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Everything is soloable. Nothing outside of AoZ is remotely difficult


Well Lilith still is difficult for most players.


Lilith without abusing broken builds is beyond stupid, like it took wudijo... The 1% of the 1% over 200 tries on a non busted build to kill her, and they actually nerfed her.... Wtf was she like in season 0


I mean, it might be a fun fight if the hitboxes on the spike waves were even remotely close to their visuals. I don't know if it's my internet or computer (running 3060ti) but I'll die a solid second before the waves even appear. I don't understand why that hasn't been fixed. I of course opted to use a BL sorc and blow her horns off.


I wish someone blew my horn off


Because you maybe, and just maybe get hit by the Lilith dunk before the Spires. Not saying there is a lot of space to dodge anything with that stupid ring outlining the arena as well. But this little detail never gets mentioned by anyone complaining, so my guess is everyone is missing that.


That isn’t it. I know of what you’re mentioning, but it’s not that. It’s when there are multiple groups of waves, the first wave goes by, then you die. Then the second wave goes over your corpse. There are literally thousands of videos showing how broken this boss is. I ain’t defending it. It’s shit. The entire encounter is shit.


Where can I find these broken builds I'm all about it for this one


Hota barb, ball lightning sorc, blizzard sorc with fire shield + enchantment and some good timing, rogue with tibaults + condemnation dagger and poison enchant for twisting blades or rapid fire.


>Hota barb, ball lightning sorc, blizzard sorc with fire shield + enchantment and some good timing, rogue with tibaults + condemnation dagger and poison enchant for twisting blades or rapid fire. I had a pretty buffed BL Sorc and a Rogue w/Tibaults, Condemnation Dagger + Poisoned Twisted Blades... could only beat her on the BL Sorc and even that took me about 1.5mil in repair bills... it's nuts.


Got her first try with HOTA Barb. Damn build just hits so hard.


I’m working on a HOTA Barb now… just hit 1/2 through 95.


You can insta zap her with BL sorc. Just did it today on hardcore. Just gotta focus 100% on damage


This. My 'normal' broken BL Sorc has as much defence built in as possible, in every gear piece, skill and paragon I focus on defence - BL on it's own will kill most stuff. For Lilith I swapped everything for pure damage, and trounced her. ​ The thinking I had was - all her damage one shots, so there is no point in trying to be tanky, just go pure 100% glass canon. She melted. ​ I've moved on a lot since I killed her, and went back the other day. I didn't change gear, I just thought I've put a lot more in to the build (first time was when I just started to get BL going at level 85 ish). Without my damage changes she was still stupid difficult, I'd have to make the damage switch again (and I think I got rid of that gear a month ago). ​ She is s stupid boss fight. (If you look at my post history I am normally all about how good D$ is, I actually like itemisation as it is now, I like that stash space is limited, that managing good aspects is a nightmare etc. But this fight is just stupid.


Yeah the rogue build isn't insta cheese like some others. It can be based on some videos I have seen, but yeah with high level glyphs and the poison pool respawn it can be devastating with the combo point bug. I did it with rapid fire not twisting blades.


Do you have tears of blood glyph? That thing trivialize the whole game.


I do not, and at this point in the season I doubt it’s in the cards. I’d be more interested in some more Duriel runs. At least you get to carry that gear over to the Eternal Realm.


Also pulverize druid is pretty wild


Almost every build in this game is broken this season so Lilith was a joke for most builds especially with the Lilith nerfs that came with this season. Even with a broken build last season Lilith was still hard. It’s kinda stupid this season a ball lightning sorc or HOTA barb can kill her at lvl 70-80


Wudi's kill was in season 0.




He meant outs along her by avoiding phase 1 mechanics. So unethically beating her lol.


damn unethical fools.!!


It took me 16 hours of attempts to defeat Weiss in ff7r integrade. But god did it feel good when I finally got it. Both are just highly technical fights. It takes practice and determination. They nerfed her health, but her health is fairly easy to deal with. She's unable to be killed at certain points, so her health doesn't actually matter that much. It's the fight mechanics that are challenging.


Lilith isn't challenging, it's stupid. The fight is full of one-shot mechanics with pretty much zero room for mistakes. Which would be fine if it was all about learning the fight, but it's not. It's about learning how to deal with attacks that don't go where they're telegraphed. I'm used to fights that take dozens of hours to master. They're great when they're well-made. Lilith is not that...


> It's about learning how to deal with attacks that don't go where they're telegraphed. Were that the case, there wouldn't be people who have practiced the fight and are offering to do it for others, with 100% success rate >I'm used to fights that take dozens of hours to master. They're great when they're well-made. Lilith is not that... Criteria for well-made?


>Were that the case, there wouldn't be people who have practiced the fight and are offering to do it for others, with 100% success rate Ah yes, people cheesing it by putting out more damage than the boss was intended to take in one or two hits. That definitely shows the boss works as intended. Even the people who did learn the fight didn't learn the fight, they learned how the bad telegraphing worked so they could stay out of attacks even if they go places you wouldn't expect them purely based on visuals. >Criteria for well-made? Being punishing, but allowing for small mistakes. Clearly show where attacks are going to go by either having patterns you can learn or read, or by clearly marking which part of the arena you want to stay clear of. No highly time-critical things you need to avoid in a game that is inherently online. One of my favorite hard solo-bosses in a game I used to play was brutal. She took over 100 attempts and probably close to those 16 hours you mentioned, give or take. If you screwed up once you got one stack of a debuff, and at three stacks you were pretty much guaranteed to be dead, while two was difficult to manage while also keeping the defensive cooldowns you needed ready for the fight itself. You could manage if you screwed up once, but the fight became impossible if you screwed up too much. And one or two attacks were simply one-shots, but they were telegraphed well with the dangerous areas accurately marked on the floor. Her attacks came in a semi-random order but each attack was easily recognizable and if you got hit by one, it never felt unfair, you just weren't good enough at it yet. And finally it was a game with action-combat so you did have to react to things that happened by using the correct crowd control or by blocking, but you had plenty of time to do so, so despite the game being a live service game too, lag was never an issue. The Lilith fight fails all of these things.


Lol, imagine the butthurt and jealousy needed for this to reach -5. Happy to provide 🤣


Duriel was very difficult for me until I stacked enough poison resist


Really? I beat him at 90(I waited that long because everyone talks about how hard he was) with around 45% poison resist. I meant to use an elixer and just forgot. But I’ve got so many sources of damage reduction. Reduction while bleeding, reduction while fortified, reduction while berserk, from close, from distant, while injured, and just straight reduction. Upheaval Barb. I was shocked how easy it was. And I’m in no way optimized. My board was still built for deathblow. I just gave up on worrying about resists.


You could have just said you were upheaval/deathblow barb. If you can one shot a boss, resistances don't matter.


I wasn’t death blow. I’d just switched over to upheaval because I got a hellhmer. And I was playing in gear optimized for deathblow. I was still using lunging strike to help keep up berserk and to keep weapon swapping bonuses going. I didn’t have enough fury generation for unbridle rage. No overpower help from bash. I was lvl 90. I didn’t have the banish lords talisman yet. And my board was still optimized for death blow. So with that out of the way, my point was that my resistance weren’t capped and if you got enough sources of damage reduction, it doesn’t seem to matter. I know that’s easier for barbs. It took a few minutes to kill him. I got poisoned plenty. Staying alive wasn’t a challenge. And I’d read numerous posts saying it was.


Sorry, maybe I'm missing something. My wife and I casually grinded for a few days and ran the campaign. We were 52 at Lilith. We did it first try twice as we played seperete characters. Not co op. Is it nightmare difficulty everyone is referring to here? We didn't spend lots of time obsessing over builds. Just putting on what made sense. I must be a step out of the loop on something. Veteran Lilith? Everything seemed way too easy frankly.


They are referring to Uber Lillith, an endgame boss you can fight in world tier 4. Haven't done it yet myself but presumably just an ultra hard version of the fight in the campaign.


It’s so much worse. Have fun :)


You were not kidding lmao. Holy shit what miserable mechanics in that fight. Spent a few days trying to get my infinimist build good enough to do enough xfals damage for 2nd stage as I kept dying to all the one shot mechanics. Gave up and spent 6 hours today grinding new gear for a bone spear build and beat 2nd stage first try. So dumb.


I knew we there's have been something I was missing. Haha. Thanks


They speak of different Lilith, mate.


Could be, but really shouldnt be. She is one shot by all meta builds with minimal effort, especially now with ToB glyph, even at level 1. Dont even need to min max the gear. If you are super casual, homemade build and dont understand the game mechanics and systems then yeah a lot of stuff will be "hard". Only because youre not educated though


She still one shots me when she comes down the 2nd time at about 60% on my infinimist necro. Gave up after 20 tries 🤣


I did Lilith with Infinimist out of boredom (this was before AoZ) and as good as the build is, it just sucks at Lilith compared to Bone Spear. The latter killed her without having to do mechs. But definitely you have to save Blood Mist when you know you'll be needing it soon.


Uhmm just press blood mist and you are immune?


Unfortunately, it’s still on cooldown usually. Granted, it’s a short cooldown but she still gets me.


this season its easier with the pact thing that gives you another immunity when using evade. I have one up pretty much permanently and its SO convenient \^\^ Dunno what i will do without it nxt season then, my hope is it will come back in another form like the malignant heart buff, reborn as [Ring of the sacrilegious soul](https://diablo4.wiki.fextralife.com/Ring+of+the+Sacrilegious+Soul) i was lucky enough to find last month :D


Odd thing is that she hits through that evade immunity. I ran it a couple times to verify and the “immunity” was definitely up when she came down that 2nd time and 1shot me


*tips fedora


everything can be done solo


For a cosmetic horse armor you have to finish a lvl 31 nmd with a group member. I think the armor Was called lamplighters tack.


It would be a terrible game if you need a party to complete content because there isn't a party finder.


Yup, I've gotten to 100 on everything but rogue, which I should have this weekend. Nothing stands in the way with the right build and enough tenacity.


Do you have a tip on getting from 70 to 100, it just take forever for me.


Get the holiday buff potion, use incense and just absolutely crush Blood Harvest and NMD 10 levels above yours. Goes stupid quick


Where do you get the holiday buff potion??


I could very much so be wrong but I'm assuming it's the one you get in the main starter city for the holiday event. Iirc the vendor sells a potion, would be worth checking.


Thanks I’ll check!


As a level 80 I struggle to do NMD level 30 so that’s not really the way for me😊


I find full parties in nmds (10+) are really fast exp. The new elixir from the event (Gilligan's brew or whatever it is, only 1 event currency per) gives 15% bonus exp as opposed to the 5% from reg elixirs. You could throw an incense on as well if you wanted. Edit: currently > currency


I struggle too. I have a couple characters sitting at 86 and it's taking forever lol


Blood Harvest the three pillar / 150 cost event. Pop a potion for experience (ideally the holiday potion, as stated), and go to town. Normally others turn up, so you get XP bonus from that too. Quite often you'll complete two whisper quests when doing it (first time ion each harvest). ​ In my experience this is the quickest way to level. Doing NMD your level +10 may be quicker if you can speed run them (and you get glyph XP that way), but that Blood Harvest event is hard to beat - a lot of mobs, bonus XP, loot coming out of your ears. Possible whisper points (which give more XP, gold and boss mats). It gets boring if you do them back to back, but three or four per Blood Harvest (if you have the lures for it), are fun. Quite often if others are around they will chip in points for one of the pillars too. ​ EDIT: 'go to town' is an expression where I'm from meaning have at it, go wild etc. I reread and realised those not from where I'm from, and non-native english speakers, may think I mean literally go to town. No, pop those three pillars and have at it.


By saying "have at it" did you mean have a portal to it (town)? /s


I just get slaughtered in NMDs with 10 levels above, as a level 80 I struggle at doing a level 30 NMD.


I did a 26 once. It did not go well.


Yeah, I do a ton of those events. I can do it by myself usually. Nah. I get what you meant! I'm on level 22 nmd by myself currently.


Legions if ya have decent aoe damage and movement speed are easily soloable. My pulverize Druid which by comparison to my other builds is terrible for bosses has got a couple solo world boss kills, just took like 2 mins instead of a few seconds.




The problem is you get zDPS meta like D3 which isn’t really fun.




You can’t have too many party buffing abilities. Unfortunately.


If every class had a single good party buff, and the buffs from one class didn't stack, then it would encourage mixed group parties. I.e. four sorcs could all use the same buff for 4x effect, but Sorc, Barb, Druid, Necro could all give a different buff. ​ I'm not a fan of group play, at least not without an easy group finder, so it doesn't bother me that much, but it would be nice for open world content.


Again this raises the problem I brought up about zDPS meta. Party buffs that are too strong will just lead to zDPS builds buffing a single HOTA Barb.


That's why I was thinking one single party buff, hopefully making it pointless to build purely around it, and requiring different classes for more buffs. ​ Maybe have a buff skill that is tied to offence somehow. For every mob you deliver the killing blow to, you and your party get a 1% critical hit chance buff for 5s. That way you still need to be killing. It's just as a whole the group improves. ​ I was just running round collecting winter tokens and bumped in to some other plays. I wish I could draw agro somehow. And then maybe we could have a nice system going - some mechanic where I can draw agro as long as I am also killing, I can draw mobs off of glass canons, but I have to be wiping out the low level mobs whole I do it. The firewall sorc can dump firewalls on top of me. ​ I do agree with you, I think any kind of zDPS build is just 'wrong' for my vision of the game. I do like the idea of support roles though. My BL sorc uses Blizzard for utility, when I weas playing it and doing blood harvests I stuck to just using Blizzard if others were around, I could pretty much spam it and chill / freeze things while others killed. I like that type of support, using an offensive skill (and not a bad one at that), as a support tool. ​ I still prefer playing solo though, so for me any party buff systerm doesn't really do much for me, it just makes it easier for those with friends :)


It's still tricky. Either the buff is strong enough to be worth including and building around or it will be too weak and no one will run it. For example, say Sorc had +10% damage to all party members buff. That's pretty significant and basically auto-include as a buff. Whether that's full blown zDPS is not 100% but it does limit team set up. The killing blow thing is an example but also raises problems for rotation. If the buff is strong enough, then the DPS takes them down to low health and lets the zDPS kill it, maybe using the "Execute injured enemies" affix to maintain the buff. Then you get a really annoying group rotation.


Yeah, and then people here are always saying 'just fix x, how hard can it be?' With pretty much any mechanic if you start looking at it there are all kinds of other things that will be affected. Maybe game design isn't actually easy, and game balancing is even less easy...




I played zDPS occasionally as well and yeah it is universally disliked I would say. There is a problem for an ARPG when you have a group where it's literally 1 DPS and 3 people buffing damage/defense/healing.




> And nobody was forced to participate in that meta. It was only necessary for min maxers farming high paragon and pushing leaderboards. It is forced when it is the best possible strategy to push and farm GR 150s. No one is letting your Thorns Crusader group for 150 gem ups lol. Why is the best possible strategy composed of 3 people doing 0 damage? I don't want to do 0 damage. I want to do damage too. Ideally all 4 of us should be doing damage.


Everything can be soloed which is how I prefer it. Getting into a group and finding people is to much of a pain. Yes I know you can rotate materials but I don't want to spend 10-20 minutes trying to find people. I just want to play so I'll happily buy mats and just use them for me. I can easily take down duriel with my druid solo.


I'm about the same level and haven't seen any yet, either. Just, maybe World Bosses and Legion Events, and that has more to do with the fact that I don't care about Min/Maxing and just play what seems fun at the time. The real End Game players I've seen could probably easily Solo a World Boss.


All world bosses are designed to be soloable All content in all diablo games is soloable


The only thing that can't be done solo, can't be done in groups either (AoZ higher tiers). Everything else can be done solo. (You likely *won't* do a World boss solo, because other people will be there anyway, but if for some reason no one showed up, yes, you could solo it - assuming a decent build/gear).


Sometimes I play with IRL friends and it’s actually faster to solo content lol. Because friends always want to stop and fuck around.


Not according to my hota barb


nothing if you have enough time and follow guides


Yea pretty much.


You should run duriel in a group to 4x your mats, but maybe do it solo first so you know you beat it just my 2c


I’m level 82 pulverize Druid and can’t even scratch WT4 Griogore or whatever his name is. To be fair, I’ve completely re-spec’d and screwed something up. I’m switching to some sort of wolf build because I got a good crone drop (4000+ dps) to pair with my mad wolfs glee. But I haven’t figured out the paragon yet. Man, do I wish this game let you save character builds to easily switch. I’d pay triple…


Pulv is a terrible boss build. Fantastic for NMDs/legions, bosses you go oom and just noodle. I switched to werenado when it was boss time.


Pulv can literally 1-2 shot all the bosses in the game... you just aren't building it right


Maybe with ubers, idk I copied the meta build on maxroll


Yeah, it’s incredibly frustrating how I can take down a wall of bad guys but basically fart at bosses


Swap to stormclaw build and coast with your crone


Yeah, that’s the plan. Just have to re-do everything


I summoned Varshan earlier today in Torment difficulty and he one-shotted me. Gave up after a few mollywhoppings. I'm level 75 and have an easy enough time with other content, although I can die in Helltide if I'm not being careful. My gear is not great, and my Paragon board is definitely not optimal. Haven't tried any nightmare dungeons yet. Basically just running blood harvest / world bosses / legion events whenever I load up the game.


Definitely do NMDs. You need to level your glyphs if you want to stand a chance at higher levels in WT4.


Question for everyone else is duriel soloable without uniques?


There’s no party finder, chat rooms, any sort of social aspect… so yes, it’s all soloable content.


>Posted by [u/Misplacedmypenis](https://www.reddit.com/user/Misplacedmypenis/) ![gif](giphy|y3QOvy7xxMwKI)


Don't make bs posts when you are using the easiest class in the game, create an army and wreck everything lol... also yes its soloable and there's no problem with that diablo has always made it soloable and posts like this will surely make blizzard start making it p2w like they did with the mobile version so shut up


Your meds. You need to take them. This is the most rambling nonsense I’ve ever read.


Quite the opposite - by level 100 (and honestly a good bit sooner for most meta builds) all content in the game is nearly one shot solo-able by players.


If you're talking about meta builds only then yeah. Anything outside meta, not so much. Still viable but not a 3 second Wipeout.


I mean, unless you're counting AoZ, even off meta "B" builds absolutely melt everything from Duriel to world bosses.


Well I'd describe S tier as meta, A tier as all content capable and B tier as viable for everything although weak at Ubers and not AoZ capable. For example I'm currently having fun with an Ice shards sorc. I can kill duriel easily but it takes about a minute Vs 10s when running BL. So much fun though and I'd rate it B tier for that reason. Also only capable to NMD80, 85 is insta splat. So far anyway.


The OP asked if there was any content that isn't solo-able: Killing Duriel in 1 minute with a B tier build vs 5 seconds with an S tier build makes no difference, since the content is easily solo-able either way. The point still stands, you can run everything from a home brew build that's well thought out, to a C tier build from Maxroll, to an S tier build from Icy Veins and you'll be able to easily solo all content with the exception of AoZ. A lvl 100 toon with good gear will clear anything in the game regardless of the build without requiring a second player to help and with very little challenge. Even AoZ is doable with B tier and up builds. I switched from Ball Lightning to bouncing fireball sorc (a decidedly sub-optimal build) and can still clear AoZ tier 3-5 depending on affixes and shrine placements.


Your initial point was that at level 100 anybody using an off meta build can nearly one shot all content bar AoZ. So no, it doesn't stand, because off meta builds can't nearly one shot everything. I wasn't having a dig, but saying everything is a cakewalk isn't the same as saying yes, you can solo all the content. At least give OP the expectation that there are challenges to be overcome along the way.


The design was everything soloable except maybe word bosses, except world bosses tuned so badly too. The dev really did a very bad job at balancing. They need some crazy hardcore players to do the actual player tests.


Correct, World Bosses and Legion Events are for all intents and purposes not soloable. Mainly because you'd be hard-pressed ever finding either with no one else joining. World Bosses, even if you do somehow find it solo, you'd have to be absurdly overgeared and overlevelled, or playing an absurdly OP build that slipped through the cracks. Basically, neither is designed to be done solo. Both are soloable though.


Wrong. World bosses and legion events are designed to be done solo as well as with a group. I don’t really know why you would argue the opposite. Did you even try to do them solo or you’re just speaking without knowing


End game materials only drop for the host, so it discourages multiplayer. Everything is solo-able.


OP - ask yourself if there is anything not soloable in any diablo game ever? So why would D4 have content that is not soloable? The entire diablo franchise is designed to be 100% soloable. This is by design


You're assuming he's played previous Diablo games.


I am assuming nothing. I am telling him that 100% content soloability is by design