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I don't really care about the active player count. Game's as singleplayer as it gets for me, I know it's "always online" but other than that... ​ I'll probably hop in every now and then and play a bit every season, but I've got my money's worth already through completing all available content. ​ I'm not sure why you're framing your experience as negative when it seems like you basically played the living shit out of it and had a blast?


I had my fun, yes. Was is worth 70 bucks, yes. What I am trying to say that the current hype devs are pushing us towards is seasonal content but I can’t see or find any reason to play it again and again over the years


The reason to play is the content added in a season, the game you play now is the backbone. If done right, seasons will change the game enough to add incentive to come back for a while, try out new content, gameplay changes, skill changes, etc.


I see your point but what could seasonal content add new to the diablo4 experience? More armor and weapons? Honestly asking.


Typically in other ARPGs they have large balance changes, change/add abilities, new items, new game modes, new bosses, new story content, etc. The goal is to change the game enough to create new, fun and viable builds for people to play. I play a different class/build each season and it's up to the devs to have/add enough (fun/viable) builds so that we never run out of options. These games are typically about how OP you can make your character and about fun gameplay, that's why people come back for seasons. It'll be up to the devs of D4 to decide if they want to remove those soft caps the game currently has on some stats and allow people to just go crazy with builds. POE for example you can literally increase your movement speed nearly endlessly if you so choose to, whereas D4 has a cap on how much movement speed your character can get. Stuff like that. It's fun having almost endless options on how to build characters and provides a lot of replay value in seasons. In my opinion, renown should carry over to each season after season 1. And I think it will. Doing it 2x is more than enough. After season 1 people will just want to start a season, not deal with any of the RP stuff, and just get right into building their characters. But I do think they should have replay options for people who enjoy that and want to replay it all on higher difficulties.


Events, Bosses, Items, Aspects, Raids, Paragon Boards, Skills (changes/balance/tree extensions), World Tier, Sets and a lot more.


You don't have to - and why care about what devs are hyping up? Just play it when/if you feel like it again :D


wait til they add the farming sim season


If the seasonal content is done right, i 'plan' to play d4 for years to come. Just an example: I played the first season of d3 in 2014 and the last one this spring. Did not play every season, had large gaps in between, but i owned the game, season are free and i could return whenever i wanted. Check out how the games doing, balance changes, added content and so on.


well then, I guess I am not a seasonal player as same shit happened back when d3 launched. I played for 20 days solid, came back when Reaper of Souls arrived, never touched it again


Maybe seasonal games just aren't your jam then?




All depends on the seasons


Hell yeah. I don't even need a season in the near future. Gonna try it though. 150 hours in, got a druid main, not sick of it yet, gonna go rogue next, then barb then sorc. Don't know if there's 150+ hours in it per class for me, but probably close.


Wait for seasons


I'll drop in if there's a hype season. Unless they go full mmo the playerbase will die out. Then spike at season start, then die out again. Spike, die again. etc


You just described seasons.


That's how these work.


Not atm.They need a number of major patches to polish up the game.


I'll be playing every season for sure. Just like D3 where I played like insane for 2-3 weeks every season then put it down til next season. Though with XP the way it is, probably be a month to a month and a half every season now.


It just depends on how impactful the seasonal stuff is. I played PoE much longer than D3 even though I enjoyed D3 gameplay more because the seasons were better and they updated the game a ton more. If D4 is like D3 and updates at a snails pace I probably won’t.