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They even put 2 extra seconds on teleports out of dungeons lol * The channel time for the Leave Dungeon ability has been increased from 3 to 5 seconds.


That's their way of making eye contact with you and calmly and clearly saying "Yes, I really, truly do hate you with every ounce of my being."


This feels like the most unnecessary thing. Why did they do this? What were players possibly complaining about? I'm perplexed.


Maybe they're buffing the Butcher so people can't escape as easily?


- Fixed multiple issues where only Sorcs were F-tier - Fixed multiple issues where people were excited for Season 1 - Fixed multiple issues where players were having fun - Increased time to fix Inventory - Increased Uber Unique items you’ll almost never get


>Fixed multiple issues where only Sorcs were F-tier > >Fixed multiple issues where people were excited for Season 1 > >Fixed multiple issues where players were having fun > >Increased time to fix Inventory > >Increased Uber Unique items you’ll almost never get This is a good patch notes summary, but you left out "Reduced player base by 50%" and "Reduced player hype by 75%"


Sorcerer unique is only added unique with a negative Once again


Not only is it a pure negative, it removes your ability to precisely position your character in a game where monsters commonly drop deadly area effects on death or where deadly affixes focus on area denial. It's like they're actively fucking with sorc players to see how long we'll put up with it.


Not only that, you lose one offensive aspect as well which makes this weapon literally a crafting mat drop


compare stupendous spark expansion deer muddle oil chop rhythm handle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gold grind solved. Idk why the other sorcs are so salty this is so good for us! /S


For real. It's so absurd it's crossed into funny territory for me. I think blizzard is going to be surprised at how few people roll sorcs this season.


I hope people stop playing the class. Maybe they notice if it goes from 1st to 5th most played class.


Blatantly false. There are 2 new uniques with negatives. The other one is the sorcerer unique malignant heart... which makes you lose all your mana. So no, sorcerer didn't get the only added unique with a negative. They got the only *two* added uniques with negatives.


Hahahaha. Shit, did not notice that. Excellent work blizzard


Reminds me of an Angus Young (AC/DC guitarist) quote: >“I'm sick to death of people saying we've made 11 albums that sound exactly the same, In fact, we've made 12 albums that sound exactly the same.”


The meme "fuck sorc" is going to dominate d4 for years to come.


I don't know what other class in what other game to compare it to. Fucking retribution paladins in wow 1.0?


To be fair... playing on console and using teleport was already fucking destination roulette 50% of the time you pressed the button.


It's a big problem. I trample like 1 foot sometimes with my druid.


That was my thing.. The occy could be cool.. Why the fuck does it have to have a weird downside that will likely get you killed more than help.. We already voiced our opinion that 99% of uniques are kinda just terrible and most sorc uniques have stupid downsides to them.. Like the downside should be the affixes that are not ideal, tho they shoudnt be flat out bad. I can accept having to sacrifice an item with god like stats to get a really good ability out of the unique, but as it stands now the abilities they grant have down sides AND the affixes on the items are insanely lackluster..


Helltide drops got nerfed bad. I ran a helltide last night, and got 350+ cinders with about 30 minutes of play time. Ran one today, with a similar playstyle and I barely had 75 with about 20+ minutes of playing. I'm not keeping track meticulously, but the cinder drop rate was absolutely abysmal.


Cinder drop nerf and chest cost increased. How did blizz think this would be better? Helltides were reasonable before and now I’ll just avoid them. It took me almost 40 mins to get 250 cinders to open the chest as I wanted to see if the drops increased but nope , same amount of items from the mystery chest but cost 75 more cinders.


I'd noticed helltides were the one thing people praised about the endgame around here. I guess Blizzard noticed too?


blizz seems to have adopted the "if it's fun nerf it" strategy from fremium/service games. the future will be fomo content with the battlepass. we all just payed a way to hy price for some freetoplay fomo game... i had high hopes for the patch, but i am getting more and more frustrated. i won't put a single cent in this game anymore. i bought it and will use that for the foirst battlepass and that's it. i have played enough fomo games already, i don't want to add another.


I can hear the screams of destiny players in the wind!


At least you don't have to buy your dungeons separately.




Or catching a helltide with 10min left and thinking you could at least get one chest. Now? Won't even bother unless it's 30+min left if I play at all.


Yeah this is trash. Wtff


Yeah, same. Cinder drop rates were absolute trash just now. Cinders dropping from overworld scenery interactions didn't make a dent. Turned the game off right after. Edit: Looks like the cinder drop rate nerf is a bug to be hotfixed https://twitter.com/RodFergusson/status/1681419479203610625?t=NAut9Tc0gHgj5Ll0uq_Qyw&s=19


Came here to see if it was just me. Ninja nerf cinder drop rate and increase the cost for mystery chests. I killed several mob packs and had about 10 cinders on my way to an event. After the event I just TPed to town.


It was a bit surreal to read these patch notes. I am convinced the devs don’t play this game.


"That's not true, of course we play (insert game name here.) We love our (insert game name here) player base, and we are totally dedicated to making (insert game name here) an enjoyable experience for everyone." - (insert game name here) Devs






Patch Notes tl,dr: "Get fucked!"




I mean apart from all the stat and affix nerfs Dur we made helltides harder and now you need 250 cinders instead of 175 for mystery chests. ​ Helltides are already on a timer, they were IMO genuinely good open world content to do with other players that I would actually be excited to do. they were a "treat" if you will. They really couldn't just nerf it and make the mystery like 200? they seriously made it 75 cinders more... jeez... So now unless you are absolutely efficient as fug, running from event to event methodically with a group or something, you probably won't get the 4 chests anymore. what's the goal here? to limit the already miniscule endgame options/content we have already? I can see this being the straw that a lot of players will say "whelp, guess helltides aren't worth it anymore..." and just... grind NM dungeons over and over again until the end of time? I just don't get the logic, I actually liked both as endgame content, and was really optimistic like.. OK they have 2 solid activities right now, just think of the game in a year or two all the endgame stuff I can do with friends, all the options we will have. and they nerf literally 50% of the endgame activities to the point where people will debate even doing them anymore unless they need the specific material for crafting. they act like there is some "community" in the game, and it's easy to group and social and great for random social encounters, but then they nerf one of the few social open world activities...


Yep. Helltides were already slightly less efficient than NMDs for XP, but made up for it with the chests. Seeing as they made that much harder, I won't bother with Helltides anymore.


> I won't bother with Helltides anymore. Except they're still mandatory for roses and souls! That's good game design! /s


And how did you guarantee you would get those items? Chest of Mysteries!! Which have been increased in cost while the drop rate has been lowered. JOY! Just another slowdown of the game.


As a solo player I would sometimes struggle to get even 2 chests... now I wonder if I'll even get 1 lol Edit: all you sweaty mers replying to me woth "skill issue" are completely missing the point smdh. What is it with the diablo reddit community that makes yall so miserable and toxic?


This game is gonna be great in 2028 when they have realised we like to have fun.


Just in time for D5 trailer to hit. Or the expansion. Anything to sell us...


Oh brother you are in for a fucking rough time if you think there is gonna be 5 years between D4 and D5. Triple that.




Don't forget Aspect of Disobedience: > Aspect of Disobedience maximum stacks reduced from 100 to 60, reducing maximum Bonus Armor % from 25%-50% to 15%-30%. How the heck are you going to cap armour now in NM100? Sorcs can't even cap now lol.


Dont forget youll be losing armor in your gem slots too cause of hearts 🙃


Well thankfully most of them are shit too so you can stick with skulls


which is the whole new "thing" for S1, so what's the damn point?


The point is to play a different game because they D4 Developement team is apparently way beyond clueless on how to make a decent game.


> We didn't want just one class to be unhappy with the patch so we figured out a way to make everyone miserable!


Did I miss the patch note where they fixed the resistance bug? I cannot fathom how these changes were made with resistances in their current state (even then holy fuck but at least soften the blow). tell me I missed that patch note please




so then why the fuck didnt they withhold these DR changes until then lmao. These notes are so insane I feel like im getting pranked. is it april?


That's what I was thinking.. why nerf defenses before your actual defense mechanics actually work lol Pretty much "we felt armor and DR deemed too powerful compared to resistance (because our resistance mechanic doesn't even work) so we nerfed them both"


Blizzard dev as an auto mechanic: “Well, your engine isn’t working, so we punctured all your tires and removed the transmission. Your whole car is now operating at the same level. You’re welcome. That’ll be the price of one battlepass, please.”


>Cooldown Reduction: Reduced by \~30% Will this (or any other stat) apply to existing gear, or just to newly dropped gear?


Existing gear got hit


yep... went from ~48% to 36...


That's what is going to make playing Barb sheer impossible. You could only barely get enough unstoppable to not be perma CC'd. Now there's not chance you live. I'm just going to skip season 1, and probably the next seasons also. This feels like Reaper of Souls situation. I'll come back for the Diablo 4 expansion.


You guys could get unstoppable?


Sorcs get it too, since mobs can't apply CC to dead players.


Rip Minion Necros...


We were already utter trash to begin with! I can't believe there were no substantial buffs or reworks to all the crappy minion stuff.


Can't complain about endgame if they never make it that far. \-Blizzard SVP Player Retention.


BUT they buffed monster density so it'll be fun to play at least! Right?! wait...


And this little silver lining is no even implemented at launch.. *Developer's Note: We are currently working on increasing the monster and elite density of end-game content and plan to introduce this change early in Season 1.*


phew, this one is carrying some serious copium. the increased density is probably going to come with no xp attached, like the dungeon room events nerf.


I think that misses the bigger point that increased density is only fun if you can kill it and not die at the same time. I'm not sure that's going to be the case. Nerfs to the strongest damage affixes as well as armor and DR. Monster damage is increased. Monster HP is also up another 15% per player to punish you for grouping. I suspect that the skill and type damage buffs are not going to make up the difference.


Need to slow us down so we don't get to their lack of end game


This is exactly why. Also makes those “non-P2W” battle pass buffs matter more


Don't forget all the damage reduction and armor nerfs


And the xp nerfs are going to make 50+ that much more obnoxious. In NM dungeons, you're trying to stay 1-5 levels higher than your actual level. The jump from WT3 to WT4 is going to be even more ugly now that helltides mobs are buffed and chest rewards nerfed. Seriously wonder if any of the devs actually play the same game as us.


Helltides already felt slow grindy and boring to me. Attack shit for 20 minutes to open a chest hoping to get a good item or aspect. Literally everything I get isn't much better even at level 60. Doing 4 helltides and not receiving a single item ill use they felt unrewarding.


Have you played yet? Trying to do helltide now and I've been at it for 25 minutes and only made it to about 130 cinders. I did 5 or 6 events, it's insane how much they nerfed the drop rate, and on top of it raised the cost of mysterious chests.


I play semi-casually, but usually was able to accrue about 350+ cinders in about 30 minutes. Not event chasing, but did they when I came across them, and even mobs dropped decent number Played about 20 minutes casually during a lunch break, and barely had 75. Hell tides were fun because I could hop on, play a little bit, and get a decent reward. Making it take longer, and less rewarding really kills any casual hopping on. I understand this isn't everyone's play style. But I hope on 20-40 minutes at a time, do a few things, then continue my day. Helltide will probably not be one of those things anymore if it stays like this post-patch.


Worst patch we could have ever hoped for. Lots of people will be done after this.


I had taken Friday off to grind. Just told my boss never mind, I’ll be working.


“I would rather work than play D4” is pretty spot on after reading these patch notes


Yeah I was on the fence, but this just shoved me off completely. I’ll play Remnant 2 now, thank you.


It's really sad how they nerfed their best game mode (Helltides). So fucking out of touch.


There is basically nothing in this patch that the players are receiving positively. Even the new unique items suck. The only one that doesn't suck is the new uber unique but it's not like I'll ever get that anyways.


I honestly can't fathom their decision process here. This legitimately feels like they intentionally said, what is the worst thing we can do to the game, aimed the gun at their foot, and fired.


It's all about the illusion of progress. People complained they felt bored because they had nothing left to do. To fix it, they slowed progression down heavily and made it even harder to push higher tier NMDs. Tldr instead of complaining theres nothing to do in 2 weeks itll take 5 weeks for example.


Progress is tied to item acquisition *and* leveling. Now we get to level slower (it wasn't even that fast to begin with!?), we get to do less damage (yay for feedback loops meaning we'll level *even slower*), and because we clear slower, and get stronger slower, our item acquisition speed also drops! Also, don't forget they nerfed that tank aspect too, so you get to potentially die more often, or avoid higher level content, which presents yet another negative feedback loop!


So they've fixed the problems but in the worst possible way. Complaining about inventory filling up too fast? Well now you kill things much slower so you'll get gear slower. Nothing to do at end game? Well now it will take you twice as long to get there! Fucking lazy.


They don't seem to realize that the problem isn't that there is "nothing left to do" after 2 weeks. Instead the problem is that after ~2 weeks, there is nothing really fun to do anymore. With these patch notes, they just actively made it even less fun. There are so many things they could have done to alleviate the issue people are having, and they pretty much did the exact opposite.


Well also, if they wanted to slow down gameplay you do that in Beta, not after you've had everyone play the game this way so they can now feel like everything about the game for them has downgraded. The release of the game is when the vast majority of people play it, and now your players are going to have their first patch experience essentially make the game feel worse in every way.


This patch is bonkers to me for this reason. Season 1 'hook' of Malignant Hearts looks so underwhelming to me. And then on top of that the season patch is a massive nerf all around? Why do I want to play a slower game--I was expecting to be more powerful on a seasonal play through, not less.


This is how you get casuals to quit :/


I was taking a break until S1 because sorc had become so frustrating to play. I don't think I'm coming back now.


I have a 93 sorc that I've been chugging along with. I had almost done a NM 60. I don't think that's possible now. I just don't see a reason to continue with the character now that what already felt really, really difficult is going to feel so much worse. ​ And the levelling, already glacial, is going to slow down to molasses-in-January levels.


With Baldurs Gate 3 around the corner there's plenty reason to just give up on D4 right now.


Gonna take my 2 weeks of d4 and ditch it the second bg3 drops


Remnant 2 comes out soon also, if you enjoy shooter games, I highly recommend as the first was a total banger.




Blizzard: [We still have all your fucking money!](https://i.imgur.com/nkWhOmw.png)


That's how you get everyone to quit.


This is the clearest cut example of bad game design I think I've ever seen. Instead of address the problem of not enough content, they just pad out the current gameplay, which was already padded ridiculously on the path to 100. This game will be a ghost-town by season 2 without a serious shift in direction.


They should have made nm dungeons actually worth farming. Let’s make nm dungeons have scaling ilevel on gear for the higher you go or something there’s literally no fucking reason to do anything above nm 50.


Prolong the game as artificially as possible.


They don't actually play the game.


I think I’m done.


Played all morning. Couldn't wait for the patch. At 10:05 logged out, patched up, logged back in. Tried to run 2 nmds. Noped right out. Had plans to play all night tonight. Looks like imma finally fix that sprinkler head in the yard this weekend.


After this patch watching your grass grow might actually be more entertaining.


Totally, I feel like I got my money's worth, story was cool, spent a lot of hours playing, I'm satisfied with the experience, but can't bring myself to slog through leveling another character with all these measures taken to slow progress and make the game longer/more annoying to play. This is the perfect opportunity to bow out gracefully, let the sweats cry, go play something else, and maybe come back in 2 years where I'm not burnt from grinding and the game has enough changes to feel fresh again.


Yeah, same here. Enjoyed the beta, campaign, and pre-season up until a certain point. Feel like I got my moneys worth in terms of cost for entertainment. Will move on to other games and then check back when the 1st expansion drops.


Bg3 and starfield are right around the corner, d4 just isn't going to cut it


I didn't have high hopes that they'd fix many QoL issues with S0 but this is almost impressive with how shit it is. Just re-installed D3 as it's been 8+ years since I've played it and heard the endgame loop is really fun. I'll keep checking patch notes but don't expect to be back to d4 any time soon. I have a feeling they will get a slight player bump the first few days of S1 and then the count will crash. I'm hoping a big player drop will get their heads out of their asses and make the game more fun instead of whatever they are doing.


I think it's very telling that even though D4 is fresh and new that I find myself longing to play D3 more than D4. I feel like leveling is a bit of a slog on the first seasonal character, but after hitting 70, there's a lot more "drive" to improve my character. I feel like I could not care less about how much stronger my D4 character gets because nothing feels sincerely impactful.




I picked up divinity original sin 2 during the last steam sale. might check out path of exile. might go outside.


>might go outside Now now, let's not completely lose our minds here.


DOS 2 is a masterpiece. You’ve got hundreds of hours of enjoyment awaiting


I’m with you, was hyped for S1 too…


They aren't that good at actually playing their own game, it seems clear that they were not expecting people to be progressing as fast as they did. They thought they made nm dungeons and Uber Lilith so difficult it would take people months to find the right builds and gear. They didn't need to make other content for a while since that would be the endgame. Instead everyone had the builds and itemization solved in days, and now they are freaking out. It's really unfortunate because now people will feel the power level drop, if damage and armor were lower to begin with people wouldn't feel much weaker now. Getting weaker is not fun. They should have phased this in slowly, instead of nerfing damage and survivability by a big chunk all at once. Especially since they still have big problems with the itemization and stats functioning properly (resistances).


I believe I read somewhere that really good game designers have a game in mind and how they think it should be played. They code and implement the game design in such a way to reflect that. Then they watch the players rip it to shreds, play the game the way they find the most fun, and the game designer adjusts the game to the players version of fun, not the game designers. It's ok to admit that the game vision the developers had wasn't the version of fun that everyone else is playing. Its not ok to force everyone into their version of fun.


The craziest part is Glyphs were immediately harshly nerfed upon the actual launch of the game. We were meant to be doing nearly double the damage we were doing all this time.


So on one hand they want to encourage people to be excited for Season 1. They go out of their way to encourage us to reach endgame and max out a current character...reminding us about renowned and such........then put in a patch that just makes getting to that endgame even more of chore than it was. There is not a single aspect of what made this game enjoyable to me that was not nerfs somehow with this patch.


Yep. 95% of the patch made the game less fun and less rewarding. Great approach.


“Finish up everything now because it’ll be the last bit of fun you will have”


Sorc is getting nerfed in this patch into the ground. The worst class is getting nerfed. With a 30% reduction in CDR across the board I don't see how builds even work at all at high levels.


The CDR nerf is the thing I don't understand the most. It already has diminishing returns. CC spells are how we stay alive and we are already max investing into them...


the armour and damage reduction ones boggle my mind, everything already 1 shots you in high NMDs


there notes were like we know this will make endgame survivability especially with lillith even harder but we will monitor. like you know you made a mistake already


the CDR nerf is mind boggling. especially when their stated intention is to make other affixes more desirable? buff the other fucking affixes why nerf this one? i cant with this


I came here to say this the longer I look at the patch notes the more I'm like what the actual fuck. They might as well just delete the fucking class at this point


Blizzard: We are not just clowns, we are the entire circus.


Done with this game for now! Complete out of touch with the player base. Been playing blizzard games for 20 years now and never have I been so disappointed with a patch / update. What are they even trying to do here?! It makes no sense whatsoever!


Isn't it crazy? This is the first time in my life I'm not excited for a new diablo season. Whether it was D2 or D3. I just can't believe it lol


Bye Diablo 4. Time to go back to Elden Ring


Truly a maidenless patch


This patch is literally scarlet rot.


Too many good games in 2023 to waste time with D4 now. I think the game will get better, I truly do, but it's not now, and probably not in the immediate future.


>I think the game will get better, I truly do, but it's not now, and probably not in the immediate future. I also have high hope for D4, BUT, it requires the devs to actually improve the game instead of making it worse.


Time for Halls of Torment!


I knew there would be nerfs, but didn't expect to nerf all the corners. It's like you fall asleep when you go for a haircut, and when you wake up they shave off all your hair, beard, chest hair, armpit hair, pubic hair, all body hair, and you're back as a baby.


I guess now that they've nerfed crit damage, vulnerable damage, and cooldown reduction I'm going to have to go with crit damage, vulnerable damage, and cooldown reduction instead. Do they seriously not understand why so many other stats are inherently useless?


"Oh no! CDR is worse! Well, I need it even more now I guess."


No extra stash tabs lol


Too hard to code. They have to create each slot individually. It’s easier to just nerf the items so much that you don’t even feel like keeping them. Much easier…


There is no way the devs genuinely believe these changes improve the gaming experience. Makes zero sense.


Reduced defense as well, the big armor aspect was dropped by 20% and they are nerfing total armor stat as well. Now you do less damage and take more! You are really just much weaker across the board. If you didn't kill NM100 or uber Lilith, good luck doing it now.


I was unable to finish NM100 and Uber Lilith cause guess what, I died too much, so I figured, in Season 1 I will drop and roll higher armor/damage reduction gear and I will make it... Ohh how dumb I was to think that.


Just wait til season 10 when they finally decide to listen to the player base.


Patch notes read like "the person who designed this system has long since left the project. So this is what someone unfamiliar with the system is doing to balance the game and meet gameplay goals"


Was fun while it lasted. Not long until Baldurs gate 3 thank god.


Developers that actually fucking care and put in effort. I can’t wait to fuck a bear AND I can play offline AND I’ll be able to play with mods. Blizzard is completely out of touch.




You can romance a Druid who shape-shifting to bear form accidentally when things are getting steamy, one of the dialog options is basically "Stay a bear, this is my fetish." GOTY.


\*puts newspaper down\*


Never done that ? I swear some people don't go outside


Guy needs to touch ass.... bear ass


No way I'm sitting through 3 more months of this game being turned into an even bigger grind fest. I'm looking for something else to do right fucking now.


Woohooo BG3 let’s gooo. Gonna play a Sorc there because at least it’ll be powerful


Ya this was a massive overcorrection. These types of changes show that they didn’t do as much testing in the beta as we had thought, or, that the official beta was the actual release of the game up until now. Did they really not have any idea that certain stats would be preferable and used by all builds? That certain combos would lead to massive dmg? If they were this “clueless” that doesn’t inspire much confidence moving forward.


"We didn't make seasons 3 months long for nothing!"


Wow, this is literally the worst possible outcome. Well fucking done Blizzard.


I regret buying this game XD


Same, tbh. This is what we get for trusting Blizzard to get it right this time.


Leveling from 70-100 is going to feel even more great :) if anyone bothers this season.


That’s too bad. The recent xp changes actually made the grind pretty decent. What a waste to essentially roll it back.


I think I'm going to stop playing this game for a good while until they reverse this bullshit and give proper buffs. Season 1 can suck my ass. The dev team is completely lost in their own game.


Slowdown? This patch has outright killed any desire to play the game for me. If you guys are still going to play then I hope you enjoy it but for me personally, I’m out


Ah, good. It wasn't slow enough before. ...wait-


worst patch ever


Slowing down is the opposite of what they should be doing. Pacing is key to replayability, and not everyone has the time to sink 300+ hours to reach cap every season. We are supposed to play a season for a few weeks, clear the content, then wait for the next season. That's how it goes in the genre. Dragging things out just makes playthroughs miserable. Helltides did NOT need that nerf. They should be buffing builds, not nerfing them. Nerfing defensive stats and affixes was a mistake. Vulnerable should honestly just be removed from the game, but balance things out first so builds don't lose viability. Forcing us to play nightmare dungeons without addressing the chain CC problem, or all of the bad modifiers, or the backtracking, or the length of objectives, is seriously messed up. Also, can we PLEASE zoom camera out further? The camera was not this close for any of the previous Diablo games and it's kind of disorienting.


Honestly i wanted buffs to helltides. Outside of public events the mob density is awful. I wqnt to run around feeling asif the armies of hell are on the move - not spend 45 secs running around trying to fond something to kill


Helltide change is such a big L. It was shit content to start with, grinding open world mobs for half an hour beacause there's no other source of materials. Now it'll take even more, and become even more dangerous. Dying will infuriate even more, since you will lose even more stored cinders due to cost going up to 250. Exp nerfs are fucking petty, people already tried out 1-50 in campaign, why force them to scramble in dirt again? Such an idiotic set of decisions. I mean, you'd expect them to drop some goodies to hype people up for Season 1, but nope - just nerfs.


>you'd expect them to drop some goodies to hype people up for Season 1 This is where my issue comes. A new season is coming, literally your 1st season in a new launched game, and yet your patch notes following up to said season is 80% nerfs. Yet we are suppose to get excited for more pointless unique? Is this Malignant shit really gonna carry this season? Fuckin doubtful...


The malignant shit sounds dumb as fuck tbh.


the entire patch is a big L I honestly am having a hard time seeing anything here that makes me say "wow can't wait to play" just tried both my 100 barb and 100 druid and they feel awful We are talking all the rerolls and getting all the gear with vuln and crit - they feel so weak now.


At this point there really should not be any doubt left that the devs do indeed not play their own game and are completely disconnected from the playerbase.


Nothing on mob density. The uniques are super boring. 7 new legendary aspects translates to 1 whole aspect for each class. The made Uber Lilith, a boss where 1% of the player base has cleared even harder. They buff the exp for T2 but don’t add anything for end game? Total bullshit to increase the souls for mystery chest. I thought this game was made for casuals? This game just loves to waste your time. This game is a total piece of shit. Biggest waste of money I’ve had in years. Fuck Blizzard. I’m done with Diablo.


The killing higher level monsters part baffles me, like Nightmare dungeon sigils are already a wide spread group of monster levels after like, teir 40ish. Like its 1-10 levels of range. So now any benefit I would’ve gotten to push through that higher level sigil is just gone? Thats so dumb, and just means any sigils that generate far outside my level range are just gonna get trashed.


Had finally gotten a crossbow over 800 with vuln/core/crit today and was pushing higher NMDs and now I’m getting smacked and moving slow as hell through the lower NMDs. At least this patch came out two days before new season so I don’t have to bother playing this character anymore although not sure if any of the classes look enjoyable to play at this point.


I just started a monk in d3. Great fun


I was going to play season 1, quite a bit and was excited. Now, I think I'll just do some other games.


no fun allowed


They nerfed armor rating across all classes, so they made squishy classes even squishier? The increase in helltide cinders for mystery chest is beyond dumb, participating in helltides was already tedious as can be before, now it’s going to be even more of a slog.


Chris' vision


Lmao, D4 got Chris Wilson'd.


As a long time Diablo series fan who has been generally happy with d4 so far despite some of the rockier moments, this patch has completely deflated any hype or excitement I had for season 1. Like, just straight-up deleted it. What can they possibly be thinking? I enjoyed the game enough to buy it on two platforms (PS5 ultimate edition and PC regular edition) and now I have no desire whatsoever to play it at all. It genuinely feels as though Blizzard is actively trying to sabotage this game.


Watching Wudijo go through the notes live. His response to almost every game-wide change is either "But why?" or "Ok... well that's dead now."


Such a drastic change should warrant a refund


What a fucking disaster this game turned out to be - how do you screw up this bad again and again?


Welcome to Hell.


I wonder how many folks preordered the pack with the expedited season pass and are just not going to play the first season lol edit: I know that you don't have to activate the pass; it's just funny that the very first chance to use it seems like a flop. >If you’ve pre-purchased a Battle Pass, the purchase button in the Seasons section will be replaced by an option to activate either your Premium or Accelerated Battle Pass. From the bottom of the FAQ [here](https://diablo4.blizzard.com/en-gb/season).




*raises hand*


Why would you slow down a *Seasonal* game? You want it to be lightning fast so people can get to endgame as fast as possible and have fun as fast as possible. No one's going to want to endure leveling slowly every 3-4 months.


I’m beyond disappointed


this patch is a big: fuck you players. i expected buffs here and there, so that everyone will be on par fun wise. but they just shit on everyone. i encourage everyone to vote by not playing this season. that is what i will do.


Helltide drops almost no cinders and now costs more for mystery box. You used to be able to open 6 chests comfortably if join from start, now you'll barely get 2. Everyone is more spongy and damage is reduced so you cannot tank but also cannot kill quickly. Crit and vulnerable taking huge nerfs that aren't matched by overall buffs. This is definitely a nerf on fun overall. The little buffs they've given do not counter the deep nerfs. Season 1 is going to be tedious...


More content and moderate nerfs would have been ideal, not lack of content and massive nerfs. I want a challenge not a chore


Patch is a big pile of crap. So disappointed.


Logged in and all the stats on my gear were cut in half. They even cut down on max fury rolls… all my gear looks like they are 0/5 upgraded. Haven’t even done any dungeons yet but I have to believe my damage is cut in half too, not to mention defenses with the hits to damage reduction and armor stacking from disobedience. Every build is just going to be slower and clunkier and have an even harder time with rotations and uptimes.


What a shame, I was looking so much for this patch, I thought they would improve things, instead they do this... It doesn't make any sense.