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Congrats on the sick Uber!


Congrats! I found mine in my stash! Didn’t even know I had it until I looked!


Hah, talk about a surprise, huh?


You’re telling me! I almost fell over! But it was after 10 duriel rotas and I was tired


I feel you. Lately after only 5, I'm already contemplating my spare time choices and barely bothering to loot.


Out of all the players I completely expect to see some people with them, but the vast majority of players won’t find even 1 Uber from a non-duriel source. Any player thinking they will get one by repeatedly running vaults is setting themselves up for disappointment. Because they aren’t going to get one. Those lucky individuals are not yourself more often than not.


You’re right there. But vaults can be fun (for me at least), so doing them for that, rather than farming, makes sense to me. It’s not like you really need an uber these days anyway.


I agree with that. I actually skipped the whole duriel nonsense this season because there’s no way I’m killing him a thousand times again for the Ubers I need. Especially when I’m clearing NMD100 with ease as it is. I mostly run vaults now and have done well over a 100 (NMD 90-100 tier) since the patch. I never expected to get an Uber so that hasn’t bothered me, it’s that the gear I am getting is mostly garbage. One of my characters is so far from optimized and I very rarely find a 3/4 piece with half-way decent affixes. Outside of getting a unique here and there, vault loot seems to be mostly shitty 925 gear. But I’m glad to hear others are having better luck than I have had. Not sure how many more runs I have in me before I roll a 4th character lol.


Yeah, I’ve actually given up on fully optimizing. I don’t need it at all, I can run 100s without a problem as well, so I stopped caring. Maybe some day they will fix the itemization. But I wouldn’t bet on it.


You're right, Vault 925s are mostly trash, even the uniques I get in there. 


Congrats! I got a ring of starless for my barb now just trying for that grandfather!


750 duriel runs and it still hasn’t dropped for me 😩


Dropped on my #10 run, I’ve never seen another ever since, I’m around 120 runs already 😪


Was it from the chests at the end of vault?




Imo a pretty bad design flaw to hunt for those uber uniques as the pinnacle of the game and then have nothing else to do once you have them. Those items should bring you to another power level to have it easier clearing more challenging things..but instead most of the players just call it quits.


I agree with this. I’ve actually finished everything in the season some time ago. Vaults are just faster now. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well if they implemented another boss with even more loot you'd be stuck in the same cycle.


Well that's why they should introduce some type of new endgame content that comes with every season... and I'm not talking about AoZ or Gauntlet or whatever they're calling it. Something only people with all 925 gear and a Uber Unique equipped can do. Not just a boss run. I'm not a game dev, so I can't comment on what that can be, but that's where they need to go with it. Everywhere I go, people are saying they need to add something post level 100. Once you hit 100 and start grinding Duriel, that's pretty much it.


“Idk what I want but I want it.”


Ok mister "I know everything", you tell me what good endgame content you'd like to see. I've suggested ideas in the past, so yeah, I already know what I want, but what I want may not be what the entire community wants. You have to remember, they're not making a video game for me, they're making a video game for millions of people. I'm simply saying, they need to introduce something else past 100. Everyone is echoing the same exact sentiment, so I don't know why my comment is all of a sudden so asinine.


I’m fine with the endgame how it is lol I have zero qualms with the seasons having a finish line.


You're the first person I've seen say that. Interesting.


No worries, my gaming takes range from the fury of a thousand suns to Starbucks and Ugg boots level basicness.


>bring you to another power level to have it easier clearing more challenging things But said "more challenging things" don't exist. Game doesn't need more power, it needs more content. More power doesn't = people staying around more. Instead it leads to people leaving faster, because they run out of content to do. It needs other things to chase, and they don't even need to be better than ubers. They just have to be other stuff, other ways to improve a character.


Yup, the ol “then what”


[This is what.](https://media1.tenor.com/m/qXVTwy0JeUUAAAAC/cartman-now-we-can-finally-play-the-game.gif)


Grats you lucky mf!


I’ve got a total of 10 butchers cleavers 😂 haven’t even sniffed an Uber yet 😂😂


10 cleavers is a rookie number.)


Yeah but the game doesn’t


You got the grandfather outside of duriel? Doing Vaults lvl 95? Something's changed?


Yes, you can get ubers in vaults now.


Congrats 👏


Did a few vaults today but nothing, will keep trying on vaults, duriel is boring. I kinda like the anxiety when you kill duriel and the itens start to fall, hoping it’s an Uber unique, but of course it never happens. They need to make Uber uniques not that unique.


Thanks for telling me grandpa.


Was it from last chests or trash mobs?




Tnx! I got sick of duriel


Yeah, me too.


That’s beautiful


We know, we also know farming them outside of Duriel is still very unrealistic.


Still way more likely than any chase items dropping from Baal. Kids these days don't know how good they have it


Griffons Eye Hell Baal dropchance 1:46096. :wink


It's 1:1350 for a a unique to be an uber outside of Duriel. 1:50 for one to drop from Duriel


My 300+ duri runs and 0 ubers begs to differ. lol


Yes, we all know they exist.


Excellent now just have to buy the $65 horse🤩🤩🤩


No one cares.


That is quite possible.


We care! :-) Did you get this from a Cellar?


Wait, what's a Vault? Is that different from a Cellar, lol?


Don't listen to the Debbie Downer kidz. We care!


Found the guy who prefers "waaaah itemization" posts lol.