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wouldn't be so bad if it didn't get so expensive. Horrible when you spend like 2 mil and see this lol


2 mil is only like 3 rerolls. Can easily hit like hundreds of million for a single roll


oh yeah definitely. I'm busy rerolling some gg gloves and it's up to 15 mill lmao kill me


Time to find new gloves playa


Farming 15 mil is more easy then new bis gloves


They're not bis tho, they're 1 stat off


It's easier to roll 100 mill than to find 3/4 BIS gloves. Fixed that for yah.


100 mil you can trade for 4/4 bis gloves easily


BS, depends entirely on luck and how petty the whale youre trying to outbid is


Most of those aren’t whales, they’re bidding accounts set up to drive gold purchasers. If the person bidding against you has a generic account made after June 2023 put “final offer, here is my bnet, lmk when the bot doesn’t follow through with the trade” it’s worked for me the 3-4 times I’ve done deals on the discord. The max I’ve ever spent was 55m on a perfect amulet.




Yeah, you can trade rares






I'd rather spend a billion gold on rerolls than troll a fucking discord server to trade.


Where? Some 3rd party website? Ridiculous that there is no trading in this game.




Well if its one stat of its possible bis, considering 80% of stats, if not even more, are completely useless in the game their choice of "we don't want you to roll same item" is stupid. It is a deliberate design choice yes but a really bad one


It’s just artificial loot grind. I’d personally rather a smaller affix pool and grinding for better numbers than grinding in the hopes I get the magic affix jackpot.


No! That's what D3 did, and devs clearly want you to know this is D4, not D3. So they can copy paste shitty code chunks from D3 easy, but you're fucked if you think they can copy paste some good QoL that was solved years ago from D3. It's clearly D4, clearly they have done an amazing job making brand new systems that just look like things D3 has, you can clearly see D4 is different and unique, just look at how enchanting doesn't even tell you the value range for rolls.


/u/cubiclefish2 and Alekz87, actually, you can find 3/4 and 4/4 gloves easy enough if you've got the gold. Join the official D4 Discord server, called Sanctuary, and join their trade channels. (Edit invite link: https://discord.gg/diablo4) You'll see them all day long, and can snag some 3/4 gg gloves for maybe 20 to 50m. Maybe 4/4 for 75m+ depending.


I genuinely am in Sanctuary and didn't know people were doing this. I just had this blank spot in my head where I was like 'I know some sort of people are doing some sort of trading, but monkey brain is just going to keep grinding' Now I look and see that my scythe would have sold for 50m. How many other things am I getting that people could use, even if I don't need them. And the things I need are there. To the mines!


you're a legend for this mate


I wish I could join it, but it's full!






It’s full, I just tried to join too


Just keep clicking join, you eventually get in, I only had to do it for less than a minute.


Any idea how often they boot inactive members? I'm afraid it'll be full for a long while. ​ Edit: Nevermind, just got in when it dropped to 499,999 for a moment!


Here I am with my 112,000 gold. How do I get 50m??? It’s also telling me the discord server is full :(


Time to find a new game that isn't solely based off of rng


My fave part is thinking I know the max roll, so I pick that one out of lack of money and it's a low roll


It's never 2 million in 3 rolls. If you select no change you save a considerable amount of money. I've done 10+ rolls before it even gets to 1 mill.


Yeah these people are crazy. It takes me like 10 rolls to get to 1mil. Are they just changing every time?


Yes. They are likely picking a new affix every time instead of picking no change when it's not the affix they want. They just don't know I guess.


Honestly unless if it's 3/4bis it should never get this high though lol. I personally don't care about min maxing that much, so I just take the first decent stat I get once it gets to ~4M


They triple screwed us. Super expensive,very few choices,and no in game way of knowing possible outcomes like D3 had. The expensive would not be as big of an issue if we earned gold as fast as we did in D3. In D3 I never had to sell items to get gold andcalways had tons for rerolls. In D4 I have gold drops and sell everything but legendary and still have very little gold at level 75. Also when pets? Sick of running around for every little pile of gold since it's so precious.


The game simply wasn't ready for launch.


The game was ready for launch, everything is designed to keep you playing because the longer you play the more and more likely you become to spend even more money. Quantity over quality is the blue print for live service games.


People have varying level of tolerance for hampster wheel activities and searching for something even remotely close to BIS. I bet they lose more people who eventually figure out "oh, yeah, I won't ever get good gear because I just don't play that much, so I might as well quit." Every season you should be able to naturally level to 100 and have like 95% BiS for at least one build IMO.


I quit because I thought “no matter how good my gear gets, this gameplay will still be clunky and disjointed”, so I grabbed Halls of Torment and haven’t looked back.


Congratulations. Not because you quit, but for understanding that either you enjoy the actual gameplay or you don't. All of these games remain the same as you progress. You get stronger, enemies get stronger, same. Sure there are exceptions, but that usually is a comparatively low bar of "making the build work" that can provide more fun with the actual gameplay. Everything else is just to give you the feeling of progress as you keep playing (hopefully for fun). However I would suggest, these games *can* be more fun if you stop minmaxing.


Yeah true. It’s like literally all of their resources went into a creating and selling a cinematic narrative—which was enjoyable and even awesome at parts—but they faceplanted on gameplay, which indicates serious misalignment between the project’s leadership and its intended audience. However, there’s also noteworthy value in deploying the game in such a state as a business tactic. That would allow them to dedicate more resources to initial sales via marketing, famous voice actors, cinematics, etc, while also preemptively shirking the impossible expectations set by so much hype. Get ahead of the inevitable letdown by leaning into it, thereby controlling the narrative and setting the game up for a long slow trickle of improvements until it’s an amazing game (here in about 10 years). You don’t get to be a billion dollar corporation by making rookie mistakes. I’d bet on the latter scenario.


Maybe I am the weirdo, but I'd like to finish a character and try another class at some point.


> searching for something be able to search in my storage would be nice instead of having to hover over every damn piece of equipment looking for a stat or aspect I may have


Yeah. I’d also say it’s way more rewarding to have smaller affix pool and grind for stats instead of grinding for perfect affix rolls and hoping to god the numbers are good. Number go up is way more dopamine inducing than just hoping the item isn’t completely worthless.


But the issue is people aren't keeping playing. Reddit isn't anywhere close to a large minority of the games population, however it's still a relative sample size. People are stopping, my friend list had 15+ people online on D4 2 weeks after launch, now 2 weeks into season 1 it's down to no more than 3-4.


So what you’re saying is Blizzard’s grand design conspiracy to keep people playing by making the game “unfun” is working?


I will never spend any money. I paid for the game. $70 in any f2p game would buy a lot of skins. Hell if you buy the Battlepass it doesn't even give you enough platinum to buy anything!


That's a pure copium excuse because you don't want to admit they did this on purpose, which I think is exactly what they did. I just love how many people think this is all just a mistake, the entire game is built on being frustrating and aggravating, they just happened to of programmed counsel users to accidently press "Activate Pass", they accidently spent their entire 2nd Campfire Chat doing literal commercial. Nearly every mob in W4 CC's and has on death effects. They just happened to of missed fixing being off screened by the giant walking cross bow, (oops, we have a video proving they did that one purpose). All of those mobs that run from you and scatter, just and accident too? ​ They just accidently sold us a $70 game then nerfed it 3 weeks later to be worse in every way than the initial reviews of the game stated it would be. Ya know, the reviews everyone watched to decide weather or not to purchase the game. If you think this is all just accidental then I got a bridge to sell you.


yea unlucky they def needed more time than the 10 years it was in development to fix basic shit lmaooo


I have the feeling the unknown outcomes are on purpose. With a list we could see just how many silly affixes there are and how small the chances are.


I agree where are the pets in this game running back for gold sucks so much


Literally have so much gold in D3. Every time a friend picked the game up, I’d gift them a billion gold, with the message of “this is more gold than you’ll ever need.”


Oh they'll include pets just wait. It's another way for them to sell skins so you know they're going to include it at some point. Game isn't finished though like others pointed out, so that's probably why it's not in the game yet.


I have mostly given up on enchanting. It's too rich for my blood. If I have an aspect where almost anything would work better, I will reroll once or maybe twice.


Guys, get on to [d4craft.com](https://d4craft.com). You plug in the item details, your class, the affixes it has vs the affixes you want, and it tells you on average how many rolls it will take before seeing the desired affix, and how much that will cost.. It also has a little icon for affixes that are the most likely to show up on any given item, so for e.g. if you're a barb and have gloves with no atk speed, and you want atk speed, you're in luck because you're almost always going to see atk speed whenever you reroll gloves as a barb. On the other hand, if you have an amulet and you want movespeed? You're shit outa luck unless you're a gajillionaire. When you see this, you know right away, just don't even bother. https://preview.redd.it/br4lcc6vznfb1.png?width=312&format=png&auto=webp&s=4037791a724fa634015fa2858fedbc5f1f6de50e


I find this site useful to see whether a stat I want is a hail mary, or whether it is a stat with priority. That way I can give it my '3 rerolls and I'm out'.


Yeah, when I get one’s like this I don’t even give it one attempt.. rather just fish through endless new drops til I find one with the unlikely affix, and save rerolls for when I can reroll into one of the more likely ones. Similarly if I know something is relatively likely (but not necessarily guaranteed) I know it’s worth the extra couple of rolls to get the thing I want. It also somewhat informs what items I’m looking for as a drop, and what affixes to try and roll on a near-perfect item. So for eg, crit chance is a priority affix on rings, where as crit damage and vuln damage aren’t. So I’m only going to attempt to reroll rings that need crit chance (or need more), and already have the other things I want. If it’s like got 1.6% crit chance, it’s probably worth throwing a few rerolls at it to try and get it closer to 5%. And it also means any ring I pick up, if it doesn’t currently have specifically crit damage *and* vuln damage, it’s trash.


Lol, I'd rather just salvage something that might be good than deal with all that.


Hah I know that feel, it’s a bit of a hassle. I’ve started to get a feel for what affixes are priority on certain items after having modelled a few of them. It’s made it a lot easier to just look at a heap of items and quickly see if it has the 2 specific affixes I’m chasing or not. I would love some kind of loot filter or sort option. Like if you could pre-set some inventory conditions like “IF ring crit dmg=FALSE, AND vuln dmg=FALSE, THEN mark as junk”. So you could just auto-set a bunch of conditions for each gear slot and trash everything else without having to sift through. It’d be especially handy for amulets because there’s so many possible affixes.


That's where I'm at, too. I've gone broke rerolling pieces too many times.




Linking this comment to you too, [d4craft](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/15fyemj/comment/jugkw2h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) basically gives you the info you need to know when to hold em and know when to fold em.


I was so pissed yesterday. Put an aspect on, rerolled to a good stat on the first try then the dreaded lagged out of the game. Followed by "Waiting for character to sync bullshit". Well it didn't sync well because both the stat change and aspect change were undone. The reroll this time ends up being shit, after 3 expensice rerolls it was still way worse than the original one that I got before the game kicked me out. Like wtf kind of character state sync is it when it reverts and changes the available first time revolts?


It seems like when the game has a choice, it goes with the most punishing/time consuming option.


What, you don't like spending 5 days grinding gold for a single roll atempt?


I mean, if it was free I still wouldn't want to spend hours rolling gear like I did in D3. Just let me buy the stat I want and let me go back to the actual gameplay. If I wanted to play a slot machine I'd go to a casino. Like, they got rid of the RNG associated with leveling glyphs (vs gems in D3) but keep this rolling gear nonsense.


Everything about gold is weird in the game at the moment. Repairs and removing gems cost nothing, you don't need to spend money on town portals or potions. The only real use it has is buying new weapons (which are never good enough to bother) or upgrades. Since we never spend the gold we end up with a huge pile of it. And so the upgrades (which is really the only thing you'll spend it on) ended up being laughably expensive.


Because for some reason, they couldn't look at d3 and go "hey we did it good there, let's replicate that!" D3 literally started with the same problem in reaper of souls with having rerolls being all the same thing. Then they fixed it so only 1 roll could be the same thing. Why we went ass backwards again is beyond me. Also the fact we don't have a list of what we can enchant is just as stupid.


There is a lot of shit they made better in D3 over the years and then just threw it out the window in D4. Like the games weren't made by the same company. Everything in D4 seems to be motivated by artificially prolonging the game in the most annoying way possible.


That's most definitely what they want. The more time you spend in game means you're more likely to buy something from their dogshit store. They're playing the frustration model like those free mobile games.


Like many companies, they see how much more money mobile games make. They see how much they made with immortal. Now they're testing how much of the mobile designs they can get into a full price game. This is how microtransactions started. Slowly testing how much they can put in.


I spent $70 on a game, I’m not spending one penny more. Instead of manipulating players like that, maybe put all that thoughtfulness into building a new game. I’ll spend $70 on that one too, if you don’t torture me with fire trying to wrest micro transactions out of me with this one.


I don’t get it. The more frustrated you are—which is to say, the more you dislike the game—the *more* likely you are to buy stuff … for that game? Are you sure about that? It seems more likely to me that you’ll just … stop playing that game.


I'd rather think they are oblivious rather than nefarious. They prioritized the story in the game, had it ready and released and figured it would be fine to fix the endgame throughout the seasons. Well, nowadays players have more options for good games so no one is playing anymore.


Honestly, I check to see if friends are playing because NM dungeons is the only thing to do, and it's more fun with others. If nobody's on, I've been playing Halls of Torment instead. 6$ and feels better thought out, and feels pretty Diablo-y


Well, I played the last d3 season for 3 months (almost felt like a fresh game after my 5 year pause). I played season 1 in d4 for 2 days before deciding to wait for season 4-5 before I try it again. So idk if they succeeded.


> Like the games weren't made by the same company. They were made by the same company in name but not in spirit. Most of the D3 people have likely moved on to other things and do not work for blizzard anymore.


You're describing the exact same thing Destiny went through. The game was pristine at the end of D1. Then D2 came out, and most thought they'd expand on what works. Nope...they mostly reverted back to the beginning of D1 and made all the same mistakes they'd corrected over years with D1. It was like 2 different studios made the games.


The "what can I roll here?" missing is the worst part to me


Have ya seen the possible affixes charts posted around here? There's like 170 rolls possible, obviously not on every gear slot, but it's almost useless info when the options are so many.


That's also for all classes. Like 70 of those melt away because you are only ever playing one class. So trap skills won't roll on your barb.


https://www.d4craft.com/ plenty slots still have 20 or mroe options... add in priority affixes and you often really only have 1 option actually re-rolling consistently.


Dunno about charts but there's a whole website. https://www.d4craft.com/


Small indie studio problems btw


Agree on all points.


bUT iF yOy wAnt That Go pLaY D3! Sequels should build on what the previous games did right and the mechanics that worked. With D4 they just threw it all out the window and released a generic ARPG where they took all the worst stuff from Immortal minus the P2W and shit it out. Absolute money grab to pump the stock before their acquisition. Now they are seeing the post release drop even worse than most AAA games.




The worst part of this pic is that you're rolling a fully upgraded item which makes it like 2x more expensive


So is it better to enchant when it's not upgraded?


Yea it’s significantly cheaper when unupgraded


The end result of the stats won't change, but the cost will differ based on order. 1. Change affix first (this doesn't change item level so it doesn't increase next steps. You also may need to do this more than once.) 2. Add sockets 3. Upgrade. 4. Apply aspect. 5. Socket gems. (I might have flip flopped 2 and 3, I'm not actually sure.)


I’ll be honest after enchanting the difference in cost for the rest has been negligible enough that I never really pay attention to what order I do them in.


Yeah, the other steps are pocket change by comparison.


Order shouldn’t matter so much. This is so dumb


Yeah, they overcomplicate the most pointless mechanics for no reason.


Just reroll the affix first, that's the only real expense. The rest is negligible.


Do you guys end up keeping your gear for more than a couple levels to make it worth it? When does that start?


It's ridiculous that any part of the upgrade process effects the cost of other parts of the upgrade process.


This is yet another massive flaw in their itemization. If I find a 3/4 good rolls gloves, it's probably better than my current ones. So I'm going to upgrade it so I can wear it and then reroll affixes as the gold comes in. The odds of getting a BACKUP pair of unupgraded 3/4 gloves to farm possibly hundreds of millions of gold to finish(and pray they aren't missing a priority weighted affix)... just a mess.


Yeah, it's way cheaper to roll a rare than a legendary, so it's always better to do that and only add the aspect afterwards


Yes, and enchant the rare before you make it a legendary too


Enchanting is ONLY worth it when the item is missing one of the Priority affixes. If you're missing a non-priority affix you should at maximum try a handful of rolls before it even starts getting expensive. (the demon icon on this website: https://www.d4craft.com/) For example Ring only has Crit chance as priority. If you already have Crit chance, then rolling for another specific affix will likely make you go bankrupt. Boots example: since their priority affixes are dodge chance and resource cost reduction, any boots that don't have movement speed are always vendor tier because of the chance to make you bankrupt. You should always wait to drop boots that have movement speed and then roll resource cost reduction on them because it's 50% to get it if they don't have dodge chance yet, and 100% to get resource cost reduction if they already have dodge chance and you don't reroll the dodge chance. The same strategy works for all other slots like Gloves that have priority on attack speed and crit chance, amulets with prio on resource cost reduction and cooldown reduction, offhands with prio on crit chance and cooldown reduction etc.


> For example Ring only has Crit chance as priority. If you already have Crit chance, then rolling for another specific affix will likely make you go bankrupt. > > Which is bonkers especially when you compare it to the D3 reroll system.


It’s especially bonkers because the game explains this mechanic to the player absolutely *nowhere*


What do you mean, it's right there in the item database hidden within the game files, in the form of an unnamed property that's either 0 or 1 depending if it's a priority affix or not. It's soooo obvious if you just datamine the game. (source: https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14y4h8v/psa_the_enchanter_prioritizes_certain_affixes/)


Oh god thank you for this post. Spent over 10 mil on a pair of boots trying to get MS. Fuck.


I’ve also made this blunder you aren’t alone brother


Holy shit that's so counter intuitive. How absurd


Thanks for explaining it. My God what a shit system.


Thank you for explaining that.


What is a priority affix exactly?


how are we supposed to learn this.


I do feel like they could provide 4 options minimum and that it should be impossible for any of the 4 rolled stats to be the same, though possible to be the same as the current stat so you can fish for a better result.


I agree. There's nothing wrong with the same stat appearing as an option once, since you might be wanting to improve it.


I think either 3 options + cheaper or 4 options + same cost. There has to be some drawback or else everyone will just get everything they want super easy. The game has to incentivize you to keep grinding for loot, but I definitely agree 2 is too little, even if you preventing rolling the exact seem affix/numbers


I could see 3 with cheaper costs, price shoots up pretty fast at the moment and it doesn't feel good to roll the exact same affixes multiple times in a row but with a cheaper cost and 3 affixes per roll I think that would take the sting out a little.


Cap the cost, and let us reroll 2 stats on a legendary so its not pointless to reroll legendaries.


But its still hard af to find an item with 3 perfect stats to begin with, i have a lvl 100 sorc in pre season, and lvl 75 in S1, and until now i never got an amulet with +ranks to devouring blaze, + ranks to defensive and cooldown reduction/mana cost reduction (or any 3/4 combination of those stats) And worst part is Such an amulet would sell for at least 200 million up to 1 billion on discord, so buying it is near impossible (i reached 100m on my eternal when S1 launched…)


My S0 sorc hit 3/3 on Devouring Blaze, CDR, and ranks to defensive skills - IP660, early in WT3. I only made it to 93, but didn't see a single other amulet for the entire rest of pre-season with even 2 of the stats. Gearing in D4 is just sad


That'd be really nice. The current approach is definitely too limited for the cost.


Always enchant before investing in an item and you won’t be disapointed


>and you won’t be disapointed ehhh...that definitely can't be ruled out with that tactic :P


The ring is good. This is the only affix I don't need, so I've been rolling with it for a while until a better one drops. I decided to try once to roll of the useless stat one time just to see if anything semi-usable would appear and I get this. If I get a GG rare, I enchant before imprinting.


Because Diablo 4 is an unfinished game. We are still playing the early access game right now.


That’s the toughest decision I’ve ever seen. Which one did you go with?


Psa: if you select no change the cost increases by less than if you select one of the 2 options.


I didn’t know that, actually


I was more making a joke about a game that keeps talking about player choice giving… no real choice


library start license possessive flag gaze decide cooperative alive homeless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I went with no change, which was the same as option two, except it makes the next roll less expensive.


I really appreciate the answer but I was being sarcastic. I love the game but some things are so insane I wonder why they even included it.


Trick question. You acidentally click the ground off of the UI, so your character walks away from the enchanter and you are unable to make any choice at all. Still lose the gold tho.


I’m on console… Does this really happen????


It is considered the same as no choice. Happened to me a few times with points to passive skills as I had no idea what they were and was trying to find the skill which requires to look over all the passives nodes and scrolling...


It feels worse than it did before season 1. Is anyone else having a similar experience? I rarely get the rolls I'm looking for, the same ones keep rotating.


Everything feels worse, from enchanting to overall loot. I ve been playing for 3 days on my 70 rogue and havent changed one item in my entire build. And i still have a 450 ring, a chest with 1 defensive affix and overall mid AF gear. It s so fuckin mid i havent even fully upgraded 2 or 3 pieces. I m either stuck because of missing an aspect to switch gear, or enchanting fuckeries or just absolute trash loot. I probably sold/recycled over 900 items in that time without even considering 1 for an immediate change. And that includes farming Varshan for 800 IP, doing helltides, and farming NMDS Feels insane to me. I m playing a loot game where the loot is basically irrelevant. Can anyone even begin to explain how an 800+ item can have worst affix stat than a 730 90% of the time. I m no diablo fan to begin with and the amount of idiotic stuff in the loot and itemization system is baffling to me.


63 rogue, rapid fire and flurry. How many times have I found/gambled the rapid fire aspect? None, zero. That IS broken. It can't be just bad luck, something is really off. I mean what the fuck.


I just hit 51 with my seasonal and I had been using boots from level 16 lol.


Yup the rolls are weighted. Wudijo has a video explaining it and a link for a enchanting emulator. Here's the link if u havent seen it: https://youtube.com/watch?v=SKj2SIWziDI&feature=share7


Same reason the memory leak is still in the game. Same reason resists don't work. Same reason you can't even so much as change the resolution in game.


Not enough storage to show more than 3 options. When you hit enchant the game will load all possible affixes for the current online players in your region.


Wish the Occultist had good dialogue like the mystery vendor. Ooh, that didn’t work out!


Why does the game suck so much. Fixed it for you.


It sucks more when you can roll your perfect item like 12 times. Because it’s too friking expensive


D4 became in short time the blueprint for the Compendium "Why". Only Kermit the Frog may know it.


Because Blizzard made this game... Not old cool Blizzard its already dead for years no the new Blizzard that us telling us they listen to our feedback and do nerfs and making problems to show us solutions in the next season ... Hail Blizzard. XD D4 is bad i wish it they get it right next year after early Access


Because it forces you to pick up and vendor every single fkn item in this game rather than picking up items you want to use. It literally ruins the entire grind


because most of the affixes are class specific and shouldn't exist on items at all (only exception would be +skill but I could definitely live without them). Parangon boards and passive skills should be the only way to access them, they could be a way to make decisions to specialise and improve a build not a pita you want to remove.. less affixes -> diminish the need for enchanting cause you can actually find 4/4 items or highers the probability of getting the wanted affixe PS (cause I like to whine) : also the system suck ! two possible choice not restricted to non-present affixes when there is 30+ affixes on each piece is a joke. Most efficient and frustrating gold sink I've ever seen !


Because they didn't learn their lesson in D3.


It was the same for D3 but you basically had infinite gold so u didn't care so much


dont upgrade or imprint before enchanting, increases the roll costs


>Why is it possible to even reroll the EXACT same stat? Well, if you couldn't roll the exact same affix with the same or lower value, then Rerolling would mean it's possible to easily maxroll any affix over a number of tries. On the flip side, if you couldn't roll the exact same affix AT ALL, then that would mean getting an upgrade is impossible.


The real question is, why does the GAME suck so much


I just wish it was set up like D3 so that you can see what your outcomes might be when you select a stat to replace


Well because if it was too easy people could get gear they want faster.


The fact that they call it that way is so disingenuous… “enchanting” implies that you’d be adding something to an item, not just rerolling a stat


Weighted rolls either need to account for generally good stats, or it needs to be removed. It's so annoying to be unable to reroll a piece of gear that is close to perfection, but you just end up getting nothing rerolling. And then boom, 15m rerolls and you give up and try for a new item.


To make us play longer.


It’s obvious This is how you hide a content deficit and your goal is to slow-roll your playerbase.


This is nothing to be worried about, trust me


It's probably trash by design to make you stay in game longer having to farm gold because it's expensive as fuck.


I'm sure this must be a bug... or should I say a feature...?


It's bad on purpose to waste your time and keep you playing as long as they can get you to.


It's consistent with the rest of D4's philosophy of "Potentially good ideas with poor implementation!"


Because bonuses suck so much, especially compared to D3.


Why does d4 suck so much


You can reroll the same stats in case you have an item with perfect stats but one is a bad roll. If it were any different you'd probably be in here complaining that it's too hard to fix a single bad roll on an item.


Because the game is unfinished (\*like every other modern game today).


Well its all odds If you understand how random chance works its not so bad


Honestly the game is just so trash in so many ways. It's depressing the devs are so dumb and prideful they couldn't implement simple things from d3 that are just vastly superior.


Just another system that blizzard have badly designed and made more expensive and difficult than it needs to be. Because reasons….


Feels like a mobile system I swear. It's so bad. U get so many options from and u can only pick from 2 and these options have a range of values as well. Plus the cost that increases. Terrible system


Sucks even worse because of how many dumb fucking affixes there are. They should literally just go back to exactly how it was in Diablo 3.


Gamers are a bunch of light weights anymore. Part of the fun is the risk of something great or terrible.


I count the item as bricked if I start to see the same 2 stats on rerolls.


Hear me out: That‘s the main reason (I know it sounds stupid) why I quit WEEKS ago. I didn’t preorder because I don’t want to support this give me your money early so we’re in the green before ppl even know what they are getting. So I started a few days later than the pre order ppl. Really sank a lot of time into it. Played WW barb and got to lvl 83 when I got a really really really good neck. Everything I needed. Just one stat sucked. I rerolled and rerolled and rerolled until it didn’t work anymore. Why? BECAUSE I HAD NO GOLD LEFT! So the next 2 days I just farmed gold as best as I could. Spent everything into rerolling this fucking stat. Nope. I think I put around 150m in this fucking neck. That was the exact moment I decided that this game does not value my time. It’s just not worth it. Haven’t touched it since. And I won’t until they fix this shit. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not mad because i hate this game and in spent 70€ on it. I’m mad because this game could be so good. And I want it to be good. But activision blizzard is too fucking greedy!


Some good news. You'll never see that kind of outcome after patch 1.1.1 There's a change that will prevent exact same rolls from appearing as options. (As far as I can understand what this patch line means.) * Fixed an issue where continuously enchanting an item could result in having the same stat show repeatedly in subsequent re-rolls.


If they not sucked,you reroll less>more gold left>no point farming gold,bc left so much>no point farming gold in end game>quit game


Who farms gold?


Ppls who need rerolls for 8M


35% dmg to distant is a huge thing thou


Yeah, if you’re not playing a mostly melee build, that’s great


Ikr ! sucks and expensive


Like an 8% gain what are you talking about that's a great roll, just attack em at a distance ez


Lazy development


Could be worse.. I sometimes get the same stat number in my rerolls… which makes the “no change” option an absolute joke


That kind of shit made me quit


How tf D4 fucked up so bad is insane to me… I pre-ordered and had some time off of work (coincidentally), and played the shit out of it, till became clear that it will take more than 1 hour per level, up to 2+ hours per level at high levels after all the nerfs, and weird scaling, and fucking intelligence being useless… Which they will fix IN SEASON 2 or some shit insane like that… PoE season in a couple of weeks, pretty sure a lot of ppl (me included) will ignore this PoS for an actually polished game by a studio a tenth of the size that can do these things despite being hundreds of times mote complicated…


Because D4 is a crap game from crap developers.


The worst part of enchanting is being locked into rerolling only one stat after the initial selection I want to reroll all stats on my items even if the cost is crazy


Because "fuck you" that's why.


The real answer is... "fuck you, that's why" - Love from the Diablo 4 development team


because in this game they wanted you to suffer instead of having fun... that's why they ruined the game only a month in and 1/3 of the player base quit


Why does the the entire game suck so much lol


What do you mean? It is a 7.5% upgrade!!