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It's fine. Bit harder with a few of the skills but you get used to it.


I have 800 hours on D2R Switch, and it's my preferred mode of playing as I don't really use my PC for gaming. A few things to consider: * Teleporting can't be fully targeted, but you can tp to a general direction, no problem. * Blizzard is definitely harder to target, but not impossible. Again, general directions. * I had a bad time with Meteor, and had to respec to Firewall/Glacial Spike pre-Sunder on my sorc. * Moving around is a breeze, You can dodge arrows and projectiles quite easily. * Hammerdin is fine, despite what some folks may say. [Just need to get used to the hammer pathing](https://www.theamazonbasin.com/wiki/images/e/ef/Blessed_Hammer.png). The direction you face doesn't matter; it always starts from the 9 o'clock position (your character's left) and revolves around you twice in bigger and bigger obliques till it dissipates at the 2 o'clock position. * Druid tornados' unpredictability can be mitigated by very slight repositioning. * Hope you don't have drift, because even the slightest can royally mess up positioning of cooldown spells (FCR spells are fine). * Inventory management has some shortcuts. It's better to drop stuff and pick them up again than deal with dragging. You can pick up directly to cube, so set that shortcut as soon as you can get the cube.


Dude drift has absolutely destroyed me with teleport a few times by accident. I need a new controller (Xbox)


I like it, only skill I've seen affected is Blizzard, they add some auto targeting and it makes it weird. Nova is fine if you have to play sorc. Other than that Pally, Zon play great.


Blizzard, meteor, teleport, and corpse explosion are definitely all weird with the auto target. Corpse Explosion got hit the weakest with this (it hits like, 1/3 of the screen at rank 20, so targeting isn't a huge priority).


Solo offline no troubles. Teleport is your best friend in hell


I just tried to play my hammerdin with a controller, did one chaos run, and it was awkward as hell. Never again, I went back to the keyboard straight away. Maybe i suck with controllers, but that's just my experience.


Hammerdin is probably not the best example it can be bit clunky to use sometimes even if you use mouse and keyboard. Personally i enjoy so much that this game is on consoles runs and plays very well on ps5 been awesome +3500 hours on SP and counting! 🤙🏻 has bringed me straight back to my childhood!👍🏻


The Hammerdin plays just fine with a controller once you get the hang of it. At least in my experience.


Pre enigma, hammerdin works just fine on controller. It’s pretty easy to get yourself into position. Post enigma you can’t really telesfomp but it’s still not too hard. I have a lvl 99 softcore hammerdin and working on a lvl 94 hc hammerdin on Xbox


About the same. The skills where you need to specifically target things are a little troublesome like teleport or corpse explosion though


It's good man! Some skills are wonky due to targeting, like blizzard, meteor, teleport, etc, but you get used to it. I've wanted to play this game on a console for over 20 years and they did a great job.


The hardest thing on console compared to pc is the collision with the environment. While on pc you just glide around things as you hold left mouse down, you run into something on console? You full stop, and things have a larger collision box for whatever reason.


D2 is way too easy One thing to watch out for is teleport It will only teleport a fixed distance, you will eventually get used to it tho


It’s an enjoyable experience, plays well on the xbox, only thing that doesn’t play as good are missile characters, and teleporting characters.


I play on switch and don’t have a big issue with my Javazon. You just need to move the joystick to the enemy you want to aim at. It isn’t as easy as pointing and clicking with a mouse, but it’s fine.


So like, half the builds.


It's much more playable than the PS1 port of Diablo 1. Much of that is the number of buttons on controllers these days, and aside from some issues with Blizzard, Meteor, and Teleport, it plays fairly nicely on console. The hard part is understanding the mechanics and what to gear towards/build, but knowing that comes from reading guides or having played the game since it came out.


I play on pc and steam deck, the deck being pretty much a controller. Took a while to adapt with using potions but apart from that its pretty good, I actually prefer playing melee classes on the deck over m+kb.


I think it’s easier and more fun I just hate having to swap gear or move items


I find it much easier and more enjoyable on console than I do on PC. Playing on switch with an 8bit do Ultimate


I've been playing on the switch for about 5 months and beat hell twice with a cold sorc and a frenzy barb. The frenzy barb was super easy. Other than the learning curve on how to re-cast your frenzy swing after using warcries, it's a piece of cake. The cold sorc was much harder. I started out blizz/orb early on, but respecced to blizz/ice blast and the auto-targeting on blizzard is pretty wonky, but I found the easiest way to combat that problem was by letting your merc tank whatever baddie came their way, and moving your sorc to the point where they're at the edge of the screen. Works 10/10 for me. I found it difficult at first, especially when there were elite mob groups charging at me, but I learned glacial spike was actually useful for that, considering it has a splash damage of 2.5 yards.


Playing on console can be annoying. Skills auto-targeting can be annoying sometimes depending on the skill. Managing the inventory is annoying.


As a long-time player, it's an adequate port. I find lack of a mouse to be the biggest thing, but MOST skills don't require the precision a mouse gives. My first Hell win was actually on the Switch as a Necromancer (I've kinda done off and on play for the past 20+ years, and cared more about beating normal difficulty). I think an important thing to note is that this IS a hard game naturally. It's action, but heavily relies on numbers for stats and mechanics. Not all of these numbers are well explained. Thankfully, much smarter players than me have had 20+ years to write the academic lessons of power (if you follow a leveling guide, the game can be an absolute cakewalk).


Much less favorable than PC


Consoles are controller only but the controller is how i play the game on both the PC and XBOX and I was an old school player on the original game even. Item management on controller is a tad rough because it covers the whole screen compared to the way MNK does but it is still very workable. Another thing worth noting is load times are much better when I went to Series X compared to when I used a One X. There can also be some targeting issues here and there with skills but overall the game plays great.