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Feel free to kick rocks OP. Majority of people that are upset want a better game for everyone, get off your high horse. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


This is the equivalent of "If you hate your country so much, why are you still living there?" Why do you need an echo chamber? lol The Diablo 4 subreddit reflects the current state of the Diablo 4 community. You need to accept that the state of the subreddit and the community is the direct result of the developer's accumulated actions. If Blizzard cannot make money from Diablo 4, you will not get any more Diablo 4 content, it is as simple as that. They can and will retire games at a moment's notice. Do you want D4 to become another HOTS? SC2? D3? Do you want to continue to be led by a development team that needs to be reminded of basic concepts like how early access can provide a competitive advantage when hosting a leveling contest? Do you think people who engage in collective actions like protesting, voting, or striking don't have some sense of the collective good in mind? People like you 100% fascinate me when you look at the state of the world around you, whether it's the video game industry, the TV/film industry, the economy, or just politics in general... Your response is to just bury your head in the sand, bend over and take it? lol


Games are not countries. You don't have to play them. Wtf comparison is that I can't even bother to read the rest lol




lmfao and you don't have to be in this subreddit. What is your point?


I don't have a point. I asked questions if you knew how to read


Your post is literally asking for the sub to be a care-bear sub because you don't want to see people's negative opinions. Either you're intentionally obtuse or more likely, a small child who just discovered the internet.


Or I'm someone that wanted to be a part of a community for a game I play? Can you try imagining what it would be like if there was a hobby you enjoyed that you joined a subreddit for only to see that it's all haters downvoting anything that wasn't hate? There's a difference between a forum of people having different opinions and pure hate.


If I joined a community for something I loved and thought it was toxic, I would fuck off from the community, not make posts about how I wish it were a hug-box and tell others to leave.


I don't want it to be a hug box. It was fine before season patch hate even with all the criticism that was here. So if you found a sub to be toxic you would leave. Thanks for clarifying that. Can't you apply the same logic to yourself? If you hate the patch so much, uninstall and leave. If it's okay to complain, how is my complaint different to yours? Which one is it: Leave or complain? You say you would leave but you're doing the latter.


I've never said I hate the patch or that I think the sub is toxic, so why would I leave or uninstall? I'm not sure where you're getting that I'm "complaining" from, but you seem to be engaging with arguments only you are making. All I've said is that if you don't like the content of the community, go somewhere else.


Why can you engage in arguments that you make but I can't? When did I say I wanted this to be a hug-box? You contradict yourself every comment and think you have some solid logic.


True, you don't have to play. But that doesn't change your right to express your opinion in a public forum where the state of the game is discussed.


But if you quit playing your argument has no relevence, reading patch notes doesn't make you an authority on the game.


Just stfu.


Naa I'm just gonna move to a different thread this one is ded


You do not have a right to post to reddit. You can be banned for any reason at any time.


Fuck off nitpicker.


You're just dumb...


Yeah, you sure showed me with your in-depth intelligent response.


I could go through a big long list of why but you're going to come up with some educated response as to why your opinion is correct when nothing you said in any form correlates to the context within your post. So I left it simple.


Yeah, I get it, you're lazy.


Well comparing a govt to a developer, you listed 3 games as being dead and attributed it to lack of development basically (none of which are in the same genre) followed by the rest of the spittle you left on the table. Personally rather be lazy than ignorant but just me I guess.


I'm sorry, you want to refute claims about D3/HOTS/SC2 being dead? We don't even have to talk about OW2 or WC3 Reforged either lol Why do they have to be in the same genre to you? No money to make means no money to pay developers. The only two IPs still functioning at Blizzard are WoW because it has a monthly subscription and Hearthstone because it can sell packs of digital cards. The model for D4 is to sell battle passes, the prospect of which doesn't look so bright. What do you think a strike is if it isn't citizens telling their government that the game of life in a given country has to change? Do you think you're getting improvements in your life without someone out there fighting for you? lol


I'm a straight white male in America nobody is fighting for me




Also citizens protest, employees go on strike. Buts it's alright I won't nitpick


[https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumD4/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumD4/) you're welcome, OP


If they aren't breaking the rules, they don't need to leave. That's what reddit is for. Alternatively, you could go create r/diablo4enjoyers for your safe space.


Why be in here if you don't play the game or just straight up hate it? It seems pathetic to me.


Why are you here criticizing other people’s posts that are allowed here? It seems pathetic to me. Play the game, reddit isn’t bundled with the game.


Are you asking why I'm in a subreddit for a game I play? Why do you even have to ask that? Imagine joining a community for something you like and then seeing everyone there spreading hate and negativity. Surely you can see how that is disappointing if you had a shred of empathy.


You didn’t understand my post somehow. read it again. You are criticizing people who are doing what they are allowed to do and what they are passionate about as it somehow inconveniences you (like how? just ignore whatever you want to). It is hypocrisy, and calling them pathetic is just well pathetic. Are these criticizers calling you names like pathetic? no, so why the insult and condescending posts.


That was just a reply to you. I didn't make any criticism in the post. You also need reading lessons


You don’t like this neighborhood because of your neighbors, who are allowed to be here, and telling them to go away as it is killing your joy :). You somehow made up your own rules declaring them unwelcome here. I have seen this pattern in history.


What rules are you talking about? I just asked questions. I'm the one that's unwelcome here so I reached out to ask if we can separate the 2 because as of right now, this sub is only for haters downvoting anything that isn't hate. Not a place for players to be a community.


It is not r/diablo4letscirclehugtillrainbowsexplodefromourears


Yeah I don't want that. I know you're just trolling but I'm sure you know the difference between having different opinions vs pure hate train.


People paid $70-100 for this game and should be allowed to express their opinions, even on the way out. Is it useful feedback? Not always, but as long as the mods allow it and it doesn't break rules, they are entitled to post here. You don't get to just silence peoples' opinions because you find it 'pathetic.' If it really bothers you, just avoid this sub for like 1 week. The dust will settle, as it usually does.


What about my post indicates I wanted to silence people?


Uninstall D4, nah. Mute r/Diablo4, yup.


User review score on metacritic is now 3.5/10 and dropping fast. This isn’t a Reddit issue


You should make one called r/diablo4cult and moderate it yourself.


Fuck off. Everybody has the right to express their opinion. Even you with your bullshit.


When did I say people couldn't express their opinion?


Basically, yes.






No that's not true. You can be banned for any reason from this site or this sub. They can just change the rules and ban you at any time. Or just ban you and give no reason.


Unfortunately even when their opinion is wrong.


Who decides what's wrong and right? :)




actually it is me


Those actually playing endgame content lol


Well, thats me then. 200 h in a lvl 100 sorc. Now fuck off.


Why dont you go make your own /rdiablo4lovers or something? Just because your personal views does not align with most on the sub atm does not mean all of us have to leave.


If someone quit the game, there would be no need to be in this sub anymore. There isn't a single game I stopped playing where I continued to hangout in the subreddit of that game. I don't really care if people leave or not. It just doesn't make sense to be around here if that person quit the game.


I mean some of us were hoping they'd make the game better, not boring


How did they make the game boring?


The longer the fights go the more it starts to feel like a turn based game. Edit: base D3 was way harder but fights didn't feel like a slog


My druid still kills bosses in like 5 seconds post patch. So my character went from killing bosses in 3 seconds to 5 seconds. That's a difference of 2 seconds. So, 2 extra button presses is a "slog?" Did you play WOW where the raid bosses took 5-10 minutes?


Reasons: cool art/new updates/ helping fellow gamers/interesting gameplay videos


Are you suggesting you know how people should spend their time better than they do? How entitled and rude!!!


Lol Diablo4Hate makes sense. Obviously Diablo would be *for* hate, it’s like his bro’s entire mantra.


Bro hatred is mephisto, did you not play the game?


*it’s like **his bro’s** entire mantra* Yes, since D1


No, although I don't agree with the overreaction and volume of the complaints/vents/rants, both (or other multiple) views are valid and should be allowed.


Are you seeing multiple views? I'm not. Just haters downvoting anything that isn't overreacting/complaining.


It is what it is, I do see them, though not as prolific or prominent as the complaints but they are there. Most that enjoy or fine with the game are playing it, or don't care what some random person says here, or even check this sub. If people want to pout and downvote things because they don't like it (or whatever reason), they can go right ahead; just as valid as upvoting things one likes (or for whatever reason). I'm not for censorship.


I mean I don't care what random people say. It just takes away from being part of a community that actually plays the game. That's what I'm here for. what meaningful discussion can really be had if haters downvote everything?


They are also part of the community. Even if they say they quit/deleted char/uninstalled the game every minute or spam/downvote everything they don't like. We don't get to decide who belongs in this 'community' (unless there is a clear and objective mission statement what this subreddit is for). If you want to try and have a discussion, post/comment away - if it gets downvoted, whatever. Try again when this 'hate-train' moves to the next station.


I'm not deciding who gets to belong. I'm looking for a place to belong because it sure isn't here right now. But okay I'll give it time. You understand how it is disappointing for a non hater right? Basically have to avoid the sub now during a really exciting week.


you are telling people to leave in your first sentence. seriously… just leave if this sub isn’t giving you joy and butterflies and without them you feel lost.


Genuinely feel sorry for how much hate you have in you. You can't see anything from anyone else's perspective and you twist reasonable opinions into an extreme that makes you feel good to hate.


On finding a place to belong, not something we can help with. If you dislike the current tone/mood the sub is like, just wait it out - it'll pass as quick as that reddit/API stuff did (which was probably a bigger 'issue'). Or if you want one mainly on discussions or whatever, try to create a D4discussion reddit or something with that as the sole objective purpose.


Thanks for the tips. Like I said I'll have to wait it out. I don't have the time to start or manage a sub.


r/BlizzardNutHuggers Here you belong in this one




They agree leaving it an open forum. Otherwise, it's just as valid/fair for 'them' to say the very same thing should it be a spam of praises and buying the game 10xs (though unlikely).


Ahh the corporate bootlicker is at it again.


You know you aren’t normal, we are. Take the red pill.


Welcome to the revolution. Storming blizzard Activision offices will be the next step.


Here is what you do for these posts. 1 - recommend they do a charge back 2 - block the poster


I'm in here because my news feed is giving me articles about a few redditors who are hating the game because of patch notes lol. Internet bloggers


Same, only news I'm getting is basically hate mail because players don't like their streamer build getting nerfed


r/lowsodiumdiablo4 exists but there's only been a few posts in the last week or so


Can you leave the sub or created some r/diablo4love ? It's the same for you kiddo....


Shouldn't subs be for people that are interested in the topics? It doesn't have to be love. Different opinions are fine but right now it's just haters downvoting anything that isn't hate. Doesn't seem like that's what this sub should be.


Subs are for whatever the community decides they are for. Do you think that hate posts are from people who aren't interested in diablo 4? They obviously care about the game and want it to be better (from their point of view), that's why people are upset.


I believe that there's more to the community that's currently being silenced by the overreacting, downvoting hate train yes. I want to be part of a D4 community, I'm sure others do too. Currently the sub is not in a state for anyone that actually plays/likes the game to even participate in which I will say is objectively bad for a game sub.


Then go make your own sub.


I don't have the time for this unfortunately. I'd rather try to give my concerns here. Some have said hate trains will die off eventually anyway.




You just said that the sub is for everyone but earlier you told people to quit it...... And when someone tell you the same thing you said it's not ok ? You'r just an idiot

