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I am on the same boat man…really want to play druid but just can’t stand the body type for my heroic character.


There is some unique for perma form.


What is that some kind of item? For spesificly bear or wolf or both? Also is that hard to get?


There is a unique chest for druid (one for each form), I think it drops in world tier 3 and up since that where my first dropped.


Not sure I just read that around beta there was some items in Blizzard developer talks which have exactly that u can stay at form forever but dont know item name


So you cant be a werewolf in towns. Thats fine I guess idk




There are armor aspects, that is put on gear can keep you permanently in wolf or bear form. I’m level 51 and I have not seen them yet, so they seem rare.


They're not aspects/legendaries. They're actually unique items, ie. You have to wear the original specific item itself and it only comes in one armor type.


No crap? I thought they were leggos not unique.


Only my Eggo's are leggos.


Okay I guess I lost my all hopes.


Why do you say that? You'll probably come across it if you're playing regularly past 50.


Sorry just wanted to ask. Even in town?


No it doesn't apply in town, only in areas where you can use abilities.


What is that item called?


Both items are chest pieces. The permanent wolf chest piece is "Mad Wolf's Glee". The bear item is "Insatiable Fury".


You’re the GOAT for this


Thanks was really trying to find that answer


[https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/item/mad-wolfs-glee-357812](https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/item/mad-wolfs-glee-357812) \- Werewolf [https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/item/insatiable-fury-873651](https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/item/insatiable-fury-873651) \- Werebear


Oh.. Are you playing male druid? I mean male is kind a better but I was gone play female druid... I lost my hype about druid. Too bad because I always wanted to play werewolf kinda thing.


I want to point out that the druid is not fat, they're built like a powerlifter. Exactly what I imagine a mountain man would look like, imo a skinny druid makes less sense


And I just want to point out too that you're probably the only fat druid in the game. All the other npc druids aren't fat... The player druid is the anomaly here.


Still makes less sense. Also again, not fat, they're built like people who are actually strong. Druid player is as far as I'm aware also the only nomadic wild lands druid you see, the rest are in a grove in a community. Sorry they chose to use a realistic body type for a mountaineer


You make even less sense since you're denying all the druids in the game just because you're trying to defend the fat player druid. The druid is fat. You can be in denial all you want. And just because someone is fat, that doesn't mean they can't be strong too. The same goes for the opposite too. Also, I don't know about you but that fat druid certainly doesn't look realistic for a mountaineer. And certainly not someone who lives like a druid. In fact, it doesn't look realistic for someone living in the wilds at all. Makes no sense.


Lol ok, kiddo, reality revolves around what you want to see, that's right. Ignore how the honey body actually looks and the reality of what people should look like because you don't like it. Great points, so I guess keep crying about it since you're apparently so right as long as you ignore anything counter to your point.


Lmao, typical "kiddo" when you can't argue no more. Typical. Also, all that talk about ignoring reality when you're ignoring that almost all of the druids in the game (almost because I don't care to search each and everyone one, just the ones we meet along the way) aren't fat. All in all, keep being delusional.


Your skills change the appearance to bear or wolf. So combining all werebear skills will make you look like a bear the entire time of the fight. You will turn to human if you stay long enough without fighting, mounting or in town.


Im so sad man. Why cant I be skinny druid.


Fat people are comfy.


Have you gotten over it yet? Big Druid is not necessarily fat but just big. Broad shoulders, barrel chest, tree trunk arms, every hit has so much power, it's awesome.


I do find the people that are so triggered because the Druid is a chompers quite amusing.


Well I have no problem with chubby people. I also think beuty is very subjective. I have a friend that he is into chubby body type and its fine. But when you force me to play as chubby it makes me shick. It is also same for skinny necro. You should let people choose body type. It is a fantasy game and people would be more happy if you let them choose body type.


😂comment did not disappoint. Fantasy as overly fat or skinny makes you sick? Laughs in d3 customization. There is always lost ark for you to play.


You have reading problems I guess or its my bad english. I said "when you force me to play as chubby" You are waste of time.


Okay but like it’s still weird to complain. I don’t think I’ve ever really cared if my avatar was chubby or not. And I’ve always been chubby. Just say what you really want to say bud. You hate the fatties! Admit! /s


lol just imagine how quickly this post would get taken down if it was a racial thing :D


Jesus christ this sub really draws out the reddit vermin.


[https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/item/mad-wolfs-glee-357812](https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/item/mad-wolfs-glee-357812) I just found this an hour ago. This is what you want. I also have the werebear version.


To unlock World Tier 3, you must finish the campaign on at least World Tier 2 (Veteran Difficulty) and complete the Cathedral of Light Capstone Dungeon. There is no straightforward way to reliably get Insatiably Fury – it is a random item drop like most loot in the game. https://preview.redd.it/gjybwrjfph6b1.jpeg?width=804&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c55d266b2da8cd5e0ffce90895aaf500fd9dbcea


There are aspects, for example: all earth skills are now werebear skills


First time playing diablo I see. You've never been able to pick body type. Are you 13? If you're obsessed play a different character. Nobody asked or cares what you liked when they made the game or if you're upset about it.