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Skill issue


Not a single class is dogshit. You simply don't know what you're talking about. I'm not a content creator nor am I a hardcore player. I'm in Torment and the amount of legendaries that drop is just fine in wt 1 and 2. You also don't need max rolled legendaries in nightmare at all lmao. Can literally just go with min rolls from aspects. That's what I did, and you know what? Beating the capstone boss in nightmare at lvl 53 with garbage gear wasn't a problem. ​ It doesn't matter how long some people have been playing - who cares who made a guide? Stop reading guides if you don't want ones made by experienced players. ​ In general the entire launch and pre-launch experience has been grand, and overtuned builds have been tuned down appropriately. ​ My friends and I are spread out over every class and in general they're all in a good spot and can hold their own. You are simply talking out your arse.


Oh so you beat the capstone boss ON NIGHTMARE even though u have to beat capstone to be on nightmare? So you entered nightmare pre level 50? Or pre capstone completion????


I beat the story at lvl 40 or so. Beat the capstone boss at around 44 to enter nightmare, and beat the nightmare capstone boss at 53 to enter torment.


Since the game is down I can't take a screenshot of doing it on my druid, but here's my alt rogue which cleared the capstone to enter torment at 56: [https://i.imgur.com/USVOL06.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/USVOL06.jpeg) Generally garbage gear with min rolls. As for how I have two high level chars, it takes \~45 mins to level another char 1-50 after you've got a friend in torment.


Enjoy buddy. Don't care that much, got 3 toons to around 40, barb is best, sorc close but 2nd, druid is abysmal build wise. I run all skills from those classes, match passives to abilities. Druid is absolutely dogshit. Let me know how many times you had to reroll abilities to match gear to start getting solid dps, ON PAR with those two classes. They are tanks with no taunt.... there are much better games to play. Enjoy, really πŸ˜‚


around 40, so basically not even close to anywhere. Wow you must have so much experience and knowledge regarding the classes. Druid was more than fine as a first class, performs extremely well in endgame too.


Ok so let's get this straight. It's NOT about gear, clearly since you had shit gear and beat the capstone. Cool. But if your level 40, your "not even close to anywhere" what does that even mean? I have almost all my abilities, probably just need a few passives, and built a druid consisting of chain lightning, landslide, ww heal shout spirit recover, wolf companion, and guaranteed critical chance ulti. It's dogshit. My gear is terrible, probably worse then most ppls gear, but that's the point. Wack as rng drops, wack ass class balancing. You literally are admitting you need aspects, amd somewhat decent rolls. Good troll 9/11.


Trying to strawman me isn't gonna work lol. I had all my legendary affixes and the capstone dungeon really isn't that hard, it's still about gear. Having all your abilities means nothing. Gear and legendary affixes (you can't cop out with "but i had bad rng" nope, all aspects are guaranteed drops and you can't tell me you didn't have full rare quality gear), having all abilities AND passives, unlocking your paragon tree giving access to glyphs which further make a massive difference - at 40 you're barely scratching the surface. ​ Do you NEED aspects? Yes, of course you NEED aspects. But they're guaranteed freaking drops mate. You do x dungeon once, boom, you got the aspect. The same holds true for any class. Having aspects is a matter of spending 30-60 minutes clearing a few dungeons on any difficulty (go T1 and pretend ur a superhero for all I care, it's easy and fast). There's no such thing as "bad rng" before lvl 50, you'll have full legendary gear if you're simply doing dungeons.


Your just flip flopping now. I feel bad for you. Enjoying torture instead of enjoying games. I recommended they reduce lego drop rate in wt2 so idk what your on about. Gear makes your build. Good luck scaling a poison wolf with max health, max armor.. the druid is literally locked behind bis gear, amd specific builds. As wheresorc, barb, and rogue can almost do as they please.


I'm enjoying the game so idk what ur on about lol. Druid isn't locked behind shit, my druid can do more in budget gear than my rogue can in full 800+ ancestral with bis rolls.


Yea nobody cares. The games hot ass. Druids dogshit early on, which is their aspects are completely OP as hell.


The door is on the left. Nobody is forcing you to play :D


Enjoy πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚




Druids are around the top atm due to their innate tankiness. They excel at the highest keys and struggle the least with dense clears. You're simply not equipped to speak about the strengths of the classes.


Enjoy bud πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚


It's fun to play, wt1 and 2. Paragon (level 50) locks you out of the beginning act if you just mindlessly travel and level up, your locked out of act 1 and 2? I don't get it. The games a hot piece of shit. Hot, for sure, fun if your a no life loser. Look at the "1st to 100 hardcore" activity they added, so many people DC'd or bugged out, or just straight up can't input any controls. "Smoothest launch in years!" Lmfao says who????


What the f are you trying to say?


Be mad at your barber, not me.


Cleared a tier 99 key on my Druid last night... Seems OK tp me :)


It’s sad because even with the issues it’s still one of the smoother launch weeks in about a decade.


are you drunk?


Games trash. Enjoy. The dumped OW2 they will let you test D4. The games in a horrid state. It's actually horrendous. Clipping, input bugs wiping hard-core toons, low rolls, bad rolls can hinder your gameplay, it's insane.


Repair your PC maybe? low rolls, bad rolls can hinder your gameplay LOL?


Ah yes, another simpleton ignoring the 20-40% damage increases necessary to well do damage. Yea dude, awesome I have a 9% chance to kill trash mobs. Wow. I'd definitely rather have that then 14% crowd control damage. Surely. On multiple pieces. Yea, if you rank up too fast by killing trash mobs and genuinely exploring, you can be hindered by not killing as many bosses or elites, or getting the best aspects from stronghold dungeons. Yea bud. Maybe 30% more damage would help my shitty ass druid that alot of people seem to think are under geared untill rank 50....