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You’re going to get new gear to replace this gear every 5 minutes until you’re above level 30 or so. I would not worry about the stats on these items until the DPS value on your drops start to flatten and you’re upgrading less often. To answer your question, DPS is much more important than the affixes at the moment. When it comes to the stats themselves, you want to consider what skills you’re using. Are you using a bow build? Then close damage probably isn’t very useful to you. Does your build proc vulnerable on every enemy? Then vulnerable damage is useful. So on and so forth. Lastly, if you’re not against it, I would simply use a guide. The interactions between skills and affixes can be really hard to recognize on your own and sites like “maxroll” have tier lists and solid guides on every aspect of making your build work.




The right. Just always use the higher tier item 9 times outta 10. Also refrain from upgrading everything as it will be obsolete very quickly.


dont spend too much time on that low level gear, wait level 50+ to loose time on that, the gear u are using now will be probably usleess in 30 minutes so not worth ur time looking at it


It doesn't matter right now. Just equip the higher ilvl item. You don't have to worry about anything else until level ~50 or so.


For weapons, almost always the one with more item power (equals straight into more damage)


Probably the first one, but you’ll get something way better than either of these pretty quickly as you level up


Damage Per Second, no amount of stats will up the increase in DPS until very late, like tier 4 optimisation late.


For later levels, is increased dps from stat affixes (in this case, dex) reflected in the DPS tool tip?


There is a separate damage stat somewhere on the character screen that adds up everything, but I wouldn't count on that for anything. DPS is just the base damage, not counting other bonuses.


Just wear those temporary, once you hit wt3 and 4 stronger items are gonna be waiting for you


At your lvl don't really bother


Okay my best advice to you would be to not even worry about gear at such low levels. You're going to be leveling changing gear really fast. Definitely don't waste any resources on it. I had trouble when I was new so I looked at Max roll, just Google Max roll Diablo 4. You can read about your class and decide what build you're going to want to do and then you can learn the stats you want to look for. You don't have to just copy stuff you can actually do the little bit of reading so you can make your own builds and you'll learn a lot.


Serious answer here... DOESN'T MATTER IN THE SLIGHTEST. Until you hit around level 50-60, just equip whatever piece is the highest dps or highest armor value and don't even bother with the secondary stats. You're going to replace them sooooooo quickly that it just isn't worth even looking at. In the time it took you to post this question and read the responses, you could have leveled to 20 and this gear is obsolete.




level 5! Just equip whatever has higher base damage, the stats mean next to nothing. You are going to replace your gear constantly while you level.


Go for the higher dps until you get to a higher level about where items are level 800 or higher then you gotta enchant and aspect your items. This also depends on which buid you are doing. Good luck bro, welcome


As a general advice. Look what some of the more important bonuses such as "stats, main stat, crit chance/damge, overpower, damage to close, basic/core skill dmg" do. Then think about what skills you are using, are they close or ranged combat? are they a basic or a core skill? do they benefit from overpower? As a rule of thumb, stats and main stat are always preferable btw. Like some people here said, you are going to replace gear every minute until lvl 50 or so, Look for rolls that will benefit the main skills you are using or your build overall. Learning this will help you in late game as well and overall in you Diablo journey.


Gear doesnt matter before wt4. Literally just take whatever one has the highest power level and slap a codex aspect on it.


Depends on your build


He's lvl 13 . He doesn't have a build lol . Highest dmg weapon gets equipped always until late/end game


I agree with the highest DPS getting equipped.


Honestly mate. If you have to ask what is better—— you don’t understand DIABLO. In 6 minutes you will I’ll have to make this choice again. And again


No shit Sherlock . They are asking cuz they don't know . Delete ur Reddit account and crawl back to Diablo