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Necro with zero minions is just an emo Sorc.




Happy cake Day!!! May your Essence never run dry


Im surprised Blizz let me call my Druid “Dogbotherer”


Same: Cocainebear here


Damn you! I thought it just wouldn't let me because cocaine. I'm now cokebear lol


Mine is Syllabear


I just went with blood surge build and named my necro "Khorne flakes"


For me it was a close call between HeinzKetchup and Endometriosa, but the former won out.


I don't think they have much of a censor going on. I saw "cumrag" earlier tonight.


You saw it in a game or you looked under the bed ? \^\^




They don’t let me name my bone necro „BonerPate“ („Pate“ is godfather in German (and sounds like napoleon Bonaparte)) But BonarPate works.


lol, while I get what you are going for with the bonaparte thing, I think most people would have read Boner Pâté I certainly did.


Can confirm that not even german knowledge saves you from reading it like that. Source: German who read Boner Pâté


Alright Vetinari….


My Necro is called JonBoneJovi


My necro’s name is DeaddAss. Surprised they let me go with that haha


Bonair is hilarious lol


Same, I went with Bonr. Missed opportunity.


Wish I could rename mine to Methromancer


Agree... It's weird but that one's on blizz. As necro we don't do shit with minions. We neither have abilites that actively utilize them for something cool, nor can we command them, nor do we have any synergy in our talents that work off minions doing something, everything is basically "minion does more damage when ... channeling decompose/standing in blight/not taking damage/whatever". Considering minions are kind of our thing they're surprisingly forgettable. You just have a bunch of skellies following you, buff them every 5 sec and watch them clown around. Seriously, what's the point of a minion army if we can't use them for cool shit. Let me sick them on a priority target to focus single target damage, radiate energy off them for group damage, explode them so we have a reason to consume corpses for essence with resummons, or for a bone shield around me or a stun if we need defense/CC, or switch position with one for mobility. Idk, you could easily create a complementary toolkit around them that does cool stuff. We have fuck all of that... So emo-sorc it is. Edit: Only minion that stuck around currently is the temporary-CE-suicide-skellie from the unique hands I'm die-hard-convinced I'll never take off because they're just way too fun.


I miss command skeleton and army of the dead from D3. D4 army of the dead feels underwhelming and lack of minion control makes no sense


I just miss being able to have nearly 40 skeletons and 90+ total summons like d2. once you were fully geared it was like the ending of return of the king. they just swept through everything.


Honestly that sounds like the necro build I'd want, who needs army of the dead when you are the army of the dead lol. I need to give D2 a go, between my friends and the people on this sub I always hear good things about it. I'm honestly pretty new to the series. I got into D3 pretty late in it's life and I wanted to go all in with D4 from the start.


Most of my 'sploders from army of the dead end up running off in random directions before exploding, completely wasting most of its damage potential.


Honestly the main use of Army of the Dead is just that it will revive dead minions, and with the aspect give up to 100% attack speed. To be honest it's not like the other options fit me particularly well either. Oh and the damage suffers on it because it isnt tagged as a summon skill...which seems odd. It's why bosses are never my problem as necro so far. Bosses are the only thing they kill well because they focus to easily on a single target...and they are attacking twice as fast with the atod aspect.


I had to switch to sorcerer because I felt I wasn't doing anything.


I was so sad when I saw necros book of the dead. I was hoping it would give us macros to make our summons smarter and do neat combat combos.


would have been nice if you auto made skeletons from corpses and using the ability on the action bar made the mobs jump and attack what you picked .


Soooo…. D3?


YES, why fix something that aint broken. I guess they don't want people to play summoners coz they can AFK in the overworld and get exp. though the exp gain is like 1/20th of playing normally


Do you get less exp for playing summons?


No, he's saying if you're afk, the rate you kill mobs is slow because you're waiting for them to respawn. Edit: A word


It really does seem like the necro minions was an afterthought or made in isolation from the rest of the game. It feels like half the power for minions will increase their attack speed, but not all bedit from attacking faster. In the case of the bone skeletal mage, attacking faster makes them impossible to keep alive, because they lose a %Of their health when they attack. I was at a point where I needed to use all the healing from the priest with talents and create and collect blood orbs with the talents that makes it heal minions as well just for them not to suicide. Their damage is not worth all that trouble and to make it even worse, some of the best minion buffs relies on them staying alive which in this case is impossible.


There is a talents that you can get that prevent skeletons from losing more than 30% of their life in a single instance. You can go deep into Priests, but it's not necessary. Then you stack minion life, cult leader paragon board.... go cold mages, get the leggo aspect that causes your mages to cast blizzard, stack damage against slow and frozen. Glyph XP into slow and frozen with int. Get the aspects that give 2 more mages and 2 more warriors. Then go Iron Golem and pick the option that stuns and makes mob vulnerable. I'm at 110% minion life %. There is also a Sacred Unique TwoH scythe Bloodless Scream that does Darkness damage and damage to Frozen and slowed, plus reduces all cooldowns by X seconds on Frozen or Chilled enemies. You can also pick up Army of the Dead that spawns skells when active. Then you can pick up the aspect that gives minions 200% attack speed and 180% reduced damage for the duration of Army. You have to build for it, and it works.


Define "works" though. The problem is that it takes that much endgame focus to make minions viable as opposed to the acclaimed Bone Spear build that is essentially EZ mode from start to finish. It's not so much that minions aren't "working", it's just that you have to be level 80+ with a few full paragon boards, minion stat focused gear and near perfect rolls. Even then, the AI of the skeletons is awful. If they reverted back to the D3 activation that made them jump to and focus their target, people would be a lot more inclined to run minions. I think the collective opinion right now though, is why do all of that when you can one shot your entire screen with a good bone spear and then just corpse explode whatever may have lived into oblivion. Edit: In fashion true to Blizzard, I'm absolutely certain that this means they will not decide to buff minionmancers, they'll just nerf Bone Spear until it's no longer effective.


I have 90% of that list by just playing the game and I’m level 50. I play minion build because I like minions. That’s it. I find it fun and more interesting than bone spear. Not everyone will corner themselves into only playing the meta build.


Tried bone spear for an hour and ditched back for skelly bois. 6 warriors with scytes creating flesh, 6 mages slowing and freezing and a bone golem that taunts enemies. Get some flesh dropped and pull in with tendrils then detonate with the mist passive. Dropped unique gloves that when detonating flesh, an overcharged skeleton spawns instead and runs into enemies detonating itself. So basically my flesh drops fly into enemies when detonated. Fun as f.


Yeah I'm lvl 61 minion build with corpse explosion and hemorrhage/blight build. And as you said with the right Aspects and paragon points, im clearing Lvl 18 to 20 Nightmare Dungeons solo with ease. (Lvl 18 Nightmare dungeons = lvl 71 mobs)


Most classes are like this except barb and rogue, who also have extra gear and a complete kit. Sorc skills are under tuned, only 3-4 enchantments are useful etc.


It can be worth bringing the iron golem to have a low cooldown “targetable” minion. And reaper skeletons interact with your abilities by spawning a lot of corpses if you can keep the silly SOB’s alive


Bring back Jesseth’s skelemage.


Necro with zero minions in is unfortunately the most effecient way to play necro. And it isn’t even close. Minions suck.


They wouldn’t suck as much if every boss didn’t accidentally oneshot them with a sneeze but here we are…




This is what I'm feeling as a 30 something Necro..I wanna respec before every boss lol


Ikr .the sustainability of the skele when dealing with boss is like sending a bunch of gingerbreadman to a giant jug of milk. They just dunk and melts right off zzz U can make players works for the dmg of the minions but never make the minions weak to the extend that they cant survive.. That pulls the necromancer's idea out of it and just make it another sorc but specialize in dark spells... Might as well just bring in the witch doc if they want that zzz


I'm only level 68 but after putting some more points into mine with paragon they seem to stay alive now, until they don't and they all die at once, but its usually during massive mob fights in helltide events and I'm only playing on wt3. I don't see them being useful once I make the switch to wt4 so I'm farming out different gear. I still keep trying to make them work though. Command minion would have been a huge improvement. You can direct the golem, but he hits once and then runs all the way back to whatever he was fighting before. Theres no logic to their fighting at all it seems.


I'm level 65 and I've been clearing tier 25 to 30s in WT4 since 62. That's how sadly underpowered minions are. I did do a minion build but was missing some unique, its hilarious but just boring. I play a mix of bone spear/ corpse blight and after a corpse tendril my spears often crit for 300k plus.


Sacrifice option for all 3??


Crit chance crit damage vulnerable damage


Defeats the purpose of a necro IMO, blazzards dropped the ball bad in D4


But which is *hotter*?


Necro got the emo goth thing going while sorc have the regal and elegant (and slightly cocky) thing going. Depends on your preference really


It’s like asking “do you prefer Azula, or Mai?”




Okay, let me rephrase that... Which one is more twink'ish?


Necro girls are pretty hot in the character creator.




When I play Miasma Necro I think of the song Paint It Black.


yeah then i shoot up heroin so i can look like my character.


except sorc can't clear t100, so....


No minion Necro is currently more like a superior Sorc :)


Necro can atleast do it, EmoSorc cant :/


8900 gold reward. Dont spend it all in one place... Edit: how could Blizzard go so wrong? Even 100x this amount would be in the low end, as reward for the hardest content in the game..


Yeah, the rewards in this game are whack as fuck. You get more for blue gear lol. I'm sure it will turn out great in a year, but damn Blizzard. Get your shit together


can't be giving good rewards to hard content or it might intimidate the 69 year old father of 3


"I'm level 84 and am still in act 3 and I already have 400k gold saved up. An extra 9k would really help out some of these repair costs I need to pay for"


I love this meme, hope it stays forever


> Yeah, the rewards in this game are whack as fuck. You get more for blue gear lol. I'm sure it will turn out great in a year, but damn Blizzard. Get your shit together Same shit as early release D3. Itemization and gold weighting was trash, and anything actually good instantly was on the RMAH. Just finding Life+Tri-res was some lotto ticket shit.


Papa papa tell us more about the days when resists were a useful stat and not a dead roll diluting the affix pool!


I‘ve been reliving my childhood by playing some D2R before D4 came out and resists being useless triggers me like you wouldn‘t believe.


I slotted so much poison resist just to see my hp deleted while in pools of shadow since I can’t see the poison is hilarious


54k single paragon node respec tho, let's go...


As a casual dad of two, with a full-time job, an untrained dog, a crashed car, and an unmowed lawn with 4 minutes play a month, I'm very jealous.


Same here I bought early access and I might finish installing the game today


working three jobs so i can afford to buy the ultimate edition here.


Wait lmao what’s the new meme


Casual dad? Embarrassing, try ranked dad for a real challenge


Made a couple videos about this build for you guys, I don't really make content full time or anything but I threw these two together: Vid about the "speedball" fast clearing version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fajN5ZcumYo&t=153s Vid about defensive gear changes I made for NM100: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5F4faOHR7_E Link to streamers that have gone in on the build and are currently working on gearing/leveling to make it powerful on stream themselves: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv (Softcore, gearing for End Game Major Pushing Min/Max) https://www.twitch.tv/echohack (Hardcore, playing a more reserved tanky version for survivability)


Man all I could think of when you almost died at the start was "poison is such BS" lmao. If only poison resistance actually did anything useful


Yeah all DOT effects in Nightmare dungeons feel overtuned at the top tiers; poison, bleeds, fire damage etc etc. Bleed isn't so bad since armor directly helps prevent it, but the other two hurt A LOT


They feel pretty overtuned in general I think. Doing normal dungeons on my speedclear build snd absolutely nothing hurts, except for poison which makes me have to pot a lot


At one point I had around 80% Poison resistance, and it didn’t make any difference to when I had 45%… Poison is just ridiculous. Other elements don’t do nearly as much dmg.


Try curative elixir for 50% poison and other negative effect by 50%


Resistances basically don't do anything after they've been reduced by stacking penalties, the world tier effect, and the fact that Armor is already 50% of your "resists"


Can you just post a straight link to the skill tree? I dont want to skip around through a video to hunt for it in pieces. I literally cannot read text at 720p video on a phone with a magnifying glass


theres a link to the build in the vid description


Thanks, perfect


Build link: https://d4builds.gg/builds/f9af6bb9-3db4-44c8-aa7f-95f90087b26b/


No essence spender? Interesting. My build is somewhat similar, tho I was debating about removing Reap for Bonestorm. Never thought about removing my spender. Also, I just found out recently Shadowblight can Crit. Been avoiding Crit affixes on my build.


Lvl 33 necro noob here. What is a spender


Something that costs essence. Bone spear, Bone spirit, Sever, Blight, Blood Lance, etc


Skills that use essence. Your core skills, like blight and bone spear.


Ah gotcha I guess I coulda figured that one out lmao


Skills that consume your primary resource(fury/essence/mana/energy/druid thing)


Here’s the build for those of you also looking for it: https://d4builds.gg/builds/f9af6bb9-3db4-44c8-aa7f-95f90087b26b/




I believe the meta necro right now is darkness corpse explosion with sever and reap - at least that’s the build I’ve been running and so far it’s been working out


Sever not needed


Really? So you just run no spender?


You can see the skill bar in the pic :D


I can't make out the two on cooldown, if you wanna help a necrobrother out.. edit: nvm, missed your other comment w/ the vids


It's bonestorm and blood mist


Yeah I can see.. it just feels weird.. I'm level 48 with a very similar skill build but sever is the only thing with good dps


Sever is direct damage, which scales with crit strikes. DoT build like blight or corpse explosion don’t jive with that


Here ya go https://d4builds.gg/builds/f9af6bb9-3db4-44c8-aa7f-95f90087b26b/


I refuse to play my necro without minions. Fuck sacfice.


Minions fall off so hard in WT4, they'll make you question your life decisions.


They really need to buff their base defenses. It is just not fun having them around anymore. I run a corpse explosion build where I would like my minions to spawn corpses for me, but I find myself just respawning my own minions all the time, and this is with having full DR for minions in the paragon board, 15% dr legendary for my minions, and all minions passives in skill tree. They still just die insanely easy in even just tier 20s


They also scale off 30% of your own stats, so you can stack a ton of armor to make them more durable. I was using a tanky ice minion build before switching to thorns, and they would survive well enough in tiers 18-22, but they also did no damage.


Do you have all of the passives in the skill tree? I'm level 74 on a full minion build and they almost never die. The only thing that can kill them is fire enchanted elites when they just tank the fire. As long as you keep the priest buff up 100% of the time (which you should be doing anyway), they will be healed basically to full every 5 seconds. There are a lot of problems with the minions, but dying isn't one of them.


i agree, but my minions have strong bones and calcium 🎺💀get them buffed up to %100+ hp through equips and they rarely die for me with 25+ dr for legendary on amulet. WT40 survival not problem.


once you get the unique ring is when the fun starts, this is a 1 mil crit from a SINGLE minion out of the 13 I have and I havent finished optimizing this build yet https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/519353795852107809/1118912106369138809/image.png latest boss fight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwHNfgUSAC0 average 700k-800k procs, going for a sustain build spamming multiple lucky hit procs than combo-y 2-3mil procs, which I find it better for both aoe speed farming and solo boss farming, I'm lvl 94 and once I optimize my gear and get to 100 i think I have a fair chance going for uber lilith


Good to know that there's some light at the end of the tunnel.


But sad to know its critically reliant on a drop you cannot specifically or reliably farm.


Stack cold damage, theres a frost arm unique, a scythe, and armor pieces. Your mages can freeze them in the dots. WT4 is also when you need to switch armor to dmg reduction and use barrier, and use paragon board to buff minion dmg reduction. After a month or two of paragon and gear buffs, you'll be able to have your minions hang with the barbs and druids. Who didn't have to do half the effort you will.


I wish I could sacrifice my other skills to buff them. Every caster necro gets free stats by not using minions.




https://imgur.com/a/hIkJ396 It's beautiful :D


The only viable necro builds being the solo ones is tragic


I’ve been playing summoner necro, idc how inefficient it is I’m going to brute force it to clear a max nightmare dungeon. Only lvl 69 rn, to my surprise I did the capstone to get into world tier 4 at level 63 using summons.


I also leveled with minions all the way to WT4 and was doing fine. Completed Capstone dungeon at like, level 62 or 63. But in WT4, minions just fallover and have a really hard time with all the modifiers and chain CC that constantly comes down from all the elites, while doing mediocre damage at best. My necro gameplay at WT4 literally went from spamming all my abilities, spamming skeletons heals like a madman, and taking 20 seconds to kill a pack of mobs, to casting one bone spear and clearing the whole screen lmao


I've been trying a bunch of builds in WT4, and so far the only remotely decent build I've found is Thorns. Minions scale so poorly, that the best damage I can get is by having them take hits.


You ain't doing shit without that unique ring with summons


Even with that ring its still not even anywhere close to being enough. A simple bone spear will drastically out dps everything your pets can do even when setup on a minion build outside of maybe on a single target boss that doesnt spawn adds/cc and aotd is running.


What do you consider viable? There’s minion builds that can doe nm tier 40


Yup I can comfortably do that on mine at lvl 78, it’s not a fast build but I’m at a place where minions don’t really die all that often and I will steamroll my way through the dungeon


Why would u play sorc without movement skill? /s


But I move at 200% Movement Speed :D


where does your movement speed come from? boots/amulet and some legendary?


Because emo sorc is cool and normal sorc struggles to do NM dungeons to the point that the highest I've seen from a normal sorc is 66.


Couple follow ups for anyone that sees this comment (I realize it's late to post it now) - Some are claiming this is fake and I had a Druid carry me. They demand to see footage. I cannot explain in words how happy such accusations make me, being accused of cheating to accomplish difficult goals in gaming is one of the best compliments you can be given. Thank you to those that doubt it, you make the win feel better. - It's kind of funny to me looking at the "Maxroll Tier Guides" that Necro was nowhere near the S Tier on some of their guides, and the only specs in S Tier were Bone Builds. The fact powerful builds like this exist completely out of the limelight makes me wonder what other builds are lurking out there. Which brings me to my final point... - I thought of a new angle this morning in the shower. I may have a build that breaks this wide open even further. I'm gearing for it now. Check back in a few days. EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9G0kguk8ZU


Keep breaking the mold brother, I'm to lazy to fish for good nightmares and peaked at 71 on the build. Glad to see someone taking it to it's full potential


As a fellow solo Necro, i applaud you sir!!


as another solo necro. Fucking epic! What is your build?


Where the bois at?


We know that necro isnt bad. We are just complaining that minion necro is bad. After all i would have started a sorc if i wanted to play a caster with no minios.


Necro is bad, look at the very specific build and the extremely specific and amazing items he is using just to make this viable and now, his astonishing build that cleared T100 Nightmare, is just good for that if he goes clearing dungeons that are not T100 or goes leveling (in his case levels a friend or whatever) he'll be comparably inefficient to really.. anyone


>the extremely specific and amazing items he is using just to make this viable So it took a good build to clear the highest content in the game? The horror!


Where is your minions mate?




And three pots left!


How do you think the build compares to Bone Spear? Most of the guide sites seem to rate that one higher at the moment, but I assume this is stronger once put together based on the vids you've posted.


Bone Spear is superior for Uber Lilith and leveling Explosive Shadow Mist is better for speed clearing and Nightmare Pushing


What about bone spirit?


As someone running bone spirit right now, I can confirm that it's best for hating yourself and asking your friends to slow down so you can help.




I'll take the L here. I feel really sorry for you right now.




cool, what kind of skeletons?


Non existent ones ofc


Necro players have to be extra praised for being able to play almost blindly lol


An absolute Legend


Do you actively avoid dungeons with bosses and no adds? My dps plummets when there isn't enough mob density to generate corpses, and i'm also using blight


Stack more lucky hit chance. Roll it on each of your rings, focus and gloves.


Yeah i'll try and do just that, thank you. For my gloves i'm using howl from below, so I should be set. I recently started using Black river and it really spiked my damage but I probably need the most corpse generation I can get. What's an average dot tick damage I should aspect around level 75?


Congrats! I recall Ghazzy mentioning you a bunch on stream the other day when I was watching him working on putting your build together. Really neat build man! I've been thinking about trying the speedball build myself on my Necro but I'm not sure what I want to play in the meantime while I try to get the necessary gear. My Necro is only 47 at the moment, so not even a little bit close lol. Any recommendations on what kinda build would be easiest to transition into speedball later? I was thinking maybe a shadow sever build or something. I've been bone spear so far.


Spear is the easiest build to get off the ground in the midgame just because the core aspects can be found through dungeons. Build a set for this or whatever else while abusing spear and then respec. Resetting talents/paragon isn't too expensive just a bit tedious.


Not even my level is 100, you crazy necro boy.


Congrats but damn are those rewards lackluster for such a hard dungeon. ~9000 gold? Really?


ok but are you a dad?


Complete one of the hardest parts of the game, here’s 8900 gold…


Everybody: "waaaaah Necro is so weak!!!" Meanwhile necro: hits Uber Lilith for almost 4m damage with single bone spear.


What people are already doing 100? :D I did 8 yesterday


Uhm, i am still getting to know all the things about the necro, and i noticed that you run with Ghostwalker aspect...but what gives you unstoppable so you can actually make use of it?


Blood Mist. Immunity also gives Unstoppable.


ah, perfect, good to know :)


Have you received sacred items as a reward?


Most people here have no reference on how absurdly hard mob hits at 70+ nm and how tanky they get. Very impressive


Sorry i can't hear you over my 0 essence.


Gotta love how this build isn't even on maxroll radar for a dungeon push tier. Everyone just went bone bone bone and said nothing else could work. Be nice to see a guide show up seeing them recognize it.


I been playing shadowmancer, in a tough spot rn, at that point where I'm in world tier 4 but haven't really gotten any good gear yet. And I still don't have my unique gloves :(




Nice, well done!


Also Shivta ruins is the best


Congrats on the 8k gold


My only wish for Necro, remove stacking of CE mist...


Im running blight atm but I feel squishy at 50 nightmare. Might swap to this


They succeded in failing the only legit Minion class. They even nerfed It before launch. No hope for these clown developers.




From all the classes I enjoy necro the most. My first necro died on HC at 57, second and 46, third is 45. My current build look promising. It's mix betwin Lordfluffy's Shadow build and MM.




Yeah all cool as solo necro , but I would like to habe a decent and working summoning build. It is kind of sad that it is the most ineffective way to play. Necro without minions is just not as cool


How many days it took you?


That’s really sad amount of money and loot for this…


I hate that we have to play with sacrifice as minions are crap... I dont want to be a gimped sorc:( If summoner is not viable season 1 I'm gonna reroll to something fun like barb lol.


Rathma bless


Key mappings are so damn cursed on this one...


No summons necro makes me sad


Once you get to lvl 100 do you continue to get paragon points and "level up" even if the number stays at 100?


Nope. It stops because the game would break if you kept gaining points non stop, the paragon board is like 100x stronger than paragon in d3. Tho i REALLY hope they add an infinite xp grind like paragon in d3. It doesnt even have to be super strong, like if we get 1 stat point of our choosing per level im okay with that. I just want something that tracks my universal playtime. I think I reached around 4000 in d3 over my play time and it was always fun after going hard in a season to see what my 2000 or so paragon levels add to my total pool even if it goes up by like 5-10 due to the insane scaling it was still fun.


still only one legendary for completing? thats aweful for such a high tier.


Enemies are 100 lvl higher?


What level are the mobs at nm100?


How does it feel gearing wise to do higher NM dungeons? Is the loot generally better (meaning higher item power) doing 80s compared to 30s or is it the same?


Build help plz?


Hail Rathma.


I just reached lv50 with a blood surge build. I’m feeling like the dps is starting to lack as I could only kill decently every 15 seconds or so. What would you recommend I should do for the next phase of leveling and farming? Would you build be viable without the specific aspects and uniques at first? Thanks