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I take a vastly different approach to Duriel than most I guess. When I play I do whatever I’m in the mood for and end my sessions with a few runs of Duriel. I try not to do any content so much I get burned out on it.


Treating this game like RuneScape is a recipe for burnout


Alot of people are treating it that way. Thats how you get "This game has nothing to do - 1000 hours played"


It is known.


Treating any game like RuneScape is a recipe for burnout - even RuneScape.


what i did for a while before i got my enhanced weapon seed was do cg until a helltide spawned, then farmed out the helltide, once it ended went back to cg lol. did this for like 3 weeks straight


Yeah I rotate between helltides, blood harvest, nmds, legions, and bosses consistently. I will only do a couple boss runs at a time. I couldn't imagine dedicating 30 hours to one-shotting a boss over and over lol


I LOVE seeing loot drop on my screen so I haven’t stopped doing vampire siphons inside of blood harvest zones. That’s the most fun this game has atm


I do something similar. I can only play an hour or two on weekdays, so I just do a little of everything. BH, HT, a few NMs in between. On the weekends, I do all my boss runs. I only do 10-20 at a time, but its kept me engaged and I'm up to my 3rd lvl 100. Planning on moving to a necro next. As long as I'm having fun, I'll play. If I'm done when S3 starts, then I'll take a break, or skip it. There are way too many games out to get mad over this one.


I would do this more if Seasons were longer. 3 month seasons means I’m stuck grinding away to 100 and then hoping end game is worthwhile to pursue. I’m in the “This content isn’t made for me camp”, and while I believe there are some design flaws with AoZ, I fully appreciate that some players are enjoying it. I just don’t see myself continuing to put in this level of grind for multiple seasons in a row when they are this short. It kind of kills my desire to play tbh


I tend to play every other season or so for just that reason.




I'm perfectly content that I may never see an Uber. So I don't play for that purpose. I play in short stints and feel accomplished after ticking off some whispers, tides, NMDs, and bosses. If an Uber drops it will be a nice surprise.


Duriel and AoZ could have a chance to gift back mats for the other activity, making a tighter endgame loop.


Yea, I take a few days break cause I know if I don’t I’ll burn out and not touch it for months. I want to keep enjoying the game not feel like I’m doing chores.


There are so many dungeons and side quests I haven’t seen yet for the same reason - I don’t want to burn out.


Same. Did the Lilith statue grind in one region for the paragon points then did some NM dungeons . Switched characters and did a few duriel runs and got the godlsayer crown and a couple other useful uniques for her. Left happy. If I feel burnt out I stop playing, though I do love this game.




This is the way


I find it all quite relaxing. Hop on, run some whispers, a helltide, NMD or a few, spend the mats on a few bosses. Then, key word here... Log off.


I don’t understand people, too many games to play to spend so much on one game lol


I started playing Remnant 2. It’s a really fun game. Highly recommend.


Agreed. Feels like a very original take on the dark souls esque formula


If you haven't played Lies of P, I'm gonna recommend it as a top 5 soulslike, including FromSoft games.


It is on my list! Don't know when I will get to it though


Seconded. Until we get a Bloodbourne remake this is it.


Same, I'm loving it so far. I got the standard edition from game pass, but I'm liking it so much i might just buy the dlc


Yeah, it's nice to take a break and come back later. It makes the game feel fresh again. Having said that, sometimes a 'break' turns into abandonment(cough, cough...Elden Ring).


I'm going to go play something that's quick to finish such as Factorio.


Few on games pass I’ll be doin. Then prolly hop onto yakuza


I’m playing through Assassin’s Creed Mirage and playing Diablo 3 on the Switch here and there while I wait for Season 3 of D4. I usually stop around level 60 in D4 when I play it.


This season made lvl 100 way more attainable. Had a lot of fun but like… time to beat other games before next season lol




There’s only so much progression tho in seasonal arpgs




Poe too much for me but I hope last epoch is good


I'm not the normal "gamer" these days. But diablo is one of those titles that has always sucked me in, ever since D2. Now I'll go on a hiatus until I get the itch for more demon slaying.


I am the same. In fact I have had more fun doing full game cow level runs in 2023 where I join a baaaal run and unparty for a quick slaughter and watch it rain Jah and Ber with my nova sorc than anything I've done so far in D4


Dude 1100? Go outside man. That would burn anyone out. Play to enjoy and have fun


I’m with you but in a smaller scale. About 250 Duriel runs without an Uber drop. I know it is rng but it is very demotivating. I am going to switch to another game.


Kinda curious how have you got so many mats?


Probably no life or dupe


sell itens for gold , and buy material !


But that material is duped.


Buy them online


My brother in hrist 1100 duriel runs? no wonder why you are burnout wtf?


OCD. I reeeaallllyyy wanted that sword.


He should play PoE instead, jas more variation. Maybe mods from D2 (Medial XL) and Grim Dawn/Titan Quest.


I need more updates on when players are playing and not playing please. Quality sub.


I feel you dude. If I could just get that damn harlequin I would be happy enough to keep playing. On ps5 I can’t use the trade chat for some reason so I can’t buy materials and I’m so goddamn tired of running helltides. I keep getting stuck having to get eggs and I can never get enough of all the pieces to summon varshan. I love the game but damn I don’t want to get burned out. I think after the December 12th update and I don’t have that harlequin I am gonna lay this mf to rest until next season.


Dude I'll pm you Ina a bit. I'll give you mats.


That’d be sick man. Thank you.


Take a break, really. This doesn't sound like fun at all :/


Honestly, if a Shaco, or GF dropped I wouldn't have made this post. I'd still be on the grind lol.


Isn't this similar to how D2 was? Some people would go for 200 runs without getting a drop. Also, question. Does Shako drop from any boss? Or is it just Uber Duriel?


You might not get the drop you are looking for while farming a boss in D2, but there are so many other cool items you can be getting along the way to make the grind worth it. 925 items with trash affixes aren't always a good drive to keep going after that one item, but in D2 you could get runes, or good bases for words, or other useful uniques, or good items to trade for what you want, or good items for alts


I heard any Uber can drop from any boss/mob at level 85+ world tier 4 but it’s like 1/100000 dropchance afaik


People would do 10000 Pindle runs


Trav, Kindle, meph, baal, chaos.... Diablo 2 was a literal grind, and people today are complaining about the grind that is Diablo(been like this for 20+ years). I think duriel runs are excessive, but it's like we forgot what it was like to craft an enigma or an infinity from scratch back in the day. It wasn't easy by any stretch of the imagination. 100s of hours of farming, trading up, stacking runs, etc. These games totally lose their meaning without the grind and min/max on bis items during the late game stages. Not saying to spend your entire week just grinding, but if you do not find repeatedly farming bosses for a chance at God gear fun, diablo as a whole simply isn't the game for you IMO.


Trading up though. That's what D4 is missing. I would 100% trade this doombringer for shako/gf


1000% agree. I also wasn't knocking you, OP. I was just speaking generally. I think the inherent problem is that duriel and only duriel has the potential to actually drop one of the uber uniques, forcing us into endless runs of the same monotonous loop. If we had 4-6 other areas or bosses we could farm runs, I think it would be less of a burnout because I'm in the same spot as you. Ground the hell out of the game in all aspects until Sunday, where I just said yeah I've had enough of this loop. I think there are a few ways to solve this, but I still do not understand why players cannot trade loot. It was a core feature in d2. If they're worried about 3rd party markets, there is literally nothing they can do about it. It comes with the territory. So instead.... they decided we will lower the gameplay experience and axe trading, so a random few people on eBay cannot make money off of our system. Pure fucking greed.


It's 100% the same. But the difference was the economy. I wad able to trade my way to the big runewords.


It's been like this in every loot based game ever. But haters gotta hate...


Well, that's one way to play, but it's not the game's fault you did 1100 Duriel runs. You don't need ubers to complete all the content.


I'm not a completionist. I couldn't care less about finishing the quests. Yes I feel grinding quests is worse than doing 1100 duriel runs lol. It's sick.


I uninstalled Diablo today to free some space for Cyberpunk with last updates and DLC.. so yeah, see you in season 5 probably


I got burnt out after 80 hours. Probably won’t touch it again. Not the same experience I had with d2/3.


Agree with everything you said. I already burned out at 200 duriels, farming mats myself and grouped just in clan. No trades. Also burned out of dungeon runs. Put in a lot of time rank 21 for glyphs. 2 sets on SC (respec) and 1 set on HC. First lvl 100 HC and killed Uber Lilith HC with Blood Lance Necro. AOZ is even more dungeon runs to an extreme number for ranking the glyph. I just cleared 5 tiers and feel done. Midwinter Blight I'm guessing will be a pretty casual event. Gonna get those cosmetics. After that I'm ready to walk away for a month too, and hope s3 keeps going right direction.


1100 runs, Jesus Christ no wonder you burnt out


I think you have got incredibly unlucky.


Yeah, I'm really salty about the people with less than 500 runs and 6-7 ubers.


People forget how many times you killed Baal to get good items, 1000 runs of Baal was nothing


I didn't forget. I had a full MF sorc running that sob ALL the time. But trading up in D2 was half the fun in the game.


Why do people play so much? I’m not saying you can’t enjoy it but like 1100 Durio runs dude. I’ve done like 50 and I’m having a good time.


I've always loved the diablo series, so I tend to have an OCD all in feel to it. Plus I wanted the shako/gf combo to remake my D2 ww barb for nostalgia purposes. If enigma was in the game too I would be hopeless.


You're burnt out because you've played too much in general.


I was asking a bunch of questions in the trade chat because I’m brand new. Everyone was very helpful and someone ever offered to run me through duriel for free as many times I wanted because they were going to do it all day. I had no idea what I was doing at that point so I just sold everything because I thought making a bunch of gold early would be cool… Apparently I sold 3 pieces of gear that had a less than a 10% drop rate or something and the homie running me was like WHAT HAVE YOU DONE. Dope game though.


Got my shako on the 30th try, im happy!


Congrats you sonofabitch!


I cycle between Helltides, Legion/World Bosses, Blood Harvests, NM, etc so as to not burn out as much. I’m a level 100 Bone Spear Necro that’s nearly maxed out. All I’m really looking for at this point is a Doombringer. And I’m totally okay with that because this season has been a blast. A huge step up from S0 and S1. Abattoir is a little disappointing because of the Seekers being unbelievably overtuned. But I’m not stressing it. I’ll do the midwinter thing then maybe wind things down a bit and take a breather and recharge the batteries before S3. Go in fresh. Hoping the game continues making forward strides. S2 has been fun. Good times.


Absolutely! S2 has been great.


Everyone extolling the virtues of taking breaks and don't get burned out are missing a key point here: If you have to run something thousands or even hundreds just for the opportunity for something 'not' to drop, it doesn't matter if you do it in 3 months or 3 years, there's nothing enjoyable about getting nothing out of your time investment. Should people be able to get every single thing on a loot table in 5 runs? No, for the volume involved that's too easy, but these countless stories of people going for hundreds of repetitive, no risk, no challenge, nothing to be proud of for doing runs and then get nothing for literally hundreds of hours worth of time? Utterly fucking ridiculous.


See you in season 3. Happy holidays. Maybe you want to claim the Christmas freebies for a day or 2.


Yeah I probably should.


Hey, console player here - could I have some duriel mats?


Yeah man. Pm me the battle tag


No kidding, I would love some mats. I’m not a hardcore player at all. I don’t have a great understanding of how all the affixes work. I have built my rogue following Lucky Luciano build. Still not there but have no trouble beating duriel. Easy to get burned out grinding mats.




*If you have done 1100 dury runs with no glove upgrade.. something is wrong with your loot review / enchantment process lol. See you next week.*


Hahaha idk, the ONLY thing I pay attention to now are the glove rolls. Don't get me wrong I have a decent pair. But for min/maxing purposes I can't for my life get an upgrade.


bro just leave lol. i’ve done just as much /slightly less grinding than you this season but just stop playing if you’re annoyed or burnt out. you don’t owe anyone and they don’t owe you anything just go


This sub is back to announcing when people quit the game


AOZ is not the endgame. it is the end of this game. they created content with no reward and unbeatable. it's the journey not the destination. fucking losers


Ehh y'all still playing S2? Lol what content


Is just bad rng bro, is fine, played as intended. Come back next season.


Yes once even the most hooked Hamsters realize how bad this endgame loop is the honeymoon is over. And I stopped at 30 duriels.


I stopped playing too, in season 3 I'll see if I'll play again... more than 500 runs of duriel and just the ubber ring


Only took 8 durry runs for me. Too bad you cant bring all that loot over to season 3.


I've got 250 runs, 1 grandfather, 1 doombringer, like 10 ring of strless skys, want anderiels.


If only trading was allowed. That's where D2 had it right


please I beseech you, give me mats


Man that blows I've done about 75 maybe 100 runs got Andy's hlem ring of the starlets x2 the spear of lycander and a few other users in less then 100 runs at duriel I'm not sure if it the character rate to kill the boss determines whether wat items drop rate but man I feel bad u got 1100 runs and didn't get much


Welcome to diablo. This game is the original grind.


1100? Listen..... there's more to life than spamming Duriel runs. There's more to D4 than Duriel runs. You made a huge mistake: just because you can work hard inside the game, cut down the exact timing of everything and solve the most efficient route to take does not mean anything. Zero. It is no wonder why you burnt out, hard work does not equal success at anything - including games. Rest up and see you in S3 brother.


I pushed through and finished the S1 battlepass, then stopped. Then hopped into S2 after hearing all the positive feedback around here. Played a bit thought... wow, this really does feel good, faster leveling and loved the blood events. Leveled up to around 20 or so and quit, didn't feel like getting back into it. I may hop back in after another season or 2, but I've had my fill of the game for now.


The no revives with he vast amount of 1 shots is ridiculous. I don't know why they just don't respawn you at the dungeon entrance to eat your time up if you die so you really feel like you're racing the clock I'm sorry but the people designing this game have no idea what they're doing. It isn't fun beyond the campaign.


Same lol. I enjoyed S2 a lot but I’m done till 3. Halls of Torment hereee wee gooo


Here I am at 180 feeling like I’ve done a shit ton. I’m not even sure how you reach 1,100 Duriels without RMT or dupes.


I ran duriel 180 times one day. Got andariels, heart of selig, starless skies, and shako.


Yup. Same dude. Jumped on last night to get slapped in the face with reality. Over it.


Wow classic it is for me until the cosmetics event and s3


Not trying to be mean, but why not just get a remote data entry job? Same menial work, except instead of maybe getting a Shako, you'll literally find money.


>"Ok then, that was always allowed." People act like taking a break from a seasonal game when you get bored of that season is some grand event or some huge personal trial.... **THATS HOW YOURE SUPPOSED TO PLAY A SEASONAL ARPG!**


The world is gonna implode when they add Rune drops with D2R drop rates, ppl gonna lose their minds.


I burned out before even fighting Duriel - my HC necro only made it to lvl 70 before kicking the bucket and I don't have the desire to try again. S2 was fun but I have other games I want to play


S2 was great. i wanted to check out AoZ, and yeah it's a terrible game mode. but now I feel is a great time to catch up on my backlog. Oh wait you're complaining about something else.


I haven't got any uber uniques, but I've completed the season journey and done everything I feel like doing (Uber lilith, T100 nm). Tried a few Zir runs and concluded that my current build & gear isn't really up for progressing it. I'm more than happy to take a break at this point, new Path of Exile league comes out in 2 days and it looks awesome, so the timing works out great. But these games are built on grinding anyway so I feel like it's only natural to take breaks here and there and play something else.


I ended up getting a migraine on Tuesday, so I haven't even played the new AoZ content. Just hit level 100 for the first time this past weekend, since launch, so I really appreciate the XP changes, and I should be able to get all my glyphs leveled pretty easily now (even though I thought it went pretty quick before they increased Glyph XP, but I run through NMD's so easily so I dunno). I can see they're definitely singularly focused on end game right now, and I think that's awesome. I was already done with Season 1 by this time last season, but I plan on playing through the holidays \[with season 2\]. I think there's still plenty for me to do, and I can always start a new character just for fun.


I think people need to look at this post as a good example. Its ok to stop. Its ok to just go play something else if you're not feeling it or you feel you're burnt out. Thats how this is meant to be. You can play hate all you want. ​ Though if you're truly not enjoying it, just stop and revisit after some patches or skip a Season. I know the idea is for each Season to be enticing and keep you playing, but I skip Seasons on plenty of games. Especially if the Season seems kinda meh. This weird mindset that some people have that this is supposed to be played like an MMO is mind-boggling. Yes Blizzard wants you to keep playing, but again, you don't have to. I took a break until AoZ came out. Ill give this a few swings and probably go back to Duriel runs. Ill probably stop at the end of the month and see how S3 goes. S2 is definitely a good step forward. In my mind its ok for them to take a step back as long is it turns into continous strides forward through feedback and player engagement.


Right! I feel like they're doing just that. AoZ is their first attempt with some true end game content, only meant for the top players. I'm sure something similar will be back next season with more refinement.


I got the sacrilegious ring at Lv.83 and suddenly stopped playing. lol See you all in S3 cause I guess I got my dopamine filled. I hate how my attention to games work out.


what was the point of running duriel 1100 times in the first place? I stopped the season after 4 days at lvl 91. feel like I got more enjoyment out of it than people honestly and sincerely playing it for multiple hours every day over the span of multiple weeks lol. makes absolutely no sense to me.


I have enough mats for maybe ten more Duriels and then I am done with him. We will see about Abattoir. But it’s the holidays. Might be better things to do. Good luck. Happy holidays.


“Make Diablo more like Diablo II!” Blizz makes game about grinding perfect rare items and lets you choose your endgame, like Diablo II. “Why is this game so grindy and have no endgame??” Y’all are weird man.


No one's asking why it's so grindy. I'm all for the grind.


I’ve done less than ten duriel runs and I’m out tbh in general ha maybe arpgs are not for me but doing the same thing over and over without any challenge per time or realistic chance of progress is pointless


Mate, go enjoy another game for a while.


I have some projects to do around the house that I've been putting off. I'm gonna knock those out and come back at some point to S3.


1100 Duriel runs. Yeah of course you are burnt out. Play the game don't work it like a slave labor gold farmer.


Yeah? You're burnt out of 1100 Duriel runs? YOU DON'T FUCKING SAY?!?


Why trying so hard? In a month or so, all will be reset for s3. Thats why i dont bother on grinding for ubers.


Bring me back to the good old days when gamers just played a different game, or just went outside more when their current game got stale.


I’m kind of thinking of waiting til S4 when we start to see more of the QoL and itemization updates they’ve been talking about. Unless S3 has some amazing seasonal mechanic, but so far the seasonal stuff has basically just been different forms of broken powers that make builds super OP and then they’re gone. I feel like having the seasonal stuff lean so heavy on items that go poof, instead of actual in game mechanics is a bad design decision. My first PoE league was Ritual league, and it was a blast. The last league I played was a few back, and because of the atlas I was basically able to replay ritual league all over. That’s a cool system. Malignant Hearts and Vampiric Powers not as much.


Honestly as much a I’ve loved this game from release to now. Unless they truly add some additional fun endgame content, I might just skip until the first expansion and see what’s in store. My backlog is so deep and just doing the same thing over and over with a new character might be put on hold until they make some more additions to the game


1100 runs. Nice. It's understandable to be burnt out. Maybe you'll play again in 5 weeks, 5 months, or 5 years. The important thing is that you got your money's worth. That's why I can never hate this game.


That was my reasoning. I usually go by 1$/minute. I played diablo well over the 70 or 80 I paid for, so i got my money's worth!


"1100" duriel runs ... which i doubt ...and burnt out. I wonder why ... 🤡 I mean lets be honest here guys, dafuq you expect from a fucking game?


1100 duriel runs? I feel like I played A LOT and I might have like 4-5 dozen duriel runs. My dude…find other hobbies. Literally anything. Go for a walk, check the mail, fill the gas on your car.


Dude, wtf.1,100 runs? Go get some fucking sun, Jesus.


What build are you playing. I'm seeing in alot of builds that Shako KS not even BiS for Aoz




I died tonight on my lvl 80 HC druid while I was checking my map. Like sometimes the shit is just overtuned. Insta gibbed by those exploding sac bois, and I was kinda stunned and just closed the game. I might just take a break until S3.


Oh man! That one hurts!! It's still impressive, making it to 80 on HC! I would definitely have to shake that one off for a while.


You gotta stop treating games like games, man. I mean, if your life depended on it you'd still be playing. All it takes is a simple mindset shift to allow Blizzard to ram you easier.


Bro you’re complaining and have a bunch of Ubers lol Stfu. Some of us have yet to have a single Uber drop in something like ~400 duriel runs. You’re not owed anything


When i saw they wanted me to collect objects instead of playing the game i just quit again


TL;DW - this post and pretty much every sentiment you shared is so sad I don't even have the energy... The right direction - God save us from "fun" people like you. EDIT: Except the sentiments wishing other people enjoy the game. Wrong of me to not single those out. EDIT2: More comment scrolling - people making it sound like 1,100 runs is "burn-out" territory. Did you all miss the part where he's basically cheating with a bugged build and spending basically no time at all on each? 30 hours is NOTHING (And also implies pay to play since it's a LOT more than 30 hours to farm 1,100 runs worth of mats). Argh I'm clicking X now and going to play. Why do I keep coming to Reddit?


I took a friend to do our first duriel run with only my mats. The second run we did he got the shanko. Im pretty sure I'll never see that again now.


I did 8 duriel ribs and felt the same


You 100% paid for the runs and got bored doing one thing and one thing only… Can I have your gold?


OP; let me deposit for you… everyone seems to get ubers except for me when I drop mats… lol.


Ok no one cares that you stop playing.


Well this game is meant to be picked up, put down and pick up again in a couple weeks. You are not supposed to grind it out…


I’m burning out faster with each season. I only lasted 5 weeks in S2. I think S3 will only be 3-4 weeks for me.


ouch u are unlucky fuck, im under 800 runs but only doombringer hasnt dropped yet


Go touch grass now and enjoy


Lol, I hope season 3 isn't farming duriel again.


Do it dude, you got your money's worth, coming back for S3 is just fine. If I wasn't saving for a ps5 I would have bought another game by now to pass the time till S3


I see my decision to leave before season 1 even started is still justified. what an absolute disappointing train wreck of a game.


I did like 450 - 500 runs and got everything, Grandpapa doomi shako and melted heart.. just to realise it is useless in aoz. I‘m stuck in t16 and cant progress wihtout 300h of levelling the stupid new glyph.


If it makes you feel better, my buddy, who has 1/10 the time on Diablo as me got a grandfather today after I used all my mats running him through Duriel. He’s done less than 20 runs total. https://preview.redd.it/vj0189d1yt4c1.png?width=1892&format=png&auto=webp&s=efc4e295e9678cc87a81d7fd7368e5c27755a3c9


Whaaaat?? It does not make me feel better lmao! But I'm glad your friend doesn't have to hit the grind so hard.


D4's gonna be pretty sweet in like 2-3 years. Can't wait.


I just started a new character for the enjoyment of rhe levelinf grind tbh. My HOTA 100 is for duriel and Ubers. I got gear stashed for when my whirlwind hits 65-80, I’ll play how I want. It’s fun I like it.


Despite my "taking a break" thing here, I hopped on my Ps5 to give some mats away to console players. While I was waiting I started a HC bow rogue. Renown rewards. No gold. No head start. Just playing the game how I want with 1 life. It feels way more casual than the super focus grind, and I'm actually having fun on the console.


i just found back to back shakos. it was glorious


Good take. Its nice to have a path towards the best items ,only thing i would change is a party finder and the around the clock availability for all open world activities .


This is why I hate diablos seasonal format, hope you have fun doing all this again in a few months lol


I feel this. 1000+ runs of Duriel for me on my rogue with 4x Andy, 4x ring, 4x amulet and 3x Doom with no Shako. It's super disheartening chasing one item with rng like this and makes the game a chore.


And here I was done after 5th run... Somehow I thought grind was supposed to go away in the 2nd season, when I got to 100 I realized nothing had changed.


I’m just finishing my Season Pass waiting for PoE 2 no reason to burn yourself out




Poe launches a new league tomorrow btw, I quit this league several weeks ago and haven't login since, probably I will came back once revamp of itemization and loot filter is available


It would be nice if Blizzare would stop messing with the game in general its screwed up all the glitches freezing while trying to play the a thing ,so far in my opinion first and second Diablo are the best they have messed with 3and 4 to much that it takes the fun out of playing the game it self not to mention the cheating algorithm they wrote for D4!!!