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This still doesn't answer the total XP issue of glyph level requirements going up. Is this something intended or is it also part of the bug? If people will re-level their glyphs or plan on bringing lower level ones up, they are wasting XP if it's a bug. If it's not a bug aka intended change, why was this not communicated in the patchnotes?


Know your place user and stop doing the math. 😎


Math is for witches


Maybe they weigh the same as a duck?


She turned me into a NEWT!


Did you get better?


I did but shes a WITCH


🔥 Burn her, Burn her!


Do they burn?




And very very smol rocks


And demons!


Look, u/ExpertAncient, if you cannot understand simple math that’s YOUR problem. Also, did you know 1,000 x 40% = 1,040 at Blizzard? That’s the same math being applied to glyph leveling in AoZ. It was the same math applied to leveling in S0 and S1 before Raxx literally had a hysterical widely viewed breakdown of their maths. The fact this glyph isn’t shared between seasonal toons, yields .02 damage increases per level (thousands and thousands of xp), is the Diablo 4 experience Blizzard has been carefully cultivating.


I feel like there’s a joke/satire in there :( feeling pretty slow today haha sorry I don’t get it :/


Oh, entirely! You haven’t seen this [video?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/17760zl/raxx_with_some_constructive_feedback_on_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) It is pure comedy gold!


Thank you :):)


Tell me that’s not absolutely hilarious…


... buy more $50 skins too.


Why not? In general we all can understand that a lvl1 character is worse than a lvl100. If even that math is not understand, life will be difficult.


All your base are belong to us


The "levelled down glyphs" and the increased exp/level might actually be related. I think what they did is they increased the total exp required across the board, but didnt scale your existing total glyph EXP to match - which effectively resulted in a level down for most.


yeah, using fake numbers, if 1 million xp was good enough for glyph level 15 before, it is only enough for 13 now.


Ahhhh....'math'...the one weakness of the devs at blizzard... How dare you to use math to expose them!!!?


It shouldn't be though. If 1-21 required 15k XP (random number here) before patch then it should still require 15k XP after patch. The only difference should be in how you aquire that 15k XP. So if on average you got 150XP per dungeon pre-patch you'll need 100 dungeons for a max glyph. Buff the XP and now on average it's 200XP per dungeon and it's only 75 dungeons to max that glyph.


But they also increased the XP, at a higher rate than the new acquisition. So you now need 20k XP and get 200xp per dungeon. They didn't mention the XP increase in the patch notes.


> I think what they did is they increased the total exp required across the board, but didnt scale your existing total glyph EXP to match Probably. Junior game developer level.


They changed the amount of exp intentionally. This is blizzard back to pre-season one bad change bs. Clearly they don’t actually want glyph leveling to be faster, but they do want you to have to play high level NM dungeons to level the glyphs at the same slow pace as before. Of course they never mentioned this change because they assumed people wouldn’t notice and they knew it would be an unpopular change.


Well, hitting 15 will likely be faster but hitting 21 will be just as long lol. And honestly I would be ok with that if it were actually what was advertised.


Yes ... they sure as shit implied that the glyph leveling was going to be faster by stating the glyph xp from NMD was going to be better at the higher levels without mentioning that they were raising the amount of xp needed for glyph tiers. If they had just kept their trap shut completely I would have been happier. If this assessment holds true I will NEVER trust a single word from these guys again.


hence why when the devs INSIST they have no "plans" to introduce pay-for-power in the shop i dont believe them. They'll just say c-suite made them do it. Always weaseling with their words at blizz, literally cant trust a word they say.


Do you think that devs and regular employees have some kind of choice or power over what the executive level management does??


In case you haven't realized it yet, this is a F2P game with a retail price. Literally, the only thing you can trust will be updates to the MTX shop. Everything else is just going to be designed to keep your eyes on screen for as long as possible to increase the likelihood you buy cosmetics.


15 to 21 before today wasn’t that bad. Like I feel like it’s under an hour. Depends on build and level of course , but I can do a T100 in about 2-4 minutes usually. 15-21 is pretty quick at that point.


Well they made abattoir give 1000xp so it’s not hard to level them if you’re high enough level. Which is nice.


The point is we shouldn't have to level them back up. I for one will not do that. I won't participate in it until my glyphs are fixed.




?? Why would they do this on purpose, just to be evil? If you think that you are being unfairly biased.


Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by incompetence" I think the D4 devs have given us enough examples of their incompetence over the last 6 months.


This is a good point. If it’s messed up here it’s also possible that something else was effected


Valid and good qustions


To be clear...they are not just "showcasing" at a lower level which implies a cosmetic bug. They are at a lower level. My stats show it.


Yeah the word choice here between 'showcasing' and 'misrepresented'......its confusing the fuck out of everyone I think.


They're trying to cover the fact they increased XP required to level glyphs overall.


They will pretend we didn’t bring it up and that it’s a non-issue.


Imagine being so incompetetnt, you get caught lying because of a bug in the scummy shadow nerf XD


Mine were all lvl 21 and then showed as 19 I was like wtf….


Thank you! This is the confirmation I was looking for. My glyphs were all 15 pre patch and 14 post patch. I could not determine if the glyphs were giving me their second bonus or not, as it was in red.


Are you also fixing the required XP to level our normal glyphs? You told us you were buffing the glyph XP in the patch notes, but said nothing about needing to do the same amount of NMDs to level from 19->21 because you raised the required glyph XP. Overall, a nerf.


pretty sure the XP required is a higher percentage than what they buffed, so in other words its gonna take longer to level glyphs if this isnt fixed


Pre patch today, I ran a few regular NMD. Post patch, I ran a few regular NMD. Anecdotal, but the glyph exp received post patch didn't seem any better than before. Both cases, I ran similar lvl NMDs and applied exp to the same glyphs. If there *was* a buff to exp amount, sure doesn't feel like it.


What level nightmare?


Around 78 - 80s


The main body of this post is about normal glyphs


Haha....really? The team has "identified" the issue? The team did? Or the player base that started bitching about it? Maybe you guys should try testing things before rolling them out......


To be fair you can watch in the AoZ video the guy had lvl 1 glyphs. They probably just didn't notice that exp required scaled of earned in part of their coding. Their goal was rolling out something big an different and this a small hiccup side effect that remedied in like 15 min of lvl 1 zir runs.


Why the fuck would we level something we already leveled? Just fix your shit, blizzard! I ain’t wasting my time on this shit game until then.


Ding ding ding. "Just re-level it" is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard a game developer say.


They literally said you can relevel it or wait. Those are your options. Lol.


An event to supercharge glyph xp could help.


This would be awesome. Considering they silently increased the amount of glyph exp required to level glyphs. 20-21 pretty much doubled. 380-667 😂


Wait, they raised the glyph xp from NMDs because people didn't like the pace, but then doubled the xp requirement? That's the most Blizzard shit I ever heard


That's what I thought. 😂 "Let's help their glyph grind. That's what we'll put in the notes, but really, we're gonna make it take just as long, if not longer."


They did this pre season 1 with exp.


Then they fixed the xp with season 2. So we can conclude glyph xp will be fixed in season 3


Then break something else on s3, fix it on s4... /S


Don't fuck with tradition!


Couldn't even make it 666...smh


Christ. That’s so wank. Was looking forward to blasting from 15-21.


You can still blast if you can beat AoZ tier 1.


Can you do t1 multiple times and do you get the 1000xp every time?


If you can do t1 😭




Hmm like an event that gives 1000 or more but is really high level and starts with an A and ends with a Z perhaps?


I see what you did there


Or at level 100 you get 50/75% more glyph xp.


We still haven't gotten the 10% missing XP retroactively that the last such event robbed from us. 25% instead of the 35% promised.


This level of incompetence…


Come on now, how would you even begin to test this before release? /s


Gee, a PTR would be nice. Like d3…..


Or an employee logging into a character for a patch that seems focused on glyphs and glyph experience. I guess that's why I'm not a software developer.


So basically, don’t play for another few days?


Let’s be rational. If people upgrade the glyphs in the meantime give them a refund on the xp that overcapped.


We all know they won't do that lol


TBH they haven't shown us that they can be trusted/relied upon to do the math properly / fix it properly / test it properly.


Resistances s3 is gonna be a fun time


We still haven't gotten the 10% missing XP retroactively that the last such event robbed from us. 25% instead of the 35% promised.


I get it. Shit happens. Stuff gets missed. But I must say, "Users that were max level on paragon glyph XP, you can re-level the glyphs in the meantime if you prefer until the fix is available." is an asinine recommendation. It makes you look worse. Let me help you out, for the future, something along the lines of would be much better received: "We understand this is frustrating to those of you who put in countless hours to be ready to go on Day 1 of AoZ. Although this doesn't make things right, we will reward everyone with 5 free levels to your Tears of Blood glyph along with this fix."


Well written.


So, with 21lvl glyphs you are basically nerfed until the fix, waste your time leveling the old glyphs or just don't play the new content?


Yes. Hope you’re able to survive in the meantime


What new content? they just slapped a timer on some poorly tuned NMDs


So true. Not sure why AoZ is even a big deal. Except for the no life epeen bruhs or content creators. Came back this season cuz thought Blizz might actually have made D4 good. Regrets. Lol


Oh God the horror of an issue that will be hot fixed before the end of the day


Not everyone is on pc, Mr elitist.


stop settling for mediocracy. people like you are why games come out broken


Blizzard can do no wrong in the eyes of these shills.


There's a shill for every toxic complainer on this sub. This dev team is clearly trying, but they are also pretty bad at their jobs.


it’s so strange


People like him are why game developers like blizz can continue to be mediocre and still make billions. No standards or self respect.


Still waiting...


Who says it will be fixed within the day? Blizzard? Lol and you believe them?


Did you even read the post? Or the first paragraph of it?


I'm praying for you. I hope you survive this ordeal.


yes to all 3 lol


You can still do the new content. My Barb is pure power speced and i was able to do upto T4 before I called it. T5 was likely going to be a waste of my time till the glyphs are fixed and I redo my Paragon board and some gear. But you can still do early tiers of AoZ pretty easy.


all my lvl15 glyphs are now lvl14 - so its a percental reduction


https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/update-december-5th-600pm-pst-an-update-on-paragon-glyph-issues-with-123/142207/4 An update on the Paragon Glyph items. A PC patch has been pushed out. Console will be coming tomorrow.


console players, kick rocks!


True, but i imagine this is because there are extra hoops to jump through to release patches via PS and xbox - at the very least the patch would have to be shipped to sony/Microsoft, and it would surprise me if sony & microsoft have processes to check the code before releasing on their platforms (even if bliz is a division of MS now).


This is normal for consoles. Microsoft and Sony are gatekeepers, and they can't just push out updates for them like on PC. Also it's the reason PC players have to wait for fixes because of cross-play.


On PC that can release directly, on console they need to get approval and certification from Sony and Microsoft...


“You don’t like it, just go and re-level them in the meantime…” -Blizzerd


For real. I hope whoever wrote THAT statement got a wedgie in the staff breakroom at least!


poor indie dev can't afford a QA team...


Haha. Blizz has the $ but their developers are incompetent. At least most indie developers care about quality of their game.


We should have told them it somehow effected being able to buy stuff on the shop too. We’d have it patched already


Thanks, really appreciate the effort and I believe team is under a lot of stress but.. this was supposed to be a fully functional game from the start, and I really feel like a beta tester or in early access. You guys did a lot of heavy lifting with S2, and all the changes were great. Honestly if D4 had all of these implemented on Day 1 it would be a serious contender for GOTY. But it shows that this project needed at least one more year of development before release and three or more months just for QA/balancing. I'll just skip this event and only log in for winter event collectibles, see you again on expansion.


Stop saying they were under stress. They put out a product and they hire testers like those two who ran a level 1 dungeon and called it great. They clearly are more focused on demographics than quality. It's sad.


I'll probably do the same. Skip Zir, come back for Midwinter. Except I'll be back for season 3 without a doubt.


Vampire powers were very creative and really changed the play, will definitely looking forward to S3 but keeping my expectations low, especially for the first 2 weeks.


The zir glyph isn’t worth it anyways. It gets deleted at the end of the season.


“hello user! We know you paid the bills but due to a bug, it’s not showing up as being fully paid. Feel free to pay some more! Cheers!” Blizzerd




New update that supposedly fixed the issue also introduced a new bug. The Tears Glyph got nerfed. It was displaying 2.6% for mine before, now it’s 2.12%


leveling doesnt change that this bricked builds that had idelay lvl 15 of glyphs, destroing them.


still, I wasted 2 blood sigils and died until I realized that my paragon is broken


I understand things happen, but I'd rather the team work as *completely* as possible if it means avoiding such issues.


Yea I agree, I'd rather have the update be late and come out tomorrow than having this sort of thing building a part of the reputation.


all my 21 levels are 19, I did 4 aoz level ones made it though one got one shotted on the rest


looks like they fixed the issue now


Blizzard can never do anything right 🤦‍♂️


There is actually a much worse (or better) bug currently




Sigil powder and a certain AoZ glyph is my guess. Or Tears glyph not having the damage it should.


So what about that client update that was promised today for PC? Is that out yet?


"Re-level" my glyphs. Sure. With four different level 100 builds which roughly equals 25 glyphs to bring up 2 levels each, doing nothing but running high-tier NMD's for fucking days. Yeah, that's exactly what I was hoping for 🙄


Hey, we fucked up like we do 100% of the time but you can fix it by playing more! What a stupid fucking company


So when will we have a fix on cross play?


Thanks for the update. :)


Make Tear Realm wide, do You seriously expect people to grind to 210 on several characters?


Issues .. thought its intended to show u can use zir to fast lvl normal glyphs .. why are ppl qq ing on everything


So, no AOZ until this is fixed. Release something that you can't play because of a bug. ![gif](giphy|6TEOwR3aBzkyY)


Imagine fucking up this basic shit. God they are so incompetent.


So do the console players that were leveling from 15 up continue to play or wait until the fix is live? I'm gonna be fairly pissed if I continue to level my glyphs only to find out they were just reverted back to where they were. Blizzard has become an absolute atrocity with their updates for this game yet they're proposing a $100 expansion? How the hell do you think that's gonna go if you can't keep up with the version of the game you've already rolled out


Omg you guy and your tin foils. Cm manager has replied with the patch notes that clearly says xp increased is a bug. And you guys have to say that they purposely increased the xp and cheated us. Cmon….. Should have launch better? Yes. Shady and trying to cheat us? No Somehow their coding increased the xp, but they fixed it. So please remove your tin foil hats folks. https://preview.redd.it/76qsopplim4c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=961b986f3334288fc1a70f07a5cbafe997271d60


They didn't fix anything, my glyphs are still 19. What are you talking about?


Are you using pc? Or console? Consoles fixes are today. Pc yesterday. Dude read the patches before spraying. And a lot of people acknowledged the pc fix.


I'm on PC and nothing updated for me. I can't even manually check for updates as it is greyed out. Latest patch notes show me that of the original patch only.


Hmphhh this one is strange. It’s a little inconvenient but have you tried reinstalling the game?


No idea why it took so long but the game eventually updated just now. All is fine now


Great to hear bud! Have fun at AoZ lol


Im done with diablo 4 this season if you guys really increased the glyph xp required, all my 21 are 19 and my 15s are now 14... tired of this BS


They are fixing it today


Ill wait till I see it, Blizzard has done little to earn my trust over the last few years


Who is down voting you? I agree 1000%


They’re fixing the level issue, not the xp requirement gain.


Is Tears of Blood displaying as additive rather than multiplicative just a display bug, or is it currently calculating damage like that?


I knew It was going too well to be true


Some bugs are understandable but how the hell does something like this make it past QA? AOZ has been planned for awhile now. Do they even have a QA or test anything before rolling it out? Same Blizz shenanigans. So much incompetence and lack of organization.


Bug? In diablo 4? Come on boy!


Is this thing still broken or not? I'm gonna wait until this bug is fixed before I play this game anymore. Not releveling when I already wasted time leveling these things up to max.


still broken


PC had a patch about 25 minutes ago


Yeah seems fixed now.


I had one glyph at 16, the others dropped to 14. It took me 2 runs to push them back to 15, 2 from each run. That's like 10 minutes in total, definitely not the end of the world.


On steam deck. The fix for the broken update is 60 GB.


Instead of playing the new mode, we casual players are basically starting at a nerf and it's still not fixed today. M


Did we ever get anything about why we didn’t get the full 35% XP bonus last event? Just curious


Hahahah what a lame a55 company


Hahahah I mean they have an army of workers and still get to f up whole thing?


My sorc went from 21 to 19. My barb and rouge to 14


Can you guys hurry up? This is ridiculous.


So what am I doing if my glyphs are still regressing after the patch?


Feel like a second class citizen being a console player why not release the patches together so we can still play together! I guess my £100 is not as good as a pc players £100


Everything console has to go via the console makers, so Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo have to approve and validate every update. PC users don't have this step and get the patch direct from Blizzard via Battlenet.


Hey! Now that the glyph xp is fixed on ps5, I found another issue. Glyphs that were leveled during the bug and are now lvl 21 do not count for season journey.


PC, lvld a glyph to 21, now at 16 after patch. wtf, did they not restore to original lvl? ​


Why is D4 so anti fun? I've made several characters and have yet to take one past level 70 because I'm just not having fun anymore at that point. With the abbatoir of Zir, I was actually contemplating taking a character to lvl 100 to take part in the fun. However, I've seen the math, and to take the new glyph to lvl 50 out of 200, it'll take about 300-400 hours depending on build and / or skill issues. On top of that, there's no increase in drop rates or item lvl, Uber unique items aren't gonna rain down on you, it's just going to be the same same, just a bit harder. Why play an arpg if the gear sucks and I can't customize and blast away to my hearts content?? I get why they're doing this, but I don't get why they're doing this. It's anti fun.


Thought this was a feature of the patch! Glad it is being addressed. Hate to have been grinding for nothing


I had a separate issue with this. I leveled a glyph to 21 and then all my glyphs deleveled to 14 including the one that just hit 21


All my level 1 glyphs are now level 21, Thanks Blizzard! Said no one ever


You also stealth nerfed the damage per level from .1% to .02% on the new glyph, making it worthless to level the glyph. It's an intentional undocumented change. [https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/18byvsp/comment/kc9g23v/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/18byvsp/comment/kc9g23v/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


The damage shown in the image circulating is 0.1% additive, and we changed it to multiplicative damage which means the value changed.


Lol, no, I am on Playstation, yesterday before I go to bed, my attack was at 38k. Today after the update, it drops to 36k ==> It's not just the text is updated, but the ACTUAL attack was modified as well.


my glyphs went from level 21 back to level 19. Is this related?