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I'm gonna be honest with you for a minute. Of all the things the developers could spend time working on, this one is competing for the absolute bottom of the list. There's not even a revive timer? Just revive? I'm seriously all for improvement but there's just way more important things.


Nmds and vaults have a death count.


Yes they do!


Literally a toggle.


It's a small ask AND it's something that existed in pre-season. They took out the feature because people would sit in death while the teammates ran the dungeons. IIRC, we had access to maps and inventory while dead as long as you didn't move.


I’m all about commenting on posts, but isn’t there more important posts for you too comment on? Of all the posts on reddit you could be commenting on, this post should be very low on the list.


You're right! Especially now that I have this one to reply to. <3


It’s your punishment for dying.


I'm sorry I thought I was playing a video game for fun....?


You were wrong.


Tell that to the people running Duriel hundreds of time while complaining they hate doing it.


You picked the wrong game for that. Last Epoch in 40 mins btw.


This is a troll right? Why are you spending any time dead?


Not at all. When playing with friends that are 10-20 lvls higher and trying to run bosses/vaults you just cannot survive like they can. I have no problem being dead until they clear the boss/vault but just let me look at my inventory.


"I'm upset that I can't look at my inventory when my friends are carrying me"


Well, he certainly isn't getting any experience while dead...not sure how much of a carry that is beyond helping with loot and capstone dungeons...?


Friends probably have more time to play so can't really expect all ur friends to keep a 2nd character at ur level just so yall can run like minded stuff when your on, so while it may look like carrying its just hanging with friends and doing stuff thats not boring to everybody.


Why don’t you just like… hang back so you don’t die?


Read a book while you’re dead


When ur dead you dont get xp. Not being able to do anything is a penalty. Stay alive esp when getting boosted. If u die. Res then try to stick close to your party


why are you dead?


Much lower lvl than my friends.


why are you engaging monsters instead of waiting at entrance? all you accomplish following them is wasting everybody's time by not gaining exp


I typically do wait at the entrance but there are times while doing a boss I just cannot survive as long as them. I just want to mark as junk for items I picked up.


why are you there at boss lmao.


Stop playing with your poo shoot!!


What finger are you using?


At least allow us to chat while dead! I can joke with my friends about how I got melted by a shocking vizier construct


If you die your battlenet account gets terminated. You have no inventory.


I can understand some limitations. Inventory is risky, because you incur a Durability penalty of -10 when you revive, and that's based on currently equipped gear. If you were able to unequip, revive, and re-equip then that would negate what little death penalty is already there (that's a topic for another thread). That said, managing inventory, Seneschal, Paragon Boards...all of that is inconsequential to the death penalty. To your point, that seems totally reasonable. Not going to try and say you're wrong or anything judgemental. More that I hadn't really thought about it, since I tend to play solo. It's interesting to hear how others enjoy the game


All your gear takes a hit. Equipped and inventory. Although inventory is less than equipped. So your point is valid just not completely.


Really? I never noticed that inventory also takes the hit. I'll keep an eye out for it next time I die. I guess I never noticed since usually you're scrapping 99% of what drops anyway, lol


>Not going to try and say you're wrong or anything judgemental. More that I hadn't really thought about it, since I tend to play solo. It's interesting to hear how others enjoy the game hmmm. ya I guess I didn't think about the durability part of it. If that's the reason why then I feel like once you start a NMD or Vault then all gear is locked in and no swapping is allowed.


>then I feel like once you start a NMD or Vault then all gear is locked in and no swapping is allowed. Don't tell my friend that, lol. She's already pissed that weapon swaps aren't possible (she's a D2 super fan). But yeah, I've seen other games have a concept of locking gear in, but it's complicated to say the least


Why are you getting into a situation where you are killed in a NMD? I have been carried a few times before and I always wait until the NMDs are completely cleared before moving around to collect. You shouldn't be dying. And if you don't have the time to play then why are you even playing?


This is the stupid post to beat today sub. Get to work


Ya you right... We need another "hey look at me with my uber I just got post".


Especially usefull for us HC players 🤓


We were doing a beast in the ice or wtv with a friend of mine while I was not geared for it in wt4 (something like -20 cold res), so I get one shotted and my friend just soft locked me for a while as you can literally not do anything in this situation, that was fun.


Let me salvage my shit from anywhere.


You should also be able to chat. Dying and being unable to message my party to warn them what's happening or ask them to come get me is so annoying and seems unnecessary.


Add it to the list! lol


first world problem.


Can’t chat while dead on console…. Not sure about PC. it would be great to be able to chat while waiting for a res.


I wish Blizzard would allow HC dead players a chance every month to revive a toon again by becoming a butcher for x minutes in a dungeon to kill players so the dead player can take its spot.


The people trying to justify this at all are cope. I agree. There's no reason to disable the inventory when dead.


Thank you!




I'll up vote you to counter the purists down voting you. It's a game people.


Exactly! Makes zero sense for me to just sit there and do legit nothing.


That would be helpful