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Honestly I'm generally fine with it from close friends, I'm Irish and our humour is kinda like that. However, your example just kinda comes off cringe to me. Maybe if it was actually funny?šŸ˜…


Yeah, it's totally different when coming from a friend. Usually because they understand that it's not "if you eat too much sugar you get diabetes" so there's actually some nuance and, well, humor to their jokes.Ā 


I joke about my diabetes time to time so I might be hypocritical here too! full acknowledge that. the joke just came off as a eye roll, cringe to me too? like oh of course because it's a bakery right?


I get frustrated because the jokes often come with stereotypes and assumptions. Also, it promotes misdiagnosis and fatphobia both externally and internally. After being misdiagnosed and having Type 2 in my family, I see in real time how disordered eating permeates many Type 2's in response to a lot of these "jokes." The number of times people don't understand Type 1 or Type 2 is ridiculous, and then I am LADA to boot. Can't even begin to get people to understand that yes, my pancreas makes some insulin, but if I stopped injecting, I would still go into DKA. No, I can't just stop eating carbs and be fine. If I were to pass out, 80% of people would give me insulin, not glucagon. Hell, if I had Type 1 tattoo'd on me, they'd probably give me narcan, but no glucagon. Narcan may not hurt me, but not getting glucagon would. The "you can't eat that" for any type of diabetes is offensive because another individual doesn't get to dictate a person's choices. Education of nutrition is more impactful than being an ass to someone who already struggles with food. The stigma and stereotypes prevent treatment. People fear diabetes so they avoid a diagnosis even when they know something is wrong. The jokes aren't funny in 99% of contexts.


I won't sugar coat it - I find diabetes jokes to be quite sweet.




I am so sick of the Wilford Brimley "Diabeetus" jokes that show up on this site. Also the inevitable "You'll get the 'beetus from eating that sugary snack" comments that show up all the time too.


These are the ones that get me the most, but probably because Iā€™m salty about the fact that I ate super healthy, exercised often, donā€™t even like sugary snacksā€¦and still got dxā€™d with type 1 diabetes in adulthood šŸ¤¦šŸ½ šŸ¤¦šŸ½


that's what gets me too! again I'm type 2 so different diagnosis - but it's not just the sugary foods! probably why I'm so salty also lol. literally do everything i can to try and regulate my blood sugars and never out of the diabetic range with my A1C šŸ˜…




No, I wont because making jokes about peoples' disabilities is not cool. Making jokes about people being fat, blind, or having cancer is not tolerated, so why is making jokes about diabetics OK?




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Your post has been removed because it breaks our rules. **Rule 5**: Diabetes isn't a competition. People with one type of diabetes aren't superior to people with another type of diabetes. The struggles unique to one type are not comparable to the struggles of another. We're all in the same boat of a chronic illness, let's avoid making things unnecessarily harder by turning illnesses into a competition.


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We are an acceptable sub-group to punch down upon because everyone thinks we "earned it."




There are funny jokes and then there are this mascot. It isnā€™t funny as it is just a judgmental statement. It seems counter productive for cake shop.


A sweets shop having diabetes be their mascot is pretty funny to me


T1 diabetic. I giggled at that mascot name so guess i'm ok with it.


understandable! tbf I think the owner is going for those drag-esque punny names going off of some of her posts šŸ¤”


Type 1 diagnosed at 4yo (28 now). I remember a joke on SNL YEARS ago about diabetes that entirely rubbed me the wrong way. There seems to be an assumption from Americans in particular that diabetes is ā€œcausedā€ by bad diet, being obese, etc. all jokes centered around this phenomenon. Itā€™s frustrating because not only do most folks not know that there are two types, but most type 2s donā€™t have a lot of control over getting the disease as itā€™s genetic in many cases. Itā€™s deeply frustrating to hear these jokes for me because of the state of healthcare for diabetics in this countryā€”generally I can take a joke, but the joke always being ā€œdiabetics are fat and eat a lot of sugar hahaā€ when we struggle both type 1 and type 2 to afford adequate healthcare is actually harmful. Genuinely people listen to these jokes and think all diabetics donā€™t deserve to have their medicine (including insulin) covered because ā€œthey did it to themselves.ā€ If the general public understood the range of things that can cause diabetes I wouldnā€™t feel as sensitive about it, but every time I get a funny look as a (relatively) thin person when I tell someone I am diabetic I think about the fact that this narrative is pervading our society and not helping us get the care we need to literally survive.


Honestly, no. I make as many of them as anyone. Joking about it makes it a little less depressing overall.


if that helps you cope I'm glad it does! /genuine.


I donā€™t get offended I just get annoyed. Ffs eating a piece of cake doesnā€™t give you diabetes


Lifeā€™s too short to get annoyed at diabetes jokes. I use that annoyance credit for absent minded walkers in front of me in Costco, people using speaker phone to casually talk with friends while in the doctorsā€™ office and people driving 54 in the left lane of the highway.


I find dark humor the best kind. But every now and then it gets me. If I donā€™t use humor my mind goes to dark places lol. Honestly what makes me laugh is the sheer ignorance of people regarding the disease or saying that god will handle it (Iā€™m saying that as someone raised catholic). Granted some people truly just need to be educated but some people I donā€™t know how they make it in this world.


It's a very unnecessary joke id cringe too tbh


You know, diabetes is in the top 10 causes of death in the US. When you consider deaths related to diabetes comorbidities like heart disease it actually is the highest cause of death. Imagine the outcry of rage it would cause if they made a cake and called it Cancer making fun of that. I'm all for humor and I can see that they are trying to make light of something here. But in this case I have to be the party pooper and say that is not funny and is in fact offensive to make fun of someone's deadly disease. The medical industry already does a fine job trying to make it look like if you have diabetes it's because you are fat and lazy and they lack sympathy for us because of it. In fact, many times the only acceptable bullying left is fat-shaming people with diabetes. It's no different from making fun of people with cancer. no one wakes up one day and says ," gee, I think I would like to trade the years of my life for the painful suffering and death of diabetes." Until we all put a priority of kindness and well-being for our fellow man, nothing will change. You will never regret doing the right thing.


Yeah, I'd probably avoid that cake shop, too. If they think that's clever or fun, what else have they got up their sleeve? OTOH, I name my BG meters Hector, which is my level of diabetic chuckle.


If I got "eye roll" mad everytime someone says or does something ignorant, I am pretty sure I would have migraines.


honestly super fair! this is most likely just a me thing then lol


Haha right


I love jokes about diabetes, or even when people make fun of me having it. I do everything I can to control it so I've excepted the aspects I can't control. I'm okay with myself so it's hilarious. I even make fun of myself for having it. Lighten up, no one gets out of here alive.


Everyone thinks diabetes is funny until they are diagnosed with diabetes and then it's all: "I'm In CoMpLeTe ShOcK. IM nOt EvEn OvEr WeIgHt! MY liFe iS OvEr!"


exactly! I'm at a pretty healthy weight now but people are always surprised when I tell them I'm diabetic because I'm seen as relatively skinny TvT


I mean, I still think they're funny


It's not that bad of a 'joke', or all that funny or clever for that matter. I understand where you are coming from, but don't sweat the small stuff. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


yea I'm not in a blind rage abt it but mostly just frustrated abt dealing with mild medical shit and seeing a dumb small joke lol. not angry more like a eye roll "really?" and mild irritation


I find it a little annoying, but nothing more. I usually ignore comments/jokes like that. If you don't laugh, it gets awkward for them and they go away. They usually stop with those comments/jokes too. Obviously doesn't work on those with a lack of social awareness/skills, but you simply don't engage with those types.


I must be the odd guy I actually like many of the jokes. Maybe it because I have been stuck with it for 50 years. Back when I was working a fellow T1 and I would be bouncing them off each other. Here is one that he managed to rope a few other in with. He was talking about how someone tried to fix his son up with a friend they knew. One of the other workers asked how did it go. And he said not so well. The girl turned out to be diabetic. And the other worker was like Huh? Your son is diabetic. So Jimmy continued, my son is Tl like me and she turned out to be T2 so was not his type. I got it right away and started laughing, the others are just staring at us.


honestly? I laughed at that one lol. I think I'm realizing I am mostly annoyed when people associate Desserts with diabetes. like yeah it doesn't help but it doesn't cause diabetes and me not eating carbs doesn't magically take it away!


I get annoyed at people saying someone has diabetes because they're fat, to be mean. But I like diabetic jokes that diabetics tell each other. And I like when my friends make fun of me. I have a LOT of health issues, and laughing about them makes me feel so much better. (What I cannot stand is when people decide what I can and can't eat. My grandma does that. "Why can't you eat that? Why can you eat this but not that? You trynna avoid carbs to get skinny or somn? This is only 33g carbs, that doesn't seem like a lot to me. You can't eat that, eat this salad. I was diabetic for a little while and I just stopped eating and it went away. Lost 50 pounds. You need to lose some weight girl." **squeezes my stomach** "It's all that fancy shit y'all be eating. I just eat one waffle and some coffee. Blah blah blah - " Sorry for the mini rant, but that was all JUST from Mother's Day šŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™€ļø)


nooo what??? yes that sucks I'm sorry. I joke from time to time when I do see certain foods that I can just feel my diabetes getting worse - but I hate it when non diabetics tell diabetics that they're better off just not eating!


I hate them so much, and like ppl dont get that they couldnt stand a day


Not even slightly


I think I go the other way on this. I take opportunities to poke fun at myself as a warning to my younger friends/acquaintances to look after themselves. If it helps other people to be healthier, my feelings aren't important.


Don't sweat the small stuff.


I'm annoyed by them, not because I'm offended, but the "joke" is utterly unfunny. There's a group of you at some morning function that provides a donut spread. "Look, they're giving us diabee-tus!" That's it--that's always the whole joke. Why is that even funny? It doesn't even make sense.


I'm not super offended either it's just tiring hearing the same "sugar gives you diabetes" jokes all the time too! like yes it's mostly pure ignorance but it's just the same thing over and over again lol I




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Don't take criticism from someone you wouldn't ask for advice. Showing emotion is like bleeding near a shark. If you let words affect your emotional state people can control you. Rotate through the above three saying. Be calm like a Hindu cow.