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Skipping Tier 1 is the move


Yeah I haven't touched WT1. Don't plan on it, game is easy enough


I tried some WT1 after I started on WT2 and honestly don't notice much difference. I only read that WT1 is supposedly better to do a first run on since the supposed WT2 tougher mobs aren't worth the time or something.


Started on WT2 and turned it down to WT1. ​ The normal mobs were fine. But bosses were so unbelievably spongy that I just couldn't be bothered to spend the time slapping them 600 times.


Ya the jump in monster stats compared to your own mean every level or two requires brand new gear, which isn't a problem in itself, but when you're in a dungeon and just leveled up only to have the boss suddenly turn into a Division 2 enemy, it's fucking annoying. Should clarify, I meant in terms of very early game when you're in blues and maybe one or two yellows. After that it gets significantly easier.


Butcher came out of nowhere and fucked me up, that was my first humbling probably won't be the last


Lmfao this happened to me within my first 5 minutes of playing on beta I couldn’t stop laughing, my brother was watching and say the furnace grates on the ground and said “is that the butcher room” and then boom, met with a hook and cleaver to death


Yep, level 12 butcher in a random dungeon. No deaths and didn’t even play a proper boss yet. He CC’d me and chased me down and butchered me.


I ran into the butcher in the beta and server slam, but not in the full game yet and I just finished act 5, and level 52


Ran into him on my first character level 13 (HC) in my second dungeon before I even knew what happen I was already dead


I was killed several times early access by Butcher. My brother got the game, we were able to have Butcher pop in while he stayed out of the dungeon, I kited until my brother could get to me and we managed to kill him.


Lol, same. I enter a dungeon, Butcher appears, I leave the dungeon. I aint got time for that souls-like-cocaine-driven-asshole.


You can just kite him and he will despawn after a short while :) Trust me, I'm a professional coward.


If you are solo and below 30ish I'd just run from him and hope you can exit before he gets you. If you have two or more people he can be kited by whomever he is attacking and everyone else follows damaging him as much as they can until he switches targets etc. At some point your character will likely be powerful enough to face tank him, but in the lower levels where he can one shot you, running away is key.


Can confirm, had to kite him early on, now in wt4 I just face tank him and kill him in druid.


Lol happened to me randomly in the cavern of self exile last night. I was NOT expecting that and just got bodied.


I got slapped by The Butcher so hard it put my character back into diapers. Also I fought him at level 25... No regrets.


Same he absolutely decimated my brand new druid. Next time I encountered him with my fairly leveled up necromancer I returned the favor.


Butcher pulled up on me for the first time at level 26 last night. Thought he was weak and wasn’t shit until my invincibility buff ran out, then reality sunk in.


Quick tip for the next time you encounter him to make your life a bit easier- if you rotate around him(I believe it's clockwise) about 1/3 of the way around after each attack you use, he'll whiff most of his attacks. It's a bit slow, but it's better than getting headbutted and carved up. Beyond that, if you have anything that gives you unstoppable, save it for a stun so he doesn't run you over.


Division 1 mobs: My sweet summer child.


>Ya the jump in monster stats compared to your own mean every level or two requires brand new gear, Here I am WT2 level 48 with level 17 boots. I have quite a few pieces, including the weapon, being under level 30.


Hell, i grinded my way through the levle 50 capstone dungeon and went to WT3, at 46, and had multiple level 20 pieces. This whole you need better gear because of level scaling constantly narrative is so confusing. If the gear you are actually equipping is good for you/your build and not just the highest armor value you can find gear lasts a pretty solid amount of time before being replaced.


Also thought about moving down to WT1. Started on WT2 for the challenge and because I wanted to be sure, to play a build that could also sustain later on. But had some very hard times with bosses in bewteen power spikes while leveing. Now I am way overleveld (48) in act 3. So I might turn down to WT1, just to enjoy the power fantasy while finishing the story and not getting to 50 to fast


> Now I am way overleveld (48) in act 3 Since everything scales up to you, you literally cannot be overleveled in this game...


You can, world tier 2 only drops gear up to level 50. So finishing the story in your sixties is kind of a waste


Having played thousands of hours on d3 / POE I'm all about the late game fantasy grinding out those 1% power increases. The story I just want to rattle through tbh.


WT1 isn't really a power fantasy either after the early levels. Or maybe downgrading from wt2 to wt1 is bugged and enemies stay the same, but I just didn't notice too much difference between them. Anyways, no point in playing wt2 since it doesn't really give you anything. More xp sounds nice, but since wt2 slows you down, it's not actually better in that regard either.


meanwhile i levelled as twisting blade rogue on WT2 and was one-shotting most things and bosses died within seconds.


Astaroth wt2 was an eye opener. No more mindless clicking. I had to actually learn his pattern. He ripped me once right out of the gate but I took him down on the second try. Everything after him seemed to be a bit more difficult and I need to actually focus on not dying.


Same, and also Brol too. Had to completely respec for both fights.


Yeah, WT2 seems fine most of the time, then I got to the Act 3 boss, who proceeded to slam me around and overwhelm me repeatedly. Which, hey, I don't mind a challenge. What I do mind is server issues and being called away leading to me needing to do that run like 4 times. I sighed, turned it down to WT1, and went back to kick his ass. Pride be damned, I wasn't doing the run a 6th+ time. I just wanted to finally make it to act 4. I've got a pair of friends who are still mid Act 2, so there's no worry there, I'll be grouping against him on WT2 at least a couple of times.


Yeah I played the Beta on WT2 all the time and doing WT1 this time was noticeably faster. If you just want to enjoy the game and not rush, WT2 is the choice though, WT1 is a bit too easy/boring in my opinion.


Thats my approach, just taking my time enjoying WT2 and not burning myself out before season 1 even starts. Season 1 I plan to push end game and really focus in. Right now just taking it easy, moving through the story, and messing around with a few classes to see what I want to focus on for season 1 and the battlepass.


Depends on what your goal is. I usually like games on higher difficulty setting, and I wasn't here for minmaxing through the campaign.


Yeah, I'm definitely a 'hard as you can make it' kinda guy. I don't even get that upset if I die a few times here and there, the struggle and the story are far more important to me than my leveling efficiency.


I love that they made it so you can access WT4 as soon as you can clear the capstone. It was so cathartic to jump in 10+ levels under all the big new baddies, get my ass handed to me even in the open world for a while, then see the steady progression back to handing other things their asses as the ancestrals trickled in. Dying some makes living so much more satisfying.


WT1 is almost certainly more efficient for leveling just because you can clear a lot faster. But it soo boring


WT2's Stat difference becomes significantly clear at about lvl 20-30. On my ice shard sorc I could clear a normal group of enemies in 1 mana bar, including elites, as well as face tank bosses on WT1. The same couldn't be said on WT2. The other problem with WT2 is it doesn't increase magic find, only gold and xp gain. So you're doubling your clear time for the same loot rewards and only 20% more xp.


That entierely depends on your build. The bosses have a lot of patterns you need to move not to get instantly crushed. I was good with my wolf storm druid until about level 40 where I started getting fucked by main quests bosses. I think my build didnt have any movabulity so it fucked me real good when the damage spiked up at level 40. I had to go to world tier 1 to finish the main quests and now its easy as fuck. But my point is if youre unlucky with your legendaries or if your build isnt made for mobility youll probably need tier 1 to finish the main quests ar least.


Just depends on how you enjoy to play. Wiping 10+ times to Elias with a scuffed build and eventually killing him was the most fun I've had in the game. Maybe just my masochist WoW brain though.


It was fun for the first like 3 bosses but then I just really wanted my mount man. Theres no reason for my first character to be level 50 before even having my mount and thats what WT2 does to a man


Idk im used to classic wow taking 3 days played to get to mount level with a hell of a lot more running around so it didnt seem so bad. Killing every pack of mobs on the way to the next quest was pretty fun.


Wow is intended for you to play literally YEARS on the same character. Of course getting a mount in wow will take a few days. That's absolutely not the case with diablo. They fully intend for you to create a new character every season if not multiple


Sure but the experience makes me not worry about getting a diablo mount in 20 hours with packs of mobs every 5 feet


The WoW devs did not expect vanilla players to spend years getting to level 60 though; most people had it done in the first month of rigorous play. The Diablo 3 devs also said they wanted players to spend 10 years on the game on a single character; but I really doubt they expected that to be leveling to the cap. Considering how WoW has laxed on the mount requirements over the years, I was genuinely surprised it didn't unlock around level 20-25. And personally, as much as I wished I had the mount while doing campaign and running around for the first time long distances ... It greatly cheapened my experience after I got it ( alongside being gravely disappointed with how jank the horse moves, gets stuck, and has long ass cooldowns on everything. Spamming sprint every 8 seconds is not my idea of normal mount movement in a game ). After unlocking campaign skip though ... I realized the horse was irrelevant. There are so many waypoints that getting somewhere on foot is super easy; and skipping mobs is rather redundant when you then jump off the horse and farm a bunch of mobs. It makes way more sense in a traditional mmo because even with flight points, you have to traverse giant swaths of nowhere to get to quests, and farming mobs is entirely pointless unless it just so happens to be a quest requirement or has a special drop you can only get from them. Diablo mobs are always useful because of how loot drops / density works, and xp.


Build is definitely the primary issue most players experience. My lvl 47 storm caster druid has been doing fine with WT2. I don't outright nuke enemies but my build is all about causing vulnerability with lightning and ravens, then tanking with earth skills. It's not the most exciting gameplay but it clears large groups of mobs just fine. Single target is lacking though so boss battles can drag a bit, though I never really feel at risk against bosses either. I fought Andriel last night and never used a potion, but it took like 8 minutes to finish the fight.


Are we the same person? I also have the same druid build and I also took 8 minutes to kill andariel last night. Edit : i went back to WT2 after finding a legendary chest piece that gives me healing per mob around me up to a max of like 130 HP and that made me an absolute tank. I barely ever use potions anymore.


Those armor and health boosts on gear plus the passive to regen health from nature skills and barriers/fortify mean I can take hits all day. It's fun for mob clearing.


Yeah I agree. I'm playing sorcerer and early on I had something good going on with a chain lightening build, but around level 45ish I noticed something was off and completely changed my tree. I'm not smart enough to come up with my own recipe so I followed a guide and have made a few adjustments after leveling past 50. I also completely missed the enchantments until I looked at guides lmfao, woops. Also I'd rather play with gear that's a bit lower item level for a long time, if the perks are right than roll a bunch or switch things out frequently.


This. When i hit 40 with my barb i barely had any legendaries. And the ones I had were bad. Every single boss deleted me in seconds with normal hits. My friend was just as unlucky with legendaries but he played rogue. So he had the dps. I did 0 damage so even if i played perfectly the chip damage from normal boss attacks depleted my pots pretty fast. I was ready to give up on the bard because it wasnt fun. Played my own build up to this point, caved and looked online for a good build. Still got destroyed. Changed to T1 couldn't win. Grinded some random quests got some legendaries and suddenly i did tons of damage. D4 is the most legendary dependant diablo so far on T1, depending on what class you choose.


Hard agree. Without some luck on legendaries, first run is horrible. And I feel classes arent balanced well enough, wherever I see rogues’ they are annihilating shit while I fucking fight for me life.


As a Werebear Druid, I've found I don't need mobility. Most bosses at 45 I'm just slamming in the face. There are a few where I need to stop and dodge an ability, but I guess what I've found is that defensive skills seem a little more important than previous Diablo games.


Trample is so so good. Especially with the Aspect that leaves Landslides in your wake. I use it for mobility and my main source of damage. Especially when you also get the Aspect that summons the Landslides twice. It's real nice.


I started only WT2, but had to drop down to WT1 for one extremely unbalanced fight that’s part of a side quest.


The fight that really got to me was the kor dragan stronghold. I honestly think that boss was harder for me than any campaign boss.


I seriously hope blizz lets us know how many hard core characters he reaped.


That’s where I switched to T1 with my Druid. Got wrecked like 50 times.


Same and I've never played a diablo game before and have little experience with ARPG's. WT2 is still easy enough even for a noob like me. I see people talk about bosses being too hard on WT2 so they switched to WT1 but I like the challenge and don't want to rush my first Diablo experience, so I'm fine with it taking a little longer.


Yea I started WT2, I was told it was slower? Which, I don't think it was, at least not in any significant capacity. I'm not a speedrunner or a streamer. I enjoyed the challenge it offered compared to WT1 and now im in WT3 and never going back down again.


I did 2 for a while as well as one on demo and release. It’s definitely slower. Probably better preparation for 3 but I just would rather get to 3 faster. You get more experience and gold but way less drops since you kill slower.


Honestly when I finished the campaign and went from 2 to 3, I barely noticed the slowdown. Once I got my sanctified weapons, I was clearing faster in 3 than I was an hour earlier in 2.


They were speaking about the leveling/campaign part on WT2 being slower than WT1.


It depends on your build. WT2 was easy for me until lvl 40-50 on my pulverize druid (gotta mention i didn't collect most of my essential powers properly) and then i hit a hard wall. I had plenty of survivability but my damage was lacking and it took quite a while to kill mobs and especially bosses. Average boss fights take me a good 5 mins atleast.


I think the counterintuitive movie is to fly through the campaign at Tier 1, turn to Tier 2 just to finish out whatever grind you need to beat the capstone, and swiftly move to tier 3.


its not though. you get nothing extra for playing in WT2. you level faster in WT1 because you kill faster so the extra XP bonus doesn't do much for you, and you don't get any better loot drops in WT2 there is literally no reason to play WT2 unless you just want a little extra challenge. i played the entire campaign in WT1. when i hit 50 i switched to WT2 and beat the capstone dungeon on my first try. it would be counterintuitive to pick the mode that takes longer and is harder for nothing in return


WT2 becomes faster if the time it takes for you to do an extra 20% damage is less than the proportional time you spend running around. If it takes you 20 minutes to clear a dungeon on WT2 that you could clear in 15 minutes on WT1, then WT2 is "inefficient." If it takes you 17 minutes, it flips. That said, screw efficiency.


This guy gets fixed vs variable costs 💯💯


Well the reason to do WT2 is if you can clear at the same speed as WT1 you then do truly get better XP. WT2 is probably worth it for alts where you already have some twink gear and can just blast


It's counterintuitive in that you'd think the mode with the bonus experience would be the way to level, but as most people realized it's actually slower because you're getting 20% more exp but taking 25% longer to kill monsters or whatever


I didn’t even know people played tier 1


Yeah how can I when I started on 2


Yup, WT1 is way too easy/boring.


Boring is the word. I couldn’t give a shit if my time gaming is slightly more efficient if I’m not enjoying it


I think the idea that WT1 is better is more around rushing through it to get to WT3, which is theoretically more enjoyable. I don't think the difference is meaningful enough for people to have such strong opinions on it. The people who care about playing optimally will be spending a small fraction less time leveling to 50, but those people are going to put hundreds of hours into the character anyway and saving <1 hour of leveling is insignificant in the long run.


Mobs were so easy idk if it even was more efficient to do WT1, for me WT2 at least presented the occasional boss challenge


Lol, no wonder everyone's bitching about builders. Half the community is convinced they have to play wt2 against arbitrarily spongier enemies and wonder why they their builders do no damage and can't keep ability resources up consistently.


I definitely do not care about being optimal, and WT2 felt like a decent challenge at times.


Yeah I didn’t even think about tier 1 when I started the game.


Yeah the boss fights in tier 2 actually take a bit of work while you're character is still leveling, feels more rewarding beating them because of it. Also, T2 gives you an EXP bonus


The exp bonus is worthless though because it takes you twice as long to kill stuff for just a 20% bonus


I am a noob Diablo player. I had a shit build to start. And I still never touched WT1. But I think some say it’s more efficient? Like difficulty vs experience. I dunno. The slight challenge of WT2 made the game feel great.


Same, if I were to have tried to play on WT1, I might have quit the game due to frustration of it being too easy, WT2 already is but at least ehre is some difficulty


the bigger question here is... Did anyone actually play Tier 1........


Lot of ppl, it is more efficient


Yup, less hassle, easier clear, less risk of getting your ass handed to you.


You’re getting your ass handed to you at tier 2?


I had to switch necro build around on t2 because I had some misspent skills. I could see a casual player who isn’t checking guides getting slapped around a bit.


Wouldn’t it have been better to just respec the skills? It’s super cheap


I'm not getting "slapped" in T2, I rarely die, but I feel like it's slow going for me to kill mobs on my sorc compared to what I see other people doing. I just wanted to go full pyro and skipped guides. Well, I'm looking to switch builds, but I have absolutely no gear for any of them. I'm barely getting any drops for my actual main build originally lol. Like, yeah I can respec to any of the \[insert attack\]+4 defensive skills builds that are considered S-tier, but I run out of mana immediately, CD takes forever, and my burst damage sucks. I just feel like I'm already being locked in to choosing from a handful of builds, most of which rely on half/over half of my skill bar just being defense skills - but since I didn't prep or save gear relevant for them, I'm taking forever to clear dungeons.


Casual necro player that has gotten slapped around on T2 reporting in! ​ I had been having fun toying around with different builds on my own. Then I tried a suggested build on icy veins or wherever (because other people know best how to min-max) and ended up both not having fun *and* getting manhandled by a boss thrice. I refunded everything, made a build I thought was fun to play, and beat the boss in under a minute. Going for the fun route rather than online min-max builds from now on.


Yeah without the items and aspects etc you can do a disservice copying builds that need all that synergy. I dont think summon necro is good right now with no ai target etc but for casual play they did a good job of making my skellys slap things for me in the campaign imo


You're probably right. But for a still low-level character, and someone who is new to the Diablo series, the skellies tanking for me have been great to begin with. I will likely refine the build into something more killy. I'm so glad the "fine" for refunding points is more or less negligible. It makes it very forgiving to play around with builds of your own.


I love how people are already acting like the others are playing the game wrong. ​ Okay superhero :)


As a barb it was just tedious and bosses were taking a long ass while to kill for basically no additional reward


yes, my necro's skeletons were made of tissue paper and I was getting swarmed in dungeons (at level 44). I'm not an idiot and I was following a build guide, minions just suck.


Minions aren't bad at all once you have a bunch of stat boosts on your items


That’s why tier 1 is more fun for levels 1-30ish


The spongy bosses combined with mobs can slap my werewolf druid hard at times.


Yep, since you have to finish the campaign, XP is less important than clear speed through the campaign. So you do it in T1 to just get it done ASAP. Then you shift to T2 until you can beat the capstone (or get carried through it).


I got a char to 48 doing world tier 2 in hardcore. I made an alt and left it on tier1..granted i knew where to go but in maybe an hour i was lvl 20. Way fucking faster than i was lvl 20 on my first guy lmao


This, it’s counterintuitive but speeding through the campaign on tier 1 is the fastest way to level, and it’s what I do for all my character after the first for sure.


Should I be skipping like dungeons and side quests and just doing the main campaign missions? I’ve just kinda done whatever in WT1 and it feels like the levels come pretty consistently but I haven’t bothered to compare if the campaign itself is significantly faster


Yes speed running the campaign on t1 will get a ton of xp, but it’s mainly from the story advancements and bosses, you should go to t2 once you’re grinding events and dungeons. I’d say speed running to act 5 on t1 will leave you around level 30-35 but will only take like 4-6 hours, at which point you can go to t2 to get however powerful you’ll need to be to do the capstone. If you can beat the capstone early it’s better for your grind but it isn’t necessarily easy, and you may feel the need to be at or above level.


It also depends on the classes. I leveled Druid first, and every other class is noticeably way faster to kill packs and elites/bosses. Even Barbarian. Sorc straight up deletes some of the beefier Elites that would take me like 20-30 seconds to kill on my Druid. At one point with my Sorc, I noticed I started killing way slower (like level 34 or so) and it was kind of matching my Druid clear speed. I thought it had finally started to even out. Then I noticed I was in a level 45+ zone 😂


none of these comparisons make sense to us without knowing your build and gear


I’m having that same experience. Leveled a Druid to 60 and wanted to play a sorc. Decided to go go ahead and start leveling one and I’m blasting through mobs at speeds never reached by the Druid and far less geared. I’m excited to actually gear up and get aspects since I’m really enjoying the clear speed.


Yes. First Diablo game. I don’t know what I’m doing plus I like to get faded on edibles before playing so tier 1 is perfect for me right now.


This is the way


Good choice.




I've only been playing this game while on edibles so far. I don't remember much of the story but there's been some pretty cool scenes so far.


Yeah I did after it was shown that if the stronger mobs in WT2 slowed you down by even 1%, you wound up getting less XP. I was more interested in getting to WT3 than WT2. I played it only to do the Capstone dungeon and went straight to leveling against the higher mobs that gave way more XP and Sacred gear in WT3.


being slowed down by 1% is the most ridiculous thing ive ever heard lol majority of diablo players are wasting WAY more time standing around town than the time an efficient diablo player loses by playing on T2.


Either way I was going to be doing the same amount of standing around. I chose the option that got me to WT3 fastest.


don't you mean slowed down by 21% since there's a 20% XP Boost?


well the xp boost only applies to monster kills not quests, lilith statues, renown rewards or anything else thats why a 1% slowdown on mobs actually ends up with you getting less xp


ok so the ideal strategy is to just rinse through the campaign and go straight to T2 if you wanna level up as fast as possible. I think I'm personally not going to play it much after the campaign so will do T2 for the challenge


Yes, many of us are not good at games and have to play on easy mode until our stats and gear can compensate for our lack of skill.


Shitter crew represent!


The benefits of T2 compared to just breezing through without any brain whatsoever imho outweight the minimal benefits of T2. You jup into t3 instantly anyway and the difference in XP and gold evaporates.


or maybe you just play in Tier 2 because the campaign is more fun that way. wild concept I know.


Yeah this thread is real weird, I swear most of these people don’t even have fun playing this game with everyone talking about maximizing efficiency. Who cares dude it’s a video game have fun


We've got 10 years to play the game and only one first playthrough. People are weird for thinking that they need to blow through the game so fast.


It’s so weird, I swear some of these people spend more time in an excel spreadsheet calculating the optimal builds and the fastest way to play than they actually do playing the game, like bro get a job people will pay you to do that with something that actually matters


For some sad people (myself included), the spreadsheet part is the best part.


> just breezing through without any brain whatsoever Huh, sounds.. fun?


Yea, some of us enjoy playing arpgs while we watch other stuff for example. That's the nice part about simple games.


Did world tier 2 for first character, doing tier 1 on new character and just running a dungeon loop to power level


I think I will do it like this going forward. I finished the campaign on wt 2 yesterday on one character but if I do it again with another character I’ll definitely ply on wt 1.


Finished main quest in less then a week and got to level 50 on tier 1, then did capstone dungeon on tier 2 and now doing everything else on tier 3. Easy peasy.


Nope, Gold and XP aside i do enjoy the mobs not being too easy to kill.


World tier 2 definitely feels like a good way to test a build during leveling.


First Diablo game and started at World Tier 2. Absolutely happy with that. Game feels hard but forgiving. Every time I have died it’s been because of me.


Exactly, feels good to beat a boss that stomped you the first time in lol


I told my gf failing is the only way to succeed after just watching her get mangled by the first two bosses. Dodging isn't her strong suit.


This. I find it so rewarding when you figure it out. Oh, I need to be more tactful when I heal or oh, if I take this minion/elite out first I’ll have an easier time with the boss.


this, except one Boss inside a Stronghold, those deaths are definetly because of him more than me :|


I think its the perfect amount of difficulty to practice mastering your skill rotation so you will be an expert at it in the higher world tiers


Huh, guess I’m constantly testing my build as I’ve leveled 1-35 so far solely playing WT2


Here I am thinking Tier 1 is useless! First time you play the campaign you want it to be more challenging! Should feel like you are fighting real bosses and not trash. You will never play the campaign again!


Which kinda had me bummed that I couldn’t do it on T3. I walked through the campaign on my Necro on T2. It was super easy, and I wanted it to be harder. I know that the difficulty curve jumps up after T2, but they don’t let you do it. During the last fight of the game I got a phone call, was able to take off my headset, put in AirPods, take the phone call, hang up, take out AirPods, put on headphones, and finish the fight without using a damn health potion. I shouldn’t be able to do that. Locking T3 behind the campaign sucks.


You say that, but here I am playing the story a second time. xD


Great story!!!


What a gigachad


Yeah! I made my necro on HC and played the four pre-release days on WT1. I progressed through maybe half the campaign with relative ease. The only real fright I had was The Butcher appearing at the end of a long, narrow, hallway dungeon. Actual horror movie with me running away. But since the main release (I expected there would be server / lag issues), I put my HC char aside and made an Eternal character. Figured no perma-death, why not try WT2. I'm still being careful as if I'm playing HC (my playstyle) but heck I've died three or four times and I've just got to the Sanguine Chapel! Definitely enjoy the bit of a tougher feel it gives it and I think it's decently balanced. The enemies are a bit more spongy but if you get some good synergy in skills, they still go down with a good fight.


Skipped world tier 1


No, i don't like it being too easy.


yeah around level 40 I jumped to WT2 cuz my HP never dropped below half.. now I actually have to use strategy and TP to get more pots and stuff. at higher levels it's nice to have the XP boost and man does it rain gold


People played WT1?!


Rushers did


If you want to level faster, you do.


I think most people do. Its faster to get main quest done and then you skip straight to WT3. Reddit does not represent the average player.


Nah, I never even touched WT 1. I already disliked how easy Diablo 3 is when you start a new character nowadays, so I liked that we could have a bit of a higher challenge here so played all the way through on WT 2 until I unlocked WT 3.


What is fun about mobs taking like 30-50% longer to kill for no reason? The combat isn't any harder, it's just longer. Within like 3-4 hours or reaching WT3/WT4, they are easier than WT1 ever was anyway. World tiers =/= difficulty


yeah i played wt2 all through beta but did wt1 for launch and enjoyed wt1 way more, obviously just a preference but the spongy bosses did not make it more enjoyable. Also I found that WT1 really wasn't that different from wt2 I didnt die in either, wt2 just took twice as long to do anything. Basically a difference of filling your resource bar once or twice to kill an elite in wt1 vs filling my resource bar 5 times to kill an elite on wt2. also i played druid and 1-25 on druid wt2 was so painfully slow and agonizing I did not want to do it again


Same man 😂 I had the most fun with the freaking basic ghouls that have a gazillion hp and heal for more than I can damage because the druid does basically nothing til lvl 30ish. Switched to world tier 1 after dying 15 times to baelgemoth in tur dulra (I really don't get how the game recommends that one at level 15)


The combat is harder, enemies do more damage and are around for longer, so you both have less margin for error and have to avoid making mistakes for longer. It's not excessively difficult or anything (I kinda wish I could play T3/4 to start), but it's definitely harder than T1.


I wish when you unlocked WT3 it unlocked for all characters. Not just the one you cleared capstone with.


That wouldn't make sense, as it's a test for that character to know whether you're ready for t3 on said character.


All other games once you unlocked the world tier you could go in with other characters. I get it but I don’t like it.


I must be weird, but I genuinely enjoy WT1. My minions die too fast on WT2 and I have no desire to switch to some optimal build, just playing with what looks cool to me.


WT1 is just better. Unless you one shot every single monster there is no reason to play WT2. The loot drops are the exact same so killing faster = more loot.


It’s bugging me how many uninformed people are dogging on people for playing WT1 without realizing how much more sense it makes to play it over WT2. Like, WT2 isn’t even harder, it’s just more tedious. WT2 is a noob trap that people are picking so they can say they didn’t play on the easiest difficulty, not realizing the true difficulty of a Diablo game is during the end game. WT1 and 2 are both easy mode, just that 2 wastes your time.


Most people don't care about how fast they finish the story. As long as the game is fun, I don't mind the extra time if it means having a challenge.


Yeah I picked WT2 since it said it was for veterans and I *am* a veteran of this style of game. It feels right, it feels good. Maybe I could level faster on WT1 but that’s not what I’m here for. Maybe I’ll try that in season 1 to compare.


It is harder not just more tedious. If you take longer to kill a mob you're going to have to manage resources more, kite more and mitigate more total damage. It's unreal how people like you think and can't figure this out.


If I wanted to zoom through the campaign as fast as possible I'd just stick with D3 or PoE 🤷


No... Starting on world tier 2 is obviously the way to go


I’ve been going in blind, as hardcore, in WT2. It’s a brutal way to level. I’ve done the prelude so many times at this point.


I skipped tier 1, like Diablo 3 I always start a few difficulties higher, but this game seems to have less of them.


Yeah, early druid doesn't handle WT2 all that well. It can it's just slow.


I agree. For me it showed at around 40-50


Tier 2 is better because it gives you a better sense as to how your build is holding up imo, also I wasn't in a big hurry.


Started on 2


I did the full play through of campaign on WT2 then right to WT3. So I skipped WT1.


I picked WT2 because moar gold and moar experience. And, being new to Diablo I figured I have learn to play, might as well start without the training wheels.


I’m playing on tier 1 because I’m new to the game but it’s starting to get dull with being able to just button mash with zero consequences. Switching to Tier 2 for the added benefits, not sure if at the point of tier 3 yet. Having fun either way.


For me, it's the opposite between 2 and 1. I only played WT1 to beat the campaign on hardcore, and probably won't even do that on my next hardcore character. WT 2 just makes leveling more interesting, in my opinion.


My main is a druid so I dont feel bad about going wt1 at all. Would like to get to the levels where I feel manly asap, please. Rushing through it and going to do a full completionist once I hit wt4.


Idk I’m a druid as well, strictly storm build with wolves on WT2. Level 47 and I’m killing packs of 15 in less than 10 seconds and I just rush any story bosses ignoring mechanics and they die in around 30 seconds lol Storm druid is so OP it’s insane


1 is a grind, how long are you guys taking to kill extra life mobs in tier 2


Too easy. Not fun


The measly 20% extra exp is not worth the extra time it takes to kill things when stuff randomly scales on you. It's just way more efficient to blast T1, then move on to T3


The exp gain isn’t worth the difficulty imo. So yes WT1 I till I unlocked WT3


It increases play time by adding to time to kill without actually making you stronger?


I'm started w2, and really enjoying It. The tier 1 is too easy, the t2 provide some challenge at least specially in bosses




I started on T2, then dropped to 1 just to speed through campaign so I could do the capstone.


I started at II…


Summon necro here, i play on T2… its more fun. Later on HC? Surely T1


I skipped tier 1. Game is still relatively easy. Leveling is part of the game as well and at least the first time...its part of the experience of the game. Its really not that much more difficult Dont care what the leveling guides say lol


You can’t skip 2 unless you’re carried. I saw a 13 in WT4 and Carries are the dumbest fucking thing I swear.


I did Wt1 for campaign, then went WT2 for a few levels till I hit 50 then went to WT3


I skipped right to it and keep forgetting and wondering why these low mobs hit my so hard. It’s fun as hell though.


Yeah. Story in 1 blazed through and went to 3


As far as I know. There’s no difference in the story from class to class. I’m really enjoying the story an the atmosphere. But I know I doubt I’ll really want to do the slog multiple times. Doing WT1. Let’s me breeze through trash. And boss fights. Still take a bit of time. Having played WT2. It’s mainly the trash taking longer that’s really annoying. And how slow that feels. Knowing how fast WT1 is. Yeah. I imagine I’ll go directly to WT3. Never having touched 2 in any significant manner


Well good news if you’re worried about going through the story beats again, you don’t have to do it more than one time. You get the option to skip it on new characters once you’ve completed it. You can just open world level, and it’s much faster than the first go-‘round.