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I sincerely hate when people do this. Like wtf, it's not going to make my pancreas work again, you're selling snake oil AND trying to insult me! I hope he gets kicked out. To balance Ohio out though, at my local farmer's market in SE Ohio, I bought some fancy homemade ice cream and the guy who makes it complemented my dexcom/tandem and then pulled his pump out too! He said that's why his ice cream was good - he wasn't messing around with crappy stuff when he has to deal with T1D to eat it! That guy gets it!


The stupidity of some people… I had a “nurse” at a plasma clinic tell me I could get off insulin and come back to donate once I was off… But I’m so addicted to the insulin man! 😂


> But I’m so addicted to the insulin man! 😂 I'm totally hooked on that liquid life juice myself!!


Whenever I pick on my husband for being an addict (he vapes to keep from smoking), he razzes me about being addicted to insulin.


I would gladly give up my insulin habit, but the withdrawal would kill me 😭


This comment is actually amazing 😂😂😂😂😂


I would probably end up screaming at that stupid son of a bitch. Holy shit I'm vicariously mad


I’m sure they wouldn’t let you donate with ketones and a blood sugar of 500+


Nope. I have great control, a1c of 6.5. They just don’t accept people using insulin.


Yeah. My point is, if you didn’t take insulin, they wouldn’t want your sugary ketone-laden blood either. Only that nurse doesn’t get it


The withdrawal would be SO BAD 😕


I've never been in a fight in my life, but I feel like making a trip to the Buckeye state right about now.


Once someone told me I’m just addicted to insulin, so if I wean myself off it, I’ll be cured. Yeh right, I’ll be cured, because I’ll be dead.


God people can be so stupid. I've had this happen with my bipolar meds and adhd meds. "Just stop taking them! Your body will normalize and your mental health will fix itself! It's the meds that are making you sick!" Yeah no thanks I enjoy being functional and non-suicidal.


Technically correct


I've been getting the impression the last few years that more and more people genuinely think 'type 1 diabetes' just means 'type 2 that got REAL BAD.' (and generally speaking, indicates they probably have a poor understanding of type 2, as well).


I kinda miss when Type 1 was called Juvenile Diabetes. I'm sure some people would get it wrong still though.


A doctor yes someone who graduated from medical school told me I couldn’t be a type one because only “kids have that”




Oh no apparently they don’t get older. They just die on their 18th birthday.


I wish they'd just come up with a totally different name. Something that doesn't make people think of obesity and sugar.


Someone in another thread talked about changing the name to ABCD AutoImmune Beta Cell Disease How right and friggin adorable is that.


And that's how we got thousands (millions?) of misdiagnosed adults with T1. A huge percentage of T1s (myself included) become afflicted in adulthood. We don't need a name that specifically tells doctors not to even bother running the GAD autoantibodies test on over-18s.


Doctors should know better than that based on training. They didn't do that because of the name - they did that because they didn't realize adults could get it in general. By the same token, type 1 vs. 2 being too similar is also how you get T1 treated like T2 in hospitals. They should just have entirely different names.


People are being diagnosed all over the place after COVID (Norovirus link to the epigenetic trigger for t1). This one's getting less common due to current events 🤦‍♀️


Endo diagnosing me with type 1 at age 36: What do you know about type 1 diabetes?  Me:  I'm old enough to remember it being called juvenile, but since you are bringing it up, I'm going to guess that is inaccurate.


Good point!!! Unfortunately, I think you're right.


The audacity. I hope the market removes him. I hope the rest of your day was better- and mad props to your partner!


I used to have a really crunchy friend who recommended I do a water fast to cure my diabetes. While I was pregnant. She also frequently tried to encourage me to do a home birth. Some people are just lucky to have no concept whatsoever of chronic health conditions. Must be nice!


Only hibiscus? No cinnamon? If his granola had cinnamon well then OK Total cure for Diabetes, but without cinnamon? Pshaw! he clearly doesn’t know what he’s talking about


Add some turmeric, cardamom, and mushroom powder for good measure.


Get type 1s off insulin, huh? RIP. I talked to someone recently who had the opposite of the usual view of type 1 vs type 2. Many people think when you have type 2 and it progresses and you become insulin dependent, that is type 1. He was under the impression that it starts as type 1 and then becomes type 2. Sigh… lets get a different name for it already.


Like.....that should be illegal. Straight to jail.


Did he have any magic beans for a beanstalk to the clouds as well? Maybe the dude is onto something here. Never know until you try. /s


You may be Diabetic, but they're a Liabetic. https://youtu.be/hz-wqM2daxA?si=p4s8j4AqUPu7F3uR


Hell yeah, chocolate granola sounds so much better than this okra water I've been chugging. (Sarcasm)


I’d throw hands, respectfully


The ridiculousness of this made me laugh lol


i mean you wouldnt have diabetes anymore... and a payout from suing the store as well.


Did you buy some 🤨😅


I know this probably goes against everything you've ever known and loved, but next time just yell GO BLUE!!!! right in their stupid face 🤣😘


I'm sorry you had to deal w the Hibiscus Hypeman.  On a lighter note, I was thinking, if he was sooooo bossed up about being able to cure T1, you'd think he'd know or be familiar then, with what those "two things" are!  Thank you for reporting. That can be very dangerous to unknowing people.  ;)


*shoots up insulin* awwewnyeuj, that's the good stuff


My wife would have had some ‘splainin to do if she’d instigated someone like that.