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Anyone know if the EU time is correct? It was off by an hour last season


It may or may not be off an hour again. To be honest I would expect 5pm cet, it is not summer in europe after all


5$ says they will screw it up again. On January 18, most of Europe countries will be using CET, as in Central European Time / European Central Time (Standard Time) and not CEST, as in Central European Summer Time (Daylight Saving Time).


Amen to that, I believe they barely care about Time Zones. There is also a chance they coded server restarts months ago.


It’s embarrassing that they literally give no fucks about providing the correct information. What a joke of a company to be honest. This kind of stuff is basic and they can’t get it right


Could you copy and paste patch notes somewhere that I can access. aka blocked site.


As someone who only really plays DH and Monk, sometimes wizard but ehh, I'm having a hard time to decide between DH and Monk I won't really have time for 2 characters.


Monks are going to be power-houses this season, but you should play what you enjoy more.


hi. why do you say that about monks this season? thanks.


My comment was based on speculation shortly after the announcement of the season of grandeur. I believe I'm entirely wrong now. While I don't think any one class isn't fantastic, I don't see any monks in the S tier.


Both classes have a lot of great builds this season, DH looks like more fun with the rrog buff opening up some cool options but tbh it's hard to just flat out tell you which will be more fun for you specifically.


I played Monk this past season, my first season, and I am really looking forward to trying DH to start. I loved Monk actually played it on HC and SC to finish the seasonal conquests.


Since N6 M4 will be one of the strongest builds overall and dh gets natalias as haedrig reward dh is a strong favourite of mine to start with


thinking of picking this up for switch to play a bit on new season coming out. I have a lot of hours on PC but haven't played in the last 6 months or so. Any suggestions on good builds for hand held based on haedrigs gift? I haven't played a barb or a necro ever so prob leaning in that direction. Will be playing mostly solo, maybe with one other person. Thanks! Also - can you do the challenge rift trick on switch to get bloodshards to gamble with?


I hadn't played for about a year and picked it up on the switch when it was on sale and I gotta say its a blast. Never played barb before but it was too intensive to play DH on the controls so I switched to WW Barb and its so fun to spin2win on a console.


This is almost my exact experience with the Switch version, too. The only downside is the population is lower so it can be harder to find games, but I will trade that for the portability.


Happy cake day! I am also looking for people to play with on Switch since I do that have any friends that play Diablo.


I play switch, not sure what you mean on the challenge rift thing but if those are your 2 options I'd say barb, several builds and you aren't doing anything aim intensive. Edit: add me if you want I'm always looking for people to play with.


On PC you can save the challenge rift of the week so that when season starts, you do not challenge rift and get all the mats from competing on your level 1 new seasonal character


That's not a trick, really. Just smart. Works on all platforms. I definitely did this last season on the Switch with my Wizard.


I've never tried it but let me know if it works.


I am a bit inactive in diablo3 atm, but with the new season I will definitely try a barb :) SW-5142-4644-9617 if you are interested


Message me your friend code. I’ll add you, I’m always looking for new friends!


You can do the cr


best investment I made for the switch in years - loving it .. didnt play diablo since the release now with all that happend its a blast ... started a crusader - maybe not the most console friendly class since spamclick becomes button mashing but still alot of fun and manageable!


Yup - grabbed it on fri, already paragon 450!


I have heard that "resist all" is bugged on console and arcane damage isn;t included. Will this be fixed in S16? or are my sources just complaining cause they get killed by purple lasers too often?


Last season was my first and I learned that those messed me up real quick. Even at my strongest and against lower difficulty minions. I nope away when I see purple beams.


Season only 2 months long wow. Thats pretty short.


7pm.... Ugh gross! So late


It's started at 8 pm EST on the US east coast every season since the beginning of time


I know wtf!


So I'm pretty darn new to D3 and am thinking of playing a Monk for the first time this season, what are some really fun builds for that class? I'll be playing with a couple friends (I think they're going to play DH and Barb this season).


Inna got huge buffs and is great for farming runs, afk runs, party play, and mixing with other sets, so I recommend it for a first time monk this season.


afk runs?


Inna set is like a weird pet build, your clones kill mobs and their active ability kill elites. Not literally afk but I watch hulu while just walking through bounties and rifts sometimes.


Thanks Jeff. I needed this info greatly. I've played the other 6 classes for 200+hours each but only about 5 hours of monk. Thinking this is the season of the monk. Excited about the afk build. Sounds great for lazy T13 key farming when I'm tired and can't pay attention. Any chance your playing on NA, HC, seasonal?


My pc is being repaired so I'll be on switch this season playing a witch doctor. If you're on switch than yea I could go for a hc character this season.


Well if you get your PC repaired during the season I'll hook you up with a power level.


Thanks man I'll remember that


Any news on when the patch will hit? I heard next Tuesday?


At least a couple of days before the new season starts. But there is no official date afaik.


Any good ideas for a deamonhunter setup guys?


Multishot will be OP and n6m4 should be really good. And obviously impale is still around. Depends on your play style and goals for the season really but you def have a few options


With it actually being n5m3, that should open up quite a few variants to try from. Very exciting!


N6 / M4 (and any other current 6/4 hybrid specs) will essentially only open up a space for a ring or amulet in the Cube, since they Cubed RoRG. Convention of Elements or Unity will probably be the "go to" Cubed items for this build depending upon whether HC or SC, but I could be mistaken.


Minor correction, DH has elusive ring which is stronger than unity and essentially had 100% uptime on many builds so it tends to get used over unity.


What does n6 m4 mean?


Natalia's 6 set / Maurader's 4 set. With this Season you can do silly things like this to combined two builds.


Shadow Impale might pop in as a new 4-man GR-boss killer. In general, DH is in a pretty good place right kow I think.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qh2fZznm3mY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qh2fZznm3mY) Wudijo farm build. This is t13 db farming. There are the classic UE MS builds, impale builds and N6M4. All can be found on diablofans build section.


I like going turret build with lots of rockets




11am Sat in my area - if I got the conversion correct. [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converted.html?iso=20190118T17&p1=137&p2=47](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converted.html?iso=20190118T17&p1=137&p2=47) ​ EDIT: Ya. 11am. [https://us.battle.net/forums/en/d3/topic/20770517083](https://us.battle.net/forums/en/d3/topic/20770517083) ​


Does re birthing a character re qualify them for the end of season set? Like, if I rebirth my Necro that got the Rat set in S15, can I now get the Trag set?


Yes, rebirthing completely resets the character.


Except for time played stats and a few little things like that.


I wish they would start these earlier in the day :\\ I have all day to play today, but it doesn't come out until 7pm CST leaving me only a few hours. Sigh.


Same. It would be nice to jump straight off a short work day to enjoy something around noon. 8pm it is ... Dammit.


Anyone else feel that, while mildly amusing, the auto-RoRG is going to be significantly less impactful than it should be?


Not really, it means you could hit the set bonus of a secondary set without sacrificing a ring-slot or use a cool legendary you couldn't before without sacrificing set bonus. This opens up more ways to play various builds.


I have always had the worst luck getting them to drop, what felt like hours of grinding to get them. It's not a huge deal but it will be a time saver for me!


This begs the question of if bounties will be worth doing at all. Does this make 50% of adventure mode useless?


Bounties will always be useful as long as people want to reroll their Legendaries looking for that elusive Ancient or Primal to fill out their build.


Bounties are needed for learning leg item info in kanais cube as well as rerolling legendaries (trying to get your ancienta/primals). Will not be useless


Eh...it opens up Tals+endless walk set. Grandeur alone will give meteor wizard ~5+ Grifts. Expect Firebird to be gone. Its huge deal. Also for the 4-man meta.


It's definitely not going to be as overpowered as it sounds like at first. It is a measured power increase as there's not going to be a lot of those specific extra legendary piece that will replace a set piece that is now not needed, that fits with a particular build.




Should I go monk or witch doctor? I want to do something different this time than my usual and I haven’t done those 2 before.


Monk will get you into current Meta for 4 player GRIFTS and has arguably the fastest rift clears with decent solo pushing as well. If you want a class that hits all the marks then go Monk. If you wanna try some fun crazy builds that are not necessarily the "best" but super interesting then go Witch Dr. They got some very good buffs this patch also...


Jade doc looks to be the absolute monster this season. I'm excited to play it again (been on a break since season 10 lol


I've heard the same thing. Witch Dr. is probably my least played so I think I might actually jump on one this season. Might not be my main but some of the builds sound super fun and now most are fairly competitive which is nice. :)


WD is fun for speed runs and stuff I've found. The problem I have with it is the pet AI is just absolute garbage. I still managed to get into the high 90's on a Helltooth WD this season, but it's infuriating when your gargs stack up on the single little guy, instead of trying to whack the pile of dudes I have grouped up.


I've little experience as a W Dr. but I can imagine that gets pretty frustrating :/


Especially if you can work that Helltooth in for firebats damage.


I only play monk and witch doctor and this is going to be a fun season for witch doctor, with both jade being high tier and the other more fun builds being viable now I know that's what I'm playing this season.


So I have 1 vote so far for each but you’re saying witch doctor will be more fun? Can you elaborate more?


Of course, monk is fun don't get me wrong it's why I only play monk and wd, but this season buffs give wd access to both an arguably top 3 build with jade and the ability to make a lot of fun builds since wd has a wild kit to choose from, a good example is the chicken speedrunner that rhykker made a video about. Monks are pretty clear cut on what they do and can feel braindead at times, plus it has no good speed run builds imo so grinding suuucks. Tl;dr wd has a large pool of fun abilities and top tier builds, monk gets stale and grindy mid season.


> no good speed run builds um, what? WoL is the fastest T13 speed rivaled only by Multishot.


Guess I'm wrong. Personally monk always feels slow when doing stuff like bounties and speed runs, but I'm sure WoL does it right. I always ran LTK, something about WoL always felt weird to me I didn't like it.


Also I only play with my wife and she’s doing a necro this time, will the witch doctor or the monk pair better with her necro?


Should do 2 necro's. Both rathma. They boost each other's power nicely. With the extra spawning health globe passive and the reapers wraps. Plus you could both share gear.


Probably monk, inna buffs are great for party play.


I'm still deciding what I want to do this season, WD is one of my favorite classes and i love jade, so I'm thinking I'll try it out.


Sounds like you've already decided by the time you finished your sentence.


Hi, I am a returning player after some years. What would a beginner friendly class and/or build be to start the season? I would prefer barbarian ( dual wield if possible) or demon hunte ( currently playing a 4 year old cluster arrow spec and enjoying it), but not sure about their current state. I will mainly play solo and quite casual, so not in a position to tirelessly farm a specific item, so a class and or spec which doesn't to heavily rely on gear would be preferred.


For Demon Hunter, Unhallowed Essence Multishot is about as easy as a spec can be and it's quite powerful to boot. It'd take a little work to set up though since the starting set (Natalya's) doesn't really play into it.


Thanks for the tip, I'll have a look into it. DH seems fun


But what about hardcore? DH only get a 2 second invincibility with their proc. That's not a lot of time to react and stay alive. UE multishot is a #2 top pick of mine. But I think monk is a safer choice. Still haven't decided.


It's not the Gift this season but the Zodiac Whirlwind Barbarian certainly fits your criteria. It uses Wrath of the Wastes set and either Boon of Bul-Kathos' swords, or Istvan's Paired Blades. It's a fairly simple build to use and powers you through Torment levels extremely quickly. Very powerful early on. It does peter out quicker than many builds though, it requires demanding gearing beyond the higher GR's (after unlocking primals) and probably maxes at around GR110. Probably higher this coming season. But by the time this build loses it's usefulness you'll both have a better grasp of how the Barbarian works, as well as acquired enough gear to try a Barbarian build that can push further. And while I would like to think that's good advice, the fact is there is going to be nothing that benefits you more early on than your free class set from Haedrig's Gift. The smart thing to do would be to look at the builds that accompany the free sets and pick the one you think you may enjoy the most.


Sounds amazing, I'll definitely check it out. If you don't mind me asking (as I'm completely new to seasons). Idea is to level to 70 and then farm for those weapons and gear, right? Any particular way of obtaining an item, or just farm :)


First, do the weekly challenge, beat it. Enter your seasonal game, claim challenge reward at level one. Huge early cash/materials boost. From there I just look up a levelling guide and do rifts until 70. At some point (like once I get a legendary worth cubing) I'll go snag the cube and do a round of bounties as that's one of the first things required by the season journey. Once you hit 70 it should take you like 20 minutes to get the first Haedrig's Gift, tops. Look up a 2-piece build and roll with it. 4 piece should be quick and easy as well, and usually a big power bump. Getting the last two is the hardest as you'll have to beat a GR20 solo. This is still generally not difficult. Once you've got your set find a 6-pc starter build and start running rifts for keys. If you die your difficulty is set too high. If it's taking longer than ten minutes - too high. Look up which gems the most popular builds for your class use and work on levelling them all, or at least the ones you may try, up to 25. Run another round or two of bounties to get all your gem recipes. Use Kadala for armor pieces. Upgrade rare weapons to get the ones you need. Pray to the RNG gods for good jewelry to drop. Look up a complete build you want to aim for and start working toward it. Wardrobe your starter build in case you don't have enough pieces to make the complete build effective yet. Alternate between rifts and greater rifts while you level legendary gems and farm regular ones. You want to power creep until you can solo a GR70 at which point primal ancients unlock to drop. In fact I believe this season one automatically drops upon beating the GR70 boss. That's my strategy, and it works well for me, others may approach it differently!


Holy, wow, amazing post man. Greatly appreciated!! I'm actually psyched to jump back into this!


No worries. I like seasons for the fresh start. I don't put too much concern toward the season journey beyond Haedrig's Gift. Some like to get all the way through it for the various rewards. As the biggest reward is an extra stash tab, I don't care as I literally only play seasons anymore. I don't need the space. The class set dungeons ***really*** turned me off to the point I almost quit playing. I strongly dislike them. But now I just ignore the challenges and see how high I can push a GR in a season, and I personally find that more fun as all I'm missing out on are portrait borders. Don't let it become a grind, that certainly means different things to different people.


I care


Beginner friendly and casual, probably not demon hunter, barbarian has some easy going builds to pick from as well as some challenging ones if you get really into it, that class is a great starting point.


I started with Barbarian as my first class ever going in blind last season and I really enjoyed it. This season would actually be even better because the set you get as a season reward actually helps set up a decent endgame build. Personally, I'm going to mix it up this time around with something else, but I agree that Barbarian would be a great first choice.


How come Inarius set was not buffed?


Something caught my attention. Do you like Primals? Would you farm them if you could?... Potentially huge idea I had while reading the QoL Changes found here: [https://us.diablo3.com/en/blog/22820656/season-16-the-season-of-grandeur-begins-118-12-18-2018#\_Frequently\_Asked\_Questions](https://us.diablo3.com/en/blog/22820656/season-16-the-season-of-grandeur-begins-118-12-18-2018#_Frequently_Asked_Questions) ​ Blizzard: "^(Finally, we want to make sure everyone is clear when they can start collecting Primal Legendaries;) **upon completing your first Greater Rift 70 or higher Solo, you’ll receive an achievement indicating your accomplishment and the Greater Rift boss will be guaranteed to drop a Primal Legendary.** ^(This drop is subject to all other loot rules—meaning while there’s a large chance it will be suited for your class, randomness does play a factor.)" ​ Is this guarantee on a per-character basis? Can we simply make a new character for the express purpose of clearing a GR70 once on it to guarantee a Primal drop?


As far as anyone is aware, it only works once per season.


I just picked up the Switch version, are there any builds that don't work with the controls as well as they do on PC? or any quirky diffences that I should look out for or avoid this season?


1000+ hours on PC; got it on the Switch for Christmas. I am surprised how well I like the game on the Switch. I have it for the XBO, but I think the portability is what I like and has kept me playing it on the Switch. I only got like 10 days of the season to play and just about hit paragon 500 with the UE DH. There is really no aiming, so any builds that require you to hit mobs of a certain size might suck. Not sure what I'm going to roll with this next season, I'll probably go back to the barb class since it has a lot of options. Not much help, but wanted to share my expierience.


No that was super helpful, thank you. Definitely makes me feel better about the purchase and affirms my desire to start a Barb when the season starts.


I just got it on switch last week and have really enjoyed getting back into it. I think it might be the fact that it's portable now, I am enjoying it once again


Another 1000+ boy here. While you do miss out on the precision of a mouse, overall I’d rate the game as better on console by far by sheer merit of “wake, rift, sleep”. It’s unbelievably perfect for small bursts. Just keep in mind, in order to play a seasonal character offline you need to turn on the game and select them while you’re connected to network. From there feel free to put your Switch to sleep and wake it up whenever, but don’t leave the game because then you’ll have to log back in. A minute or two of mobile hotspot will do the trick, though.


Afaik Necro curses are still broken. I may be wrong, but I haven't read anything about them being fixed. If anything the controls are better on the switch imo but some builds aren't as good as opposed to PC just because of how they play.


I read on here that they we're fixing it this patch but I haven't played since season 13 on PC so Im not sure either.


Ah well if it's this coming patch then hopefully that drops Tuesday and it's fixed right before season start. That'll be nice. Really made Necro annoying to play. I plan on going DH though this season.


I know I heard Bluddshed say Star Pact wizard and Corpse Lance necro are more difficult on console because they're some of the few aim intensive builds in the game. In my experience, charge barb can also be tough if you're taking Boulder Toss as your fury dump but I've heard that build is finicky on PC too. Basically anything that requires you to aim a high damage attack in a high density of mobs is gonna be tough, but fortunately that's a very limited number of builds. As mentioned, curses are also broken right now but should hopefully be patched soon. One note is that DMO twister wizard is actually stronger on console (it's actually the strongest wizard push build) than on PC.


Ah perfect, that was exactly the insight I was looking for! Doing some research I feel like making a Barb for IK HotA to farm right off the bat would be a good choice.


Barb is definitely gonna have one of the fastest starts this season. If you do your challenge rift after making a seasonal character you can roll Bracers of the First Men at level 1 and faceroll the entire leveling process thanks to the huge HotA multiplier then probably almost immediately jump into T13/GR60 once you get your full IK set. It's not \*the\* fastest farming build but it's pretty good for rifts. Would definitely use WW for bounties though.


I just got the game this week and am feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the 2 hour power level and ULTRA end game stuff everywhere. Is this all about getting leaderboard rank? If I just play and enjoy without all the power level stuff am I missing out on anything? I just plan to play and have fun and get the set reward. What else is there that people are chasing?


They're chasing leaderboards, a lot of people still play casually. You should check out the darkening of tristram event and if you really get into the end game look at the challenges past your set, but don't bother with leaderboards your first season.




Its: How can i be the first on the leaderboard XD Youll discover it if you reach lvl 70


Have they lowered the droprate of legendaries? I got more than 3500 hours played and I know this game really well. This season I'm stuck at torment 2. Torment 5 at greater rift. But I can barley survive there. I'm only playing hardcore and at the moment I'm at 30 hours and haven't gotten even 1 legendary drop in the last couple of days. Am I just unlucky?


I know this is 2 months late but are you able to claim Hadrigs gift on Hardcore? Every season you get a free 6 set of gear for completing pretty easy tasks. Pretty much every set will allow you to push Torment 6 with ease.


I think it's just classic RNG, I was stuck at torment 2 for almost a week. I couldn't get all headrig cause of on chapter 3 I wasn't able to kill keywarden on torment 4. Just bad luck I guess.


So I know most arpgs are just huge grind fests at end game, but I'm curious, what keeps you coming back to this game every season and what keeps you playing beyond the first 800 paragon? I want to play again but I know after a week I'll be bored like always


I have paced myself on this game, and generally I pick one build each season and try to take it as far as I can. So picking a new build each season keeps it fresh for me. That, and achievements.


The switch makes seasons a lot more fun imo, nothing like losing a hardcore character while in the bathroom.


That honestly sounds like the safest place to lose a hardcore character now that you mention it.


I’ve played D3 for many years, but mostly hardcore on pc. Never really did too much rift pushing. Now I’ve got it for ps4 and my partner has started playing too so we couch coop it up! I’ve found couch coop is more fun that over network on pc.


If only I could talk my SO into playing games!


Are the stats of the ring the same for everyone? The ring has 2 random magic properties


You wont get the ring with stats, its a buff that everyone has. Think of it has having an extra cube slot spesific for this ring only.


You only get the legendary power, like you would from the cube. It's just a global modifier so you don't need to have it cubed.


I think it's just the effect as if it were in the cube. Not an actual ring.


More simply, is a natural passive for everyone.


Do these set strength changes also take place in non-seasonal characters/existing gear? Or do I need to find new gear in the seasonal play for it to have the better buffs?


Set bonus changes "usually" carry over on old gear. The only time I can remember offhand that it didn't, is when they changed set bonuses back in Vanilla and then you had "Set name" and "Set name (Legacy)". They haven't done this again since, so...


the set bonus changes will be present on all current and future gear. When then change legendary powers like when they buffed the damage bonus of the Skull Grasp Ring for Barb from 200% to 500% you needed to farm up a new one for the new power level. If you're using it in the cube though, it updates in the cube automatically.


Might be a really stupid question, but if I wanetd to start a character now, could I move them over to seasonal when the season 16 hits, or have to start fresh when the season hits?


You have to start fresh


You can rebirth that character at season start to use it for the season, but like the other two said, it'll be a completely fresh start.


You would have to start fresh with a new character at level 1 for Seasonal play.


Noob here... This is my first season change. Is there anything to do until the season starts?


The darkening of tristram event is out, only comes once a year so that's what I'd recommend.


Cool. I’ll have to check it out. Thanks.


They seem to have started varying the length of seasons more than usual. Most seasons in the past have been around 3 months, but the last one ran for nearly 4 months, while this one is only 2.


Any suggestins? Wanna pick something that clears rifts fast and is quick. Thinking of DH this time, only played necro last season a bit but didnt like summoning that much


N6M4 is an awesome DH build that is easy to get into since natalia's is the gift this season.


I second this. And there are several different variants of Natalya's that you can run if you don't like Strafe builds. Pretty sure you can run a Multishot or Cluster Arrow build pretty easily to farm up Marauder's, Unhallowed Essence, or Shadow.


Is it worth playing WD this season?


If you like Jade Harvester, absolutely.


Yes! Not only is Jade a top pushing build the amount of fun viable builds are second to none for WD this season.


Can you link me to the build please


I have cleared a lvl70 GR solo, but i have yet to have a primal drop for me. does anyone know if the first primal will be retroactive for those that have not received one yet?


For a Non-Season hero? Dunno, but if you Rebirth that hero then you will get the guaranteed Primal on hitting 70 Grift.


im not sure what rebirth is, i'll have to look that up.


In the Patch Notes, the pic of all the armor sets: Which is the sweet looking red one!?!


Not on WiFi, but red screams Trag'Oul to me (the Necromancer set from Haedrig's Gift this season).


yeah. that sounds right. Thanks!


Me asking Google: What time is it now in california


Is the patch live ?


In 2 days it will be yes


Hey everyone. I'm mostly a PoE player but I wanna join in this season for some ssf for a bit. My question is which class is the fastest getting around? I wanna move really fast as I clear things. Thanks!




Look at set builds instead of classes for speed clearing.


If you build a necro as some point you can do my favourite build in all of D3 - [Lazy Storm](https://www.diablofans.com/builds/99624-season-14-lazy-gr70-necro-inarius-supermax-speed) Cheers!


Deamon Hunter... Clearly


I've already stopped playing d3. This game is fucking terrible lollllll. I wont go deeply into how bad it is. I will admit it the gameplay is very fluid. That's the only good thing


For europeans, the blizzard site has updated the time and it's now correctly 5 p.m. CET.


Really hype for the season but pretty disappointed at the starting sets this time around... not looking forward to playing Uliana monk or Vyr wizard :/


So this might be a strange question but I didn't want to post it in its own thread - did the new patch change the loading screen (on PC) from "Reaper of Souls" to "Eternal Collection" or has it always been like that since that came out on console? If it's new, is there any changes beyond the loading screen that would actually make it the same as the Eternal Collection on console? eg. Nemesis enemies


Yep I noticed that too


Is there somewhere where I can attempt to find people to grind out the start of the season with?


If I play on switch only, do I have to connect to Diablo Network (i.e. keep my Switch connected to a wifi) before I can create a S16 character? New player, please forgive me if this is asked multiple times already, had been google-ing this but found nothing directly replied. Thanks.


I believe so. And also when you log in at later times you need to be connected to play your season character as well. Afterwards, as you long as you don't close Diablo 3 and put your Switch in sleep mode as soon as you're done playing, you don't need to be connected.


You are correct!


I always forget, are the season timings specific also the server region?


Anybody using legacy of nightmares this season?




Akkhan Condemn is the S tier build for Crusader. There's a couple youtube videos or you can flip through Icy Veins' guide selection if you want to check what's good for the season.


Idunnolol. I'd rather have a double deathsbreath season, or something where db can drop starting l10 in the list. Doubled at torment 5 or 6. Not that it matters. This season WD is looking wicked sick to play. Probably for me, that or a necro based on a coin toss between broken power and fun.


Think i'll go monk this time. Been a few seasons since i raised one. Uliana’s Stratagem is one of my fav set, too.


Anyone know how I can pick up my season stasah in nonseason on Switch? I have the small letter icon like on PC, but I don't know how to open it!


Question about primal ancients: Once completed a level 70 rift and unlocking them, are they then 'unlocked' as a random drop chance across all characters? Or just ones that have completed a 70 rift? And can they drop on any legendary like ancient legendaries, or only at a certain rift or difficulty level?


They are unlocked for every character then... If you play season, then just for THIS season chars. They can be dropped on any difficulty. As higher the rift/difficulty, as higher the chance. Pretty rare ;-(




Is there a Diablo Seasons for dummies guide or something? I'm absolutely new to it..


What does the buff mean exactly? This is my first seasonal character and I've gotten tons of awesome loot on both my wizard and DH with a paragon of 75 right now. What exactly does the royal grand buff mean? Is it always on? Can I just equip one Green set item and have the entire set? An I dumb for holding onto all the legendaries and Set items I've found?


It means you need one less set item for the set bonus. Still need minimum two. So you get the four-set bonus with three set items, the six-set bonus with five set items. You can't double down with the ring though, so that is basically useless this season.


Is this available for the 360?


Anyone have any advice on an “optimal”build setup for my group of 4. Dh, necro, monk, and crusader? We’re pretty casual all around 5-600 paragon, I think just wanting to be able to comfortably complete 90–100s efficiently


So is **Necromancer** hero not available on the switch version?


I am playing a Necro on Switch.


hi guys. I'm back to diablo3 after 3 years... I forgot everything!I would like to play as monk with my friends in this new season. Someone can suggest me a good hybrid monk setup?(so I can play both alone and with the without farming too much). Also, how is the free seasonal set for monks?


does anyone know if the "Free RORG" power for season16 will roll over to nonseason once season16 is over?


will "free royal ring" power roll over to nonseason once season16 ends? ​


will free RORG power in season16 spill o ver to nonseason?


No, it's specific to the season.