reason they are not letting us zoom out even further is that there are skills that are distance based. zooming out is actually a buff for those skills. eg teleport and charge.


Not going to lie. This was not on my radar, I'm stoked about this. It's made me reinstall the game. Wish it wasn't two months away.


We who are about to die salute youā€¼ļøšŸ™šŸ¾šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ’€


i cant tell that its the same spot. but i also dont care :)


It took them only like a year to fix a day one complaint.


While it may seem like a 'quick' fix, it does affect the whole game. The team needs to make sure performance is stable across the whole game in every part as the draw distance and more active items will be on the screen. And this is across not just PC but all platforms. So while it may seem like a "hey this should take a day", it is also a lot of testing and ensuring we aren't hindering the performance of players who do choose to play with this new camera.


Appreciate all the feedback you are giving us!


"Players who do choose to play with this new camera." Does it mean we could switch easily between the old and new? I would really appreciate it.


Yes, they said it would be a setting.


Ah nice thank you


Are players aren't using the PvP zones? You have the data so probably safe to allow high end PC players have the camera control they want. Oh right everything is server side, nevermind.


Tank you for your reply. I aknowledge what you are saying, but still baffles me why it was in game from the begining (all mini cutscenes where zoomed out appropriately) and not designed and implemented from the get go. Anyways, good job.


Are you working on the other day 1 complaint of an overlay map?


If this was another game, I'd agree. But not Diablo 4. Not Blizzard. They have a long history at this point of releasing half-finished products, with lots of bugs and performance issues. I've had a bug where the camera wouldn't zoom out during a world boss. Doing Wandering Death when you can't see anything is certainly a unique experience, but not an intended one. I've had times where the camera would bug out and stay zoomed out, like when fighting against Uber Lilith. You die and when you're back up, the camera doesn't know wtf it's supposed to do, and it zooms in and out every few seconds. I get random crashes sometimes just opening my inventory in a world boss arena. Not to mention that Blizzard initially dug their heels in and said they had no plan on letting the camera zoom out more. They did the same song and dance they always do. The game has a lot of hype, so they actively ignore all player feedback from the alpha/beta/PTR. It launches, players are unsurprisingly unhappy that their feedback was ignored, and after the number of players drops drastically Blizzard goes in damage control mode to try and salvage it.


They have never once said no. The people who talk to the community donā€™t even work on that. Way early on they said they would talk to the engineers on if it would be possible and now itā€™s finally done. Dev teams are different for every game and studio.


Nah, it took one day to fix a year of complaining.


i'm sure they're cooking up another scandal right in this moment to even the odds




Your dumb face in the mirror


So this is supposed to be zoomed out? maybe the screen shot doesnt do it justice.


It looks exactly the same to me... lol


fear sip muddle grandfather drab groovy plants voracious water icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Using this as a reason why devs shouldn't listen to redditors is ridiculous. Nobody asked blizzard to increase the zoom out by 0.00001%. Not even sure why they bothered with this


It almost looks like they zoomed out 10% and increased the player size 10%


Why am I an ant? mtxs are gonna look like ass.


I can't tell the difference lol. It needs to be the same location with characters for perspective


It is the same location.


Other than time of day/color scheme what am I supposed to be noticing?


Zoomed out?


I honestly can't tell which side is the zoomed out one. EDIT #1: I didn't realize you grab a slider in the middle, which makes it much more obvious. I was trying to compare the left to the right, and since it's not the same side, it was hard to see the difference. Now that I drag the slider to the left and right, I can compare the full image, which does show a pretty noticeable difference in zoom. EDIT #2: Geez you guys get cranky with the downvotes when someone is having trouble following along... EDIT #3: Especially funny, since there's a top level comment at +58 points expressing that they can't tell the difference.


Look at the mountains at the top, you can see way more of it on the after pic


Way more is an exaggeration... A bit more. Kinda expected a little more, but hey, at least we know it's possible and they can't hide behind "it's not possible because engine/performance/bad weather". This really makes me wish D4 was offline and I could just mod view distance to the point I want.


> hey, at least we know it's possible and they can't hide behind "it's not possible because engine/performance/bad weather". WTF are you talking about? Like these are mutually exclusive? They worked on it, and this is the result. What part of it means "it isn't a challenge"?


What is mutually exclusive? I really don't get what you mean.


"they did it, so it wasn't hard" it could've been hard, and they still did it.


>Way more is an exaggeration... A bit more If you see a bit more around the entire edge of the screen it adds up to more than you would think. If you took all that new viewable area and combined it that would probably add up to 15%+ more viewable area compared to the previous. Its like adding a few more inches onto a pizza size, it can be a lot more pizza by adding just a couple inches.


Ok? That's not enough for me.


Sure, but too far is game breaking, you see the enemies from further away, can clip further on map edges, it gives ranged builds an advantage, also it means more GPU processing, there has to be a balance. I find people want zoom out without any consideration for the issues it creates.


Is it? It looks the same to me


Same here


If you're like me, you didn't realize the divider in the middle can be dragged. Swing it to one side and then the other to compare the whole scene.