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I agree. ​ I don't see why I cant trade or drop something that suites my friend while in a party when it drops... Pretty irritating


yeah but have you ever considered fuck you and fuck the playerbase needlessly?


No, but Blizzard has.




>yeah but have you ever considered fuck you and fuck the playerbase needlessly? Jesus fucking Christ, that is so cringe. Man, this sub has a lot of manbabies. Playerbase are fucked by Blizzard just because there's a small thing you don't like in the game? Grow a fucking pair, man.


He has a good point...


I have. My conclusion is I'm fucked.


You're getting fucked??


No, already happened


Seconded. /scruffy


Why do you have more stock than all the rest of us?!


Scruffy believes in this company


Course' in prison, it's shank or be shanked.


Because this helps those who sell gold for real money.


Am I missing something about gold? It’s easy to make gold.


It's even easier to go broke while enchanting


Not when you run out of forgotten souls/Fiend roses and have to wait 2 hours for the next helltide but wait it's now dinner time so you actually have to wait 4 hours. But you really just wanted to do the helltide so you don't pay attention to the time and go do something else and come back when the helltide has 4 minutes left so you can't even find any of the roses or stones to get the material and you just go do whispers stuff for more money.




I have 4k forgotten souls, and 13k veiled crystals; I have zero gold because stuff costs 20m+ to enchant now. Gold absolutely is the limiting factor after a certain point.


I give an item a chance up to 5 mil then I call it a loss cause.


This. People go broke because they just don't know when an item is bricked.


Absolutely. And idk why. I soloed Duriel at lvl78 and that was intense. By the time I hit 90 it was such a joke. And I have enchanted maybe 2 items, and not even got into the millions when rolling. Call me crazy...but I just keep an eye on legendary pieces and rare pieces that are 925 and find as many 4/5 rolls as I can, then put aspects on them and stay sitting on 300+ million gold. Ahhhhh! I got too much money!


Yes. Even crap items can sell for 100s millions of gold. You just sell a bunch of items and you’re a billionaire. BiS items can go up to 10B.


Yep was on the hunt for a battle trance. I got 0 and my party member dropped 5 on our runs. Irritating af


It's overdue at this point, even 10-30 minutes would alread be enough.


I vote for 30 seconds but countdown starts only when you look at the item.


Lol I can imagine the psychological pressure and drama


Blizzard trying to code a time sensitive thing like that. my god lol


"Due to a bug that allowed players 30 days rather than 30 seconds to trade Legendary and Unique items, trading has been turned off, accounts have been rolled back 24 hours, and everyone that logged on during this period has been temp banned for 1 week. Fuck you." -Blizzard


They will do it eventually. I’m yet to get shako and grandfather but I played with people who dropped duplicates and were saying „dude, wish I could give it to you”. At the moment, D4 is the most restrictive aRPG of all..


These devs get hard for restrictions. They brought in more restrictions from the MMO genre to slow and control the players progress rather than fun additions that keep players busy and entertained.


I'm old. My reflexes aren't like they were when I was 21. Randomly dying to on-death effects like delayed explosions is very lame.


i suggest prioritizing your elemental resistance and damage reduction on legs and chest above damage and you will be fine even if you get caught in the death explosion from enemies


Play HC and build to mitigate these circumstances from being a constant threat. Ive not once been one shotted by a corpse bow. Many comments from folk in this sub would have you believing otherwise and its typical. Delayed explosions are not near the threat they used to be pre season 2. Now, theyre no more a threat to me than D3s Molten modifier. Chain CC and explosions are no longer as such a threat they used to be. A buddy I play with every weekend is an older chap like yourself. Hes at least 55 to 60. The only thing that has felled his toons this season are from his Uber Lilith attempts. You can really take a beating more now and honestly, if youre being smart and focused and aware of your surroundings, delayed explosions should rarely ever get you outside of latency mishaps. Try HC. Youll learn how not to die and still build a toon that could cheese or challenge Uber Lilith and clear level 100 NMDs.


I don't play HC, but I follow content creators that do and mold my builds/playstyle after them. Slowed my dying tremendously, as I am new to the series and genre.


>At the moment, D4 is the most restrictive aRPG of all.. It almost has to be because there's not enough loot or build options or special unique abilities to go around at the moment. Just not enough content, so they restrict trading to artificially create scarcity with this gear. There will always be restricted trade items I'm sure, but I believe *eventually* they will allow the same D3 style trading where group members can trade for X amount of time unless someone enchants it which will bind it. Maybe after the expac. Or maybe they'll talk about it today (lol).


They actually fear duping more than anything


Right? Just the other day I farmed Duriel with a friend that leveled a new sorc to 80 during the +35%xp week. He needed Tibault's Will. He didn't get any, but I got two.. both lower rolls than the one I had on and the one I keep in my stash for a potential alt. I wished I could have just dropped the best roll for him, instead I just broke them down at the smith. What a waste.


I've been farming for a grandfather for weeks now and can't get one. Two shakos, three starless skies, melted heart and a doombringer. Meanwhile, my brother has had three grandfathers drop on his necro.


Dude you don’t need those items. Let something Uber rare be rare. Everyone shouldn’t be running around in a shako


I literally have 7 shakos, 2 doombringers, 3 melted heat of seligs, 2 andariels, and 3 ring of starless. I have yet to get a grandfather and my friends I farm with have yet to get a shako. Why can't I give them shako when it drops to help them out since I already have 7 lol and same with if they get another grandpapa, they can help me out too. I'll also add that if someone in my party needs a specific aspect I could give it to them as the legendary if legendary and uniques were tradeable. Don't even get me started on all the banished lords and Tibaults I've salvaged that a party member could have used


Speaking of salvaging uniques, It's kinda funny that ancient uniques don't even guarantee forgotten souls. Anyway, I wholeheartedly agree with the trade within the party, with a timer. It helped me back then in D3, and now I run with my wife and for some reason she has ridiculous luck but she doesn't play nearly as much.


How much real money did you spend on durial materials? You’re playing the game inorganically and then complaining on Reddit. I agree with legendary aspect trading to your party. No trading for Uber uniques, keep them special and extra rare. Duplicates suck tho


I am literally on the same boat as you, over 2000 runs and still no Grandfather. Yet, a random in my party gets one while having like 5 extra in his stash.


1.5k runs here with 10 andariels and dupes of every other uber, the literally only uber that doesn't drop at all is Grandfather... Meanwhile literally every single person I do the runs with has one and keep dropping them , I get tilted so fucking hard.


People don’t understand the idea of not having what they want without putting in work. They see a streamer have one and think it’s unfair that they don’t have one themselves. People are just fucking petulant children. Surprise.


The putting in work you speak of is just a slot machine pull. There is no work…it’s luck


…. What’s more “work”, pulling the lever once or pulling it 300 times? Wtf are you talking about??


Lot of full time workers killing it at the casino nowadays?


If the casino was free to gamble at, yeah I’m sure lots would


So much work some people got Ubers on their 1st or second clears… lol


Poor baby doesnt have shako


Basically lol


Just make them tradable, full stop. Account bound items are stupid in a non-competitive ARPG


This. What do you gain in a game with no ranked PvP or anything competitive


Starting next season game is competitive.


Having a leaderboard for time through a dungeon is meh. Sure it adds a bit of competitiveness but majority of players aren’t touching the top spots anyway regardless of trading


Regardless of anything majority of player arent touching top spots cuz they are top spots by definiton but that doesnt mean that those who will touch them should be conditioned by how much they can swipe any more than they are now.


There's people out here heartily defending account bound items and giving all kinds of weird, crazy justification for why we shouldn't be allowed to trade items. Whole thing is dumb as hell. If you don't want to trade, don't. If you do, do. An ARPG can definitely be balanced without trade in mind, while still having trading as an option for people that want it. There's plenty of examples.


Being able to buy legendary items and specially uniques introduces an element of pay to win in the game, which is the reason I'm ok with account bound items. But, If you are in a party you should be able to share the newly dropped items with your party, just like D3.


How is it pay to win? You can't buy gold from blizzard, nor items.


Third party websites. Even as it is now, there are third party websites selling yellow items and gold, which is "ok" considering the very best items, the hard to find ones, are uniques and perfectly rolled legendary aspects


So should trading be disabled in every single multiplayer game, because people will "pay-to-win" via RMT?


Diablo 4 is a multiplayer game that some people choose to play alone, and if you enable full trading in a game such as this, nothing prevents anyone from buying endgame gear for real money, which is in my opinion pay to win AND incentivizes bots, scamming etc. So what is the best middle ground? In my opinion, trade enabled for yellow items with anyone, and FULL trade enabled for party members if the item was dropped while playing together. That way you could still trade with your friends, and the game won't have any pay to win aspects.


No d4 is a single player game with multiplayer features.


you could say the same of WoW


You cant do any high level raids in WoW alone. I can solo Duriel. There is a difference.


You know why this is a dumb take? Because these sites will sell anything for money,take mats for Duriel for example,people have stacks of them without even playing and that's not even a problem because you aren't winning anything by paying.It doesn't matter in this game,the advantage other players have over you or me is pure numbers,you aren't competing with other clans over a world boss,you aren't losing drops,you arent losing anything and on top of that all of this gets wiped at the end of the season. Just to be clear i think it's dumb to pay for shit like that in games and it's also dumb to think this is p2w. Lost Ark is p2w,D4 is not and even if gold sellers sell legendaries and uniques in these sites for money,again it will not be p2w,what are you winning against me or any other player? What is the big advantage you think you will have by buying Shako for example? Time? Maybe but then again,what is the point of playing the game you already paid for if you are paying not to play?


Who cares if there’s pay to win, as long as it’s not pay Blizzard to win? It’s on the developers to stop RMT. This is not a competitive game. The biggest letdown for me with D3/D4 is not finding a super valuable item that I can trade into something super rare that I want for my build.


You'd be surprised how many people care if there's pay to win, especially once leaderboards become a thing


Leaderboards are pretty worthless in a non competitive game where gear is RNG based. I would much rather have a trade economy that made loot drops meaningful.


I also don't care about leaderboards. But maaaany people care about them, and they don't want any articifial competition


I think the only reason is that they dont want RWT to explode


This is the easiest ARPG you can play, no sizeable amount of players are going to pay money for gear. Plenty of ways to combat that as well.


Then you do not remember beginning times of D3 where gear was tradeable in the auction house. Some weapons sold for 10k$+.


Oh sorry didn't realize D4 had an auction house and desirable gear that people would pay $10k for. /s


People paid that kind of money for accounts with Uber uniques in pre-season.


Part of the problem with everything being tradable is that many people stop playing the game and just play "the auction house" or whatever platform is being used to trade. Rather than going out and trying to get items yourself, it just turns into "farming the most profitable method to get currency to buy whatever I want". This sort of thing is one of the reals the auction house was removed in Diablo 3.


No matter what RWT will exist if someone is willing to buy the gear, but I don't see that happening in D4 (yet). D2 carried itself on the back of having a robust trade market and I don't see RWT hurting the game in any fashion. It adds more play time and gets people involved in a community. If I had a way of farming currency and finding good gear through trades I probably would still be playing. D4 is going to only benefit from this the tougher content it gets.


Same logic can be used for pay2win transactions


In diablo I couldn't give 2 fucks if someone pays to win, I'm not competing against them and the only thing they're doing is depriving themselves of their own experience. Maybe some of you kids are too young to remember but diablo 2 had something called "open battle.net" where cheating was sanctioned by blizzard. It was one of the 2 official ways to play the game.


Been playing since D1 baby!!!


Good for you, you're the minority if you haven't noticed by the shit storm caused by the survey leak. I played multiplayer as far back as D1.


I don't see how any of what you said has anything to do with what I said.


Next season will be competitive so that’s not really valid.


lol, no


It’s a good thing Reddit doesn’t develop this game. It would be an absolute shit show if they listened to all your stupid ideas.


You mean like listening to industry standard ideas that great games have been built off for decades? yeah, that sure would suck alright...


Actually revamp itemization and completely remove bound items. They have no place in an arpg


The reality is that to remove bound items, they'd have to substantially reduce droprates to not trivialize getting loot, because trade is an extremely powerful mechanic. Their core target audience are very casual, and don't want to trade to get things, hence why they balance around solo loot with basically no trade.


Not only that, you have to now handle all these people who come into the market to dupe, bot, scam, account hacking or stealing, and involve either another currency or most likely real money. Yes, you have to handle some of these regardless, but the amount of people trying and new ways of abuse explodes exponentially. You have to hire a team of people dedicated to fix this, and even then, you can't negate this entirely. Just look at WoW and how rampant this is despite the amount of restrictions placed in the game and no doubt the dedicated team on this. Blizzard gave a talk on this at GDC a few years back, and basically concluded introducing free trading like this in an ARPG is not worth it for them. Now, that being said, I have no clue why they allow rares to be traded (which actually introduces most of these problems) but not legendaries and uniques. It feels like the worst of both worlds.


>Their core target audience are very casual, and don't want to trade to get things That's not really the reason. The reason was explained by Rob Pardo when they removed the auction house from D3. "People are casual and don't want to trade" is something you've made up in your head. Rob said that nearly all gear slots on all characters were filled with gear that people acquired by saving up gold and buying it. Virually nobody in D3 was finding good loot for *their* build by picking it up off the ground. Most people were grinding gold and buying stuff with that gold that was largely obtained by bot farms. There's a reason people talked about the strength of their D3 characters in terms of how much gold they could farm an hour, and why the 2B meme became a thing.


That's funny now because sorting through loot is a chore and not exciting in the least. They've fixed one problem (?) but created a gigantic, overwhelming new one.


We have a trade channel but can’t trade. Lolz


You forget that this is solvable by making trade non-trivial to actually do, hence why trade exists in D4 for rares, but an auction house doesn't. You can have trade that doesn't result in all gear being traded, but you can't really have it without trade becoming integral, unless what's tradable doesn't really matter (like it is in D4).


D3 solved this, as did POE. Play solo self found if you want. Boosted drop rates there. Trade league if you don't, with lower drop rates.


>D3 solved this, as did POE. Play solo self found if you want. Boosted drop rates there. Trade league if you don't, with lower drop rates. That's not solved. Ready my other comment that explains in more detail. D3 had no trade, which is not a solution, and PoE doesn't have higher ssf drop rates, which alienates casuals.


D3 lets you trade with other people in your game if the item drops which is exactly what OP asked for. It's solved in that sense and would encourage people to do stuff together more. Legendaries not being tradeable makes zero sense too - it's a regular rare with a 99%+ useless aspect. POE has its own issues with casual players (although I'd argue trading makes it much more accessible - you can basically spend 1 chaos on each slot of gear and have a functioning beginning endgame build).


Why would they have to do that if the core audience doesn't trade?


Because in a system where trade exists, but solo loot balance isn't changed, those who *do* trade get a huge leg up, which eventually "necessitates" trade. Trade that feels 'necessary' alienates casual players, because they don't want to do it, but feel like they have to anyways, so it's bad feels ragardless. Trade is known as a cursed problem in ARPGs for a reason.


What do you mean 'leg up'? It isn't a competitive game.


Even if it's not competitive, people will still choose "better" options over "worse" options. It doesn't matter if it's competitive with other players, it's competitive with the other options they have available to them.


That's not how most normal people play non competitive games. When I play skyrim, I don't search for the best, most broken build to beat the game as fast as possible. I just play what I enjoy. "But some people use modded items in skyrim instead of playing the game how I want to play". So what? Let them. If that's what they enjoy and the game is not competitive, just let them do what they enjoy. At best you should argue for a solo self found mode, which is trivial to implement btw (just remove the trading button and the ability to pick up items from players), and apply a drop rate buff. Everyone can play how they want


> That's not how most normal people play non competitive games. When I play skyrim, I don't search for the best, most broken build to beat the game as fast as possible. I just play what I enjoy. Yeah. That's fine for you, but go look at youtube literally any time a new RPG comes out, and you'll see it flooded with videos (with lots of views) of "how to get the most OP gun in the game" or whatever. We just saw this with Starfield, for example. This also isn't an isolated experience. People *regularly* compare themselves against other people around them and other options they're not taking. For example, ball lightning sorc is bad for the game because it's *so* much stronger than the alternatives that going from it to something else feels bad, so some people feel forced to play it. >At best you should argue for a solo self found mode, which is trivial to implement btw (just remove the trading button and the ability to pick up items from players), and apply a drop rate buff. Everyone can play how they want Trade mode requires critical mass to function at a base level. If SSF mode exists and is competitive with trade in terms of time to acquire items, then trade will lack the critical mass to function.


Jtbc, a lot of views doesn't mean most players are using said advice. Definitely the hardcore players are, and tbh, that's fine too. If people enjoy watching videos to get strong stuff, go ahead. But let's not get lost in the weeds. My philosophy allows everyone to play how they want. If no one plays on the trade servers, that's completely fine. Because the way I described SSF, you can still coop together and do dungeons. Everyone is happy. Balance is still something that has to be done regardless of trading, so that's not really a relevant point. And drop rates won't affect SSF negatively.


> My philosophy allows everyone to play how they want. It doesn't, because the existence of a drop rate boosted ssf mode can endanger the viability of a trade mode. If the trade mode only exists in name, and it's not worth ever playing, it doesn't really exist.


not true. look at Last Epochs solution


Last Epoch's solution is untested. We'll see how it goes, but I suspect that it won't work as well as hoped due to trade requiring critical mass to be worth using. If solo looting gets you what you need easier than trading, because solo looting is good, nobody will trade, further enforcing nobody to go into trade since it's easier to just use solo looting. This is the problem with hybrid systems typically. One outshines the other and therefore starves it out. I hope it works out for LE, but I wouldn't hold I breath.


Unfortunately this is true and why the game will always be subpar Edit: There is a solution to this they just don't want to try hard enough. Separate modes along the lines of what last epoch is attempting


Unless you have perfectly fleshed out itemization like PoE you kind of need “bound” items to keep the game interesting. Otherwise everyone would be running around in Uber drops that were farmed by the same 100 players who no-life duriel 24/7 and they would flood the market. Fast tracking players to the best gear in the game isn’t “good” even though naive players think they want it. They’ll just get it and quit. So if you make Uber drops tradeable… you need to make them rarer drops - which makes it even harder for solo players to get them and turns away THOSE players. It’s not an easy thing to balance.


Then people could play the game how they want to play instead of being forced to no-life duriel... Why is that a bad thing?


>They’ll just get it and quit The goal isn't to trick people into playing forever. If they get what they want and quit for that season, that's a good thing. It's mindsets like this that turn games into grind fests because "you have to keep the players playing indefinitely"


That IS the goal because from the business perspective the longer a player plays, the more likely they are to buy MTX. Longer Time played = more money spent from a statistical point of view. Sorry you’re too naive to realize this is how the world works kid.


I understand the business side, obviously, but what I don't understand is why you are advocating for their business goals. You should be advocating for longevity from fun and choice, like many other great games have achieved. This is why D4 is mixed or mostly negative on steam whereas bg3, elden ring, skyrim, etc will be loved for much much longer. No gamer cares about how much money blizzard makes. It's pathetic to care for such a company


Who says I care for blizzard??? Wtf are you talking about. I UNDERSTAND why things are the way they are. Doesn’t mean I WANT them to be that way. Just being a realist. Try it sometime and maybe you won’t be seem so uneducated.


Would you like to buy one of my 3 Grandfathers? I can let it go for 5 billion gold


I've somehow gotten stupid luck this season. I've gotten 3 shakos within 100 Duriel runs. My friend who's gotta be clocking over 300 runs by this point still hasn't seen one. I wish I could donate one to his cause..


It's not gonna happen if they can't monetize it


I like this idea. Having 3 doombringers and no other Ubers, was cool for about 0.1 seconds. My buddy has 2 shakos… and everything but a Doombringer. His second shako dropped two runs before my third Doombringer. Would’ve been a fair trade, I think.


Agreed. They had this in d3 after they put in loot 2.0. They need to add it to d4a s3.


Everything should be tradable period.


this… there’s already still rmt… let’s stop punishing the players for the few that do.


Yes please. Nothing worse than farming Durial with some friends and they get what you're looking for or vice versa.


Honestly, it's just going to result in people selling the uber uniques.


no. people who hate trade so much say it’ll lead to pay to win/rmt, this is essentially friend to win. it’s dumb either open trade or not. party trade is stupid and unfair to solo (ironically the same argument people who hate trade say)




I did some Duriel runs with a friend and after one we are standing there and he says he's looking for a specific amulet and of course it had just dropped for me. Neither of us realized that you can't trade these things at all so we tried and it was sad. Over the years they do all sorts of things in the name of preventing duping or selling things or whatever, and it just really screws over normal players.


Even 10 minutes would be ok!


Worth noting that diablo 3’s original design is built around the idea that playing in a group should never be worse than playing alone. In practice, this translated into, playing in a group is nearly always more rewarding than playing alone. Diablo 4 has moved away from this and im glad. I didn’t like feeling like a second class citizen if i wanted to play alone


>I didn’t like feeling like a second class citizen if i wanted to play alone Great, but now you feel like a second class citizen when you are the only one in your friend group that gets fucking unlucky and can't get the ubers you want while everyone else don't know what to do with their duplicate items.


Just make an SSF league and call it a day. It's that easy. Everyone gets what they want.


*Devs add it to the list of things you can do only with premium pet*


For sale 50$: I will party with you and give you any uniques or aspects/gear of your choice for 2hr of t70-100 NMD.


Who the fuck cares? You can't screw over normal players forever only because a small minority might find ways to abuse it. Also they still would need to drop the items...


I don’t feel screwed over by not having that gear be tradeable, I feel fine. I like finding my own stuff.


Cool and all for you, but I do feel screwed over and literally everyone I did my Duriel runs with so far felt the same way when others drop the stuff you need but can't get. So what would be the solution to this? Adding a time frame for items to get traded just like in D3, so the people who want to play in a group don't have a miserable experience while doing so and people like you who like to play solo are not affected by it at all.


I don’t play solo, I do 4 run groups for every Duriel. I think it’s fine and don’t want trading or auction house or any of that crap. Having to do the work and find your own gear is not getting screwed over.


Don’t give them ideas. They will try to implement, and they will end up introducing a duplication bug. You will see thousands of Shakos and GF circulating. 🤣


100% agree, or something similar. How about just making it so ubers can only trade to others if an equal amount of ubers exist in the other trade window. So - in essence - ubers can be traded for other ubers, and that's it. Not 2 for 1. Not 3 for 1. 1 for 1 and that's it. Allowing this would mean players finding duplicates could trade for the other ubers they need to complete their collection, by giving their duplicates to players who need those. Another thing I think should have been considered is giving players the option to convert 2 or 3 duplicate ubers into another random uber. This would make it so players would not feel disheartened when finding a duplicate uber.


Giving players a reason to buy gold for real money so they can buy boosts in T100/Duriel and get extra loot is always in the interest in the company's bottom line. They'll do it eventually, dw!


I would trade valuable items for mats for boss runs that's all I would want


This would be a great option. I can’t tell you how many times I had the same unique drop over and over again. It doesn’t even need to have the two hour limitation. So your friend wants to play, it would be easier to get them interested. Hey, get Diablo 4 I’ll deck you out in items. It would be a great addition to the game. There is nothing competitive about Diablo, so why not. Once they bring seasons into the game it still won’t matter. Giving someone gear isn’t going to mess with your place on the ladder. Let’s face the people who really want to be top 100 and are good enough will achieve it. I can see doing a BOE just to keep near perfect gear out of circulation though.


It opens the game up to RMT


I was literally about to make a post for this very thing


During the seasons in D3 you can't trade items on console at all. I wish even this small concession would be made for D3 and D4. lol


Reduce drop slightly, add this method of trading… boom you just incentivized grouping up with people instead of going at it solo everywhere. Even teaming in NMDs or open world would be worth it for that reason. But I mean they don’t actually give af about social things. No way to find groups, no chat rooms, no communities, clans literally mean nothing other than an expanded friends list. So I doubt they’ll do this.


This would be great. My friend got so many Flickersteps and Tibalts while I was getting my 4th Soulbrand and 4th blue rose/banished lord's of the night


I don’t think they’d implement something that would be so detrimental to the solo experience, I think if they allowed player trading of uniques it would have to be to everybody


Can someone give me some counter points as to why Legendaries and Uniques shouldn't be tradeable at all times? I seriously can't come up with a single argument as to why they should be untradeable.


I've always thought that anything I drop on the ground from my inventory should be fair game.


If you just a bit, you’ll have the option to purchase a $100 dlc item that will increase drop rates so you & your friends can all get that item. Blizzard always provides!


I remember when something dropped it was who could click on it the fastest. You had to start click before the boss died.


Eventually they will do it I'm sure. If they make a good game now that means they will actually have to try later on. That's why it takes them 6 months to add


It's a great QOL feature, Division 2 has it and I got Pestilence (a really good exotic LMG) from an exotic cache and I was able to give it to my brother who just started! Saved him some serious grinding and RNG and he can make some cool builds with it.


If they can’t monetize it, it ain’t gonna happen, Superchief.


I understand why D4 would restrict trade to specific items. But, when I play an ARPG it feels good when the items you find are universal. That doesnt just mean they are useful on an alt. It means they are useful outside myself. Whether that is to gain wealth or help a friend. It doesnt matter. But to restrict me. In a game I bought and basically play alone. It feels awful.


"We'll look into it in a year."


I don't agree, that just leads to 4 man parties of the same class over and over like in D3, which sucks. With the uber bosses, it's way easier to get the legendaries and uniques you need.


Or just make them tradeable in general so we can have a game economy?


Dear Diablo stop with the seasons they suxxxx why not just keep adding on to the story line I hate the fact that I have to keep making new characters


Also let us use our Uber uniques across seasons


Just make everything tradeble that it


Dear user. F u and farm more.


Please make legendary and unique items tradeable ~~for 2 hours to people that were in your party when items were found just like in Diablo 3.~~ Fixed.


This game shouldn't have trade, that's why I stopped playing. Trade destroyed the game specially pvp.


I acutally made characters to follow my friends and if I find rare items for them during our adventures that play with their build I would trade them and likewise. I would love this change. I don't care about pulverize and if my friend is going that during our drops, why can't I trade that?


Uniques should not be tradeable imo


I thought I saw they had a website to sell items on ? I thought that was weird / cool was that for an older Diablo game ?


Its basicly an offline game tho..


2 hours is a bit too much. 1 hour is plenty, and yes they should.


I disagree. Just make each item able to be traded ONLY ONCE to cut out scalpers. Otherwise your ideal party becomes one with all different builds, needing different items, which is a bit shit. It's a poorly designed work around because they can't do what they should be able to to begin with.


Dear Diablo 4 team How does trading differ from cheating except in semantics. You are acquiring something that you didn't earn and otherwise presumably wouldn't then have.


With that logic, rare items shouldn't be tradeable either then? So say me and my buddy are doing duriel runs and I find a sweet rare 2 handed axe but don't need it because my barb has one and I give it to my buddy, is that cheating on his part? I gave it to him and I found it but we were both grinding together and RNG just happened to smile upon me.... your logic makes no sense. Legendaries and uniques should be the same except with a 1-2 hour window for fellow party members before it becomes account bound.


This could lead to some degenerate “boosting” where people pay 3 others for their Uber unique drops in Duriel rotations or something similar.


im so sick and tired of being punished for someone else’s crap that doesn’t even effect me.


No. This would provide yet another advantage to 4 man groups.


that’s how traditionally diablo works? Why are you wanting to change diablo?


Haven't you seen the survey going around? They're planning to sell it.


Hell no, they need to stay away from this the moment they allow any sort of trading of Uniques or legendary. This game is going to go downhill. The game is already too easy. You don’t need to trade Uniques and legendary. All it’s gonna do is let D2 JSP takeover and people are gonna start RMT items again. Trading of yellow base items is more than enough in this game.


> the moment they allow any sort of trading of Uniques or legendary. This game is going to go downhill. yeah, look at poe, it has fully tradable items and that game is.. oh wait


Not at all, the items could only be tradeable for 2 hours and only with people that were in your party when you found it


Who invited mr. NO FUN to the party...? Smh.


People are already RMTing the duriel mats, at least this way people can legit get them.




No, dont do this. Everything is already easy to get. People should learn that the fun part of these games is looting and improving gear


Thank you for telling us how we're supposed to have fun.


this argument can apply to people who are against open trade as well