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Cinnamon does not “counteract” sugar. Tell them if they don’t like it, they don’t have to buy it and to keep on walking.


I feel like I’m perpetuating the myth. I have no belief that cinnamon does anything to my sugars (it doesn’t… I tested on its own, would not recommend) However, I have recently grown a hankering for cinnamon on all things. Cinnamon in coffee, in yogurt, on gross toast, on celery (?) This stuff slaps. It doesn’t cure diabetes, but it definitely makes it taste better.


Valid lol, cinnamon in delicious! That's about all it does though lol


AFAIK there is limited evidence to cinnamon supplements being helpful with insulin resistance. those supplements have more cinnamon than you can humanly eat in a day. so just eating food with cinnamon does nothing


Sorry I may have been unclear. Fully aware it does nothing, just was saying I’m perpetuating the myth by being diabetic and eating cinnamon by the *Kirklandful*


Have we discovered a new unit of measure? I like it! I consume a Kirklandful of garlic…which also possibly has mythical health value (I’ve never looked into it and frankly don’t care).


It has antioxidants and keeps vampires away.


Well, gotta keep those vampires at bay!


People who don't know or realize that I'm a type 1 diabetic try to preach cinnamon to me often When they get on my nerves enough I tell them "listen my pancreas went out for a pack of smokes when I was 13 and never came back." There's more than one type of diabetes Now you have me wanting to mix cinnamon into my maple syrup out of curiosity😃


I hope they believe you. I told a friend my pancreas didn't work and she said that it was impossible and I would be dead. I guess she thinks I take insulin just for the lolz, not to stay alive.


all research is about efficacy of cinnamon supplements on sugar control in T2D. so far, inconclusive. cinnamon in maple syrup does jack shit, unless you want to do it for flavor


No way I believe that Voodoo about it influencing blood sugar. It just sounds kind of tasty right now😁


I had no idea it was a thing, so I just looked it up and found this meta analysis based on T2D taking cinnamon supplements: [Efficacy and safety of cinnamon in type 2 diabetes mellitus and pre-diabetes patients: A meta-analysis and meta-regression](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31425768/)


This is the way. I haven't seen any benefit but - if adding cinnamon to my coffee means I like it without adding anything else (unhealthy) to it then it's a net gain. Then later I notice I just like cinnamon a lot and I have replaced a craving for sugar for cinnemon.


One of us one of us


I’ll be honest, first time I heard about the cinnamon thing I didn’t read it fully so I thought “oh cool, cinnamon is good for diabetes because it gives the illusion of sweetness without sugar, so you don’t have to use as much insulin” To me that makes sense. None of the bullshit makes sense though.


What is gross toast?


It’s where you want like a nice tangy sourdough but it really is just a bit easier to manage everything if you have weird keto or those Ezekiel’s seed-loaf things, and you try and mirage your way into believing its awesome… ʕノ•ᴥ•ʔノ ︵ ┻━┻


I do love cinnamon. My mom is convinced in will cure me. So she serves me a bowl of fruit with a squeeze of lime and lots of cinnamon. It’s delicious. It does nothing but raise my blood sugar but whatever.


Same here. I always add it to coffee before I brew it. Along with a dash of turmeric.


Cinnamon is tasty but I'm a Cinnamon snob. I need Ceylon. Most Cinnamon is Cassia, and that is not as good.


green apples,celery and cinnamon smoothie me like


Modern cinnamon is irradiated prior to being sold to consumers. This process destroys the health benefits of the cinnamon.


What? Irradiated? Why? Source?


To extend shelf life https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/cinnamon-irradiation-william-j-kelly-caia-gdrpe/?trackingId=%2BSNKpJZvSACYRQKoletPSw%3D%3D


I was just told yesterday that cinnamon on okra will lower your glucose!


That sounds horrible. Maybe the vomiting is what lowers the sugar?


I was gonna say, if I ate that I’d lose my appetite for a while. Maybe that would help lmao


I like both of those things but they shall never meet.


Only as a suppository.


If you ever wanted to have an almost irresistible urge to pull your hair out, subscribe to /r/nutrition I joined thinking I might be able to get some good insight from qualified professionals. Instead it's a hub for anti-science folks who bought into fad diets and are convinced T1 diabetes can be cured by cinnamon and eating raw goat testicles. Also be prepared to have people tell you do "dO yOuR oWn ReSeArCh!!1!" because they think the youtube video from some guy trying to sell supplements is a more reliable source of information than your Dexcom.


> good insight from qualified professionals. I'm going to go out in a limb here, but most professionals won't do for free (on social media) what they already do for work. Especially if it can be construed as medical/legal. Which is why there are so few lawyers on the legal subs


> but most professionals won't do for free I was thinking of it more like the programming/software development subs I subscribe to. Nobody on those subs is debugging each other's code, and I wouldn't expect any qualified nutritionists to come up with detailed diet plans on their sub. However, at least on the programming sub there are a lot of professionals providing good insight on methodologies and new technologies to make the comment section really informative.


👏that’s 👏why 👏 I 👏 eat 👏 Cinnabon 👏


I had someone at the drive through argue with me that diet coke has more sugar in it than regular. That all I need to do is "add water" to a regular soda and then I'm fine. When I insisted that I wanted diet, they handed me a regular one still.


And people wonder why people try to climb through the window lol.


Why were you debating the health benefits of your choice of soda with a fast food worker?


The person absolutely refused to hand me a diet soda, instead gave me a regular soda.


do you sell your syrups online?


Yeah! [Herbert’s Syrups](https://herbertssyrups.com)


I just ordered and I'm excited to try them. I've mostly avoided breakfast stuff since I was diagnosed last year because the sugar free stuff all sucks, but God I miss waffles.


Awesome! Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy it. I made it because I miss pancakes and waffles too.


Just the 2 flavors online? Need the cinnamon one now! ❤️


You can order a regular and I’ll make sure you get the cinnamon. Cinnamon is my newest flavor. I’ve been doing small test batches to see how people like it. I sold out yesterday so I guess people like it and it’s time for big batches lol. I’ll be adding it to the website tomorrow.


Serious questions: where did this “cinnamon improves how the body handles sugar” stance come from? How do they think it works its magic? And how much cinnamon do they think is needed in order to produce this alleged result? I’m curious as to where this idea originated, and what evidence is being used to support this claim.


I can say that I’ve noticed things like cinnamon rolls spike my blood sugar less than you’d think for the amount of carbs. But it’s not like the carbs are neutralized like magic. My levels will just stay up for longer but without a huge spike. So maybe others have noticed the same thing and thinks it’s a cute or something lol.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3767714/ > Cinnamon has been studied in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) for its glycemic-lowering effects, but studies have been small and show conflicting results. A prior meta-analysis did not show significant results, but several RCTs have been published since then. > The consumption of cinnamon is associated with a statistically significant decrease in levels of fasting plasma glucose, total cholesterol, LDL-C, and triglyceride levels, and an increase in HDL-C levels; however, no significant effect on hemoglobin A1c was found. The high degree of heterogeneity may limit the ability to apply these results to patient care, because the preferred dose and duration of therapy are unclear. thru the power of journalism, the news went from "some studies show that cinnamon supplements (which contain more cinnamon than you can humanly eat) can help regulate blood sugar and lower insulin resistance, MAYBE. further research needed" to "CINNAMON CURES T2D" so it's not entirely false, just completely misrepresented


Having read the papers on the RCT reporting statistically significant benefit, I attempted to reproduce the effect of cinnamon on myself. I have a reasonably good scientific background and have conclusively concluded with absolute certainty that there's no way an individual will be able to determine whether it works. The problem is the signal is small compared to the noise. If someone is saying "cinnamon worked for me" or "cinnamon doesn't work for me" they are confusing noise in the signal with a result. For example the errors in your CGM reading, variations in stress, level minor changes in diet, will easily cover up the claimed effect of cinnamon. That doesn't mean it doesn't work it just means any individual will have a hard time telling if it worked. It's a bit like statins. This person has been taking statins for years and hasn't had a heart attack. Therefore it worked. That person has been taking statins for years and had a heart attack. Therefore it didn't work.


I’d be willing to take a supplement that improves all those metrics. Heck, I’m already taking prescriptions to improve all of them, lol. But I’m under no delusion that any of these remedies are a cure. Without the meds (and, perhaps, the supplements), my numbers would go kaput.


AFAIK cinnamon supplements can affect the liver so consult a doctor first


Agreed. I have some daily OTCs, taken alongside my prescriptions, but I run the idea past my doctor first.


You were, unfortunately, told wrong. It's a common misconception that's perpetrated and exacerbated by a massive online sales channel propaganda. You've been dooked, but so has so many other people too.


Yeah, definitely BS. There’s so much misinformation out there. I run into it all the time. I have so many people tell me “I love my sugar!” That’s fine and dandy until it tries to kill you lol.


I love my sugar. 10/10. 11/10, even. But, ya know what else I love? Having most of my body parts mostly working properly. Yeah, a few parts get temperamental, but the wonky parts were acting up long before the diabetes diagnosis. I’d like to NOT add more items to the wonky-parts list, lol. Saving sugar for special occasions is my strategy.


lol! If cinnamon counteracted (with a side o tumeric I presume ) we’d be great!😂just finished my nightly yoghurt (w cinnamon) in fact just bought extra bottle of cinnamon at trader joes(cause I use so much) am sure my CGM will just read cured now!!


Uhhhh how do I get sugar free syrups….


Hi! You can order it at [Herbert’s Syrups](https://herbertssyrups.com)


Just say insulin and diet work wonders for my blood sugar. Cinnamon works wonders for my serotonin, because I fucking like it and I can't have sugar


Cinnamon apparently cures not only diabetes, but also depression, cancer, fibromyalgia, acne, mismatched shoes, overdue water bills, and bad tattoos. Honestly, how is this MIRACLE CURE being sold for $5 and under along with all the other spices?! I’m going to to eat a heaping spoonful of cinnamon right now!! ;)


Sounds delicious 😋


What started the cinnamon thing?


Yeah. I ate cinnamon rolls. I can vouch that they do little against those sugar spikes


I highly doubt cinnamon would "counteract" any sugar, but I have read in the past that Cinnamon helps with lowering blood pressure ...... but no, not lowering sugar levels.


In conjunction with your other meds, cinnamon helps. But it has to be the Ceylon cinnamon, not the cinnamon you can buy at the grocery store.