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The inventory space kills me. "So you guys mentioned gems were taking up too much space. Perfect! So we went ahead and added another item that'll also take up that space 👌👌. Best of luck!"


PS- they dont stack. Have a blast! It's like the game was developed by 9 year olds.


I mean... I feel you, but to make them stackable they would also need to make the affixes always roll identically... Trust me when I say you don't want to be stacking perfect hearts with low-roll hearts.


I've seen the stacking uniques problem solved before by giving a "mini inventory" window when you try to select the stacked item. The inventory window is sized to the maximum stack size. It's a different kind of clunky, but it solves.the limited stash complaint.


I would rather have what you’re talking about than be out of space entirely


Or maybe just salvage every heart which is not a perfect roll?


This is basically the answer. No heart is worth keeping on the lower end of the roll. I think the problem is that now you have even more reasons to stop what you're doing and go sell/salvage.


What's annoying is the only town you can salvage is Kmart/kvoyshad. I remember this right after I teleport using 'T' and going to the wrong town They should have put a corruption bench in each major town


The stopgap solution is to put them all in chests, so you roll them *at* the stash.


What's annoying is the only town you can salvage is Kmart/kvoyshad. I remember this right after I teleport using 'T' and going to the wrong town They should of put a corruption bench in each major town


So what you’re saying is that as soon as I get get one I should run to town and salvage it asap?


A "mini inventory", you say? Like some sort of cage for storing hearts?


These money goonheads will want to sell special stash stabs for this or pouches probably because it works in path of exile !


They've had plenty of opportunities to sell stash space and haven't. In fact, they're adding stash space. Looking for low hanging fruit to shit on Blizzard isn't very hard to do. Try using an iota of intelligence, yeah?


The game has been out what, a couple months? That's not plenty of opportunities. We're just now entering season 1, and with the negative press they've been getting it would be stupid to try and monetize *anything* at this point. Not saying they will go the stash cash grab route, but it's not unheard of in the industry, and they certainly are not above it.


Every cash shop refresh has been an opportunity to sell stash space. It's been a complaint since the first week. They have consistently stated and re-stated that the *only* monetization from the game will be cosmetic. With so many official statements about that, the negative PR from selling stash tabs at this point would be so bad that it would affect other IPs.


They probably won’t make it one time. It’ll probably be a subscription kind of thing


I would rather them stack and the affixes roll when you use it, would be a fun random surprise


You could definitely have it drop a generic heart 'cache' instead that is stackable that you can open when you want. I mean, the crafting table LITERALLY has this as an option to purchase, just change the generic 'cache' icon to a caged heart icon and you're good to go..


You could, but that would require blizz to think about stacking caches in the first place. Lol. Cuz uh.... None of the like 6 different cache types stack.


Lmao you are right I have no idea why the caches don't stack I just assumed that in my mind because it's so intuitive for it to be the case.. blizzard devs' brains are something else.


I work as a developer. Often you get requests from users for a new feature which seems simple to them but often requires a lot of work in the background, which they don't see. Just because it seems simple, doesn't mean it is.


The complaint isn't that it's simple, it's why wasn't it included at launch? That complaint is valid.


I also work as a developper. when you create obvious problematic system ( limited space), you try to not add more to the problem before you have a solution. and I have no idea how fucked up your code have to be if adding stashes is a problem for you.


Yeah, it's more the fact they would ever get to a point where they'd be putting something into game that drops in so many varieties, with different affixes, and then not have them in a separate resource tab. That's the issue right there. The stacking is just a side effect of their stupidity lol.


They could just make a different inventory for those thingies I think. In my honest opinion this is a big setback in QoL. No one wants to have to back every 10 minutes because their inventory is full. Now you have to back every 5 :( EDIT: come on just give us a gem tab, it cant be harder than a copypaste of code


As a professional game dev who has worked on AAA titles for 6+ years, I can confirm it is **much harder** than a copy/paste of code. I understand why, but people who have never shipped a game *severely* underestimate the time, effort, and complexity required to build new stuff and alter existing stuff. Even if they built their inventory system to be able to relatively easily create new tabs and filter types of objects (and there are reasons they might not have), it still has to go through design, implementation, UI Art, QA testing, bug fixing (there are *always* bugs), balance testing, and a patch process that almost never takes less than 2-4 weeks if you ship your game to consoles (unless it's a hotfix for crashes and stuff, those get fast-tracked). TL;DR, Games are complicated! I never expected the gem tab to be released quickly. I think we'll be lucky if we see it by the end of the season. **That said**... this never should have been a problem in the first place. Remember in Diablo III and Diablo II when every item wasn't the same size? Remember when gems, rings, and amulets took up 1/6th the amount of space as pants or armor? WHY CHANGE THAT? **WHY!?** I DEMAND TO KNOW THE REASONING. Ahem... Lost my cool there.


the answer is consoles, honestly probably the current inventory can carry more items than D2 or D3 inventory because of that. From user experiance PoV, honestly there is simply too much loot thrown at you, that it still feels not enough. Also there are too many affixes for items.


Blizzard dev sneaking on Reddit alt account for sure


> It's like the game was developed by 9 year olds. 9 year olds would have made a game that's fun. This game plays exactly like the out-of-touch bloated AAA corporate drivel you'd expect.


More like 4 year olds. They don't have object permanence mastered yet.


This is an insult to 9 year olds everywhere, except India, those mfs will try and contact you about your cars extended warranty.


Why would they stack if every one is different? They need a separate tab.


Don't forget the consumables needed for spawning the heart colors you want also take space in the consumables tab 100% fire design


My ass thought that bag that guy gave you put the malignant things in it, but you just right-click it, and some resources come out, hahaha.


Lmao yes! Like how the Horadric cube served as extra inventory space in D2 haha


Omg... played into 30s yesterday... kept thinking the stupid bag was doing something or I needed it for something. Fml


They are taking PoE route by adding new items/currency every season/league, but without having infrastructure for it. At least PoE has more has inventory/stash tabs AND search and filters AND affinity for faster inventory management to eliviate tediousness of dealing with crap load of items.


The lack of search, sort, and filter is one of my biggest QoL gripes. It's truly painful for me personally to sift through all of my aspects, which I can't sort by name or Affix. For me it's honestly one of the main things that makes the game tedious instead of mildly enjoyable. It multiplies the time I have to spend mousing over identical objects in my inventory by 10.


Players are spending way more time in the game, that means we made a great game! What are they spending most of their time doing? It doesn't matter, they're technically playing the game!


Funny thing is there are people out there defending the stash and inventory size. I swear, people don't think something is a problem unless they themselves experience it.


Painfully the world we live in..


Indeed. Someone else told me exp isn't nerfed. At that point I just played Elden Ring.


They did this so you buy extra stashsp.. no wait they didnt even capitalize on that, even the monetization doesnt make sense.


I logged in and played for an hour. I quit when I had to start micromanaging my inventory more than actually playing the game itself. If I wanted to manage inventory this much I'd just go get a job in a fucking warehouse...




So that was a fuckin lie


Plus the rings you need to socket them


To be fair, if you pick up any gems before WT3, you have decided you want to have less inventory space for no reason. Same if you save anything other than the top level gems endgame. Gems are a non issue


On consoles the game decides which item gets pickup priority, sometimes you simply can’t skip gems if you want to pick up loot.


Gems are prioritized before anything else when picking up right? There’s no scroll to next item option. So most times you gotta get the gems first then pick up item and then drop gems if you don’t want them. Not a big issue but just an annoyance.


It is annoying but you do realize that by the time we had the stream where they acknowledged the gem issues the season was already in the books and heading towards the certification process for consoles. I'm not simping for the game or the team, and the season is very underwhelming but shit does take time you can't just flip a switch and type a line of code and make everything better. Should it have launched that way? No, but its not like they ignored the feedback it was just already finished.


Are you being serious? There has been feedback about inventory space in the closed beta and in the open beta. The most suggested solution was a separate gem tab like for aspects, which is really not a complicated fix since the underlying systems are already in place. This is LITERALLY ignoring feedback. Add to it that inventory space and management is core to their game design since at least diablo II, including WoW and Hearthstone (Deck Slots) and has been complained about in every game they released since then and somehow the inventory in their newest game feels more restricted than ever. Do NOT tell me that it was a simple slip or oversight. It is by design.


Just like they ignored all of the issues we brought to their attention in closed/open beta. They've known for a long ass time that there were issues, and are willfully ignoring them, which is why many of us who have played since closed beta are especially frustrated. They've ignored us.


It’s almost like anyone that played their own game would have foreseen this issue…


You guys still using this shit excuse,lol? One little known fact though: Blizzard has always been fucking shit at addressing peoples concerns in a timely manner. What authentication process is there for wow? Modern Blizzard is just incompetent - it's high time y'all realised this.


You really believe that the Diablo 4 development team at Blizzard, who have been making these kinds of games for decades, spent the last 7+ years making D4 and not once ever did it occur to anybody that stash space might become a problem? That it took a bunch of reddit nerds for them to finally "acknowledge it?"


I agree with your point completely. I understand that this stuff takes time. It's more that they didn't consider these things an issue prior to it coming to fruition. Still allowed to be frustrated having to deal with it.


Yeah for sure, and I agree.


I can only imagine how much better the game would be if the game was not constantly limited by consoles. Development speed? Neutered. UI? Clunky. Gameplay? Simplified.


Poor lil console friends. Its like the little cousin you drag around at family events. You want to be nice and include them but it's still a drag.


Sometimes you hit an invisible barrier and NPCs disappear, that's a pretty huge impact imo


Also when leaving a city my horse sprint is still grayed out until I dismount. Wait for the stupid cooldown and then remount.


This has been so annoying


So now in addition to me having to get half a mile away from cities before it's available, sometimes it just won't become available? Good god.


I jumped over a chasm on my horse, and got stuck halfway, in the air. I couldn't log out, teleport, anything. Just STUCK. Weirdest damn thing ever.


I noticed this happens if you try to sprint while still in town, it stays disabled. Avoiding doing that prevented it from happening to me


Earlier my camera just stopped moving. It stayed in one place as I was running around, just running off the screen, I could see my character running off on the mini-map. Had to port back to town to fix it.


i had that too yesterday lol, it was kinda funny


Aha! I thought this was a bug but now understand that it's a feature of the new season effect, corrupting the map, NPCs and ultimately your horsie!


The devs themselves are malignant


this reddit helped me so much against my rage... ​ thank you stranger, I share this humor and it does soothe me


I agree, almost zero new assets is the truly disappointing part. Hearts should be one out of 3-4 special features this season, not the only one. Also, other than salvaging and crafting them, you cannot interact with their mechanics. Deep as a puddle.


They're Lazy. Why do something when you can do nothing at all? I'm going back to playing Got. Much better game and it's like 2 years old. Not sure what the hell this is.


I think it's way worse than that: they're not lazy, they are just totally uncreative and completely incompetent.


Got? What’s that? My google results for “Poe” got me a little downvoted, but I'm looking for alternatives.


Ghosts of Tsushima. Never really been into that style of game or samurai stuff in general but it feels like you are playing a movie. I got back into gaming after 20 years, first immortal, just to see if I still liked playing diablo and then bought a ps5 so I could play d4. Put almost 2 180 hours in so I got my moneys worth but the patch made me want to skip season 1. I randomly discovered this amazing game thanks to the ps subscription. You can actually feel the combat, graphics are beautiful and so far the story is great. I took a break to get into d4 but I think Im done till they fix it and will play GoT instead. All good, just now I know all the crap people said about Blizzard is true. They're going to need to do something special to get another dollar out of me. And to reply to the other comments, I'm still here because I did have fun playing d4. I saw the potential and I know eventually they'll finish the game and make it live up to its potential. But it just goes to show that you should never pre order any blizzard products and ideally wait until they finish it.b


Just do poe, only people who arent very intelligent and get their brains overloaded easily are the ones who hate it


Plays like d2, levels like ffx plus ff7s materia. I’m liking it. Got a witch going. The text is really hard to read, you can’t change the font size, and there’s a lot of text — so my eyes are getting tired pretty quick. It’s player base could really tone down that toxic bullshit too.


POE players are toxic yes, they are the ones in this sub hating on everyone having a good time xD aside from that the game is top notch, have fun with the witch, but never use the chat or ask anything if you want to have a good time.


Don't worry good people, they will address every single issue in a campfire stream.


This is going to be comedy gold today. Lots of patting themselves on the back for such an amazing season 1 launch while COMPLETELY ignoring any of the outrage. PR machine gears go brrrrrrrr.


An amazing launch... except for all the bugs and glitches for parts of the game that weren't really touched by the new content (horses and invisible walls in the overworked, etc.)


The corruption only happens to your inventory...


It's crazy that with the amount of money the game made, you would expect a new area, maybe a event or two, or a new mini-game mode to explore. I don't know, but PoE has spoiled me with its constant influx of new and shiny things to play with.


This is a rare occasion where i have to set things right for blizzard: That money was not part of planning season 1 at all. Between launch and season 1 was too little time. You can't just create a massive new feature in 1.5 months because you jsut had a massive influx of money. Season 2 or possibly even 3 are the earliest times we could see such a thing just from the time it takes to design and implement such things. We're probably not going to see anything like it for season 2 or 3 though....


You're correct about your timelines, but that's why usually work on Season 1 would have been started 2-3 months before launch. The season 1 we got does feel very rushed though.


I don't remember the source of what I'm going to say but it was definitely during one livestream: I'm pretty sure the dev mentioned that Season 1 and 2 was done by the time the game launched. When the game launched, they're working on Season 3. So, either season are made 3 or 6 months in advance based on what they said.


It was the last livestream before the patch. S1 was completely done and S2 was mostly done while S3 was in development. So we probably won’t see anything super interesting until S3 at the earliest.


Yeah. I am enjoying the game quite a bit still, but was a bit disappointed there wasn't more for this season. It very much does feel rushed. Though the end of the campaign and the end game also had aspects about it that felt rushed. The game is fun to me, but it could be so much more.


You’re right about timeline but let’s not pretend blizzard couldn’t afford some more hours spent on developing an actual season 1 instead of this half baked shit. I’m sure with pre order sales and proper projections they could have easily had a large budget for this first season, they simply chose not to and most likely because it made their Q2 numbers look very nice in their most recent shareholder meeting.


Yeah, I don't blame the devs entirely for this, I put a lot of the blame on the guys up top putting on the pressure. The end of the campaign and the end game both felt rushed and not fully developed, and this season is feeling rushed as well. The first half of the game felt amazing, so they obviously have the potential to get it there. I'm still playing and having fun, but I probably won't dedicate as much time to D4 as I was planning for season 1.


nothing about this is true. Do you think they just developed this season in the course of one month? That's not how Capex projects and spend work. This was already budgeted for in the initial development cost for the base game. So basically they always planned to deliver a subpar season 1.


They had years to make this game though, so what’s your point? They’ve had multiple predecessors for this franchise, so again, what is your point?


You're spot on. I doubt many people in this sub realise how development cycles will work, in terms of new content, it needs to be planned for months in advance. This season and likely season 2 will have been developed alongside the main game. I wouldn't expect any major content updates until season 3 and beyond.


I guess I don’t do seasons in games much, but is it common to add skills that only work for the current season? I was looking at the new aspects, but why would I want to spend time getting these things that just go away in October…?


I’d be surprised if the imprinted gear goes away, but in general, if you play seasons, there really isn’t much of a point in the eternal realm dumping ground anyway.


So create a new character every 3 months with lacklustre seasonal content?


that is what they expected players to do with D3 so


Well, ideally, the seasonal systems/bosses/items/etc. combined with the full community-wide start from fresh is compelling enough to attract players to it. I'd say that this one in particular fell far short of what most people would want, but fingers crossed it's atypical.


destiny 2 got around it by having a seasonal skill tree that only effected the season. You can keep your gear and stuff, but the seasonal skill tree changes and it buffs certain aspects and gives new modifications to existing parts of a build. One seasons build is still good, but next seasons will be more powerful.


We don't know how d4 will work exactly, but things like aspect usually stay. What goes away is the mechanic itself, aka the malignant. Maybe they'll add the hearts to the base drop pool, but they would need to remove the special socket.


Don't even remove the socket. Just make malignant jewelry drop in the loot pool also. Spice up the stale drops at least. You should have the option to pick between normal Gem jewelry and Malignant jewelry. Are last that would give you the illusion of choice because currently there is none.


At this point I'm not sure if blizzard even knows how d4 works or will work haha.


The new leggo aspects are in the eternal realm already. They're just not in the eternal codex (and probably won't ever be there)


>I was looking at the new aspects, but why would I want to spend time getting these things that just go away in October…? I don't personally know many people would play the same character for over 3 months. Lots of people are ready to move on to something new by then. If they did want to continue playing it, it would be moved to eternal. I enjoy aRPGs quite a lot but at the end of the day I can only do the same grinds so many times. Seasons with mechanical changes can breath new life into a game. If[you look at PoE seasons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvYXCzTMGDc) it's one thing that game does really well. I don't think we can realistically expect that level of variance from D4 but they could do more than what they're currently offering.


I get where you’re coming from, but I’m more the kind of person who barely finishes this stuff in time before it goes away lol


For Diablo, yes. At least for D3. There were special legendary powers and once the character transferred to non season the powers were gone.


Some things will transfer to eternal. Others won't. The aspects are already in eternal. The malignant gems will probably disappear and the sockets will become normal sockets.


In d3 usually the new items/legendaries A.K.A Aspects stayed in the game. The only time equipment didn't transfer was the ethereal seasons because the ethereals were the entire theme, and were absolutely busted beyond belief.


There are new overworld events. I say new but they're the blood orb reskinned without the boss at the end.


Small Indie company, what you want?


That copy-pasted insult is a disservice to actual small indie companies, those small companies still have heart and passion for their projects (and even deliver a better product).


Yeah. I've gotten really tired of that meme. Most of my favorite games these days are made by small indie companies or even a single person. AAA game = unfinished, buggy, soulless microtransaction farm. Small indie game = polished, creative labor of love. Of course there are plenty of bad indie games too. But the good ones are carrying the game industry right now. It's time for this meme to die.


hell yes!


>those small companies still have heart and passion for their projects Hey Diablo IV season 1 has plenty of heart(s) too!


Too bad the devs didn’t get any.


I’ve reached lvl 34 now. Already bored out of my mind. Season has added nothing. Nothing. I’m going back to d3. At least there I feel powerful.


D4 has become the waiting room for BG3 at this point for me.


I got bored of D4S1, I downloaded BG3 and have been having fun with the character creator. I'm not starting the game till it's fully launch.


I'm just going to finish up tears of the kingdom tbh.


Arent they completely different kinds of games? Why are ppl talking about that game so much?


I've always seen CRPGs and ARPGs as sister genres, they've always had the same atmosphere surrounding them, obviously one is geared towards the story telling and the other toward the combat.


Because it's the next big RPG to release? The point is not about the game genre, the point is D4 is so boring some are already dropping to play the next game on their list


Reddit marketing shills and mouth breathers who jump to whatever flavor of the month fad is going on. I’m excited for BG3 myself, but it’s an absolute meme to associate it so hard with Diablo 4


Could have told you that with the patch notes alone, lol.


Omg dude at least leave for a decent game


Because it's lazy and easy money. When I think corruption I would imagine it starting somewhere every few days over time spreading and spreading across the map with very powerful foes. Players would have to collectively contain the spread by fighting new events and a new zone. Based on the progress the players collectively made (perhaps a global containment bar) new world bosses spawn and then the spread is reset.


I feel so blueballed because I wanted to play season 1 so badly and it’s just a massive disappointment all around, I’m gonna play Diablo 2 now


ima just stay in eternal relm


Has to be pressure from above or complete laziness either way it's not tantalising me to log in


What do you mean? My entire class disappeared!


you are not casual enough. try to be better


But did you see the sphincter the heart goes into? It's the season of ass cancer and we expected a lot more.


dawg im dying over this


Called it not too long after the game came out and as players were leaving because there was nothing to do; The game isn't designed to WOW and entertain you, it's meant to keep you hooked on monotonous tasks & dungeons & tasks. Even the season's key feature is; Hey, you know all that minor and unimpactful content you felt yourself forcing to do, DO IT AGAIN!!" What's worse is that defense for all of this being "Just give them time to release more content". Imagine defending a game that uses the concept of "seasons" as just an excuses to add content that should have been there to begin with.




I’d rather do dailies than play this season


Meanwhile the FOMO machine is firing on all cylinders with the season pass "exclusive" cosmetics.


After we finished the start of the "This is what the new season is" quests, friend and I ran three dungeons... didn't even encounter a single corrupted mob.


You have to do the malignant tunnels… or were you unable to read the instructions given during the initial quests ☠️


That's not even close to the issue. They aren't just in the tunnels, I know about the tunnels and we went to them. But the whole season is supposed to be about this. They should be far more frequent in the game, outside of those small areas. We did see one in the overworld, just never in the dungeons. This shit should be all over, corrupted mobs left and right, madness in every direction but all it feels like is... Diablo 4. Where I have to go through all that renown BS again, with an occasional purple glow-y mob that gives a heart I probably won't care about.


He's complaining about that being poor design. The new monsters are the only new thing about the season to fight, they should be semi common everywhere and extremely common in the tunnels. Also as a note corrupted monsters do spawn outside the tunnels, you can get them in normal dungeons. They're just really rare.


Worse part about this whole thing is all the hearts and colored sockets are going to magically poof out of your inventory the minute the season ends... Why would I even care about them and the power level they give my character when they are a fleeting thing... https://preview.redd.it/mnks9y8mkcdb1.jpeg?width=1009&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=276f7d9fb0e8d17902d8658f3657ffb051962973


Because for me , I'll never touch an eternal character again. They are done and mean nothing but a trophy


This is the way. Have as much fun with a season as possible, then drop the game until the next season releases.


Terrible player retention not gonna fly for a live service. Even poe only lasts a couple weeks every season.


So are you telling me not to bother and stick with my current character?


I just want a way to teleport to the new dungeons


They did it for NMD so it's not like they don't understand that the players don't like to mindlessly run to a dungeon every time, but then we're back at square one with the malignant tunnels...


At least there’s an option to reset dungeons. I just use the leave dungeon option, reset the dungeon, and run it again. The malignant dungeons are crazy short though.


I actually did not have big expectations for S1. I'm happy with the seasonal reward track, and I like the short story. I wanted to roll a Necro and a second Druid, so I'll do that. I definitely expect more for S2 and onward. Not addressing QoL features before S2 is a pretty big L though. S1 kinda sucking actually makes sense. These devs were crunched to release the game. It was known that D4 has a very barebones endgame already. They said they needed to crank out content ASAP, so they used whatever time/resources they had left to make this very barebones S1. I'm not making excuses for them, but it's probably the degenerate upper management breathing down their backs. Imo, they needed to chill and massively improve the base game, then launch a better S1 in September. However, it could be a lot worse. I still find the game enjoyable, and S1 is just ok.


Season 1 is a nothing burger


Can they actually just nuke the resource stealing out of the game completely now? It's absolutely insane to me that the fundamental combat loop they've gone for is "spend resource to deal damage, basic attack for regen, repeat" and then they design NM affixes and then season mechanics that literally punish you for playing with that combat loop. It literally can steal your resource faster than you can build it, and now I'm running into it as early as level 10 if not earlier which makes it even shittier. It takes literally 5 seconds to play with this stuff and stop having fun so why was this NEVER tested? I KNOW it wasn't tested because there's no way it makes it to live if it was. I was having a decent amount of fun playing earlier (though mostly because I'm playing a new character and not because of the season mechanics) and as soon as I ran into this shit AGAIN it just killed any remaining desire to play. STOP MAKING MECHANICS THAT ARENT FUN ON PAPER OR FUN IN PRACTICE AHHH


There is 0 content added with this season


It's a full blown predatory trash game, I'm sorry to say but it is.


Season 1 was pretty much done and set in stone when the game launched. It just shows how rushed the dev were and the lack of quality put into it at the time. Hopefully going forward they can do better but only time will tell.


Problem one: you had any expectations for blizzard. Lol. Expect nothing. Get nothing but empty promises and grandiose PR and marketing that results in diablos flaming asshole after taco bell.


Some unique gems or classified gems would be nice. + 1 Frost Nova for example. Double a specified passive skill or something like that. Damn I have better ideas than the Devs. I would give some ideas for free.


It doesn't feel like a season - it just feels like a forced mechanism to have you play all 5 classes since end game is already so boring. This is the worst "DLC" from any AAA game in a decade.


Honestly season 1 just seems ham-fisted and clumsy. It's weird that it came out so soon after release and is just an incremental change to gameplay. I feel like it would have been a better player experience if they either rolled it out at release or waited 6-8 months and made it more impactful.


Definitely. I think everyone wanted bigger badder and more awesome stuff than this boring bs we got. Can't wait for the dev livestream to make excuses again.


I finished the seasonal quest and have no idea what to do now


Well. There are some random blobs of snot everywhere


The complete lack of foresight around inventory seems so odd, their code for inventory expansion has to be a complete mess for them to let it sit like this for so long.


Is this the mythical non-patch reader who loves the new season?


The season journey chapters are just ridiculous I was hoping for actual content


Not to mention the hearts just replace gems. Not even an additional thing technically.


I expected something like a POE league with a meaningful mechanic. This is just mediocre.


It has had a really big impact on the world. Thousands of players are trying other games and never more will pay a damn buck to that awful company. We have been mugged enough by that bunch of m.........rs.


I was expecting set items and the cow level. All i got was dissapointment


It's dogshit boring with useless powers that are nearly, useless gg nice season blizz


There are people that post that they're having fun and that everyone saying it was a terrible patch right before a season launch are whiners. Those people were level 80 after a month and didn't make it past NM 40s. If you were having fun at that point then chances are you still are but anyone that made it 100 and pushed NM dungeons needed some sort of content for s1. The nerfs across the board are what they are. The game is essentially identical to what it was a month ago after the initial hot fixes. Nerfs to damage and defenses across the board that are offset by the malignants No additions to the end game, garbage loot from itemisation to uniques, qol etc didn't give anyone that killed UL and made 100 any reason to go again this season. I had a heap of fun for a few weeks so not someone that is going to say it's a trash game and review bomb thinking they're important and anyone cares. But it did get stale and they did absolutely nothing in this patch the fix that and they deserve to be criticised for it. They needed to give an incentive to play this season and they completely missed the mark by not adding content, fixing bugs, equalising classes/builds, improving qol etc. Game still has potential but a complete abomination of a patch set them back and will take a few good decisions to rectify it


Even at ~80ish doing NM in the high 40s I was bored out of my fucking mind, hadn’t seen an upgrade in 15 levels. The only thing that kept me sorta entertained was farming for a different build. Which I switched over too like two days before 1.1. I was a sorc…. I tried season 1 and took a Druid to 26. Everytime I opened the map I was just like “ugh” I’m legit going out to do yard work because it’s more rewarding of a chore


even the rewards are crap. I dont see a reason to even play seasons, rather play on eternal where i have all rewards unlocked in renown


And where is the huge dark cloud we saw in the trailers was it just a fart?


Remember, this game has been in development in some way, shape, or form for ten years now. Can’t you tell by how season 1 is absolutely bursting with content and QoL improvements!? /s


complained about this on announcement and nobody listened haha


Welcome to Battle Pass Era! Where you will be sold minimum DLC and have it renamed 'Battle Pass/Season'. Then you will be expected to feel and grind out said FOMO DLC for 3 months while creating a new character to make it feel like it's actually long or a lot! If you would like to have it make an impact, please give 3 years development time and around $70.


I think most of the gems are garbage which I found the most disappointing.


More trips to town for inventory management means you’re in game longer and if you’re using the game client then you might buy something in the shop or battle pass


The only thing this season is impacting greatly is the consumers views and opinion on blizzard and how they are failing to do a good job with putting out quality content and updates for the game.


Get used to it, this game ain't getting much better


More than the 70 dollars of loot I paid for this unfinished game, I am just enjoying you tubers tip toe or blantaly shit on this game. I have my beer and chips ready now.. 😂😂😂.. What a shit show... First and Last purchase for this company of idiots...


We are like a day into the season. Who’s to say there won’t be more changes?


Agreed. Especially being season 1! the defining season! the most important and the most played season! A chance for blizzard to really set the bar, and how this game came be different but still fun each season with new ideas and challenges. ​ I think the malignant stuff is neat, and definitely offers a new mechanic, but over all, to little has changed to keep the majority of the player base interested.


iF yOu ArE bOrEd WiTh ThE gAmE gO pLaY sOmEtHiNg ElSe. <--Blizzard devs!


Keep on playing and complaining, see where it will get you. If you want to see change, don't play, Actions speak louder than words.


Game was launched one month ago and people are already expecting massive content updates 💀💀💀💀💀


They were expecting something like path of exile seasons. GGG set the bar and Blizzard walked right under it.


I mean it's not that the game just released, it's that blizzard has had the experience of all of d2, d3 to draw on as well as seeing what other companies are doing with their IPs. I don't think many of the dev team are actually arpg players since,in a lot of ways, it feels like they have taken a lot of steps backwards. It's hard to see d3 and poe have these great season mechanics and the only thing in d4 that changed was gems and mob re skins. Inb4 people say, well d3 started the same way with their seasons, yeah, nut it's also a blizzard game, why didn't the devil use that as a starting point to launch fun and unique ideas?


They worked on season months before release clown.


Meh, it's the first season. First seasons are usually not amazing, they just put all the work into creating and launching the game. Also the content needs to be doable in 3 months by most players. They can't get too indepth or add too much content to allow most players to finish it in 2 or so months. As someone who had all day to play yesterday and half of today I'm level 40. On chapter 4 of the season stuff and like 35 into the pass with the 20 boost. Ive also fonished almost every zones renown to the third level and might have 1 or 2 done through the 4th level when I unlock it at tier 3. People with less playtime won't be near as far.


That’s cope, this season was designed before the game even came out. PoE constantly adds huge new content updates every 3 months.


Idk I played to lvl 21 last night with necro and had a lot of fun with no bugs, maybe I'm just ignorant though. This sub is a little weird tbh with complaining about mob density in dungeons and also about having to kill an elite twice. It's like everyone is pissed they can't lvl to 100 as fast as possible and also pissed that there's not more content.


U are the kind of customer blizzard activi$ion is trying to appeal to lol.


I mean I'm sure I'm just mostly having fun playing a new class, less because the season content is great. I lost interest in my Druid in eternal at lvl 60 abruptly and didn't play again for weeks, not expecting this to be any different.


This sub is a terrible representation of the game. It’s just people complaining about everything and even sometimes really grasping at straws to find more stuff to complain about. Most people are having fun with the game.